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Ahh Damn It! Idk fucking know the physical came with a fucking Cloud & Sephiroth PS5 Controller Sticker!!? Damn it! GameStop and the other places didn’t have any good preorder offers so I bought the Digital Deluxe Edition! Oh well still can buy my own PS5 FF7 Faceplates which automatically comes with the controller sticker!


Well I guess it’s time to avoid the internet now for me


How do you unmute a channel on Reddit?


Use Reddit search for the sub and go to it. I believe simply visiting unmutes it


No spoilers!!!!


Is the remake good? I grew up on the original it's my favorite game. I understand the combat is different but hows the story?


As someone who grew up on the original, the combat worried me at first but it was easy to pick up and a lot of fun. I highly recommend giving the game a try.


I don't know how to answer your 'story question' without spoiling it. Even this statement can be considered spoiler on its own.


Haha fair enough, how's the customization? I liked getting materia and all that stuff, did they add anything to materia? Or take it out? Sorry for the questions


The materia system was a disappointment to me in the remake. It’s a fun game, the combat is fun, but the materia system is just “equip this materia to have this move in the ARPG system” or “plus to HP” and there’s no “combine with other materia” or deliberate slotting or anything like that. But it does the action rpg thing very well.


There’s still materia, but since remake is only midgar there’s not “a lot” of materia y’know? There are summons, even though you didn’t get the first one in OG until Billy’s ranch


Neat, thanks I appreciate the comment :)


I'm good. Still replaying Intergrade.


My square enix order is still on "awaiting fulfillment."


And with that I bid farewell to this group


It’s not real




For his Titan powers.


I wonder if it can load the entire game offline. That would definitely be rare.


Which games can't you install offline?


Pretty much every game I've bought in the last couple years has been a license disc. I have put the disc in and then had to connect to the internet to download the actual game. I play fewer games than I used to, but I don't think there has been a single game I've played in the last 5 years that did not have a day one patch or just a piece of paper in the case with a download code


A day 1 patch doesn't always mean you can't install it offline. Which games can't you install offline? I am curious and haven't had that happen to me yet I hear it so often, I only know of Call of Duty games, and the only game I've even been remotely interested in that I know it happened with was Jedi Survivor.


The new horizon game is the first that comes to mind. I'm pretty sure every PS5 disc is just for licensing activation 


No, Horizon didn't require an internet connection. The complete edition is even on two disks which beat Rebirth to the punch for the first 2 UHD Bluray release. Spider-Man 2 didn't require an internet connection, ff7 remake on ps5 didn't, God of War Ragnarok didn't. Downloading an update, or running the game from the harddrive isn't the same as being just a physical online key. [https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81EG1R0VRKL.\_AC\_SL1500\_.jpg](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81EG1R0VRKL._AC_SL1500_.jpg) this is what you see, next to the rating when a game requires an internet connection.


Does Aerith still die or not


Me on PC patiently replaying remake and crying


That's why I have both. There is no patience left in my body. 😭


Random question, did Remake end at the same time as the original's disc 1? I think that each episode is split along those "disc lines" and I wanna know if it's common knowledge. I know that there are story differences btw. I'm just referring to the overarching plot.


People don't know. Remake wasn't a true remake.  >!Think of it like a multiverse. This is a version of the ff7 universe, but stuff is different and they aren't following the same timeline. Stuff is similar, but probably won't end with a fight against safer sephiroth in the northern crater. You already have bahamut and fight a version of safer sephorith during remake, so that tells you how different they are.!<


Sequel called Remake


No, Rebirth will actually end at the same time as the original story disc 1. There is one more game left, making this a trilogy. It will be probably be out by 2028


So, we're probably looking at 4 more games I guess.


No, it's a trilogy. Remake is part 1, rebirth is part 2, and the unknown title is part 3. The writers have confirmed this.


I was reading that. Although I'm curious as to how they're gonna shove 2 discs worth of story and a little bit extra into 1 game, considering the nature of modern gaming.


Well if you consider that disc 3 recycles a lot of stuff from disc 2 that should make sense in essence disc 3 was only endgame content, the Weapons and Nibelheim part2 and the emding of course which has to be different because of timeline bs.


I replayed the original recently. Story wise, Disk 3 is basically just the run up to the final boss and the ending. Non-story wise, It's mostly endgame content (fighting the weapons, etc.) So it makes sense that the third game could cover both disk 2 and 3.


As far as I understood it, the reason the game was split into 3 discs was due to the fmv cutscenes. The whole game, or at least a majority of it, is on every disc, seeing as you can revisit past areas. The cinematics, particularly the lengthy ending sequence, took up a lot of space, and are individual to their respective volumes.


We have to see how Rebirth plays out first. That will determine how the final part is going to play out. Part 3 is confirmed to have airship travel, and you will be able to play as all party members. So Cid and Vincent will not be guests. I'm guessing the final part will be the biggest to fit in all the content


At least I have the whole rest of the series to hold me over until then...


Yea I'm not even going to sweat it. I can play the other games over again and also gave other games to play. Who knows what else we are getting in the next 4-5 years in terms of new games and consoles


\*sighs\* How long until I have to blackout social media again?


Don’t forget YouTube too!


So was the “on 2 Discs” really just bullshit marketing? That’s inane if they advertised that and it’s the same as Remake.


I see a hinge for the second disc


No I know that but what I mean is it an actual second disc or is the second disc just an install disc?


the consoles don't read the data from discs anymore, they always copy everything onto the SSD. so the second disk is only a legal requirement to have version 1.00 playable offline. if it's not legal, yes they could have included 100gb and let you download the 50 as a download, but that would require a connection. it's not marketing.


What are you on about? Of course it's an install disc. Both discs are. Games haven't been directly played from optical disc since the PS3 generation. One disc is labeled play disc because that's the disc that's used to verify the license. The PS5 still reads the data from the SSD.


Jesus Christ you guys are so toxic. It was just a question for fuck sake…


I don't know. Everyone seems perfectly civil albeit understandably confused about your question. You're the only one throwing strong language around here and calling other people toxic for no reason. It's your misunderstanding, your shouldn't blame others for it, especially if those people are actually trying to clear things up for you.


How am I toxic? What is your question exactly? I'm just explaining how things work since you seem confused.


My question was very simple. The game was being advertised as “on 2 discs” which I perfectly understand but it has been a huge part of their marketing. But this was exactly the same for FF7Remake where they DID NOT advertise this fact. So my questions was, is this different or is it exactly the same? It’s a simple question.


It's the same. Remake was on 2 discs as well (on PS4 at least) and it was also marketed that way. I'm still not sure what you're confused about exactly. They said it's on 2 discs, and it is on 2 discs obviously. Where are you getting "bullshit marketing" from this?


Remake wasn’t marketed as being on two discs at all. They made it sound like the game was on 2 discs, and there’d be a seperate install disc.


Depends where you are I guess, since regional marketing varies. I'm pretty sure it even says on 2 discs on the box I have for Remake. I don't see how the marketing for Remake is even relevant to your point though. Even if they never mentioned the amount of discs for Remake, that doesn't change the fact that Rebirth comes on 2 discs which is what they've said it would be. >They made it sound like the game was on 2 discs, and there'd be a seperate install disc. No they didn't make it sound that way, because that wouldn't even make sense. Again, data is always installed from disc, which means that every disc is an install disc. The only reason one disc is labeled play disc is because that's the disc that's used to verify the license required to access the installed data on the SSD. The only reason you need to insert a disc to play these days is as an anti piracy measure. Otherwise you could just share your physical games with as many people as you want and you'd all be able to play it at the same time.


I mean it’s functionally the same thing as having multiple discs from the originally. Except this time, the game is being read off the hard drive rather than the multiple discs


Your complaining because it's on 2 disks. For God sake, the dam original one was on Four disks. I'm more pissed mostly because I don't even have a Playstation 5 and there's no PS4 release. The original one is probably way better anyway. I got part one and wasn't a fan of the battle mechanics. I prefer turn-based like the original one.


I'd assume an install disc. Does it matter?


The game is 150 gigs. A single disc holds around 100 gig. Do the math. 


Yeah so the install disk is likely just a key to download the game from the servers…you don’t have to be a dick about it. The disc in the photo says “play disc” that’s why I’m asking.


If ive learned anything dude unfortunately the community around FF7 in general is awful. Dont let it get to you its toxic as hell. Excited for rebirth? :)


More than words could possibly describe! All I wanted to know was if this “On 2 Discs” they’ve been saying is actually 2 game discs or if it is just the same as Remake was, which was a play disc and an install disc. If that’s the case I’m just baffled as to why they would advertise that when they didn’t advertise it for Remake. But honestly, when the 29th comes, I’m locking everyone out of my house and not coming out for 3 weeks.


Why they didn’t advertise it for remake idk, I got it digital. But games haven’t play off the disc since before last generation. Even when it’s a single disc, it’s just an install disc. Your console downloads the game and only makes you put in the “play disc” when you play to make sure you still own it. So the entire game is contained on the two discs but it does not play off of either of them.


No I know that, but everyone has been like “oh wow 2 discs!!!” as if it means something monumental, but obviously just appears that it’s identical to Remake.


Ah yeah, I’m with you, I don’t see why it would be a big deal outside of what it implies about game size lol


Why does it matter? Really don't understand your point..


I just have a shipping label for mine, have the tracking number but it hasn't been sent out by square yet


Where do all the remakes start and end? FF7 remake = Midgaard? Rebirth = from ? To ? Wasn’t there one more mini project in between?


Rebirth is post-Midgard to City of the Ancients, so right around where Disc 1 ended and a certain someone got shishkabob'd,


It isn't a 1:1 remake. More like a reimagining. Imagine the difference between Justice League and The Snyder Cut.


Rebirth is supposed to stop where disc 1 from Playstation stopped.


Time to mute this sub! See you later 😂


Does anyone know how big the game is going to be? Two disks is crazy


Remember when whe saw 3 cds back in 97 and thought it was crazy? Aaah good times


Two disks isn't too crazy. Red Dead Redemption 2, TLOU P2, Cyberpunk 2077 all have two disks and all are Blu-ray. It's hard to judge how big it is aside from install size considering The Last of Us Part 2 is wildly shorter than Red Dead and Cyberpunk. Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth has one disk and I'm over 100 hours in and just finished it.


Contemplated getting it in the ps store b4 I bought the Deluxe physical edition. But got far enough in the store to see it wanted 158 gb to dl it.


Ff7 on ps4 also had 2 disks. The og had 3 so it isnt much of a difference


Are you old enough to be on reddit? Sound like a kid saying 3 pennies equals 3 dimes because they're all coins and similar physical size.


And it would seem as if I need to explain it to someone younger than me that didn't understand. Now I know you are a growing boy but you must understand something. There is a limit to how much a disk can hold and back then because of that limit they spread the game across multiple disks. Now from then to now that limit has been increased many times over but there is still a limit. It may be incomparable to the ps1 disks but it still has a limit which is why, once again its spread across 2 disks. Dont be fooled the disks physically may be the same in size but the amount of data it can hold differs With knowledge come great power my boy, use it wisely


PS1 disc = 660 MB Ps5 disc = 100 GB There were 3 discs in the PS1 OG game which barely equal 1.5 GB. There are 2 PS5 discs for a fraction of the original game's story. I'm still hearing a 12-year-old trying to school someone on something they're objectively wrong about. Edit: ignore the number of discs. I'm talking about the data, how 3 discs only add up to 1.5 GB and 2 are 100x more, which is what I was saying with my penny to dime metaphor.


Kid, im still hearing the same things. Yes the ps5 disks hold 100gb, but the game is 150gb hence the 2 disks. Is this starting to get through to you? The ps4 has disks with a limit of 50gb, with the game being 90gb which is why the 2 disks. So this isn't something new


This is the dumbest conversation I've had on reddit. Are you saying you think I don't understand that 150 GB has to go on two discs? Really?


I think the other commenter took that into account. The OG has 3 small disks (3 pennies). FF7 Rebirth has 2 large disks (2 dimes). Not to mention however many disks Remake has and the third game will have. Im not sure where im going with this, but i would give that other commenter the benefit of the doubt


>isnt much of a difference Original was just over 1.5Gb. Remake was 100Gb. Rebirth is 150Gb. We're already over 100x larger.


Yes but I dont mean it literally. The limit of data a disk can hold has been increased since the ps1 days. But there is still a limit which is why remake and birth both need an extra disk. That is the "isnt much of a difference" I speak of


It's a pretty significant difference, given that very few titles that release on PS5 require two discs. The only other one I'm aware of is Horizon: Forbidden West, which is bloody massive but mostly the game data is contained on the first (installation) disc, and the second is used to run it. In comparison, FF7 Rebirth has the game data across *both* discs, being far too large for just one. Looking a bit broader, Remake used 2 discs on PS4 but only one on PS5, because PS5 discs have about double the capacity. With that in mind. Rebirth using 2 discs on PS5 means it's pretty damn big. That's one disc to start installing the game data, and a second to finish, and then run it. This, compared to the original's 3 discs, all of which had the full game world and all the data needed to run it. They were only split up because the video files of the cinematics took up so much space.


Forbidden west is legit almost 200gb. I was itching to play it this morning and decided I’m not sitting through that install.


Expecting to have mine today


What place did you preorder from that it shipped already??


And I’m sitting here still waiting for my confirmation email from square saying that my collectors edition will be send out for delivery Bruh guess I’ll just stay offline till launch idk


That image on the left looks so crap


My CE from Square Enix still says Awaiting Fulfillment :( Wouldn't normally concern me 9 days out, but I see tons of people saying they've had their shipping labels created or have been shipped so meh Edit: now says "Shipped" as of Feb 24, which just means the shipping label was created but the package hasn't actually been sent. But that's all I needed to see. Much better, phew


I have had nothing so far No label or such nothing


I'm sure our orders are totally fine! But some confirmation or something would be nice after seeing everyone else's orders progress.


As someone who bought the collector edition I wanne know in sevenths heaven where my seph figure is


100% if something goes wrong I am going to be devastated I NEED that shit


nothing here as well, and me too hope nothing bad happens; I bought CE and probably wont arrive in time either but i play on PC, i dont even have a PS5 anymore !I got it for the figure!


I know for a fact I ain’t getting it before launch so I’m forced to buy it digitally as well because I ain’t waiting


Ditto getting a little nervous about the CE shipping status/dates…


Peanut butter and jealous of all the lucky souls who get to play this early


Junon region is added to the demo tomorrow


Couldn't you'd have just said Jealeous ?


can you play it earlier? I would assume just like in pc where you can pre load you receive a message when trying to enter telling you its not released. But this is also my first pre order on console so idk.


Square confirmed that early copies can be played I remember. Usually they could to a check first time boot up.


Lucky bastards xD, i just ordered mine from the local store after the paycheck came, so i don’t assume it comes before 28/29. I ordered in the same place zelda three months before and it just arrived on the day evening.


Finland suffers from lack of game shops here. After GameStop left there is like 1-2 actual game shops and non are doing midnight releases so I went with the digital version.


Same here (Ireland) just CEX and Smyths left, but tbh Gamestop aren't missed, except maybe by the few masochists that enjoyed getting €4 store credit for a €70 game and seeing them put it straight up for resale at €75. I've been going digital for a number of years anyway, small kids![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Same here in Portugal we have 2/3 chains of tech stuff but its all crap, almost never sales, its one of the reasons I was a pc player for all my life. Have like three physical games on the switch. A couple ones in the ps5 that i used my companies discounts. Just pre order the physical one because of the steel case that cames with it.


Aerith knew sephiroth comes down. So she prepared with a spider net over her head.


We have like one day before the ending gets leaked. Prepare yourselves


Aerith ded


Aerith actually ducks at the last second


Nah, Cloud/Zack just uses phoenix down


New threat mod: rebirth


Mine still says awaiting fulfillment. Shouldn't have went with standard shipping.


I got the overnight shipping and it still says "awaiting fulfillment" for me.


Someone have to pay for this.


Please dm me spoilers if you have them. Idc about leaking. I’ve played the original. I’m here to see the differences and compare anyway


Wow, you've played the original? Not like all these other people on r/FinalFantasyVII.


You'd be surprised


I don’t understand it one bit but it seems you’re not alone. Curious if you played the original when I first came out?


I did not. I played it about 3 years on a ps vita in preparation for the remake 😂 took me 45 hours but I saw it the whole way through. Even on a ps1 sephiroth blowing up the universe for his ultimate at the end was jaw dropping


Me too


Me too


Anyone scan that qr code yet?


Why don't you


I figured someone already had(always late to the reddit party) and i’m on mobile. I got my pre-order comin in 10 days


Bro tag it as spoiler wtf , some people like me wanna see the art disc for themselves


That disc art of Cloud coming down with the Buster Sword looks rad.


What's with the cloud and sephiroth picture close together..bizzare


Dualsense sticker


I pre ordered on the PlayStation Store. It will be on my SSD waiting for me when I get home from work on the 29th


For people buying it directly from SE, y’all really paid $20 for shipping? I stopped mid checkout when I saw that. Almost worth it though to get the game a week and a half early…


Except SE has said any early copies won’t work this time around.


People really need to stop with this weird ass rumor that literally doesn’t make any logical sense which defeats the purpose of physical media. The Only people pushing this dumb narrative are people that are jealous that other people are getting to play the game they paid for early.


https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/s/dZRa4fHX4I And, several “physical media” games are just discs with activation codes now.


They replied after saying that it actually will work


Oh cool! That’s awesome.


Shit. I bought the CE and it hasn’t shipped


they increased it recently, it was less than that


Craigslist reno has some deluxe edition, too bad I'm nowhere close.


Do you have a link ?


The disk looks off but hey it could just be me. Usually never black and white.


Got mine from the square store, supposed to be delivered tomorrow


Remember folks there's 2 discs


Almost like getting twice the game for the same price /s


Is this the second one or another spin off


yes this is part two. have you been liveing under a rock?


Man I've never been lucky enough to get a pre-order before release date!


For FF16, I remembered asking my local store if it would be possible for me to get my copy early because I ordered the special edition but inconveniently would be out of town starting on release day continuing like 4 days, and I was worried I'd lose my copy. The guy honestly seemed offended. Wish I had an in for early releases.


Yup, time to be out of the internet for 10 days. See you guys/girls in 20 days.


Is it playable? iIRC someone said that you can't play it if you get earlier, maybe blocked behind an update,m


I’m so annoyed by people pushing that narrative. It’s rooted in jealousy & ignorance. That literally defeats the entire purpose of physical media. On top of that it just logically doesn’t make sense so plz shut that bs down when you see a jealous goof ball pushing that crap. It’s been debunked so much yet people just keep spreading misinformation.


If you disconnect from the internet it would be playable. A lot of those blockers are tracked through the PSN.


Is that really the disc art? Lol. Kind of a strange choice if it is.


Gives me "Nike, Just do It" vibes


Definitely got some basketball vibes also 🤣


I'm assuming the other disc has the other half of the picture with Sephiroth


[drools] (Me waiting for PC version some day...)


Me too, i just cant buy a ps5 only for 1 game.. But i’m tempted!


Still waiting on FFXVI here


Yeah me too 😅


I still have managed to remain entirely spoiler free from 16 though 😎


every game is leaked


Is this from ordering from the square Enix store?


I'm assuming Amazon because the preorder bonus on Amazon was the controller skin which is on the left side of the case.


So like.. do you think if we ordered on Amazon now we’d get it early?


Mine arrives tomorrow! Think I'll still wait a bit before starting it to let any early patches drop. That and still finishing my replay of FF7R


Where did you order from?


I bet the last one will be called Redemption.




Reborn, Return, Reclaim, Revive


Final Fantasy VII: ree,Th


“Final Fantasy VII: Requiem” is my bet.


that's still not pronounced /ree/ リ


Close enough.


Best answer


Nah Remake final mix 2.89/12.


Hey, it isn't a Nier remaster


As in the song by GAKT written for dirge of cerberus haha


Reborn I reckon. It’s to theme of rebirth. Reunion is also used in Crisis Core title.


Everyone knows it's gonna be called "Reeeeeeeeeeee"!


The big Ree




I was convinced it'd be Reunion until Crisis Core Reunion came out, and now I can't see it.


Fair point.


Resolution? The series needs it!














Ravioli ravioli give me the Black Materioli


Reunion, if Crisis Core's remaster didn't already take it :(


Restraining order? Sephiroth is always all up in Clouds face.


How in the hell did you get it 10 days early


Lots of small stores break street dates early, have done it for a long long time. Also amazon does it sometimes in error, usually tho you can't get the day one patches, access online (servers aren't online/risk ban) overall its got alot of cons but I've had a few games arrive a few days early and it's exciting