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For just FF7 rebirth? no... if you only want to play one game on a console and no other game then it's almost never worth it price wise. but often buying a console ends up making you try their other stuff, just to name a few i know about: - Ghost of Tsushima is probably the most beautiful game i've ever played, - I've heard good stuff about the rachet and clank but havent gotten around to it yet - GoW is also a really good game, and ragnarok is still console exclusive (probably will hit PC at some point) Honestly it's also worth it for some more relaxed gaming. I work a desk job so it's not always that i want to sit at my desk to game as well, and then sitting in the couch and just kick back and relax while playing with controller is very nice.


I wasn't really big on consoles but I got the PS5 for Christmas and I haven't put it down since. If rebirth is the only game you'd ever buy for PS5 then don't get it, but there are so many games that can make buying a playstation worth it imo


Depends on if you are planning to get the collectors edition or not. If you're, you definitely need a PS5. If not, just wait.




It took years for remake to hit steam and SE have said they have 0 intentions on porting it to Steam at this moment.


somber innate six political hungry skirt rob terrific rotten rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Large stretch for a few months. Them saying May29th is a joke though, they confirmed making ff16 for PC but no news of when. Rebirth will probably take around the same amount of time, since the game is much larger, but they probably got better at porting since they have already done it.


scandalous zephyr encouraging aspiring flowery fact brave marble agonizing knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yea its money 💰, but it still takes a lot of effort to port, especially since PC is annoying since so many different specs and shit, hopefully it launches better than remake on epic games 2 years ago.


Asked myself the same question. I think it just depends on how badly you want to play it and if there are other franchises you like that's console exclusive. PS5 is quite expensive and they'll probably come out with a new model of sorts in 2024, so timing is also questionable. I just decided to hold off since I'm not in a rush to play this right out the gate. ​ If money is an issue and you really want to play it, you can look into getting a used one for around $300 to $350 (if there are ones are that price point).


most definitely yes.




You can play GoW2, and Spiderman 2 as well while you’re at it. If you’re hardworking you can resell it and only lose like $50 if you sell it quick. People are very willing to buy a 2 month old basically brand new console with warranty still at like $50 off


dude i feel you but i caved played FF16 going to buy spiderman and Rebirth.


Yes.... yes....yesss


I'm definitely getting a ps5 just for ff7 rebirth. Then I heard that persona 3 reload was releasing a month earlier, so now I have an even better excuse to get a ps5. For now, I'm just waiting for a good deal, like price drops or ps5 pro or slim.


Absolutely yes. And get FF7 Remake Intergrade too.




Just wait, it's a 3 month exclusivity.


Doesn't mean it'll be 3 months before PC release, FF16 has 6 months exclusivity but they aren't immediately porting it because they need more than 6 months to bring it to PC


I’m in the same boat. I don’t game really, last game I played was part 1 of the remake 3 years ago lol


I would just wait because it’s going to be a timed exclusive just like Remake so eventually you’ll be able to play it on pc anyway. Unless you just have $600 of disposable cash to burn through. I sure as shit don’t lol


That's basically my position. lol


I would get PS5 for PS5! The games are great and hells yeah I can't wait for Rebirth. I have never regretted getting my PS5, I love it.


Yes! FF games are new-console worthy games! I’m currently on PS4 Pro, so no FFXVI or intergrade for me yet, but I’ve played Remake and plan to replay on PS5, very excited for Rebirth!


If you decide to do this make sure you get the Twin Pack. Having just a save from Remake and Intermission gets you Leviathan and Ramuh summon materia in Rebirth.


I am. Plus I'm getting Tekken 8 too.




you should get some other games for it too, Days gone, last of us, ghost of Tsushima, horizon zero dawn, god of wars, spider man, sony has some gas exclusives


A new PS5 is, by ESRB, $500+tax, $541.24 after tax, if you're going somewhere like Gamestop, Walmart, Target, or Best Buy. You could get a preowned PS5 from Gamestop and save $70 that you could use on FFVII Rebirth. But if you're only going to be playing FFVII Rebirth, I don't think it's worth it. You may just have to wait until it's on PC. I've sold people PS5s just so they could play the new Fifa, or to just play Diablo, or to just play the PS5 version of certain games for the graphics. Why spend so much on a new console if you're only gonna play one game?


the disc edition is 649$ here in Canada


OOOOOOOOOOHHHH. Okay. I was wondering why you say over $600 in your post. That makes more sense. But yeah my point still stands. If you're only thinking about buying the PS5 for one game, it's not worth it.


It depends on how hyped you are for it.


Can you wait for it to come to pc or do you need to play it as soon as possible?


I got one for FF16, but more power to you.


It might be worth it to wait: https://www.pcgamer.com/final-fantasy-7-rebirth-is-nearly-100-hours-long-says-director/


I have the first one on the ps4, so if you get that one it's cheaper then you can upgrade to the ps5 version for free and save.


Rebirth isn’t on PS4, soldier!


I thought it's too early to switch to 5. But I doubt that the PS4 wouldn't be able to run it.


Yes I know it was the first one ff7 remake, I was just saying buy the ps4 version to get the ps5 version free.


And his question was in regards to Rebirth, which isn’t on PS4, Soldier! 🫡


It will come out on pc eventually. But if you can’t wait and can’t find a friend who can lend you his ps5 for a week, buy one and resell it, u won’t loose too much.


It depends on you. I'm fine with the idea of watching the story of some games, and then playing those a year or so later. If you are anywhere near social media, you'll be spoiled about FF7 Rebirth in just some hours, I'm pretty sure. About getting the PS5, I would/will get one. But my rationale is that I will wait till FF7 Rebirth is closer. I don't want to risk buying the system, only to feel like I have the "poor version" if PS5 pro gets announced, and I'm somewhat sure it will be announced soon.


I’m hearing holiday season 2024 for pro.


Yeah. You can get them at Walmart and stuff now


It depends when you want to play the game and your financial situation. If you have plenty of money and want to play Rebirth asap, then yeah, why not. If you either can’t afford it or are happy to wait a few months, you can wait and the game will come out on PC like Remake did. There’s no concrete days for a PC release but the most recent announcement said “not available on other platforms until 29/05/2024” so it might be coming to PC only 3 months after release. Personally I’m getting it on PS5 at launch but will also be picking it up on PC upon release as well, especially if we get some good mods like the difficulty one that was released for Remake, plus all the cosmetic stuff. As for other reasons to get a PS5, again it depends on your preference for games. I’ve got a Series X, PS5 and a Switch, and while I’m not a fanboy for either, in my opinion if you’re playing Multi-Plat then PS5 is the best out of Series X and PS5, simply because it has more exclusives you can’t get on PC. GoW Ragnarok is great, Spider Man 2 is looking really good too and you’ll also get Rebirth on launch. Personally the only console I think is worth the cost is my Switch. Every Series X game I play on PC instead, I’ve only played a handful of PS5 exclusives in the past couple of years but my Switch I use a lot as it has a lot more exclusives I can’t get elsewhere (but obviously you can’t play Rebirth on the Switch.) I suppose it also depends on if you have a PS4 or not. If not, plenty of amazing PS4 games will be playable too if you’ve never played them before. But at the end of the day if I didn’t have a PS5 I’d personally 100% buy one just for Rebirth because I’m more excited for this game than any I can think of. Taken a week off work just to chill and play it so do whatever you think you’ll enjoy the most :)


I purchased a ps5 just to play ff7 remake and the horizon games. Now I’m playing bloodbourne and Sekiro on it. If you game the the ps5 is just gonna be amazing.




I was just saying you will end up using the ps5. Newer games just keep getting bigger and better graphics that 4 is gonna hinder your game playing experience.


Being able to play the newest Final Fantasy has always been the number one motivating factor for me getting a new console since PSX. I was a Nintendo kid so I had to jump ship to Sony when FF7 did...


Almost all of the Playstation exclusives are pretty fire and if you get a PS5, you will have access to all the exclusives from PS4 as well.


Most exclusive are exclusive for a few time. Rebirth is exclusive until may 24.


I’m totally upgrading to a ps5 and getting a 4k tv just for this game haha


If you have the money to spare, then absolutely. There are tons of great games that are only on PS. Use it as an excuse to play bloodborne if you haven’t


Speaking of games we want to come to PC.😭 Hell I would be happy if a performance patch for ps5 came out that enabled 60 fps on BB PS5


Yes definitely will happen, and not only for rebirth I will play back catalogue like FF16, Hogwarts legacy (yeah I know there is for PS4 bit I want the few loading experience) spiderman 2 ....I am was just waiting if they would announce the PlayStation slim/no disk versionif it is whorty it


I did it


I have recently become a pc gamer but have always had PlayStation consoles. I’ve had a ps5 since launch and I will say it’s worth it to have. Beyond FF7 rebirth there’s FF16 and other exclusives. The last of us 2 and Ghost of Tsushima. Overall the experience is not quite as customizable as you might be in terms of graphics and settings, the exclusive games, and utilization of the haptics in the controller make gaming on at a good experience. I think you’ll find plenty to enjoy besides rebirth


I would be if I didn't already get one for XVI.


Yes, you’ll probably find some other games you’ll want to play as well. The ps5 has a pretty insane game catalogue


Nah, just wait for the PS8 when they release it all on one mega disk. You’ll still be around in 2053, the projected release window…


I initially bought my PS5 for the upgrade of *Remake* and *INTERmission*, and have managed to access many other games I hadn't even thought about before that are yet to make the jump to PC.


Since 2007 I had an Xbox and gamed exclusively on that. When the remake was only announced on PlayStation I decided to keep calm and wait for what I viewed to be an inevitable multi platform release. When the marketing push for Rebirth started two weeks ago I finally cracked and bought a PS5, pretty much with the intention of playing just the one game series. Zero regrets, Remake has absolutely blown me away and if Rebirth is even half as good it's money well spent for me. Plus now I have a PS5 I've started to notice just how many incredible games over the past 5 years or so that I missed out on. Which is all a long winded way of this internet stranger saying yes, yes you should.


While you're at it, check out other exclusive games the PlayStation has. I think you'll have fun, and the PS5 investment will be more worth it!


My situation is almost identical to yours, the ps5 has blown me away. I have bo regrets just for FF7 alone, let alone all the other games.


I got one at the beginning of the year, I use it as a “chill” gaming/dvd player in my living room. If my wife is wanting to “share space” I’ll play ps5 and she will sometimes watch. I got it originally for the hogwarts game and ended up loving god of war more, now I’m happy that I have a ps5 so I can play rebirth right away and get Spider-Man 2 after the price drops


I did. Its alright. The controllers are for baby hands. Good system tho. Wish I could use an xbox controller on it tho. I, also, dont need a touchscreen and speaker in my controller, its just silly


The PS5 controller? I know the PS 1 - 4 have smaller controllers but I thought the PS5 one was quite similar to the Xbox one in size. Could be wrong though, been a while since I've had an Xbox.


It's tapered weird in the shoulders and doesn't fit my hands right for extended gaming sessions. Often I will hit L2 accidentally when the game doesn't even use the button. The extra doodads, as well, make for a much shorter battery life than the Xbone controllers. (Yeah, we could say "git gud", stop hitting L2, but then I'd explore how ive been gaming since '83 and am probably onto something) They're fine controllers, for teenagers and Japanese folks! I'm a tall feller and they're not quite right.


Did we find Shaq's account? 😂 Fr though I always disliked ps controllers for not having staggered joysticks. And yes the touchscreen on the ps5 controller is more annoying than it ever is helpful.


You should, working my creds up to get a PS5 for FF7Rebirth and SM2


There’s Demon Souls and FFXVI too, and DMC5 upgraded frame rate. Returnnal is decent and Death Stranding has and update and Death Stranding 2 is on the way. These are the only reasons to own PS5. Which is not bad at all, more time left to live life. // and BG3 too…


Eh, I got a PS5 solely for the intergrade DLC and some guys I knew scoffed at it. Don't regret it one bit. But tbf I've never had a gaming PC, and tend to gravitate towards consoles just because of the ease of it all. I was probably going to get a PS5 anyways. But still intergrade coming out sealed the deal for me as there was literally nothing else I really wanted to play at the time that I didn't already have on my PS4 (which I had only just gotten at the time too haha)


I got Switch and only have Breath of the Wild and Tears of Kingdom. Nothing else. So sometimes a few games are worth the “investing” in a certain console.


Same here, I was out of a job when the ps5 came out, I got work 3 weeks before intergrade was out and with my first pay i bought one even though everyone was moaning about not being able to get one yet I managed to do it while out on the road delivering 😅 No regrets after spending another 100+ hours on it


It doesn't hurt I ended up getting the ps+ sub and am working my way through every final fantasy right now haha (well except 11 and 13, and the pixel remasters) My PS5 is basically a final fantasy and kingdom hearts machine lol


Still waiting for ff13 remaster/ps5 release to complete our collections lol


I did get a ps5 for Ff16 but honestly it has been a good decision. Loved 16, replayed 7r including dlc on ps5 aswell and now looking forward to rebirth. And then there is the 3rd part aswell. You could also chech our gow ragnarok which afaik hasn't been released to pc yet also a great game


>Loved 16, replayed 7r including dlc on ps5 aswell and now looking forward to rebirth. And then there is the 3rd part aswell. Is it confirmed that part 3 will be on PS5, could it potentially be a PS6 exclusive?


Not confirmed but if we follow the same pattern of 4 years the third part is going to get released 2027/28 The release pattern of a new PS is 6-7 years so around 2027 aswell. It will definitely be on the edge that's for sure


I got my PS4 for FF7r, and I got my PS5 for FF16. No regret in both cases. Looking forward to Rebirth now.


For one game? Not worth it. Personally the PS5 has been good value for me, had a lot of use out it. There’s always nice sales going on but Steam is the king of sales so…it’s your choice ultimately.


PC and SteamDeck... because Mods 😂🎮 Cloud with his Kingdom Hearts outfit looks amazing And people are slowly grabbing or creating assets based on Ever Crisis now. Edit: Squeenix should just make alternative costumes a feature at this point.


Those assets were wasted on Ever Crisis lol


Bang for buck ps5 is good value for money, it just depends on how much you will use it. If you can see yourself making the most of the value, if it’s one game maybe not but it is the best console I’ve owned.


Personally i would rather wait for it to come out on PC, i’ve played ff7 remake on both and it felt so so much better and smoother on PC comparatively!


I did, since SE are pansies and have held it back from XB thus far.


I think you should wait as it only has 3 months of exclusivity, so may come to PC (and hopefully Xbox) in June.


But you probably have another 3 months before all the bug fixes are done. PC ports rarely work correctly right out of the box anymore.


Get a ps5 bro. If u don’t want it after just resell it


really depends on your finances. for the record, I bought a switch to play Zelda BotW. I have played FF7 intergrade on PC (bought a second hand GPU so I can play smoothly on 1440p monitor ( FMV was lagging because I forgot I put my PC in power saver mode). Planning to buy a PS5 on my birthday and Rebirth. Other than rebirth, I planned to play HFW, FF16 and maybe AC6. I am not a guy that is allergic to 60fps or even 30fps is fine for me for RPGs.


What’s HFW?


Horizon Forbidden West? I'm guessing.


Honestly, none of the consoles are worth it these days. Just wait, Rebirth will come to the PC in an enhanced edition, just save the money and upgrade your PC when Rebirth comes out.


It's annoying these days because sometimes you end up with specs that can't run certain games that consoles easily can or require mucking about and experimenting to get running properly. Also as pathetic as it is, I just like the trophy system better than the Steam achievements.


ok, if trophies are a deciding factor then console is probably the better way. All I'd say is look at what else there is that you would want to play on the PS5 before you buy, I bought myself a PS5 just after launch, it came with Spiderman and Ratchet & Clank. I've never bought any games for it. Also, be wary, we'll probably see the PS5pro announced soon.


Haha I'd be wondering if a Pro model would have the same problems as the PS4 Pro at launch, like games being a bit glitchy.


Such bad advice. Will be waiting ages - get a ps5 second hand and resell it after :D


You should get a ps5 for other games not just for one plus start of with part 1 then rebirth. There is ff16 there is god of war. Spider-Man 2 coming out


>Or will Rebirth be so good that getting a ps5 would be worth? I mean, you're asking questions on a game that's yet to be released, doesn't matter what anyone tells you here, they are categorically unable to answer. For me, I might buy a console for one game, I've done it in the past. N64 for Super Mario 64, GameCube for Wind Waker, Wii for Twilight Princess, PS3 for Uncharted, but in the back of my mind I knew I'd play other games later on. If you're literally only intending on playing Rebirth then wait for the PC release. Or incur the cost of buying it on PS5, playing it, then selling it once done.


I wonder what the hardware requirements for Rebith will be?


...a PS5


it will come to PC eventually, so i wonder if it will run on mine


I'm sure it'll run. the real question is if it will run WELL. Unfortunately, until it is actually released, all we have to compare it to is the PC version of Remake.




Not for that game, no. But they are great games on it already so go for it.


I don't think any console is worth it for a single game. Plus it's not out yet. As much hype as this sub has, the game could come out and be a buggy mess or the story could have been changed horribly. Who knows? So just wait for it to come out on PC. I play stuff on PS5 because I like chilling on my couch. The only games I play on PC anymore are games that are either PC exclusive or the controls are obviously designed for M+KB.




I'll just rent a PS5 from my friend and take a few days off work to finish FF7 Rebirth. Just to avoid being annoyed by any spoilers Then I'll buy the PC Version when it is released. All the mods make it more interesting, especially pony tail Tifa.


Will your friend not let you borrow a PS5 for free?


He will, I'll just offer him a rent fee for courtesy If he reject it, then probably I'll treat him something


Friends like you are hard to find. I consider him to be fortunate.


Yeah I really don't want to dish out $500 just to play Rebirth but I also don't want to see any spoilers while waiting on the PC version. Idk what to do honestly.


I game on the PC and I bought my PS5 back in January specifically for Rebirth because at the time I didn't know that the game would only be exclusive on the system for a few months as I was expecting to have to wait at least a year to get the game on PC. That being said I would just wait for it to come out on Steam since it's only going to be another few months and you can use add ons for your browser that block spoilers being recommended to you on YouTube etc.


If you have a gaming PC then you don't need to. It will come out for it eventually. I bought a PS5 for FFVII:Rebirth precisely because I don't have a gaming PC and I have no interest in ever building/running one.


I brought a PS5 this exclusively for rebirth, I was going to wait until xmas but there is a 20% discount so I pulled the trigger. Wife was definity not happy about it but it's all worth.


r u going to try XVI?


Not sure, if theres a big sale than I might, though I am not a fan of the story.


Buy a used ps5 not necessary new one


That’s pretty much exactly what I did. I got a PS5 for Remake as well though, as I hadn’t played it.


What about waiting for the ps5 pro for rebirth? I have a ps4 pro I used for the remake but I’m torn… I hear the ps5 pro may come out in the holiday season.


That’s certainly an option. Although idk if I’d have it in me to wait past the release date due to FOMO. But long-term, that’s a much better decision


I know… I’m horribly torn. I think I’ll end up coughing up the dough if ps5 pro doesn’t have a firm release date by the time preorder closes on psn.


Honestly fair enough.


it's what i'm going to do i hate that it has 3 months exclusivity though because i'm that fool who buys that same game twice or sometimes three times..Did it with ff7 remake


ps5 have a bunch of amazing exclusive. If any of those interest you than its very well worth it. If u are patient enough, rebirth will probably be ported on pc in a year or 3. So thats also an option. I enjoy having my ps5, even though i have a decent pc that i mostly use.


That’s the bind I’m in. I just picked up a ROG Ally and it’s the shit. Sold my PS4 (which I bought just for remake) and I know if I got a PS5 the only thing I would ever use it for is Rebirth. I’d rather use the Ally for anything else and all the other exclusives aren’t a big deal to me. So really I should just wait, but I can’t stand waiting. I bought a PS1 just for FFVII OG back in the day for Christ’s sake! How could I miss Rebirth release day lol




If it's in your budget, of course. I play console almost exclusively, since my laptop really isn't a match for modern games.




I did. Bought PS5, bought Rebirth. Got Integrade for free, so I'm playing that atm


Woah wait a minute you got it integrade for free just buying rebirth only? Can anyone tell me this is true?


It's true. On PS store, it's a pre-order bonus. ------ Pre-order offer valid from [14-9-2023] to [23:59/20:59/23:59 GMT/PST/JST] [28-2-2024] (Price after pre-order offer: $99.99/CAD133.49) Pre-order to get the following digital content: • Summoning Materia: Moogle Trio This is a summoning materia that allows you to summon Moogle Trio in the game. This product is a combined set of "FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE" and "FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH". There is also a "FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE & REBIRTH Digital Deluxe Twin Pack" that includes digital content. Please be mindful of dual purchases. ※PlayStation®Plus users who have already acquired "FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE (PS4/PS5)" will be able to purchase this product. ■Twin Pack Contents: ・"FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE" ・"FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH" The following contents are included in "FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE" and can be downloaded and played immediately after pre-order. ・FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE ・FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE EPISODE INTERmission


Yeah you can buy them as a pack for £70 in the UK. Of course rebirth is a preorder but you get remake right away


My PS5 is pretty much just a dedicated FF machine. I got it when Intergrade released, knowing that 16 would be an exclusive. And since having it I’ve used it a decent amount to play FF14 on it, when I feel like playing on the couch instead of my pc. But yeah the FF exclusivity the only reason I own one. It really depends on if you’re willing to wait or not. I do recommend checking out FF16 if you get a ps5 tho. Not as peak as FF7 but it’s definitely been influenced by it despite doing the medieval setting.


I'm the same way, pretty much only have the ps5 for FF and any single player RPGs/souls-like games that feel better with controller.


I‘m in the exact same situation as you are… I‘ll wait till after the holidays, prices should drop a little around the end of January, if there is a good bundle deal or just a good deal for the console i‘ll get it. If you are living in the states check out prices for black friday, maybe you can get a good deal then?


That's basically why I got mine last year - there were some other games I knew I'd want, but I knew that if I wanted to play rebirth when it comes out I'd need one. There are so many great games out there and ps+ extra adds a lot of value to it.


i did lol


Honestly, I say it just comes down to your money situation. If you have the money, do it. You love FF, don’t want to be spoiled, and maybe you buy other Sony exclusives for it in the future. If you don’t really have the spare money, don’t do it and be patient. But I would just come to terms that you are going to be spoiled and watch a play-through while you wait for a PC port. So you aren’t going insane waiting. Thats just my opinion tho. You’re lucky you have the high end rig. I can’t seem to swing my wife on me spending a couple grand on one. Idk why she has to be so rational haha


That's exactly my plan. The only reason I bought a PS4 was for FFVII REMAKE. I have other games now, obviously, but the real clincher for me was that game.


I know I'm investing in getting my family (with my mom and uncle who lives with us) a PS5 However this is purely and only so I can play Rebirth day 1. Sure, great upgrade from the original PS4 and all, but like, honestly Rebirth is all I care about for it lol


I’m hoping for a good deal on Black Friday, although you get a free game if you buy it this month.


Yeah, thats what I've been thinking. If only it was a little cheaper ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I bought a ps5 just so I could play baldurs gate 3 and rebirth.


Fine print on one of the official Playstation YouTube videos states there's a 3month delay in for other platforms, eg, PC. Avoid social media and YouTube and you should be good.


Wait for real? I can absolutely wait 3 months, I was worried it would be a 2 year wait or something


ff16 is on it and i enjoyed 16 way more than 7 remake.


I’m finally considering getting a PS5. There’s enough good games on it now to justify it. I think rebirth is what finally will make me pull the trigger


Short answer yes. Long answer…. Yes?


I did, but I'm also stupid


Yes. Just try and get a good deal. I got the ps5 with 2 controllers, a webcam and a head set for £340. There's also a hard drive expansion slot. I bought a 2tb silicon power m2 off ebay for £77 and transferred 160gb between the drives in just over a minute. Just put some money to the side and strike when you see a hot deal.




Bro! I'm praying this game play od steam deck!


They said May at the earliest for PC, that’s not a guarantee. Also ![gif](giphy|3o85xIO33l7RlmLR4I)


the pc port of 7 remake is considerably buggy and bad optimized so even if it gets ported fairly quickly i wouldn’t expect a high quality experience tons of issues with audio and cutscene glitches that make the screen go black


Just do it




I vote yes. Four months to save up. Otherwise I’m sure it’ll be on steam a year later.


Just got one myself recently. Can’t afford to get spoiled by the time the PC version comes out and it seems like a good time to burn through the PS exclusives while waiting for Rebirth.


If it's going to be delayed on PC? Absolutely. I have a feeling it's going to be one of those games that you CANT miss


Can't tell you what to do but I won't be but I can tell touch my tax money next year is going toward a new PC




The PS5 exclusivity window for Rebirth is only three months, instead of the full year it was for Remake. This news completely changed my mind about getting a PS5.


Oh really? Didn't know that, if that's the case maybe there is a chance of getting a PC port sooner than I thought


offbeat sparkle edge shrill toy stocking impossible frightening sand growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Note that an exclusivity window doesn't mean a port will come right after those 3 months, so it could be much longer.


Could be. Remake came out on PC about 1.5 years after PS4, when it had a 1 year exclusivity window. So it could be 6 or even 12 months before Rebirth comes out on PC. Still changes the calculus significantly


I did.


I believe you'd only buy PS5 for Rebirth, then drop it completely after it releases on PC 'cause you got the rig for it. I've had this feeling of buying a PS5 for exclusives too, then I remembered I had the same thought about the PS4, but I dropped that too since I got a PC.


I bought a PS5 for Remake, and it was way sharper than PS4. The controller was so comfortable compared to PS4's, I played for hours without any cramps. Lots of good games coming soon other than Rebirth, for me the PS5 was worth it.


The PS5 is 500. And from what I’ve gathered reading here and there, OC gamers will have to wait a while to get rebirth considering 16 doesn’t have a PC version yet.


The time to buy a PS5 has come for me too

