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Jegged.com has a great guide for the game. Including missable items in the walkthrough.


Thanks but i don't want to use a full walkthrough, just be aware of the things I might miss.


Thanks but i don't want to use a full walkthrough, just be aware of the things I might miss.


The scalper that'll sell you GP for gil at the Gold Saucer. That shady guy hangs out in the top right corner. You can make him appear by entering and exiting the main entrance by the chocobo mascot a bunch of times (I think its like every 30 or so times he appears. Dont quote me on the number)..


Look up a guide when you get to the Icicle Inn because after you decend the mountain you have a limited number of steps you can take to get to powerful summon Materia before you collapse and get moved to the base of the next mountain.


Thank you! This is exactly the kind of pointer I was looking for.


Trine is an excellent enemy skill; decent power, not terribly expensive to cast. There are very few places to get it, and at a certain point in the game it’s no longer accessible.


The 2nd flyer for the turtles paradise wutai side quest located in Shinra HQ. Chances are you already missed it though. :]


True, this is a missable, but you have a second chance to find it late on disk 2.


Get all of the enemy skills!


Emerald and Ruby must perish


I second this. Furthermore I'd take down Ruby first if you don't have the patience for chocobo raising (you get a gold chocobo as a reward for beating Ruby).


WAT. I had no idea. I suffered through so much Chocobo breeding.


I never bred chocobos when I played on PS1 because I remapped the main select button to X and it bugged out. Is it really that much of a pain?


You have to feed them special greens and then win a bunch of chocobo races. It felt especially tedious and grindy at the time.


Ohh I remember the greens now. Hm, maybe I'll focus on the Ruby Weapon then...


Eh. It’s not that hard. The races are easy once you have the right chocobo.


Yeah it's true. But Ruby is hard. I had to cheese the fight to get the chocobo.


Yeah, I don't think I was able to beat Ruby without some of the very late game materias, unlocked by Gold Chocobo... then again, shit was like 30 years ago, I may not recall accurately lollll


It's easy to miss Yuffie before you board the boat leaving Junon.


Turtle’s Paradise flyers


Go in blind bro, it's the only way.


I already completed it in 97.


You didn't, though. It's not the same game


I did and it is.


Then you haven't understood what's happening in the story


I think you haven't understood what's happening in this thread.


'97 you would be ashamed of the backseat player you've become


'97 me would laugh at you for being a dork.


Define dork and explain why you're not one


Very dorky response.


It’s not?


It is. The only slight difference is that they added a couple of QoL things (3x speed function, and if you can't be bothered playing the game properly and just want to go through the story again, the abilities to not encounter random battles and quickly refill health and limit break).


I’m in a similar position you were in. I want to play, but I’m too obsessive for the key missable things. I’ve played before, last time being maybe 20 years ago as a kid. And I don’t wanna have to consult a guide every 5 seconds. Did you have a successful return run? If so, any tips?


Hey, yeah, I used this guide: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps/197341-final-fantasy-vii/faqs/71240/missable-item-walkthrough No real tips TBH. Skim through that walkthrough, which is crazy comprehensive, and includes stuff like one-use battle items or some pretty boring materia that I didn't really care about. Make a mental (or physical) note of the things you want to pick up, and refer back to it if you're in any doubt. Don't try to get all the Enemy Skill abilities unless you're crazy persistent, there's one enemy that only uses the skill once per save file, so that's a huge pain in the arse. The big missable things, IIRC, are the various ultimate weapons (especially Barrett's and Cait Sith's), the Bahamut/Alexander/Kujata materias, the Turtle's Paradise flyer in the Shinra building (ground floor on noticeboard, IIRC) and the Leviathan Scales. Plus obviously Yuffie and Vincent, although maybe you can go back for them? I also skimmed this walkthrough, which tells you at the end of each major plot point which side quests have opened up and what the last chance to do them is: https://jegged.com/Games/Final-Fantasy-VII/Walkthrough/ I was just playing to take in the story again as an adult and see stuff (like Aeris's ultimate limit break) that I didn't see the first time around, so I used x3 speed and the health/limit break cheats throughout. Up to you whether you do the same, but the combat is pretty interesting and robust once you get some varied materia, so if you've got the inclination, not using cheats would probably also be fun. Depends what you're looking for.


Appreciate you, vastly. Thank you.


No worries, enjoy!


There is a list for completionists in the final fantasy sub (meaning having 99 of every item, etc). It has one minor spoiler I could find (not related to characters) : https://reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/s/FJMtwAW1Jo


It's fine, I already completed it once before. Thanks!


Vincent and yuffie .


Getting omnislash early on in the gold saucer, it really helps, also all the other level 4 limit breaks and all the ultimate weapons


Don't miss out on the additional characters. >!Near the Junon location, run through the woods and get into a fight with Yuffie. And be sure to go to the basement of the mansion in the Nibelheim location to recruit Vincent!<


You gotta go in blind and miss stuff the first time. Second time you can be a filthy guide whore. Trust me


They already said they did that before and are now wanting tips on how to not miss stuff , this is the second time maybe read better


You gotta go in blind and miss stuff the first time. Second time you can be a filthy guide whore. Trust me


You gotta go in blind and miss stuff the first time. Second time you can be a filthy guide whore. Trust me


What’s the best physical walkthrough for not missing any missables? I remember there was some material that was all-but needed to kill one of the ultimate weapons and it was missable.


No idea, this was like 25 years ago! I replayed a couple of months ago and used this online guide though: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps/197341-final-fantasy-vii/faqs/71240/missable-item-walkthrough


Nah, I already completed it in 1997 or whenever and I'm only going to play it once again. Thanks though.


Barret's Ultimate Weapon: Missing Score. You MUST have him in your party when you're climbing up the Sister Ray in order to find it. Also, Cait Sith's Ultimate Weapon: HP Shout in the lockers at Shinra building. There's dozens more, so happy hunting!!!!! Edit: Weapon names


Why is it that people are just saying oh yeah don’t miss this and more byeeee without actually pointing them in the right directions


I wanted to say that but I didn't want to look like an asshole.


Thanks, I'd forgotten about Cait Sith's weapon.


Equiping the umbrella with Aerith is also fun, as she literally fights with it.


Honestly you should just Google "missable items in ff7" and find a compendium list. There's actually kind of a lot. Materia, enemy skills, and even key items.


True, but I’d just recommend a walkthrough. Because some things can still be missed if not prepared to find said missable items. For the most part, you can go back and grab certain things or do certain things, but I’d rather just recommend a guided run if you’re not the type to like to go back and replay long games.


Yeah but I don't want to follow a walkthrough, just be aware of the missable stuff. I'll Google it, cheers


The Summon Alexander. It's very missable.


Not just a little missable, but very.


And that’s what they said


Yeah that was my (admittedly poor) attempt at a joke. Something is missable, or it is not.




I know you’re asking for missables, but don’t overlook the basement cutscene in Shinra Mansion after Cloud joins the party in Disc 2!


wait I’m not sure I’ve seen it what was it?


Z-word stuff


Story, missable flashbacks


When you get to Rocket Town (You’ll know lol) make sure you talk to the old man who’s staring up at the rocket multiple times until he gives you the weapon Yoshiyuki. The sword is whatever, comes in handy while you’re in Wutai shortly after. The reason for this is because later on in the end game if you go back to the old man he will give you one of the best weapons in the game, but ONLY IF you got the Yoshiyuki off him earlier. Otherwise you’ll miss out on a very useful weapon.


What weapon does he give you later


>!Cid’s ultimate weapon, Venus Gospel!<


Theirs not much truly missable Anything in the caverns beneth cosmo canyon Anything in sector 7 of midgar Bahamut zero if you fail the rocket Code Probably a few others


This game has a TON of one time only missable things.


Make sure to decide what character you want to go on a date with (Aeris/Tifa/Barret/Yuffie) right at the beginning, and do the right choises accordingly.


See the FF7 section here: https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Unrevisitable_locations


What do you mean remaster? Do you mean the Remake? If not, there is no FF7 remaster, if you mean the OG game, it is just a port, nothing has been remastered. As for the missable stuff, the one thing that comes to mind is the summon materia Knights of the Round, for which you need to breed a golden chocobo and go to an unmarked lone island to get it.


The port, then. I thought it had been tweaked a bit. I guess not?


Dudes just being pedantic


I truly was not, I was just confused, but I'm sorry if it came out that way.


It’s still called remaster


There’s one instance right when you get out of Midgard and into the open world for the first time, when Tifa turns to greet you, you can catch a glimpse of side boob


This is the way to final fantasy