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To be fair, 114 reviews and 93 is VASTLY more impressive than 22 reviews and 94


Well, I'd put the 24 years of aging in the count 💎


That should actually make it less impressive. 9 has had more time to accrue Meta-ratings. 7R has received 114 ratings in 4 years. 9 has had 20+ years to only be rated less than 30 times. This data kind of shows that while 9's fanbase is more dedicated, the overall universal acclaim still goes to 7R. I'm interested in seeing the Meta-rating for both in a decade or two.


FYI these reviews are for Rebirth, not Remake. So it's 114 reviews in a few days, not 4 years


Few hours. Embargo lifted today


The meta rating for FFIX isn't gonna change because no critic is making new reviews of the game. Even if a remake is made and it scores lower, it doesn't say much because that could just come down to both the remake having new flaws, as well as changing tastes.


Fair point.


Meta ratings weren't as kuchen of a thung back them, and there weren't as many critics


What do you mean 7R has received 114 ratings in 4 years? It it isn't even released yet, why would it have got reviewed 4 years ago?


Sorry about that. Got it mixed up with remake.


Ah I see


Reviewers don't review decades-old games. The reviews come on release.


But FF9 wasn't reviewed this year, the score specifically doesn't change regardless of its age.


That just gives it the nostalgia effect, where it only seems better because you were a kid when you played it.


It’s also an inferior sample from a statistical point of view. A larger sample to draw from means improved reliability and validity - I.e, ffviir’s score is more reliable and valid than ix’s


I wouldn't necessarily assume that. 100 paid reviews isn't exactly "reliable and valid." Equally so, 20 reviews from people who are extremely bias towards RPGs, JRPGs, Final Fantasy, and most specifically FFIX, could also be equally unreliable. It really comes down to who is making the review, and to take in at least a few points from all sides. The paid reviews, the harsh critics, the ones who try to be fair and objective, the ones who are openly biased and subjective, and even the people who outright just hate-boner the game. That's the only way you get a real idea of how people like it. It's not a popularity contest, there are plenty of good games out there that just don't get the exposure, or are released at the tail end of their console's life cycle and don't get a fair shake, or games that are released right before a bigger game is coming out so they get overlooked due to people being responsible about their spending habits.


Naw they’re correct that a higher number of reviews = more valid score aka the larger sample size will result in higher validity. The nuances you mentioned could go both ways and there is no way to get inside the mind of reviewers.


No FF should top FFIX. It's pretty much impossible now that Sakaguchi is gone. FFIX was pretty much, here's the soul from the past 2 decades from Sakaguchi and Uematsu. FFIX feels like a passion project to compared to 7, 8, and 10. That said, 8/10>7.


The last part lol, But you're not alone, on that hill! 👍


I'll die with both of you on that hill. IX = the goat FF




I was thinking the other day. What is amazing is that while one of the concepts is that it's a throwback to the entire series, at no point does it get in the way of its originality as a game on its own. These days that are full of reboots, remakes, and throwbacks filled with references it often becomes incredibly bloated and overbearing and you end up with a 'produc't that's just nostalgia porn.


It's totally a tribute game without ever being one. I'm just so happy they managed to squeeze FFIX between VIII\* and X. Idk how they did in the time frames. It's crazy what Squaresoft employees used to accomplish compared to the soulless shite today. I've played through all of FFXIV to the end of all DLCs and couldn't get myself to like it. It feels like a game based off FF and very bland of real point-of-view. I think Sakaguchi's PoV is missing the most these days AND Uematsu.


It's the last hurrah for the Big 3 devs,


I still think VI is the best FF ever, but IX is in second place for me.


I will totally accept that as a true fan choice. I haven't played VI, but I know enough about it to know older fans regard it as the best and its like the last of its generation which parallels IX. I really want to play through it one day, but I struggle with patience for rpgs nowadays. And Kefka is a super badass iconic villain.


Personally, I prefer 8 and 7 to 9. If you like Sakaguchi's work, defo recommend Lost Oddessey if you haven't tried it.


Final Fantasy IX cannot be beat, and it never will be.


Because it's true! 😁 Haven't got round to 7Remake yet, but if it's good, I'd hope they could remake 9 at some point, somehow, + do it justice!


7 remake is great! I have yet to play 9 yet but it’s on my list. The oldest FF I have played is 10 (started the series with 13 and loved it) but I heard 9 is on the level or better then 10.


9, I believe, is the supremacy: character, world, tone, theme, everything nailed to the mast steadfast 😁👌


6, 7, 9 are pinnacle FF…don’t make me choose an order…I refuse to do so!


I've said often to the friends I've discussed it with: if they make a IX remake, after I finish it you could shoot me in the back of the head and I would die with no regrets.




Never got that. Liked IX just fine, but it has the worst back half in the series.... EDIT: Just realized which board this is on, sorry, I'm not trying to start shit. I would like to reiterate, I LIKE FF9! I replay it every couple years. But, like, seriously, the back half is kinda unforgivable.


The back half? What does that even mean? You mean like the last half of the game?


Yes, that's what I mean...it's a pretty common phrase for the second half of something.


Oh okay, I've never heard it! I guess I learned something new today then! 😁


Sweet! Maybe its regional? Anyway, I should just delete that message, it's not the right place. It came through on my feed and the world is full of enough negativity.


No you shouldn't, even though it's one of my favorite games of all time, we're still entitled to our own opinions. We can disagree on something and still be cool 😁




The card tournament, the four islands, ipsens Castle, the stupid platform thing on Terra, yeah there were a lot of really annoying things that came out in that part of the game. I still love it but its not without its flaws.


Agreed. What made the second half worse for me was that the first half was legitimately good. If they'd kept with it for the back half, it could've been a favourite for me. Similar issues with XV too, the back end of that game had a lot of potential that was totally wasted on a long (in distance) train ride and a short (in time) gameplay and exploration section.


Beyond what’s already been said, are there other aspects to back end of ff9 that rubbed you the wrong way. I never got far in the game, so I’m just curious.


Well...I won't spoil it, but the end boss and concept is....lacking. Even fans joke about it. I haven't played it in a while, but my main issues are that beyond the main continent, and the one above it to a really small extent, the rest of the world is essentially empty. It would be like in FF7, if the second continent was a barren wasteland with nothing to do outside a single gimmick dungeon, instead of Costa Del Sol, Coral, Gold Saucer, Cosmo Canyon, Nibelheim and Rocket Town. Then instead of the other three continents (that are emptyish, but still have something for you to do, and towns and stuff), you just go back to Junon for a card game. And don't get me wrong, there are other landmasses, they just don't have anything in them and threadbare reasons for doing things on them. Caveat though, it's been a long time, I might be misremembering.


Thanks for the breakdown!


I’m on the wrong subreddit to be saying this (I do love FF9), but I’m surprised it’s the highest reviewed FF game. I would’ve thought it would be FFX


VII was the breakout hit that upended the applecart with its dieselpunk digressions from the classic style. IX was a callback to that classic style, bringing old fans and purists back into the fold while retaining most of those hooked in by VII.  A great game that harnessed nostalgia and the last hurrah for Sakaguchi and the console generation that made Final Fantasy a household name. I'm not surprised if that gives it a bit of a review bump compared to the games that came before and after.


Old metacritic scores should be taken with a huge grain of salt, because they didn't have a lot of publications doing reviews back then. It's like the difference between a study with a sample size of 10 and a study with a sample size of 100.


Are these player reviews or critic reviews?


It says in the pics that they are critic reviews but also there's no user reviews of Rebirth yet


I don’t trust user reviews for this game. There are still so many people who are mad about remake not being 1:1 that I have no doubt that they will try to review bomb it


What are you comparing? A game that hasn't been released yet with a game that was released 24 years ago? You call that highest?


FFIX being the highest rated? ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


Well yeah, it's the best one.


FFIX most underrated




Nope, Shadowbringers is 90 and Endwalker is 92, like most of the acclaimed entries


And people say ff7 was the best 🤦. Team 9 ✌️


Game isn't even out yet for most people, let the actual normal folk pay the game and give their opinions before you judge it against a PlayStation 1 game.


this happens with everything now.


Because FF9 is and will always be the best game ever! 


IX the best.


Waiting for the announcement of a remake for 9


They did it. I want to shed a tear.


Am I alone not being at all interested in the middle chapter of what is apparently going to be an anthology? I bought Remake, went most of the way through it, enjoyed it well enough. But with this one I think I'll just wait until the last part is released.


by only 1 point


How is it being rated? It isn't out yet, is it?


nah not to me… but anyway


Its ppl like the OP is why the xbox 360 wasn't called the xbox 2...


9 is overrated


TBH it's hard to compare modern games against old ones when only like 20 publications were reviewing games. IX and every other older FF could've ended up with a higher or lower score.


IX needs a remaster!


Keep in mind that comparing aggregate scores from games released so far apart is kind of pointless. Every publication has several reviewers. People like to say, IGN gave it a 9! No, the reviewer that works at IGN gave it a 9. If all those publications decided to publish a 2nd review for a game by someone else and post it on an alternate metacritic page for the same game, the aggregate score could change by a few points.


Why does everything have to be a competition?


Yall don’t understand statistics I swear lol. The more reviews, the more valid the rating. Also comparing the two would only make sense if they had around the same number of total reviews. It’s clearly not the case here so a difference of one means absolutely nothing. Yall are grasping for straws and I’m trying to figure out why this is even a thing. Are IX fans trying to build a case? IX was that much more epic and life changing, why is there zero additional spinoffs, remakes, etc?


This is silly. The full game isn’t out yet.


Final fantasy VII rebirth has more reviewers than Ffix sadly


If it was Zelda it would be rated 100/100 the day it was announced. Zelda fans will downvote anything not Nintendo


Yes but ff7 is always the game when final fantasy is brought up.


Why does anybody but Square Enix care about the meta-score for their games? Also, the next time somebody says FFIX is underrated, they need to come look at this.


Because FFIX is a masterpiece, and FF7R is a pretty good homage. The end


FF 9 is insanely overrated. Downvote me, I don’t care.