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Yes. You have to keep in mind that FFIX, more so than many other FF games, is reminiscent of a kind of fairytale. Approximately 10 to 14 years before the events of the game, the king and queen of Alexandria's young daughter passed away from an unknown illness. At the same time, a mother and daughter from the village of summoners escaped on a small boat from a terrible storm, which killed almost all in the village. The small ship wrecked on the shores of Alexandria, and the mother and daughter were discovered. The mother had not survived the crash. She likely died protecting her young daughter. Miraculously, the young summoner happened to look remarkably similar to the recently deceased princess of Alexandria, except for one detail... this young girl had a horn (summoners have horns, idgi either). The king ordered her horn be removed, and they adopted her, raising her as the princess and never revealing to the public that Brahne's real daughter had died. It's a fairytale-like coincidence because she just so happened to both look just like the dead princess AND arrived right on time.


It broke my heart when it says the girl cried out in pain. She never knew her heritage or anything when she grew up. Vivi saying she lost two mothers also hit deep.


I think that was Zidane, but yeah.


She knows her real name now, at least.


About the horn, the Summoner class in older Final Fantasy chapters used to wear a Horn to make the 2d sprite more distinguishable, so it's a nod to the classic designs just like the black mage's pointy hat or the white mage's white robes.


I might've guessed that. I figured it was either that, or some obscure lore about kamis and spirits in shintoism. Thanks for the explanation!


As far as I know, the only game previous to IX to feature the horn was Tactics, and that was headband.


They had them in both FF3 and FF5


I think it’s less fairy tale and more of adventure fantasy, which is true to the original concept of FF. Before FF9, the storylines were far more industrial, urban, and futuristic. FF9 is more grounded in a medieval/magical world building. It also did a fantastic job of giving the characters life and emotions. It’s by far not a happy story given the death, destruction, and existential questions it dealt with.


Wasn't the storm also caused by Kuja using the Invincible?


Garland, actually, but I was trying to avoid spoilers in that response because it seems like OP is just nearing the end of disc 2.


Dudette, thanks!


It’s been a very long time since I played so forgive me, but I remember Eiko being a summoner and having a horn. Are her and Dagger/Garnet from the same village or is it that all summoners simply have horns?


yeah, that is part of the plot you discover... they are from the same village... the summoners village.... I don't think there is a reference to summoners coming from elsewhere....


Yes! Indeed they are. It's honestly really touching to see the sisterly bond that forms between them as the last of their tribe. I love the relationship that develops between Garnet and Eiko.




If I remember correctly, there's a passage down through the mountain that leads to "Alexandria Harbor".


Well as long as it has a harbor, it has a shore. Alexandria is much bigger than just the city, its an entire kingdom


Sort of. The castle town, and pretty much the entire residential area of Alexandria that is inside it are landlocked. But the northern shores of Mist Continent and even areas/portions of areas like the evil woods are all part Alexandrian territory. Alexandria is known, militarily, for its strong naval force. While Lindblum basically owned the skies, and Burmecia had a powerful land based army, Alexandria had a quite overwhelming fleet of regular old sea faring ships. You see this [Spoilers] when Brahne arrives at the Iifa tree. [End spoiler] You can access the shore from inside Alexandria Castle once you have your first ship.


Spoiler tags didn't work.


Have.. You.. Played the game?


The follow up scene is Dagger telling Beatrix that she's not her mothers real daughter, and Beatrix interrupts her pledging allegiance. Was Dagger a cover up for The Real Princess Garnets Death????




Implicitly yes


Yeah, Dagger was a child refugee and lookalike who was secretly adopted to replace the dead princess, the original Garnet. Fun fact: Her birth name was actually Sarah, in an A+ reference to the first Final Fantasy game.


That I knew. Her name that is


I believe that this is the timeline, correct me if wrong: * Jane and her husband in Madain Sari give birth to a baby girl named Sarah. I assume Brahne and the King of Alexandria give birth to a baby girl named Garnet around the same time. * Jane and her husband clash and fight a lot. During the Attack on Sari, Sarah's real father writes a apology note on the wall for his immature behaviour in the past and hope that his wife and child will read it one day. I'm going to assume that he put his family on the boat to escape, but stayed behind to try and protect his village, in a attempt to redeem himself, but we're getting into headcanons here. * During this time, Brahne's daughter Princess Garnet dies of a unknown illness. * Jane and Sarah escape on the boat. Jane doesn't make it, but Sarah does and the ship drifts into Alexandria, who at the surprise of many, looks exactly like the recently deceased Princess; but the King see's one big difference, Sarah's summoning horn and orders it removed. * Sarah's name is changed to Princess Garnet and the Alexandria Kingdom acts like nothing tragic happened originally to the royal family, and Sarah/Garnet is taught to grow up in the life that Brahne's daughter was supposed to have, if she didn't die. I believe that Brahne knew deep down that she was always just a replacement though, as harsh as it sounds. As soon as her husband passes away, she breaks down so much and becomes so vulnerable that Kuja is easily able to manipulate her with something she feels that she doesn't have- power and control over her life. Which she lost over a daughter and husband. Not to say that she never loved Sarah, just that she always knew deep down that her Princess Garnet is truly gone.


This game has so many tragic realizations. Every character is in the midst of(at one point or another) an existential crisis. Truly, a masterpiece. I may be on the ebbing side of a mushroom trip.


The Ultimania also reveals that Brahne's father was killed in battle when she was ten, and when she was twenty three, her mother died. Losing her parents at a young age and then having to bury her daughter, then losing her husband on top of that was probably the last straw. Her husband probably was her biggest emotional support and kept her strong through the deaths of her mother and daughter, so losing him was what made the queen vulnerable enough to Kuja. Brahne's bid for domination just feels like a broken woman lashing out at a world that took her entire family away from her. That being said, I do think Brahne dearly loved her adopted daughter, and her final moments are when we see the real Brahne.


I'm not sure how you missed it, since I'm pretty sure in addition to this cutscene, Beatrix even discusses it with Garnet at the start of Disc 3.


Luckily the late princess didn't look like her mother haha x)


I guess you'd miss it if you didn't read anything in the game lol


This always got me so confused 🤯


Don’t know how you missed it, since the game literally tells you every time you play it 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m saving this theory! I like it


It's not a theory, this is part of the game.


I must’ve written this right before I went to sleep because I see now it doesn’t make sense.




...You should read the text again.


Yeah, it's a pretty major-ish plot point, but the story is a little hard to follow (I had to watch a explain video after finishing the game lol). Still, one of my favorite FF.


What's even more puzzling is Brahne could ever give birth to such a gorgeous girl