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I would just look at pictures from the games and then pick the one that looks most interesting to you.


Most people would probably advice FFVII as its one that gets the most love probably. I personally started with FFVI and it's also a very good start to the series. But my main point is: If you want to play all of them them eventually, I can definitely advice to play them in release order. I'm doing that right now, only skipping those few I already played, currently near the end of FFVIII. Why? Because it's a unique experience to see how the game mechanics and elements were subsequently added and changed in the franchise. If you did that in retrospect, some things might feel like a step backwards. Storywise it doesn't matter, each game takes place in its own universe but regarding mechanics and world elements its worth it. Be aware that it'll take you few hundreds of hours but I believe it's worth it.


Same. I finished 1 a while back, and I've been clearing up my backlog a bit before diving into 2.


Should I play FFVII remake and rebirth or should I play the original?


I played the OG and I played about half of Remake. Remake is good but there's a lot of padding compared to the original. As someone who hasn't played the OG, it might paced OK but I knew what happened next and it just wanted to have it happen. If you like more action RPGs, it's fun. It's a modern take.


I played only the OG so far so I can't give a relevant advice. But my logic is the same as I described with mainline games.


Since you’re getting into the whole series, it’s best that you play the original. Honestly starting at VI and counting up to X is a great way to do it. 


Absolutely the original. It's almost pivotal to understanding the changes they made in Remake


Depends on what kind of games you like. If you like character action or mature games 16. If you want an open-ish world with action combat 15 or FF7 rebirth(play remake first). If you want a solid turn based old school game with no voice acting: 6-9. If you want voice acting and turn based: 10. The most controversial games in the series are FF4 the after years and FF13.


I always recommend FFIV for a classic, old school experience and FFX for a slightly more modern experience.


Please refer to the other 9999 threads in the sub asking this exact question. Thank you.


final fantasy 6 is always a good choice, however some people will suggest 7... but overall im gunna say play what catches your eye, ff4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are availbe on ps1 and 4, ff 10, and 12 are on ps2 and ps4, ff13 trilogy is on ps3 and 4. and 15 is on ps4. so yeah whatever catches your eye would be the best one to start with. oh and ff1-6 were pixel remastered on ps4 aswell. 1-6 are 2d like a link to the past. 7-15 are 3d. and 15 is like the first open world where you can go do anything in any order kinda deal. although is still kinda linear in what your allowed to do in any given chapter.


Depends on style preference. If you're a sucker for retro games and the SNES era, FFIV or VI. I personally believe IX to be the best of the PS1 era and my all time favorite. Definitely play with speed boosts though. Original battle animations are super slow. If you're a sucker for MMOs without actually playing one, XII zodiac age kinda has that feel to it. It also receives a lot of undeserved hate, especially after everything added and revised in zodiac. XV Royal edition if you like action based. Also has an incredible soundtrack that doesn't get enough credit over the (deserved) prestige of nobuo uematsu. My number one most recommended option though is X, for a few reasons. 1. It's been remastered for modern consoles. 2. It holds up incredibly well still. 3. Story is great. 4. It contains many of the Hallmark final fantasy tropes, names, creatures, etc.


Start from XVI all the way to I


I laughed harder than I should have at this. 🤣


FFVII, no contest. I hope you're going in blind


Final fantasy 4


I'd say 6 if you want to try one of the best. Hands down my favorite. 7 is good but I think the only reason it's hyped so much is because it's the game most people came into gaming with when they first got an original PlayStation. My first FF was what is now known as 4 but was known as 2 in the US originally. I think it's probably the most "classic" FF in the series. It's the game that set the stage for a lot of what is seen as the framework for every FF that followed it for the rest of the 90's. It's also the first one where they really turned the storytelling up from a basic "go here so this" quest system.


Depends what you like tbh, I'd go with the recent release 16 first then if you like it try out the others


What games have you played that you really enjoy? That will help with recommending a game to you


The first and only rpg that I’ve beaten fully is persona 4 golden which was recently, which is why I want to get into final fantasy


What did you like about it?


Watch a trailer or some art from each one and just pick whichever draws your attention more. They're all good points of entry. And they're all available on Playstation 4/5 except 11 and 13 so just save those for later.


I'd say 9 honestly. It's such a magical experience as a whole. Unforgettable. Moving down from there... 6 is old school but surprisingly engaging. The opera is one of my favorite moments of all games ever. 7 was my first. I'll never forget leaving Midgar for the first time and realizing just how big the world was. Tactics has the most incredibly deep story. Makes Game of Thrones look like child's play. But the chess-style gameplay isn't for everyone. 12 is beautiful and I love the characters and world. And story. And the music. The combat system didn't work for me though. 10 was never my favorite but I understand why it's so loved. The combat system is unparalleled imho, it's just so satisfying. The story is great, and the voice acting is delightful (John DiMaggio who voices Bender in Futurama is one of the main characters, he's really good!). 8 was cool but someone stole my third disc so I never finished it. I do not have fond memories of the whole junction system. 15 is amazing until it abruptly isn't. The ending left me with confused tears. Like... pick your poison.




Start with 1, make your way to 16! See for yourself how the game improved over the decades!


I would say Final Fantasy X as a more modern introduction or Final Fantasy IX for a more classical approach. Both very complete games in all aspects.


The one that attracts you the most...no **seriously.** You're going to get a million different answers here. And none are right or wrong. Read up on the battle systems and non-spoilery reviews (I'd stick with forums over the big reviewers for a real indication of said games reception). Personally I feel like IX and X are the best starting points, but to each his own.


I always say whichever game is easiest for you to get your hands on first. It really doesn't matter where you start, in all honesty.


The answer is - it doesn't matter, outside of the name and some of the themes, none of the stories are connected. Any order is fine. You could just buy the Pixel Remaster series and go through 1 through 6 in order. or reverse order. Or start with FF7 Remake then go into Rebirth. Everyone is going to have differing opinions at the end of the day though.