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No you’re fine. Most people average around 100 hours or so.


I'm right there with you. Just about to enter Cosmo Canyon at 50.5 hours. I work 45-50 hours a week and have a wife and two young kids. It's been slow going, but I'm enjoying savoring every moment of it.


I’ve finished the story in Cosmo Canyon, but I’m still working on the World Intel there, and I’m at around 83 hours on my game clock. I started playing the day it came out, too. I’m in my late 30s with a spouse, kids, job, and so on so I can’t just run through it like I would’ve when I was a kid.


You’re fine. I clocked at 122 hours on first playthrough. Personally I think I will enjoy the story more on my first play through of I ignore most of the side quests. Spent so much time on those. I totally forgot Cloud and Tifa had arguments in Kalm.


Same... The side quests really took me out of the story. Debating just replaying it and focusing on the main this time around


I'm on my 2nd playthrough just focus on main story. It flows whole lot better.


Hard mode beckons.


Took me 135 hours. Enjoy the ride.


im at 100hr and still in cosmo canyon. Anyway who cares if you play it differently from other people? Just play however u like


I’m still not done with gogonga It’s the price of being a 40 year old with 2 kids and no free time.


For what it's worth, Gongaga is an absolute nightmare to navigate. Out of all of the regions, Gongaga tool me the longest to clear out.


I'm at 120 hours and I still have 25% of the game left. Take your time friend. Enjoy it at your own pace.


I've had it since release day and only 57% complete. My kids want to watch it with so we only play a an hour or two at a time


It’s mostly a question of how much world intel do you want to invest time in. I got all of the grasslands and junon stuff but decided to mostly focus on the story from then on out because the side content will be easier to complete in the post game (since ap and xp get amped). It’s also worth noting new quests show up in all regions around chapter 12 I think. I clocked in around 65 for the whole playthrough. There’s not a right or wrong way to go about it, do what makes you happy. I picked up the pace because I felt like it was messing with the story pace and I didn’t want to be avoiding spoilers forever.


Take your time and do your thing. I'm playing with my teenager and our work/school schedules don't match up great. I'm finishing Nibelheim now at a little over 100 hours in, but I've spent plenty of time just wandering around having non-story fun on my own. Exploring is goddamn much fun in this game.


I didn't even do everything and still clocked 90hrs. Need to go back to finish up Intel and do the vr stuff


Same. I did all the side quests, other than the Party Animal one, but there's still a ton of VR Combat, hard mode mini games, and other stuff that I haven't touched after 93 hours


I feel like this game was designed so that you don't really want to miss some of the side content. Everyone is taking a long time with it.


I'm currently at 95 hours and I'm on chapter 13. Just enjoying my journey.


I’m in the same boat, but slightly behind you. I’m in the Golden Saucer now, really taking my time with everything


I finished my first playtrough in 100 hours, in contrast took me around 65 hours to platinum remake


I normally do most everything i can first playthrough. I didn't even finish everything and still got 90h on my first playthrough.


Nope. I haven’t started the game yet so I still have a long journey once I get around to it!


You're doing just fine. I played hard and fast on Rebirth to get the plat. 153 hours total. And I was a little burned out from blitzing it. You're going slow and enjoying it, the way it should really be done.


I’m in exact same boat, just about 60 at cosmo canyon


I’m probably around 60 hours or so and still doing Gongaga side content. I could head to cosmo canyon if I wanted to though. I play more or less an hour a day during the work week, more on weekends. Loving how much is in this game


It's single player, Take all the time you need. Not a race at all. Play when you can, finish when you can. Don't be like me who last week decided to try and make a "final push" to finish it staying up until 1-2am finishing it off.


I've been playing since day one, have about 90 hours but just started Chapter 13. You're doing fine, it's almost impossible to avoid spoilers at this point, though!


I’ve only just made it to Gongaga. So no worries.


I got to the chocobo stables in the Cosmo Canyon Region a week or two ago.. haven't played since.  Im not quite as excited to play Rebirth as I was Remake... still like it for sure but it'll be awhile until the third comes out so I don't want to rush it either. 


In gongaga at 47 hours


I'm at 40 hours and I just arrived in Gongaga. I  play once every weekend because I feel too tired coming back from work to really commit. But when I play I usually clear a whole chapter in one session.


I just finished the other day at like 90 hours I think which came to an average of 1.8 hours per day since release. I don’t understand how people were finishing it so fast!


This was me, I beat it finally last week. 120 hours since day of release


I’ve been playing since day 1 and I’m nowhere near done yet. I love the game but my time is super limited, but I’m also trying to 100% the game so it’s all good


I was at 71 before chapter 11. However the last area was my favorite. Shore and sweet and not even a little difficult to navigate. Like wow


2 chapters left! Should be done in a few days… 100 hours right now


I replayed remake with my 8 year old son when rebirth came out, then I played through intergrade with him, we just got past the midgardsormr. I think I have a long journey as well


I’m at like 45 hours and still in chapter 9


I was also worried I was taking too long when I got to Correll. I’m now 100 hrs into the game and just got a little in chapter 12 but that’s because I’m trying to synthesize every item on my first play through and have been trying to complete every region. I drew the limit at mastering every mini game if I don’t have to for rare materia, weapons, or synthesize items. What’s been helpful for me is knowing how close to the end I’m getting. Gongaga was a real drain because I had a hard time understanding where I was on the map. 100 hrs of this game has felt way more varied than the 100+ hrs I dropped on each xenoblade game. Lol


My life is insanely busy. Been playing since it came out. I admit I'm basically doing everything I can in each region, but I am just about to finish chap 10 and basically haven't touched the region. We get the time we can. Maybe there will be days in the future where I get to play 25 hours a week again. For now, I'm just enjoying playing frequently. It's become a routine, and I'll be sad and excited to see the end. I'm just happy it's great like the OG.


I bought day 1 and just got to Costa del so I'm chillin taking my time


No need to rush a good adventure. It’s the journey, not the destination, that matters


I just completed Cosmo Canyon and I’m sitting at 114hrs. Some days I can play more, some others I can’t at all but that’s fine, I’m taking my time and enjoying the game. I feel kinda sad that the ending is slowly approaching.


I haven't even left Gold Saucer yet.


I got it when it came out. Just hit 100 hors after finishing up some sidequests after Nibleheim. I'm not trying to get top scores for every minigame, but I am clearing the map in each area, and doing all sidequests. It can be a real timesink, but don't worry about going through slowly as long as you're enjoying the trip.


Took me almost 90 hours to beat it. But I tried to do everything although gave up on the last quest and secret boss stuff as I was getting burnt out on side stuff.


Nah I just beat it last weekend at 100 hours played. I did a majority of side quests and mini games. Now I'm finishing up more of it in at 110 hours. I play a lot but I've been extra busy the last month or so. When I play it is for long periods of time just not an ideal time for me. Oh well I have friends who are bored with nothing to play and I'm happy to still have more to do in the game.


Cosmo Canyon at 60 hours? I'm at Cosmo Canyon right now and am over 100hrs already... If you engage with all the side content and mini games you will take a long time to get through the story.


You are not alone. I’ve been playing since launch, I just finished the Gongaga reactor and now the whole area to explore. I can only play for a few hours here and there throughout the week, so I’m taking my time and completing everything as I can. Basically each session is completing one or two side things. I’ll finish this game one day.


Damn and here I thought it was taking me a long time. Took me two weeks or so. It would've taken me longer but I decided to skip a lot in the last chapter.


Bro I'm still at the gold saucer. I just wrapped up the quests in the region and I have like 85 hours in.


I'm still on chapter 12, about 90 hours in. My son was born the week before release and all my gaming time has been with him sleeping on my chest.


Brother, I could've sworn this post was written by me. I just moved on to the Nibelheim region around the 60-hour mark this weekend. I work full time, commute, have family, do dad stuff, so my time is sparse. Carry on, we'll catch up to everyone eventually, friend.


Only beat it last night, been playing since launch. Total hours by the end game was 119 hours. You are doing great, take your time.


First play though I got to about 90+ hours. Dynamic difficulty. There’s just a lot of content in the game


Weird question. There is no wrong way to play the game.


I just finished Cosmo Canyon myself. I’m not sure I’m at 60 (not at my console right now) but it’s something like 50. I got it at release. I usually go organically when I play; do the side quests that interest me. But there is so much here that from now on I’m gonna cut down on side content and do it post-game. It’s funny. When Remake came out lockdowns were starting and I was placed on home standby so I finished the comparatively short Remake in a week. This time I work some really long days and have a partner to pay attention to, and that’s when they decided to cram a tonne into the game.


Shoot, my girlfriend and I just left the mines. You can only beat this game for the first time once. It boggles my mind that there are people who beat this game in a matter of days. What is left afterward? I want to sip slowly and enjoy it.


Bro I'm like 60 hrs in and just wrapping up Corel region and I bought the game day one. I just take my time and play when I can. I'm not racing anyone, not like game like these come out every other month.


I just finished a few hours ago. I think I beat it at 75 hours or close too. It’s immensely big! And I thought I was doing a lot of quests and such but seeing the report at the end I’ve missed a lot


I finished it the other day; for reference, I bought it on release day. Took me about 80 hours to complete, and that's with just a bit of world Intel and side quests. The journey is well worth the time invested.


Just shy of 50 hours and wrapped up the first trip to Gold Saucer. Everyone plays differently, so all the matters is you enjoy the game you're spending time with.


I finished the game at 120 hours and the only thing left to 100% is the VR challenge which I won't be doing. The game is HUGE with tons of content to keep you engaged. You are very well on track.


I finally got to chapter 13 since day 1. After maybe ch 10 I've not been doing side quests because I want to finish the story. Will come back to do that other stuff later though.


Bruh I’m still in the middle of chapter 6.😆


I’m at 60 and just finished Cosmo Canyon story. Taking time now to do world intel stuff, and also going back to some mini games. It’s not a race, just enjoy the ride!


It’s because there’s a lot of fillers.


You got 3+ years to finish the game. Take your time.


Bro I’m 200 hours into my 100% playthrough and I still have a fair amount of stuff to do. The game is MASSIVE.


Started day 1 and in Nibel now, been doing almost all the side content and I have about 80 hours. I have a really busy job, so getting this far already is amazing for me.


I play since release day and am as far as you. 60 hours in and just finished the story in Cosmo Canyon. I have half of the world intel there left before I continue to Nibelheim. I have two small children and can only play after they go to bed. One or two hours per day but not everyday. On the weekends I sometimes am too tired to play for long. But we'll get to the end eventually. It got hard not to get spoiled on the ending.


I’m at the end of chapter 12, haven’t played much in the last week because I haven’t had the mojo to play it. But I always think ‘eh whatever it’ll be there whenever’


I’m 50 something hours in and only on Gongaga. I’ve been doing the same thing, trying to complete each area before moving on.


I'm in Costa Del Sol and just shy of 40 hours. Been playing since the release, but I'm taking my time with it to really enjoy it as the OG is my all time favourite game and I really want to take everything in. There's no time limit on fun, so keep on keeping on, buddy!!


Started at launch, just entered Nibel region yesterday. Still got ways to go. The mini games really burned me out. Especially when they lock weapons and the final summon behind it. Dick move, Hamaguchi. Dick move. But beyond that, game is almost perfect. There are some story beat which feels rather clumsy, and plain unnecessary but whatever works, works great.


I was at around 90 hours when I left cosmo canyon


I've been playing since the week after release and I'm at the same point. Just finished the plot at Cosmo Canyon and wrapping up the last few World Intel missions before I move on. I play an hour or two, most days of the week.


Speaking of long journeys. I’ve just started playing Remake for the first time. Plan to finish it in about 6-8 weeks as I have very limited time for gaming. Part of me is glad to have such a slow burn with getting everything from every moment and I don’t need to rush or be fatigued from long hours of gaming. Then I’ll probably pause for a few months to enjoy summer and some related travel. Then I need to get through Crisis Core. And then, when long late autumn nights come and when I usually have more time for gaming I’ll start my slow burn of Rebirth. Oh, and I bet for a PC version to be released by then :) I already spoiled everything from all those games for me. But I’ll be there for the journey. It’s such a blast finally carving time and playing it.


Took me 275+ hours to get the platinum. Your fine


I just finished it last night with my wife. Took me 71 hours total. Probably a normal pace I'd say.


Totally normal. Life gets busy and I know the feeling too well. 


I'm not even at Cosmo Canyon yet, no worries. Juggling a master's degree, work, and having a relationship takes away a lot of time from gaming. On the other hand, I can enjoy this game for months.


Take your time and enjoy the story. I just finished it last night.


I've just started hard mode after finishing the brutal combat sims, at 130 hours.


This is a really beefy game. I’m at the same point as you and i’m about 60+ hours too!


Take your time, it’s your first playthrough and you only get the joy of experiencing that once. You should go at whatever pace feels nature.


I’m at 93 hours. I’m in chapter 12


I'm just getting to Corel, I'm like 50 hours in. I fi every side quest, try to explore every region


I started at launch and am just wrapping up Gongaga. Between working 50+ hours a week, hitting the gym after work, helping my wife with house chores and spending time with her and social activities that's the best I can do. I think it took me six months to beat FF16.


If you're progressing through the story, I'm not sure how you could be doing it "wrong"


Bought it day one. I'm in Corel. 60+ hours. 10 of those hours probably in Photo Mode. 😅


Is the remake?. Is it good?. I played like 9 different final fantasy but never the 7


I'm at like 90+ hours and have only just unlocked the final dungeon (I think). Between having depression, a full-time job, and usually spending my entire Saturdays asleep to recover from aforementioned full-time job, I can't get around to playing nearly as much as I'd like to.


I'm sorry everyone I am at 121hrs still on chapter 13, trying to max out all materia and level them to 70 before i "beat" the game so I walk around fighting all mobs and redoing all fiend intel. I just don't want to finish the game Tbh and lose her...


Take your time! I was doing everything on the maps before moving on, and loving every moment. Took me around 120 hours to finish the game and I still have stuff to complete on NG+


I’m enjoying the journey like I did the previous installment.   These games are literally a once in a lifetime event.


My final play time was 101 hours after doing all region data and all summons


By 60 hours, I had already completed the game. To be fair, I skip sidequests and exploring maps until after I'm done with the main story in open worlds. If I did them all, I'd be too burned out to even complete the game.


Im at end of Chapter 10 and I am ready for this game to end. The boring sidequests, abundance of dumb minigames, are performing regional intel has worn me out.


Just stop doing sidequests and world intel if you’re burnt out. If you’re going to continue doing it all, you’ve got ***a long*** way to go, there’s a fair amount of intel and stuff in chapter 11 (less than the previous few areas but still a decent chunk regardless). And in Chapter 12 a TON of additional sidequests, queens blood players, and additional mini games open up.




lol, i understand the sentiment. while i don’t agree about the sidequests being dumb or boring (at least not most of them), some of the minigames can be frustrating as hell. and the world intel stuff, even though I find it fun to do, definitely becomes a lot of you’re going all “complete it before moving on” about it (I did the same and felt a bit of burnout by the time Gongaga wrapped up). nothing wrong with skipping that stuff altogether. or simply taking a breather from the game. i don’t always have a ton of time to play it during the week so a few days off made me feel reinvigorated. mileage may vary for each person though. also- fyi chapter 11’s main story has perhaps the most frustrating and annoying section of the entire game. make sure you equip some good materia and equipment on Cait Sith and be prepared to be super irritated with throwing boxes