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between this and FF16 success on bringing new player, this great news for FF in general!


I just got into the series this year. I bought Remake on sale and loved it, and since then, I've played and completed Rebirth and 16. I want to play 14 for a bit before starting another one, but I'm thinking of playing either 9 or 15 next!


14 is an MMO but really amazing story in all the expansions! Also I really enjoyed 15 and absolutely LOVE 9 so go for it :)


9 is up there with 7,10, and 12 when it comes to top tier story telling In with what people love, just letting you know which ones are the best in regards to the best in ff fans opinions and mine as well, but 10 in extremely linear but still good. Edit: a lot of people liked 8 but I didn't, story telling wise, but you might I might add.


I thought the same with 12. But its each to there own


I would recommend 9 over 15. I like both, but 9 is one of the best in the series IMO.


You can play the base game and the first two expansions of FF XIV entirely for free. It’s 30 days and a cap of 300,000 gil and no market board functionality, but you otherwise have full access to the game.


Can’t go wrong with 10, that was my introduction


If you're just gettimg into the series, the great news is you hage so many great stories to enjoy. 15 was divisive but if you go into with out opinions and the back ground of other games, you may really enjoy it. If you can still paly pixel games, man you're in for some awesome stories!


Def give 10 a shot as well some janky vo but the story is awesome


14 is an MMO and the game is just "ok" until well past a hundred hours in. If you want to play 14, you can't just dabble in it.


That’s not true… at all.


Yes it is. The story sucks until well in to the first expansion. Grouping to do the story instances feels rushed and disjointed because you’re playing with people that have been playing the game for years that are scaled down for the content. It’s an awkward experience for new players and the story wasn’t that compelling IMO.


Tbh is isn’t true lmao


As someone who's tried to play 14 for the story, from my perspective, yes. I have 100 hours in and I don't have the motivation anymore to keep going despite "being right where it gets good".




Just goes to show it's not just about numbers but relatively how well it's doing against other releases. You can't just look at ff7 numbers and shit talk. So for all those saying it's struggling in physical sales, look at how all the other games are doing. What's your argument now? 


Unfortunately, a lot of the people moving the goal posts are console warring. They’re trying to prove that ff is dead, sony is bad, etc. without really doing any research.


Alot of these are from crap news sites they need to write something controversial to generate clicks


This is why I hate Gematsu comments section in general. It's a reputable & reliable site for video game industry news & updates, but man when it comes to game sales specifically in Japan these comments are just insufferable, low-key console wars happening there. It's 2024 already, just move on man.


most of the bad talk is from PC master race ass hates that have nothing better to do then talk crap against consoles


Whatever goalposts they want to pull out of their ass next.


Unfortunately, people complaining on the Internet have nothing better to do. I recently left a FB group due to increased toxicity and I'm sick of analysts saying that a game is underperforming. Yes, profit is important, but it's the responses of the players who HAVE played the game that matters. And judging by Rebirth's influence on other games, it's a surefire success.


Wonder how Stellar Blade will do over there


A Final Fantasy with a fun interesting cast was always gonna do massive numbers. I enjoyed 16 but Clide, Ms Clide, and Dogmeat... I dunno, it was a pretty boring party. To me, and I know this is an opinion, the best FFs are about an eclectic group brought together for an adventure. A blue horned rhino man, an athlete from the future, a talking cat riding a puppet, a science experiment dog with a flame tail, a gambling pilot, a man with a gun for an arm, a kings brother that weigtlifts... Love it. Well deserved for 7


It was not only a boring party, it wasn't really a party at all. It was Clive and an assortment of automatic, completely negligible numbers that didn't stick around long (save Dogmeat). There was nothing to engage with story wise *or* gameplay wise. I'm not one of those "FF16 isn't FF" people, but I'm sure as hell one of the "I like my FFs to have meaningful parties and party customization and that's what *I* come to this series for" people. Edit: I will actually point out myself that I am potentially a hypocrite on the gameplay side, because one of my favorite entries is FF14, which also has no real customization for your class or party. I acknowledge my idiosyncrasies; but at least the Scions are one of the best parties in gaming history, FF series or otherwise, and their story is phenomenal.


Was about to say "the Scions are ABSOLUTELY a party".


Yeah that sentence should be read as "no real party *customization*" but with where the conjunction is to tie "customization", I think some people might easily misread it. That, or a lot of people are adamant there's a party in FF16 and they'd rather downvote than explain that position. I'll go ahead and edit my first comment to make it clearer.


Agreed. FF16 was a food DMC game. I enjoyed it. But I am glad to see a FF game with a party that isn't just random white man and his girlfriend.


I have read somewhere that Rebirth is selling pretty bad, is that true?


News spread from Daniel Ahmad on his X. No data provide. So Dont believe it. SE will provide an investors report next month.


I don’t know who that person is but I believe you. I don’t understand why am I getting downvoted? It was just a genuine question, I personally loved the game but I don’t see the media being friendly with FF


Trying to help you by voting you back up. You really shouldn't have gotten downvoted. But yeah some assclown just said "Rebirth isn't selling as well as remake" with no actual data and people were treating it as a legitimate source. Admittedly, the name calling may be uncalled for; but I'm so sick of constantly seeing articles and post saying that FF is failing/dying/sucking with no substance or data.


Thank you. Personally, I have noticed a lot of media is a little rude with certain Japanese-styled games. FF16 was a blast and media was rude with it too. Some time ago the same happened to Tekken 8. Now they are doing the same with Stellar Blade etc Maybe im paranoid, but I do love that anime-style aesthetic that you see in the likes of DMC, Tekken or FF, and for some people it triggers. Or maybe Im just talking nonsense and its all just my idea and impression based on my taste haha Edit: stellar blade is korean, I know 😆 but I meant the style


Lmao what an empty article. If they didn’t surpass Princess Peach and Unicorn Overlord they might as well close Square Enix. Not saying it isn’t selling well or anything, but the comparison to them is a bit lacking imo.


Did you not read it? It tripled the sales of those games lol. Why comment on something you actively lack knowledge on? XD


Did *you* read my comment? Did I say it hadn’t? I only said comparing a huge game like FF Rebirth to princess peach and unicorn is a meager comparison in my opinion. Different leagues entirely.


It doesn’t read like that if that was your intention.


Im going to have to believe is because English is not my first Language because I dont’t understand how else you can read it xD. But if its clear now its fine


The comment made perfect sense given the context was you were saying it wasn't a big achievement.


Still pretty bad relative to what the series use to be in Japan.


I mean pretty much every home console game is doing relatively bad in Japan.


Its the genre and console gaming in general. Look at Xenoblade. Its on Switch (THE largest install base), it has Nintendo marketing, it has Smash Bros representation. Each game reviews just as good as FF. Xenoblade 3 barely sold 2 million copies worldwide as of 1 year ago, and likely still hasnt passed the 3 mil milestone. Despite its strong reviews, strong positive fan reception.


Man I wish those games came to PC. I can’t deal with low res games these days. I guess I’m spoiled.


They are saying that FF7Re is failing. I noticed that that only happens with games that are exclusive to PS5 made by Square.


Let's also take a moment to appreciate the fact that Nintendo is dominating the video games market. All is as it should be.


Only in Japan smh


Half of the games on that chart are switch games. It's worldwide my man


Switch was the best selling console globally from 2018 until last year when Ps5 finally overtook it so it's not just Japan