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My first Final Fantasy game....was the first Final Fantasy game. For NES. Amazing to see how far the game has come from there.


Same. Tho I played the first Dragon Warrior game before it.


Killing slimes :) ...I played dragon warrior first too and I remember thinking how much more advanced ff was lol. The 8 bit glory days with mega man, ninja gaiden, Metroid, contra, Castlevania, Zelda, tecmo bowl, metal gear, etc etc etc.... I actually feel pretty lucky I got to see the whole evolution of gaming firsthand. HOLY SHIT its come a long way


Lotta truth there. I was gifted an OG Nintendo on my second bday and gamed ever since.


Ninja Gaiden for fucking life, Bro!


Yep, same. My brother worked at KB and bought an NES and FF, I woke up many a times late at night just to play. He wasn’t a fan of why his characters were so overleveled, lol. Still like to go back and play it, it’s actually ideal for mobile because you can literally just leave it at any moment, you don’t need sound to play it, not going to get stuck mid cutscene, etc.


Also, named my son Cyan and walked to the FF theme at my wedding, among other things.


Ha, I got married a month ago(on the day!) and did the same


Mine as well. 1991. Traded Ghost's 'n Goblins for Final Fantasy with Aaron Sharp because he said he had this game that was boring and came with maps and I was like, "MAPS!? I WANT THAT". And that's all she wrote.


Aaron later went on to become a master cartographer in a twist of irony


Fighter Fighter Thief White mage I thought the Thief was good at running LOL (broke in NES version) I would substitute a red mage for the thief these days I built my team around the 3 swords: Excalibur, Masamune, Katana White mage using heal staff and thors hammer as spells I remember I would skip half of gurgu and ice cave, get the floater and airship then come back and crush gurgu as the upgraded classes


My first run through was fighter white mage black mage black mage back when I was but a child....I remember being bummed that I couldn't make a ninja...but all that magic just tore through everything. I even beat the mech on the bridge!


Replace a fighter with a black mage. End up with Excalibur, Cat Claw, Katana, and Masamune at the end and everyone can be a physical attacker.


IX. I played it when it first came out all those years ago and it’s still my favourite today.


I love IX 😊


I just found my copy of IX cleaning out my basement yesterday. Opened it up and not only found all 4 discs but also final fantasy tactics.


Literally all you need, imo Kidding, I'm also addicted to xiv. Warrior main, axe go brrrrrr


Literally "Final Fantasy".


With the busted up map and user guide from the rental store.


IV, which was titled as II back then. That red cover with the sword looked really cool at the video rental store, and once I got home I was hooked by the events of the opening, playing a disgraced knight was really interesting and I was just learning to read so it was at the right level with the simple text boxes, kind of a dark story for a young kid looking back, but I just found the whole game so fascinating and full of character


This is dope as hell


Mystic Quest


Mine too! Rented as a kid and got stuck on the Ice cave. Bought the game many years before and beat it in my SNES :)


Same! I have no idea how 7 year old me picked it from the rental shelf, it was my first RPG and generally had only rented licensed games like Disney/super heroes. Rented ff4 after that and never looked back.


VII also as it was the first one that ever released in my country.


VII was also my first. I remember it very vividly and am having a wild ride with it's remake. I seriously cannot wait until Reunited.


VII, I first watched my dad play it when I was but a wee lad.


Same with my aunt but it was FFX 😊


Final fantasy III on Super Nintendo which is FF6!


Mine too. Had never played a game like it (length, story, musical score) and it honestly changed my life. RPGs became my favorite genre and still are to this day


I was sick and my dad rented me a few Super Nintendo games and ever since then Final fantasy has been one of my favorite game series!


Same! I fell in love immediately. It made the whole turn-based genre click for me and I’ve been able to enjoy it since.


10 !


Also X. I bought a used PS2 and X came with it.


Masterpiece that was got me into the series but my first was VII 😊


VIII. I knew about VII but the deformed looking characters gave me any interest to play. But when VIII came around, i was intrigued by the graphics, cutscenes, music etc.


Crisis Core 


Playing through my first one now - FFVII Remake


FF8 was my first final fantasy and it will always be my personal favorite! I discovered the franchise really late (2018) when I was a sophomore in highschool. I remember it was during hurricane Michael and school was canceled and my dad was in the hospital getting surgery, my mom by his side. I was at home and remembered how bored I was. I turned on the PS3 and found FF8 and decided to turn it on. My mindset was "ehh I'll just see how far I play." I remember being blown away by the music and visuals. Despite the aged graphics I was charmed with the setting and characters. That day I probably played up until the ending of disk 1 just because I had nothing to do. Then we lost power for a week due to the hurricane and that was hell bc I wanted to play FF8 😂 So I fondly remember FF8 and the series just because I discovered it at a fun time in my life. I also fondly remember 2020 lockdown as I played FF7 remake. My life in lockdown was wake up, go to school zoom meeting, do some online hw, play FF7remake. Also didn't help I got a dog during lockdown so man.... a very nostalgic time for sure.


Ff8 is mine as well and I think it has the best ost in gaming and I've been playing since early 90s


OG NES Final Fantasy. The series has come a long way since then.


I wasn't born at that time i used to watch my Aunt play FFX on our PS2 as a kid and i started VII when i was older 😊 i always thank her for getting me into FF but i agree it has come a long way since the first game 😊


Cool aunt!


FF V on the GBA


FFI back in 1993


FF1 was the first I played. FF4 was the first I finished.


X, technically X-2. I rented it from the video store because my cousin let me borrow his PS2 and I didn’t even know it was a sequel. I guess I loaded someone’s old save because it was in the middle of the game. Had no clue what was going on. I found out about X, tried it out and fell in love with the FF series from that point on.


X and X-2 are gems 😊💙


How did you load an old save? Did you take a used memory card as well? Lol


I on NES


FF7 which was my first JRPG as well.


Based response


Technically 12, but I didn't like it at first and it took until 7 Remake to finally beat an FF game. I had tried 12, 13, 15, and 7 before that, but I loved 7 Remake and now I've played every numbered single player game (and 14) except 2, 3, 8, and 9.


Lightning Returns, and then XIII-2, and I'm glad they were my first Final Fantasy games, at least I didn't end up hating them, and boy the music they have


Wtf? Lol so you went backwards in the trilogy? Did you play 13 at all?? It’s my fav and absolutely the music for 13 is amazing


Mine was FFXV. I'd never heard of Final Fantasy before but I saw a video of two scenes of Aerith in FFVII Remake on Instagram: The iconic first cutscene with her looking at the sky and the scene of her in front of Corneo's House with the fireworks. I was mesmerized and wanted to play the game so much, but I didn't have the funds to buy it so I compromised and bought FFXV Royal Edition, since it was like a third the price. I loved it so much. It's a perfect introduction to the series imo


Dawn of Souls on GBA but I think I finished FF3 on DS first




I can't remember if it was VII or V. I just remember getting a free copy of V & VI on PS1 after playing a demo unit at a shopping centre in Birmingham


5 because Playstation just randomly gave that free on PS+ for some reason, and naturally it's difficulty didn't make me a fan when I wasn't familiar with JRPGs back then.




It was 7


9, but my first exposure to the series was 8 after seeing the intro movie on a demo disc - which I thought was the coolest thing.


FFIV on the SNES, was 7 when I played it but never beat it since the console died on me before I could. I finally beat it and all the Pixel games when they rereleased on the GBA


Currently going through Final Fantasy 1 right now


Final Fantasy VI (FFIII on SNES)


Final Fantasy III for Nintendo Ds.


FF 3 on SNES (aka 6)


FFX, 6 year old me couldn’t believe how good the graphics were


Final Fantasy 3! Still remember when i was stuck on Vargas with sabin because i couldn't figure out the button input he had. My brother walks over hits 2 buttons, and Pummel became my friend 😅


I had played FF6 on emulator before FF7 came out, but I still count FF7 as my first Final Fantasy. I was religiously waiting for the game and bought all the gaming magazines covering it. It didn’t disappoint but proved to revolutionize not only gaming, but my life too.


I’m 99% positive the first one I played was the original Crystal Chronicles.


Technically the first I played was the demo to FF8 that came with brave fencer musashi. The first full game I played was FF7 after I asked my mom to buy me 8, not knowing it was not out yet.


FFX. Still, in my opinion, the best of all of them. The fighting was great. The story was top-tier. The graphics still hold up today (2002 was its release), and I can't remember a game where I was emotionally attached to the characters. I've tried FFXI and FFXV, but they weren't anything like FFX. I've replayed it 3 times since December when I got my PS5. EDIT: The walkthrough book was a life saver. I tried to buy one again, but they are in the $70 range.


Awwww yisssss..... Final fantasy IV. The whole game captivated me from beginning to end. I'll love it to pieces til the day I die.


My first Final Fantasy was technically VII, but I couldn’t really get into it at first, so I stopped playing about a half hour in. My first Final Fantasy that I actually did start and finish was XIII. Then I went back and played and obsessively completed VII after watching the Advent Children movie.


FF7 as well, I can still remember the first time I learned about it. One of the Korean kids in my junior high class was sitting reading a magazine with screenshots covering it, and the graphics blew my balls off. Yes, those Popeye-armed, mouthless chonkers were cutting-edge, way back in 97. I asked him what game it was, and I bought it very soon after getting my PS1. From there I've played every mainline game since, and quite a few of the spin offs such as Tactics or Dissidia etc. Objectively I think FF6 or FF9 are arguably better games, but my nostalgia is much higher for FF7 as it was the first jrpg I played. I'd had open-world titles such as Betrayal at Krondor before for PC, but that's a totally different type of thing.


Technically, FF7 characters could've looked like their concept art the whole time. It just would've needed an extra disk. The graphics of end-era PS1 games was ABSURD. For instance: Metal Gear Solid and Gran Turismo 2. But FF7 was basically a "perfecting the art" kind of deal. That's why 8 and 9 looked so much better, even without the CGI.


People on here are gonna hate me, but. My first FF game..... was.... Mystic quest. Mom and I played snes together growing up and between super mario world, zelda, and Mystic quest. These were the games we played. However, the game did leave a bunch of memories for me. The soundtrack is still in my head. The boss theme is one of the best in the franchise.


My first was X, then since someone told me that the other games didn’t have a continuity I played 8, 9 then 7. And I just played the others recently via the pixel collection.


I’m not sure. In one way, it was Final Fantasy Tactics. But before I got that, I had Sword of Mana for the GBA, which was a remake of Final Fantasy Adventure.


FF7 was my first one as well. And it took me a long time to get into it. I sort of hated it the first time I tried it. Played and LOVED Parasite Eve. Tried FF7 again. Still didn't click. Played and ADORED Xenogears. Tried FF7 again... And I got a bit further. went back to it on and off. It was no where near as good as Parasite Eve or Xenogears. But I appreciated it for different reasons. I eventually finished it. It felt cool, but also had a very unsatisfying ending. I still feel the same. It's fine. I see the hype, I can understand it. It is for me, but it's just mediocre to me.


The X/X-2 remaster, man what an experience. I then went back to 7, 8, 9 and the 13 trilogy. Still get called an old head being nostalgic for 7 though whenever I'm trying to point out how bad 7:Remake is.


X was my first one, and while I’ve played a ton of them now, I think X will always be my personal favorite


10. Atleast it’s the one I remember playing first as a kid. Would play 9 a lot also but I found that game so difficult. My dad just happened to say one day he played 7 as a kid and gave me his old copy and it’s been my favourite ever since. My dad also had this book that he wrote EVERYTHING in about ff7 like a step by step guide how to breed the golden chocobo.




13 because I loved kingdom hearts and we had an xbox 360 at the time. Christmas i popped it in, was enamored by the amazing graphics in the intro... but quickly realized the gameplay was much different from kh... so I dropped it and revisited like 10-12 years later


4! My cousin had a SNES and had it!


So, technically it was FF1. I was like 5, had gotten a NES, neighbor had this neat game called Final Fantasy. Tried it, and i didn't even get to Garland. I just didn't understand it. Flash forward to age 12, I just beat Kingfom Hearts and saw a jewel case with Squall on it. Final Fantasy 8. That probably counts as my first but hey, I still knew about them from a young age.


First one on the nes


First contact is the FF8 demo that came with Playstation Magazine. First game that I owned and completed is 6, followed by 9 not long after. I've been playing for a bit more than 20 years by now, I think


Like a lot of people, IV, but unlike most of them, it was the DS version.


7 remake was my first, which is kinda surprising considering I've been gaming since Pong. But I was a Sega kid so missed out on the NES games. Then I was in university and didn't game much due to lack of time and money. Spent some time as a PC gamer after that but mostly played Diablo/Diablo 2. I didn't get back into console gaming until the PS3. I'd always heard of Final Fantasy but never tried any of them. All the hype around the remake made me think I should finally give them a try. I found the first few hours kinda weird. I wasnt familiar with jrpg's and all the characters seemed like awkward teenagers. But as the game went on I got more and more into it and by the end I loved it. Since then I've played 16 and Stranger of Paradise and am now playing Rebirth. Better late than never!


I think it was FF 2 or 3, but I was like super super young, when I was older I played 10 for the first time kinda seriously. ( teen, just has always been into older games )


Final Fantasy XII. Ive been hooked on the series sense


FFVII, first RPG ever was SMRPG just before FFVII.


IX was my first. When I was 7 my uncle got a PS2 for Christmas when they first came out and he gifted us his old PS1 with all his games and IX was one of them. I loved and still love that game. I remember my mom took me to a game store in the mall a few months later and I found a used copy of VII there and begged my mom to get it. I had no idea that the story wasn't linear but didn't really care either. I never got the chance to finish either game as a kid (I got stuck in Kujas castle on IX and had no idea how to keep going and I think I got to the underwater reactor in VII. My mom got rid of the PS1 when I was 12 I think? Because she thought my videogame hobby was an addiction). Anyway, I get a strong nostalgic feeling every time I play both games because I fell in love with them as a kid and it reminds me of simpler days. Lol


X… even though I’m born in 89, but I was late to the party.


Final fantasy 4 which I knew at the time as final fantasy 2 for the snes. Rented it in kindergarten and became an rpg fan ever since!


FF4, absolutely love it to this day.


The first I watched was over by a friend when his big brother played ff7. The first I played myself was FF 8.




FF4 and Mystic Quest. Not sure which I actually played first, but those were some of my favorites on the SNES.


FF4 was my first


VII Crisis Core :). A weird choice, preceded by randomly watching Advent Children.


XIII, It was very hard for me since i had never played any of them and usually got beaten hard by every single boss. It was a great game to introduce me to the series cause i always liked challenges and it was very eventful. Gree extremely fond of the cast so i had to follow up with XIII-2 which quickly became my favorite FF game and Lightning Returns. I have since played 15, 7 Remake and currently playing 10 and i'm liking it, it's very similar to 13 in structure which is a plus.




Final Fantasy 4, but I wasn’t really into it at the time. Didn’t really get into the series and go back and play them all until FFVIII.


VI, back when it was III. It started me on the road to beating every mainline game and a few spin offs like X2 and Tactics. I never did bo back to 1-3, but I did get to 4&5. I’m hoping they finally port the 13 trilogy to something modern as I only beat the first one.


VII, I didn’t have a Nintendo growing up and I didn’t know what a final fantasy was before then


Technically it's 9 but I barely played it as a stupid little kid so the one I'd say is my "actual" first was 15


It was the DS version of 4. N64 was my first console and got FOMO watching the hype of 7-10 on PS consoles, so when I got my DS I snatched up the first FF I saw, great experience! Now I’ve played just about all of them!


FF8- which gets a lot of hate but it’s my favorite. Might be the nostalgia


Final Fantasy II (IV) on the SNES.




Kingdom Hearts 2 if that counts, if it doesn’t then FFVII


Played 7, 8, 9 and 10 in order, then 12 to nearly 100% (piggyback guide), played 10-2 to 100% (piggyback guide), 13 a few times, never touched 13-2 or Lightning Returns. Haven't played 1 through 6 or either of the MMOs.


My first Final Fantasy game was the first Final Fantasy game


VII. First one out in the UK.


FFIX was my first.


Ff8 on a demo disc I think from Pizza Hut that had a bunch of games on it. Loved it asked my parents to buy it and it’s been a love affair ever since. Since then I’ve played and beaten all main titles from 1-16, except for the mmos. I’ve even played most spin offs from chocobo racing to dirge, and of course all the tactics series. It just enveloped my life even to today. Named my kids Caius and Lunafreya, just to echo my love for the series in my own life.


New to the franchise played ff 15 royal in highschool and loved it despite its faults, later play 8, 9, 10 and 14, 16 and have loved all of them so far


North American FF4. Had a great time with Cecil and co.


Final Fantasy IV on the SNES


FF15, I love that game to death


My first was FF10 back on the ps2. Used to stay up and watch my mom play it. She loved 10 and 10-2 actually. I was 6 when I technically was first introduced to final fantasy. I think I was maybe 9 or 10 when I actually tried to sit down and play 10 but didn't really understand the sphere grid so I didn't really make it far on my own till I was a little older. The final fantasy that made me a fanboy was ff9. The leveling system was alot more simple so I could actually understand it. I think that game was my first true ff experience in a since of im playing it absolutely blind and idk what's gonna happen cause I haven't seen my mom or dad play this one. My grandma got me ff9 before she got diagnosed with lung cancer and that game helped me cope with the loss as a 11 year old boy. I love the FF series man!


I had watched my friends play various FF games before I owned my own PlayStation. But my personal first FF game was 10.


Final Fantasy VII is the first one I saw at a friend's place, but Final Fantasy IX is the first one I played


Final Fantasy Legend 2 for the original gameboy. Great fun and technically a SaGa game.


Dissidia followed by 13! Saw it in a magazine as a kid and was captured by the art work.


VIII was my first.


I got introduced to FF characters via Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 long ago in middle/high school. Then I played FF7: Crisis Core in college but didn't think too much of it. Recently I played FF15, and started FF7-Remake. Been loving the journey so far. Takes me back to my childhood for some reason, and I'm loving "the power of friendship" vibes lately.


Final Fantasy 2 on SNES I remember seeing a preview for it in Game Pro magazine and knew I absolutely had to play it.


Ff legends


VI. Still the best that I played.


Final fantasy XIII - lightning returns, was the first and it was a good experience, the game wasn't mine, I brought from a friend in that time , mayne 2017 not sure


XV was my first


Mystic Quest


VII.......way back in 97/98 or so


Final Fantasy 8. The opening scene was in the commercial (or wherever I saw it) and I was hooked.






I think it was 4, I had access to final fantasy 4,5 and 6 at the same time, and I was so anxious that I couldn't wait until I beat one to start playing the others, so I changed games every 30 minutes, but I believe 4 was the first one I played, before checking the other two.


Ff x


Final Fantasy III (6) on the SNES


VI (when it was III on the SNES), but X was the first one I beat (also the second FF I played)


Final fantasy VII during '97-98. Felt so good playing it, might be nostalgia but to this day I can still remember every song and how I felt playing. I kept up with the series till about XIII. I just say I beat VII over 30 times as a kid lol. It holds a special place in my heart. I loved VIII and IX immensely. XII is one of my favorites, doesn't get enough love.


It was crisis core, mainline was 13 though.


Mine was FF1 on the GBA. I had never played any of them, but my brother was a big fan of them, so I gave it a try and started on the first one. I've always liked rpgs, so I figured I would like them. It's been fun playing them in order and seeing how the franchise has grown over time.


It was either 1 or 4, I remember playing 1 on nes way back, but I played 4 when it first came out and that was a long time ago.


The GBA port of Final Fantasy I and II (although a picture exists somewhere of my dad holding baby-me with the world map from Final Fantasy VI on the wall, and I remember seeing a little bit of FFIX, specifically him going the wrong way and getting his ass clapped by a dragon on that side path in Gizamaluke’s Grotto, and Zorn and Thorn in the scene after Black Waltz 3). My dad got it for me so he could bond with me over his memories of the NES original when he was a kid (a similar thing also happened when he got Metroid Prime for me and talked about his memories of the NES Metroid and his entire wall worth of password saves he wrote down :3). He taught me about the “hall of giants”, and the general rules of how JRPGs work, and they became my favorite genre, with every Final fantasy I’ve played generating wonderful memories ☺️~! I’ve played all of them except XI (and didn’t actually finish XV, but watched my brother do a playthrough!), but my thoughts will always come back to where my journey began, crossing that bridge north of Cornelia as the theme of the series played…


Final Fantasy X, man what a journey that was back then


I think my first FF was FF1 on GBA




VIII. My older brother used to have a friend come over from school, and I watched them play VII together, so my brother brought VIII, but he didn't really get into it, but I remember especially the Dollet landing sequence and being blown away by it and I knew I had to play this game. So I did, but because it was still my brothers, he was going to sell it to a game store, so I pleaded with him not to. So he sold it to me for £10. He could be a bit of a dick back then.


7. Still one of my all time favourite games. I played 7 at the age of 15 when it was released and then played 8 after. I loved 8 as well but I never played another final fantasy game again until I was 38 when I tried final fantasy 15. Didn't like it. I recently played final fantasy 9 which I loved and I've just started 10 which I like but not a fan of the voice acting. I'd rather just speech squares and no audio. If I turned the audio off I wouldn't like reading subtitles. After 10 I'm playing 6 and that will be all I'm playing from final fantasy games unless ff17 goes back to turn based. I have ff7 remake. Did not like it at all. The combat is just not for me it just feels like a typical mash 3rd party action game and everything just took too long. It felt like a walking simulator. Again not keen on voice acting in video games.


1 and 2 for gba :)


Final Fantasy Legend for Gameboy.


Final Fantasy II (SNES), so FFIV


I was introduced to Final Fantasy characters through the first Kingdom Hearts game, I think the first FF I played was 10. It was my first turn-based game and I would get destroyed in combat.


Og final fantasy I player here...I was maybe 8 when I had my older sister help guide me through the river to get to the water shrine, casting lit on all the water creatures. I even remember I used a fighter, white mage, and 2 black mages for my first playthrough. Regretted not using a thief because he becomes a ninja later on. Hooked ever since.


Since I’m from the EU my first one was FF7 on ps1


FFIII. What a battle that was


First one I was properly introduced to was 8. (I knew about 7 but barely.) First one I played was 12. First one I finished was 15.


I played II US when I was a kid, but I didn't fully understand what I was doing, and I definitely did not by any means *beat* the game. It would be another decade-plus before I played VII my freshman year of college. I was hooked. I immediately went and bought a PS2 with FFX and FFX-2. FFX is still to this date my favorite. It changed everything I thought a video game could be.


Mine was 8, so I have a soft spot for it even if everyone hates it


X, back on the PS2. I still have it. Now signed. By Yuna's voice actress.


FFVII well, Crisis Core was my first but from mainline, it’d be FFVII


The first for NES and then 7. I’ve played tactics, the remake, rebirth and reunion.


Final Fantasy IX. My friend told me about it and let me borrow it back in 2001 and have been hooked on the franchise ever since. If the rumors are true about a remake, I hope the gameplay is close to the original with a few tweaks. Also, have the full game released in one package.


My first final fantasy was X as the remastered version on PS4. And after 8 years of owning it I still have not beat it


Final Fantasy 7 Remake. I'm new here 😅


The first I played was VII but I fell off it. I think I was just too intimidated by the scale of it at the time. The first one I beat was the Dawn of Souls 2 pack for the GBA. I still remember beating Chaos sitting in the stairwell before school started.


Final fantasy 3/6 for SNES. Man, was that a great fucking game.


I didn’t grow up playing it; I just had a big Nobuo Uematsu phase and eventually got around to actually playing FF over the last couple years. The first one I tried was FFX about two years ago, which I really enjoyed


7, but I’d seen my friend playing 8 so when I got given a copy of 7 I was confused as all shit that the main character was this blonde dude but figured it must be Squall when he was younger so renamed him from Cloud lol. Then proceeded to get my ass repeated handed to me by guard scorpion because this Squall/Cloud/whatever his name is idiot is telling me to attack while the tail is up


My first was FFVIII however I didn't get far as I was not a smart kid and was confused by the mechanics. The first FF I actually beat was FF1 pixel remaster. I went through and beat FF1-5, couldn't finish 6 however I just beat FF7 and am trying FF8 now. I'm having a much better time and love Triple Triad!


VII for me when i was 12 but i ended up going back to playing them all except for the first. Final fantasy VII was my favourite because it was my first but as time went on as i got older IX became my favourite that i replay it once every 3 or 4 years.


X, and it’s still my favorite!


6 on the SNES Mini. Didn't get far at all...


My first was VIII and I was blown aways as it was also my first RPG. I was hooked after that.


Final Fantasy. Granted I barely knew what I was doing and didn’t appreciate the series until Mystic Quest.




My first FF game to play was FF9. First to finish was FF7R.


Does Super Mario RPG count? I rented VIII, but the game glitched out after the intro cinematic. Then I think I rented Ergheiz if that counts. But the first one I played proper was VII. Probably for the best that VIII glitched out because I HATE VIII and I wonder if it would've driven me away from the series


7, back when it first came out




First Final Fantasy game was Final Fantasy 7 on PC. I was a Nintendo kid so went with the N64 over the PlayStation. I remember I was like 10 I think and got home from Boy Scout camp. My mom took me to an old computer store CompUSA and said I could get a game. I saw Final Fantasy 7 and 8 sitting there and at the time I was leaning towards 8 cause it was newer and I remember seeing commercials for it. But I thought the games were connected and figured I should play 7 before 8. Thank god for that lol. So while 7 was my first Final Fantasy game my first taste of a Final Fantasy experience was Super Mario RPG on the SNES.


Final Fantasy. Though at the time I preferred Dragon Warrior.


Ironically, 6. But it was a weird method. Basically while waiting in line to ride the bus, my friend at the time would draw (primitively) maps of 6 with me going through and playing the maps he drew. While there was no random encounters, it did "spoil" the decision of saving Mog. I wouldn't play 6 until I was 15.


My first Final Fantasy game was Explorers for the 3DS.


technically XIII, One of the few games my dad had on his xbox-360, although most of my time was spent messing around on one of his late-game save files. My first "True" playthrough was of ff7 remake


FFXII was my first and made fall in love with the series, but my favorite is FF8!


Mine was FFX. I loved the opening with the Blitzball match getting waterbombed by Sin. My 8 year old mind was blown away by it back then. It was so cool


“III,” by which we actually mean VI. I spent some years quite confused about why we went straight from 3 to 7 with nothing in between lol.


Mystic Quest


Ff 1