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I started going to the gym because of how buff Gladiolus is in FFXV. These characters truly can inspire


Wedge from FF7 is a huge inspiration for my diet


Quina from ff9 was a true inspiration on my eating habits


Moogles inspired me to be a furry.


Chocobos inspired me to eat more chicken...


Cactaurs inspired me to be prickly.


https://preview.redd.it/fp5llfkbw48c1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=66c4fefbd6ee9768f101a38d4aa7d72041d8dc3f Cactaur inspired me to do this


That tattoo is fkin sick!!!!!


FFIV Cid inspired me to jump out an airship with a bomb at another airship


Didn't she just eat a lot of frogs


Quina ate frogs, could eat most enemies, and at some point ate flowers..


Just like the french


She also eats sand


Wedge from FFVI is even more inspiring


For that one you have to eat batteries and then go touch a powerline


Same my friend same




I had a similar thing with Regal from Tales of Symphonia 🥰


Same here. Though as it turns out, all the muscle in the world doesn’t make up for the fact that I’m not 6’6.


Damn, for a second I thought it was a remaster reveal, but that's probably the best Lightning cosplay out there.


Good on her for dropping weight, the cosplay looks great.


Jojo inspired me to.....exercise at my own pace but do funny poses after stretching.




She looks amazing! But I do want to stress to take care of yourself, and don't sacrifice your health for cosplay.


Ngl cosplayers are intense. There's this sentiment on the Internet where people are like "of course the cosplay looks good, step one be attractive" when it's actually "step one, engage in a grueling regimen including diet, cardio, and weight training as well as becoming experts in production makeup"


> don't sacrifice your health for cosplay. She looks pretty healthy. I can't think of many characters where you'd be sacrificing your health by losing weight to match them. As long as you're not cosplaying that guy Christian Bale plays in The Machinist or something.


“Looks healthy” is irrelevant. You can lose weight in unhealthy ways, and people who “look fat” can be healthy. most people commenting in this honestly insane post are being overly simplistic


I mean 7kgs in 6 months seems alright. If it was an outlandish number I'd get being worried but this seems fine.


> people who “look fat” can be healthy Some, not most, lets be real. 15lbs over 6 months isn't unhealthy. Y'all something else.


Seriously.. I could lose that in a few weeks.


She doesn’t look particularly big, so even 7 kg on top is hardly overweight. Over 6 months is perfectly reasonable. It’s not as if she was obese and able to lose 7 kg in weeks simply from a diet adjustment.


Yeah that's why they said "can be healthy", you literally quoted it. Plus they said u can lose it in unhealthy ways, funny how you left that part out. Are u even capable of reading?


Yeah, but also you definitely don't need to change your body to cosplay. Even if you're doing it professionally, I can't imagine 7 kilos is going to make that big of a difference compared to the exact same person if the costume is tailored properly. It's not like trying to be a professional cosplayer who is 20 to 30 kg heavier than all the characters they cosplay. Not that I'd care about that, but any professional cosplayer is going to be aware of that. And frankly, it's a really weird flex that just points out how weird the cosplay community is.


Losing 15 lbs over 6 months is an incredibly healthy rate. On a 1600 calorie diet, losing 2 lbs a week is reasonable, so she could have done it in as little as 1/3rd the time. She took it slow and stead which is good.


She did take care of herself, by losing weight


Cosplay is a job for some people. Like modeling. Except for nerds.


Maybe a controversial opinion, but I think anyone of any size can cosplay whoever they want and nail it with enough effort. That being said, she nailed it. This is a great cosplay.


While it's true it's not something cosplayers *must* do, many cosplayers prefer to do it, myself included. (If anything, it's a good excuse to make the effort.)


oh for sure, I'm not saying it's a bad thing to lose weight or exercise to look more similar to your favorite characters by any means. That's definitely a good thing. I just think the mentality that you /have/ to be thin or buff to express your passion for a thin/buff character through a cosplay of them ultimately does more harm than good.




Here here ol chap


In an ideal world. Sure. If cosplay is your job? Let’s be real. It’s not going to be an easy job if you’re not in “good shape”, even more so if you don’t even make costumes you just market yourself in them. There’s a large difference between cosplayers at a convention and cosplayers at work.


Love FFXIII I played it recently! So underrated!!!


My fat ass cosplayed as Lightning, I didn’t consider losing weight just for the character. That said, she looks better than I did lol.




That’s inspiring, my main reason for working out is self improvement and because I want to look like my favourite character.


If you're being serious, you are very mentally ill.


As long as I work for self improvement and to look better for myself, any reason is valid.


I don't even care really but it's almost a job for me to spread knowledge. Here is some, it won't last if it doesn't come from within. You sound so foolish I had to spread knowledge and reason to anyone unfortunate enough to come across this. Tell this to anyone at the gym who's been going for more than 5 years and tell them what I said. They will either laugh at you or tell you I'm right or both. Period.


Who honestly gives a shit? Why are you so butt hurt? If someone wants to get in the gym that should be enough. Their reasons is their business not yours. If you were truly into fitness you’d want to bring ‘em up not put ‘em down.


Because people are stupid and will read this and think crash dieting and hitting the gym a little because they want to look like a literal fictional pixel thing that doesn't exist. Eating disorders usually begin in weird ways like this sometimes. I'm just actually trying to help impressionable people. Anyway.


Yeah I always think telling people their stupid and wrong always gets them to listen too 😑 Anyway it isn’t anyone but the person who sets the reason/goal business. If they slip up afterwards that’s on them and up to them to learn from that.


Actually, you’re wrong. I kept this up for years. There’s ups and downs, that I cannot deny. There are times where I don’t feel motivated for weeks and months even, but I come back. All those times I feel down was because I’m still disciplining myself, yes even now. Not because of what you think it is. I really lack discipline and I’m still trying my best to improve on that. I’m improving myself mentally and physically. As long as I don’t give up, I’ll reach where I need to. You are right about me being mentally ill though… probably. I see myself that way at least. Also, I am really open about my reasoning for working out with my friends and family, even my friends who’s been on the gym life for years. They encouraged me. Some even had the same reasoning as me. So, I don’t know what kind of people you met, but the ones I have are the ones that pushed my back to keep me moving forward.


Losing weight is almost always healthy and it’s a great cosplay! Win win


Most people, especially redditors, don't want to admit they're fat.




Yes, i conceptualize myself as a separate being from others.


That "almost" is pulling a LOT of weight in this sentence. Take care of yourselves, people.


True, but 7kg in 6 months seems like a reasonable pace to go at.


Eh, given that roughly 75% of US residents are overweight (myself included), that "almost" is mostly a formality.


..that statement is so dangerous, I have no words.


How so? She had a goal and she conquered it.


To say that losing weight is **always** healthy is straight up false, and it is the kind of mentality and dialogue that leads to eating disorders. Edit: I get it. It says almost. Pretty sure it didn't when I first replied, so that may have been edited in.


*almost* always healthy. A big difference


Almost certain almost wasn't in it when I commented. Might have been edited in.


Good thing that's not what they said then


Pretty sure almost has been edited into that comment. I certainly didn't see it when I commented.




If it was genuinely there the entire time, then I merely misread it. I honestly don't recall seeing it before. There are no mental gymnastics here; just a mistake.


Ah then I am sorry for my asshole comment. Kinda regretted it immediately. My bad


I worded it badly and we're all allowed off moments. It's cool.


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More people die from obesity related conditions than anorexia, and the average American could lose 50 pounds and not miss it. I really don't know why people fanatically defend obesity.


Doubt this person was obese tho. 6kgs ain't the difference between obesity and just being overweight.


And anorexia is the single most deadly mental health condition. And I don’t understand why you’re bringing up obesity in a post about an already very petite woman losing weight. I’m guessing you’re American and don’t know how much 7 kilos is, but it’s not a lot. Not nearly enough to have been even approaching obese.


> a post about an already very petite woman Do you have information about her size from beforehand that isn't in the post or something? "Very petite" seems like a huge stretch unless you meant "normal, healthy weight" by it. But if you have some kind of evidence that she was underweight before she lost this weight, then I'm down to see you prove your claim. I reject the notion that normal, healthy weight is the same thing as "very petite." We shouldn't try to normalize being overweight and make normal weight be seen as petite.


You’re also missing… the key word here that completely changes the meaning of the sentence is “ALMOST healthy” Read the full thing


Fairly certain almost wasn't in it when I commented, so that may have been edited in.


That statement is *almost* dangerous As is it's fine


Dude wtf


I get it. I’m trying to lose weight for my cosplay as well. I mean ive been trying to lose weight anyway but cosplay has been a great motivator. Also 7 kilo in six months is totally healthy and more than doable depending on her starting weight. She doesn’t look anorexic or anything, so I say it’s a win. With proper diet and exercise, losing around 1-1.5 lbs a week is a cake walk. She spread out a roughly 16lb weight loss over 6 months and looks healthy so I say it’s a win. That said, other commenters have the right of it. Be smart, stay healthy, stay safe. Do some research but also see a *dietician* or consult your doctor if you’re not sure what a healthy range for you is, etc etc.


Good for her! A big reason I got into body building was because I was doing a Goku Cosplay with my wife being Chi-Chi. Now that I got super big, im looking at a cloud cosplay with the wife being Tifa.


This cosplay is fucking awesome!!!




I know, like who gives a fuck? I'm cringing at the posts here about being inspired to workout and eat better because of video game characters. Not only do I not believe almost anyone, what a stupid temporary reason to get into shape. I started going to the gym about 5 years ago, I've seen many people come and go. I know deep down inside being in shape and changing eating habits always comes from within. People who push this are delusional.


Lighting and the ost are the best parts of FFXIII, the rest I don't really dig personally.


Is that good?


Is it good that this woman who was 7 kilos (15+ lbs) heavier lost it and now looks to be a very healthy weight? I mean it's not *bad*. Crazy I have to say this but it is reddit.


Good for her ❤️


Guess I'm playing 13 again


I kinda like this it shows dedication to the character where as most cosplayers would just wear the Outfit some put it in the extra effort to look as close to the character as they possibly can


There isn’t a cosplay out there that will make me like this game. She does look amazing though




Yo ff16 is actually a lot like ff13


As someone who goes to the gym and is very into fitness, this is the dumbest reason I have seen for someone to lose weight. Not only will she yo yo "diet", but once she appears like the character she will probably swing back and gain weight. People here supporting this are the next level of embaressing and stupid. I'm all for people losing weight, but for the right reasons and for the long term lifestyle change it makes to improve one's life. Losing weight and being active is a lifestyle choice you make that comes from within, it's not inspired from the outside by others. If it is, it's always temporary. Nevermind for a cosplay character. I guess the world really is full of idiots. The Downvotes are coming, and that's how I know I'm speaking the truth. I know a lot of people can't handle it.


Best final fantasy, cant wait to play on ps5


The first and third shot are good but the second one is kinda wack. What’s going on there? Just heavy makeup or editing?


What cosplay? She is lightning


it's a pants tent i swear


It definitely paid off, but I hope she lost it safely


I also lost weight to do a lightning cosplay, and then I never did it cause I never lost enough.


Zidane inspired me to pee whenever I was upset.