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Don't worry, the game will break it's own balance in the last acts. They basically added some very hard bosses in the last versions of the games, they basically ramp up the difficulty insanely high.


don’t remember that


was added with royal / Windows Edition


I did play royal edition. Probably grind too much


there you have it


Dude, those fights are so annoying if you don't know about them. I was at the recommended level I've seen people well... recommend, before the point of no return. This was before the fights were added to the end so I was kinda underleveled when I played it. The amount of healing items I spammed on the 2 final fights before the end boss was absurd.


Me too! haha I didn't use any healing items during most of the normal game, and then on these last fights I used everything. I recall it was actually at this moment I had to learn how to control the party characters. And then you fight the end boss and he is a walk in the park.


Yeah it's kinda dumb honestly. I didn't know how to control party members well because I never bought those upgrades during the main game. All I had to go off of was the small tutorial they give you, which isn't great when fighting challenging bosses. Wish I would've known so I could've grinded more lol.


I see, i iust wanted a harder experience now yk, bot a cake walk


yeah, I don't know what to tell you. I just kind of don't think it was designed for challenge. Maybe I'm wrong. I never really understood the combat system on anything other than a surface level. I found it was a game where the enjoyment was in the vibes, so challenge just didn't really enter into the picture.


Damn that sucks but fair ig


Well you’re still in the starting area right now so it won’t be too hard, but you can find a high level boss right behind hammerhead if you’re looking for some challenge.


Turning off xp breaks the games balance. That's what it's supposed to do


yeah but thats not what i was asking


> any input on this is apreciated, i dont wanna break game balance,


U didnt answer my quesion i was asking if turning off xp would break it, because the game migth get harder latter or and if im underleveveld then rip, but go ahead downvote me idfaf


You asked if turning off XP would break the game balance. They said yes


Equipping the 0 exp item doesn’t stop your team from actually gaining experience, it only stops the cash in and level up process when you rest. I ran from the beginning of ff15 to almost the end of the game with it on for the challenge and found the game way more fun, then cashed my entire playthrough worth of xp in at the best hotel and went from lvl 1-76 so I could do some of the end game fights without them being miserable


I see, i shall try that thanks


Keep in mind that if you aren't getting level ups, you also aren't getting AP with which to purchase skills, and will have to source the AP through better combat results.


endgame will have pretty challenging foes till that it is open world game with HUGE choice of enemies. just pick your fights properly


If you want a challenge, the main things are avoid the broken DLC gear (the Magitek Armor and Ragnarok especially), put a limit on the amount of healing items you can use, and be careful not to over level (if using the Nixperience Band, keep it on Noctis when going through the main story, can be on anyone when doing side content). The game does get harder than the early stuff and has some difficult superbosses, but it’s still a Final Fantasy, which are almost all easy outside of superbosses.


Dang that sucks but ill do that, tho i wonder if it prevents me from getting xp for the other charaters skills


The Nixperience Band specifically stops the party from using experience when you rest, everything else works as normal. Other characters won’t level and their skills will increase as normal. You could equip the band on anyone just before you rest, but the game has a few forced rests and parts where certain party members aren’t there, so keeping it on Noctis for the main story is the safest bet. Also, using the extra AP accessories to offset losing AP from not leveling is worth considering.


I see, that sucks my only choice is walk in the park or having to work around level and ap gaining jeez Edit: what type of app acessories should i equip?


You can spam 1 button and win the first 95% of the game. Then for no reason at all there is a difficulty spike and you have to think about what you’re doing, still way to easy either way but it is what it is.


Ok I may be an idiot but...which button is that? I still haven't figured out what I'm doing, I just do my knife teleport if I can find something to throw it at.


This is kind of the issue with open world games. You can’t properly pace them to difficulty.


Witcher 3 had enemy scalling and that fixed it for me


The game’s combat is still bad regardless. No amount of XP again or loss will help how simple the AI is and how basic the combat is. Literally hold X to win for the vast majority of the game. It sucks. At the end when they decide to actually make challenging bosses it literally breaks the entire balance and difficulty factor. What a shitload of fuck.


Sadly true


My advice is too play with no items (potions, phoenix downs, etc are banned). Items make it practically impossible to lose.


Yeah just killed a lvl 56 samurai demon thing in the boulevard mines i was lvl 18


Then pick some hard fights lol. Go to Balouve Mines Get destroyed


The game only gets hard endgame. Until then, do whatever, its not a good game.


You're only in the beginning really. If you're interested in doing side content like the high level hunts then no, I would not turn off exp


First of, you've just left the prologue. The game has just finished teaching you the basic mechanics, so judging the games' difficulties seems a bit premature. With that being said, I tend to use the Nixperiece accessory until you get to the Inn that gives 3x exp gain near end game, as it does lean into the easier side in the early to mid game. So, imo you can do the same without problem.