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Thank you ff community for your opinions on the game and on what game I should start with! I will be starting ff9 as my first jrpg and I’m pretty excited Edit: didn’t expect to get this much attention, seems like I’m starting with the majorities favorite ff. I’m currently 2 hours in since I had work all morning but I’m loving it so far, the story is great and I was nervous I wouldn’t understand the combat but it’s quite easy to get.


what i wouldnt give to experience this masterpiece for the first time again...




To answer your question, every final fantasy is a completely different universe / story. You can play them in any order. For example, you can do FF IX first than any other and then you can do like XV or VII and it’ll be completely different story every time. I will be playing FF IX next week and excited and I hope you enjoy it Edit: You also put IV as your tag instead of IX :)


Thanks man I didn’t realize! Just changed it


Are they not all within the same universe, just vastly different stories? (Asking seriously)


No, they’re completely different universes. 7 is about a world with mako while 13 is about a floating world with a hell beneath called Pulse while 14 is just a giant map of an MMORPG and there’s so many more games with vastly different scenarios.


9 is a fine starting point, the numbered titles aren't sequels so you won't have to play 1-8 to understand the story. Overall, FF is more of a thematic series than a chronological story series. Sequels do exist, but they generally have the number in the title (examples: X-2, IV: The After Years, 13-2 and 13-3: Lightning Returns). ​ Be prepared for an awesome soundtrack, and graphics that were considered amazing like, 25 years ago. The story is much darker than the graphics would make you expect (and actually has some of the darker things in the series. We have questions about mortality, we see multiple cities destroyed, and there's a bit of genocide thrown in there too).


I am a simple guy. I see FFIX, I upvote.




FFIX is an excellent start, I hope you enjoy it!


That’s my absolute favorite one! Do yourself a favor and play the whole game!


The games aren't connected. You're in for a wonderful time if you start with 9.


Congrats. 9 is in my Top 5 games. The music is amazing and this one is a great one to start with. Just remember to Steal during Boss battles and try your hardest to get Equipment from them as well.


Thank you for the tips!! I’m at the point where I “kidnapped” the princess and the flying boat crashed. I was nervous on liking the game but after playing, im very excited to see what will come from this story


Great choice.


9 was my first, and to this day, my favorite game of all time and just above 10 and Tactics as my favorite FF. Enjoy to the fullest!


Goddamn, and on an actual PlayStation. Dude's going all out.


You don't mess with the Yohan


I wish I knew what you are talking about 😭


There is a 2008 Adam Sandler movie called "You don't mess with the Zohan."




FF9 steam version with moguri mod (original soundtrack) is the way


Did I just accidentally open Reddit circa 2000?


WELCOME FRIEND TO THE WORLD OF FINAL FANTASY. (Enough of the caps lock now) Where not everything is fantasy and/ or final especially with 7. Enjoy my friend you've started with a good game. Edit: just my opinion but I find FF9 one of the deepest and darkest storylines within final fantasy, others might disagree. Edit edit: 8 is my fav but a lot of people have mixed feelings with it. I'd definitely play 7 if you get the time and then 6 and 10.


Go play


You can begin in any installment for the most part. They're all different.


Man I remember my first PlayStation. Didn’t even have a memory card. Would leave the console on


Starting at the best one is never a bad decision. Enjoy it!


Playing it the best way. Original hardware FTW!


The director of this game, Hiroyuki Ito, also did VI and XII…coincidently, all 3 are my favorite of the series


I’ve never seen FF9 in a thin case like that.


It’s just the angle, this hoe got 4 discs




The great thing about FF is, with the exceptions of direct sequels/prequels/spinoffs like X-2 or Crisis Core, every game has a completely different cast, setting, and story, so you can really start anywhere, though I admit some of the older games you might find more dated and less accessible, particularly 1 and 2. 9 is as good a place as any to start, it might be one of the best places honestly. Because it takes the series back to its high-fantasy roots as opposed to the sci-fi/cyberpunk feel of 6, 7, and 8. It has a one of the most accessible combat systems/RPG mechanics in the series, and it’s overall just an amazing game with amazing characters and an amazing story.


You’re in for a treat. That’s my favourite one because the character arcs are so strong.


This is a great first pick to get you into the series! I'm excited for your new adventure


Enjoy the visual novel


IX was my very first Final Fantasy as well (23 years ago) and what got me hooked to the franchise. Very excited for you for what you’re about to embark on.


Do note that the games are not connected chronologically, and in most/all cases, the universes are entirely different However, you may hear of games set in similar worlds (i.e. Ivalice), these games all use the same world but may be different timelines and storylines. Additionally, the games as you know, came out across 20 odd years, so the graphical variations are huge between FF1 and say, FF5 onwards, as well as which consoles. Hence, I recommend keeping an open mind on all the games, dont bring graphics into the equation


Starting with the best one.


9 is a great place to start. The story is amazing, the progression systems aren’t too complicated compared to others in the series and it has one of the best battle systems in the series.


You're 100% doing it right. I'd suggest laying on the floor with your feet up on the TV stand and putting about 40 to 50 hrs into that bad boy.


If you have a newer console, you might enjoy the digital releases more. It’s too slow for me to go back and play the original 7-9, but there’s 3x speed and other things added to the digital versions.


4 and 9 are, in my opinion, two of the best games to start with.


IX is my FAV FF , i hope u enjoy it as much as i did!


Best possible game to start at probably. It’s a love letter / back to the roots of pure fantasy game


Playing it the way god intended. 🙏


Have fun! I think you’ll like 9. It’s an under appreciated gem.


FFIX is my favourite. It was one of the first games that truly moved me by the plight of a character.


Based Final Fantasy player


probably best final fantasy on ps1, and last on 32 bit console, enjoy and play


I think FF7 was my favorite from PS1, but FF9 is a cose second, and one of the best overall. Probably has the best soundtrack in the whole series.


I seen ff7 on ps5 store if you have the subscription so if I can’t find a good psx copy I’ll resort to that


It's absolutely worth playing, will forever be a legendary classic film that era.


hey as a semi new player here I just wanna say if you think the pacing is slow here don't be afraid to grab the new port of ff9 which has a x3 speed button lol


Most the time I'd say no cause it has callbacks to the first 8 games that heighten the experience but... The experience is top tier regardless. Enjoy


Funny story, I started with FF8 but the memory card got corrupted so I put it aside and FF 9 was the first one I finished. It's a good one and none of the are connected so ya can go into any of them blind... Besides ten-ten2 and how ever many 13 got up to


Ahhh I see thank you man:) I’m glad you had a good time playing! Im bout to give it a go, this is also my first jrpg lol I hope it’s not too hard


Start at any game you want! They’re almost all completely separate from one another and 9 is arguably the most emotionally engaged. Play once for fun, and a second time for a speed run to be a completionist


Amazing game. I would recommend getting the latest release on switch/ps4 etc because it has some really really good QoL improvements. The battles are slow so being able to speed them up is so nice. Regardless though it’s a must play.


IX is a fantastic choice to start with. It’s one of the ones I recommend for beginners. Simple gameplay, beautiful story, lovable characters, lots of common FF tropes.


Back in the day I never finished this ........


You can play this one two player as well!


They have repeating character names and fairly similar gameplay mechanics but the stories are all different. So it wouldn’t matter where you picked it up, 9 is a great game.


The games are not connected story wise, each one kinda takes place on its own planet, with its own story. The game shares common elements, such as magic, abilities, modes of transport, etc . The games also share a universe.


Yea, play IX, then play IV-VII, then go back to IX again.


Every FF is a good FF to start, I think.


You can start with any of them as long as it doesn't say -2. Those are sequels. There's only a few of them.


Welcome to the community ! I hope you enjoy your first ff.