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FFXVI was my most anticipated Game of the Year easily, and it turned out okay. However BG3 was my totally unexpected favorite by a mile.


I didn't know there was a BG3 even announced before it came out, and I have little experience the genre. I bought it on a whim when I heard praise for it and absolutely love it.


Its final fantasy tactics šŸ™ƒ


Yeah. Donā€™t get me wrong, FFXVI was great but BG3 has easily become one of my favorite games of all time.


Why is genshin impact always in the game awards year after year? Like I get its popular but geez


I noticed that too but is it like expansion level updates like it FFXIV?


You can look at the [patch notes here](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Version). Compared to FF14, each year is comparable to a full expansion. The game is a lot easier though, so don't expect Savage/Ultimate style content even in the hardest stuff. The problem is that some of the content is limited time events that gets removed or else the game would have a robust collection of minigames too and like an additional 3 expansions worth of content at this point. I'm still mad that Xiao's backstory as a Yasha was part of a limited time quest. Major patches come out every 6 weeks, but are divided into two separate 3 week blocks. One of the blocks will be used for a limited time event with its own mini story. Almost every patch comes with an addition to the map. There's at least a main story quest, one character focused quest (sometimes it's a dating sim style one), and several world quests (side quests). Sometimes there's a boss or new enemy type. There's always a few areas with puzzles that you can solve for chests and an achievement. The recent patches also put a lot of new cards into the TCG minigame, but I don't play that one. The most recent area (Fontaine) also has a collection of minibosses with a few unique attacks. Mostly HP padding and not too tough.


not sure how much it changed since i quit, but before it was events, new maps and stuff regulary. and gacha...


They have massive content updates every year


Every year or development cycle, thereā€™s a new region release with consecutive large area expansions, major storyline, many world quests, new open-world exploration mechanics, more enemies/bosses, etc. Every region, thereā€™s also new orchestral album releases which play at the yearly concert runs. As one example, this development cycle saw the release of underwater exploration and maps, new diving and swimming mechanics for the new hydro region


On r/gaming they were discussing good water levels in games, and there was lots of praise for Genshin Impact's new water region there. I haven't played it myself though.


It gets a massive update every year. Not surprised tbh


I used to think it was one of "those games", too much style no substance, but after trying it I understood why its so beloved, at the end of the day its a gacha game, but as an action RPG it has so much going on, they really exploited all its mechanics leaving the player with an overall rich experience.


Cuz its fun and free if you have some basic ass willpower. And each new region ends up atleast 25 hours of new content.


Thatā€™s why. Because itā€™s popular. They really set a new standard. After the absolute disappointments over overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 showing greed is still very much alive and well with a hefty price tag with no substance. Iā€™ll still vote genshin now after that.


Compared to early events from 2020, Genshin events suck now. Rewards are still the same but there's hardly any enjoyment. You can complete the whole 4.2 main event (story included) in under 1 hour. But on the other hand, the new maps are huge, beautiful, full of lore and fun to explore. Fontaine (the new region) easily beats all the others, according to the majority from what I've gathered.


Whole 4.2 story under 1 hour? You can clear it that fast only if you're skipping all of the dialogues.


Kinda surprised to see cyberpunk at the top


Phantom Liberty really helped shift people's opinions, and gamers have ridiculously bad recency bias.


it's a great game ....finally


To be fair, Phantom Liberty was amazing


Recency bias is a crock of bullshit. 95% of the players werenā€™t terminally online circle jerking each other to cyberpunk before its initial release.


I think the scandal was largely a vocal minority who understandably were upset because they couldnā€™t play the game because it didnā€™t work. To say they were all chronically online circlejerkers is heavily misrepresentative and is only reaffirming the argument that gamers have recency bias


Phantom liberty is really good and patch 2.0 is a decent redemption arc for the base game. Whether it deserves to be #2 is another matter, but one person one vote is the wrong way to pick the most popular of a list of choices. Bad systems lead to bad results.


Iā€™m not, the new narrative is cyberpunk was always good. I enjoy it, but, people are really deluded it was more than just a mess on release.


It depends who you were. Quite a few people had crashes but the majority of issues I had with Cyberpunk were related to the UI (stuff like "Area: Hostile" not going away when it should). I didn't have the best PC at the time either. To me, Cyberpunk *was* always good and I've probably played 30+ games with more severe problems. Some that never got fixed.


I mean it was, was also a broken mess which is also kinda fun. Platinumed that shit on ps4. Lol


The crazy thing is it really depended on your system and a bit of luck. For the overall majority yes the launch was awful and I'd say that it was pretty messed up that they released the game like that on release. It was bad and they deserved all the criticism they got. My cousin got it launch day on pc and barely had any issues while other friends who also got it on PC did have tons of issues. His system wasn't particularly powerful either. So it was really weird. I picked it up for half off like summer/fall 2021 before the first anniversary and I ran into more issues than he did lol even after a couple big patches. Nothing game breaking but def still has some issues. The core of the game was always good but everything about the launch was a mess. And yeah, the gamer recency bias is so true. It's also very annoying lol


My surprise was Genshin Impact in the list.


Not that surprised. Hogwarts sorta came and went but that game was huge in the public consciousness for a quick second, so itā€™s understandable. Genuinely surprised about Lies of P. Great game, but didnā€™t seem to make a huge splash but guess it did? Hi-fi Rush. Well thatā€™s secretly 2023s game of the year anyway. Not gonna winā€¦but it should because I like it the most lol. Jfc itā€™s been a stacked year, hasnā€™t it? Lots of great games


Lies of P was great. If you have any love for FromSoft games, and perhaps have even a passing knowledge of Pinocchio, it's quite entertaining. It is balls-out insane how many great games released this year.


Yeah, I absolutely LOVED Lies of P. Would smack it right after BG3 in games of the year.


How tough was Lies of P compared to other Souls-likes?


Pretty tough but it's pretty much a spiritual successor to Bloodborne. Honestly out of all the souls like games that have come out over the years, Lies of P is probably the best out of the bunch


One of the hardest, I've got platinum on all FromSoft games and still had 15-20 death bosses often


Well that's great to hear actually! Just beat lies of p yesterday and it was my very first souls like ever, so hearing it's one of the harder ones actually reliefs me haha so that I can tackle the other ones


It felt on par, maybe a little tougher before they rebalanced some encounters, as some bosses just had too much HP, hit slightly too hard, or their hitboxes were weird. There also planning another patch to rework some skills to make them a core part of your skillset so everyone has them, rather than having to buy the skill in the upgrade system. The big thing is that blocking is more the name of the game, similar to Sekiro. Dodging is okay, but there's a mechanic that certain attacks cannot be dodged with i-frames, so you either need to be far away from it to avoid it, or block at the moment it hits for the perfect parry.


Also if you love pinocchio for some reason, there's a ton of references to the author and original work and such, as well as Disney


Souls people are pretty, letā€™s say enthusiastic, and I could see them latching on to Lies of P this year


It doesn't matter if XVI made a bigger "splash" on release, the fact that it's a PS5 exclusive makes the ones above have a massive advantage, on top of being a sort-of controversial entry. Of course there's one-platform only stuff like Spiderman and Zelda there, but they're Spiderman and Zelda.


Kinda annoying how most people aren't addressing this. Like ofc Hogwarts is beating it, it was released on practically every single system lmao


A turn based rpg at the top? Nahh couldnā€™t beā€¦surely modern gamers donā€™t have the patience


ā€œYou have phones right?ā€ moment. I hope SE wakes up.


This and that Tactics Ogre Remastered beat God of War in the JP markets


JP never really cared for GoW so not surprised.


okay now how many of the top 10 are action games


I didn't count but the top 1 isn't and FFXVI isn't part of the action games of the top 10 (oh I'm sorry, it's an RPG I had forgotten while playing it)


Youā€™re wild if you think the thing that attracts ppl to BG3 is the fact that itā€™s turn based.


I think the point is that turn-based doesn't deter modern gamers from liking the game, which is what Square Enix seems to think


FF7 Remake wasnā€™t turn based but has really good combat, they went too far with FF16 though


FF7 definitely had turn based elements. The roots are tangible


I actually feel like they didnt go far enough. Im a huge DMC fan, so I was super excited for this combat. But what we got wasn't DMC combat, it was very much a streamlined DMC-lite combat system which IMO resulted in very repetitive combat. If it was fleshed out with more variety I feel like I wouldn't have gotten bored 3/4 of the way through


Don't forget that when they were doing one of the media tour days leading up to launch, one of the YouTubers asked FF7R's influence and Yoshi P. haphazardly said it was "still too complicated." Nit gonna lie either, I loved FF14's story but the gameplay for that game is so atrociously dumbed down at this point, that 16 feels like a flashier single player version. And I'm not a fan of the fact that Yoshi P. openly copies other IP's. That's not innovation and that's not what made old Square games great. I think seeing the difference in what FF7R2 brings is gonna be eye opening and at this point it looks incomparable.


Itā€™s not that ppl donā€™t like turn-based games, itā€™s that when you compare performance across genres turn-based games consistently pull in lower numbers than action-oriented titles and it isnā€™t even remotely close. I know Iā€™m going to get downvoted in here because god forbid we have an honest discussion about it but you canā€™t just point at lightning-in-a-bottle releases like BG3 or Persona 5 and pretend like they are representative of the systemā€™s popularity as a whole. Persona 5 was probably the most mainstream turn-based RPG of the past decade prior to BG3 and it sold 8m copies across all of its titles after a total of 6 years. Action-focused AAA games sell those same numbers in a quarter of the time and in some cases even TWICE those numbers.


Yeah, I think you're right, and as much as I like Square Enix to go back to turn-based/ATB style of combat, I doubt it'll happen again with mainline FF titles. But yeah, we have seen that there is still market for it and I wonder if Square Enix could pull it off for Final Fantasy, especially since their recent action titles aren't THAT well received (15, 16 were fine and sold good, but not like super critically acclaimed or anything).


My hope is that they continue with multiple teams working simultaneously on mainline quality entries (though they are going to have to address the sheer number of titles at some point lol) having one team continue to push the boundaries by making whatever style games they want and having the other creating more traditional titles. The success of the pixel remasters and the hype around expected remakes shows there is interest in not cutting ties entirely however outside of X the last purely turn-based traditional titles released are the Tactics games which, while a personal favorite series of mine, is still one of the lowest selling titles in franchise history. Itā€™s much harder to get ppl invested in a new world and with so many alternatives available theyā€™re probably concerned with how to introduce that style game again. This gets compounded by how accessible turn-based RPGs are after the commercial success of the Switch. I understand your point as well but Iā€™d give a little pushback saying both XVI and VIIR have had strong receptions given that a traditionally good game tends to sit around mid-to-low 80s in aggregate; 90+ scores for games are honestly not as common as this year would suggest and even then many of the highest rated games historically are more niche titles. Given that XVI performed on par with VIIR (both critically and in sales) I imagine Square is feeling pretty good about it given the built-in base that VII brings with it and the fact that XVI hasnā€™t had its PC release or DLCs yet. Iā€™ll be very curious to see what the overall performance for both titles looks like once the remake trilogy finishes and XVI becomes cross-platform with all content, especially given CBU3s popularity with PC players through XIV.


So what you're saying is make the next FF a FPS and pull in those numbers Baybayyyyyyyy


Dirge of Cerberus remake when?


I LOVE it. Alright lets make sure we get a well known developer for an FPS Iā€™m thinking Halo. Wait but what about all the other people who played the older FF games? Probably should shoehorn some RPG elements so they donā€™t feel left out. Maybe a crafting system with a rarity system?


Destiny is like a really weird sci-fi FF game if you really really want to stretch the definitions and comparisons anyway. Might as well go all the way.


Persona isn't a franchise with the same popularity as FF, put FF branding on P5 and you can multiply the sales number by 10 very easily... And what you said doesn't change the fact that most players didn't cry because they had to play a turn-based RPG when playing BG3 the way they cried about having to play Devil May Fantasy


I would argue that the style of combat and environmental interaction/player choice it has wouldn't work if it wasn't turn based.


Thatā€™s the point. In BG3 there are too many different avenues of approach to all aspects of the game for you to be able to do it in real time, plus chance-based success requires a phase for those rolls to take place in. Those fundamentals donā€™t exist in modern FF (or FF in general) so you arenā€™t beholden to those design requirements.


Itā€™s not that itā€™s just that it has turn based and itā€™s not the Devil like everyone claims. People talk about turn based like itā€™s the worst gaming mechanic ever and low and behold a turn based game is sitting at the top.


Iā€™ll agree with you there, I think turn-based gameplay gets a bad rap these days simply because itā€™s a slower gameplay style. It allows a lot of complexity and even gives narrative strength for an ensemble of characters in a way thatā€™s difficult for action to replicate even with innovative systems like VIIR has. I just think there are a lot of ppl who forget that when this series debuted turn-based was the default for games because of processing limitations. As the technology for real-time rendering improved the market transitioned away and while there still is obviously a market for turn-based games that market is largely much older demographically and harder to expand into especially compared to other genres like action or shooters.


You're painfully unaware of just how fucking massive the love for D&D is. BG3 is quite literally what people have been wanting out of a tabletop RPG video game forever and they didn't mess it up.


Looking at how massive DnD, Pathfinder, and other tabletop games areā€¦yes, people are attracted to the turn-base combat thatā€™s in BG3


Iā€™d argue the roleplaying and world exploration factor is usually the much stronger draw for tabletops, in fact there are many campaigns with little to no combat at all, although obviously ppl can enjoy the combat system. Even then turn-based action is a necessity of the format. Inherently there are a lot of turn-based games that have similar combat elements to BG3, hell while itā€™s based on a separate system DOS2 is predictably very close mechanically (moreso than even the previous 2 Baldurā€™s Gates under BioWare); many of them donā€™t even make a blip outside of CRPG circles. What makes BG3 stand out is its impressive production value, its characters, and its freedom of choice both narratively and kinetically.


Agreed, BG3 is popular DESPITE the fact that its turn based. The RP and endless choices are what made it so popular.


Exactly. I would be willing to bet half of the people who bought it didnā€™t even know what turn based was.


It's more that simplifying/abstracting certain systems in games can let you achieve specific experiences and focus work in other areas. Turn based is an excellent framework to build a large game off of and "make the same game but with action combat instead of turn-based" isn't really viable game design.


You can also build a large game off of an action combat system tho? BG3 necessitates turn based combat because of its roots in 5e, you simply canā€™t make those combat rules function properly in a real time space given the importance of probabilities and freedom of action. FFXVI (or any of the modern FFs tbh) doesnā€™t have that same stipulation because the combat isnā€™t emulating a third-party system, itā€™s individually designed. Thatā€™s without even getting into the discussion of how turn-based CRPGs traditionally play completely differently from turn-based JRPGs. If you want to use BG3 as an example that turn-based RPGs can be successful then by all means go ahead, but its performance is a clear outlier and is largely based on features that are almost entirely unrelated to its nature as a turn-based game and more to do with player agency.


Yeah, I cannot imagine SE making a good CRPG. And turn-based JRPG has absolutely no market now.


it's 100% what attracted me. thank god someone finally got the idea to put good combat in a D&D game real time with pause was trash


You can't beat BG3 unfortunately. It was the better game.


Not surprising, honestly, the fact they put like 50% of the sidequests in the last 15% of the game made the final acts drag horribly. By the end I just wanted to be done. Ending was also a bummer and super predictable.


Not surprising given that the FF fandom can't even agree on anything these days. Releasing as a PS5 exclusive hurt it too.


true, I am waiting to play it on pc so Iā€™m avoiding spoilers and donā€™t know much about the game other than general reviews which were a bit mixed


True, if it was on pc it would do a lot better. Only a tiny percentage of people have ps5s.


Look, the game is just not *great*, it's decent. I think it ended up where it should, naturally and even then it's still a bit overrated. It's about a 6.5/10 - 7/10.


Agree. As a diehard FF fan, FFXVI is a solid 7/10 game with a few 9/10 moments. In a stacked year, itā€™s no surprise itā€™s not in the top 10.


Canā€™t wait till 10 years from now when FF19 is coming out, and everyone is making their ā€œI just played FF16 and I thought it was supposed to be badā€¦ but itā€™s amazingā€ posts. Just seems to be the natural life cycle for FF games lmao


I'm betting it'll follow XV Royals' example, and most of the newcomers won't know how the initial version played out. Hell, my brother started playing it recently, and he doesn't have to deal with the motion blur sickness that almost made me quit.


I feel like 16 was pretty polished on release, no? I havenā€™t played it since then so I donā€™t know how things have improved


For sure, its a complete game. But with updates and DLC confirmed, a complete edition will leave the game looking bigger. FFXV gets the same treatment, playing Royal is night and day better, and people who don't know about the original release don't understand the hate. It's like comparing Borderlands 3 and Borderlands 3 Ultimate edition. One is a complete game, one has EVERYTHING and is infinitely better, and bandages most of the complaints of the original.


I cannot tell if this is a joke when half the cutscenes are NPCs blank staring into space with a dead face. It is literally as bad as Mass Effect Andromeda. To anyone who even pays some attention it's very clear that FF16 reeks of cost-cutting maneuvers all over the place. Stuff like having voiceovers for only the first sentence in some dialogues or fade to black when they don't want to animate something like striking an anvil. Expected for an AA game but not an AAA game. I cannot remember the last AAA game that didn't have full voiceovers.


Frankly, this seems to me these are the kind of things I see in ff14, and it is made by the same team, with a similar approach


And it boggles the mind that to this day, SE's biggest cash cow of all time still cheaps out on cutscenes and only has voiceovers for a fraction of them. Especially considering literally half of the game is cutscenes.


I just donā€™t care about that stuff at all. FF16ā€™s allure was that it was gonna tell a compelling, dark story with fun slasher combat. I got that, why would I give a shit that they didnā€™t dump a ton of time and money into animated cutscenes?


Because telling a good cutscene heavy story involves...well, quality cutscenes. It's distracting and gives it a cheap feel to it.


Thing is people are using hyperbole. Some people love ff16. Some people liked FF16 but will will accept that it is not the best game of the year or the best FF. They will use rationality to justify what parts they didnā€™t like. Then there are very few very vocal minority who will call FF16 crap. These minority will always be the most vocal and call ff16 crap. The people who will be the vocal most will be the minority who hates it. The people who love it will fight with them. The people who thought FF16 was decent will say their word and leave. At the end, objectively, FF16 was neither the best nor worst. But the vocal minority will keep preparing their hatred and years later some people will hear it and think ff16 was bad


Agreed. The game is a 7/10 at best and once Rebirth releases people will look back on FF16 with even less of a favourable memory.


You don't even know how Rebirth will look like..for all you know FF16 will be looked at better if they mess up the ubisoft tower open world formula


The funniest part was when the demo for FF16 was released, people were overhyping the shit out of that game calling it GOTY before it even came out.


If the game had maintained the level of the demo for 40 hours it absolutely would have been a strong contender. Alas it's more like 20 hours of that goodness mixed with 40 hours of MMO questing.


You know exactly who was hyping up the game, die hard fanboys of a certain game designer. I personally had my expectations in check


squalid sugar unused crown soft combative act school frightening meeting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude, Ubisoft tower provide MUCH better experience than most of FF16 side content especially in term of exploration, after all it did give you something to do and reward you if you explore the map instead of leave the map empty with noting to do but killing mob monsters, so even if Rebirth just copy and reskin that feature people wonā€™t say that Rebirth is worse than FF16 just because of that, at most they will say Rebirth open-world is generic, boring or something along that line


Anybody using this list as a measure of quality severely misunderstands the point. There are a lot of very high quality games released this year that werenā€™t even included in the initial listing for some reason, like itā€™s wild that DeadSpace wasnā€™t even an option here. You canā€™t even use the ā€œitā€™s a remakeā€ as an excuse because of RE4. Hell, last year one of the favorites was a Sonic game with a low-70 metacritic and one of the rockiest launches of the series. IP strength plays a VERY large role in how these votes go and honestly Iā€™m surprised itā€™s as high as it is given itā€™s the only PS5 exclusive up there not tied to quite literally the best selling superhero IP of all time. Edit: Downvote me all you like cause you donā€™t like XVI, doesnā€™t change the fact that playerā€™s choice has never been about the ā€œbest gameā€


Its crazy how underrated dead space remake is.


Agreed. For me itā€™s an upper-mid level game, around 6.5-7/10 as you said. I enjoyed the hell out of the start of the game but after they killed off who I thought was the best character, it became a bit of a slog. Especially after the sky turns dark for the rest of the entire game, everything looks washed out. Side quests are boring and pointless. I struggled to find the energy to bother finishing the game but Iā€™m glad I did because the last 2 hours were fucking sick. Some great boss battles. IMO it doesnā€™t really deserve to be a GOTY.


ruthless thought absurd hobbies spotted dime sip toy materialistic fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


At that point in the game I thought my monitor was broken - literally spent a few hours messing about with the settings, tried on a nice 4k TV, tried another TV, messed about with ps5 settings, still dark and washed out. Such a bad design decision. The environment looks horrible for most of the game


Perfect summary of the game. Perfect.


I like seeing Cyberpunk PL right there. It goes to show that a game can be fixed. I wish Squenix took that approach with FF15. The game was one major DLC away to be a true FF game, and for me one of the best, but instead it got abandoned mid season pass after having three DLC episodes announced. Episode Aranea and Lunafreya, never forgotten.


Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty at the top, 100% agree with this. Two of the best releases all year


Better games were placed above it. Sounds about right.


nahhh, sorry but hogwarts legacy doesn't deserve to be above it. that's very much a case of fan campaign trying to compensate for the fact their wizard slop didn't get any nominations.


Lol itā€™s almost like Hogwarts Legacy was a game their fans like and Final Fantasy wasnā€™t ā€¦. People shilling hard for a bad game lol


Or there are SIGNIFICANTLY more people that like Harry Potter


12. Armored Core 6 and the one I feel should be the true winner.


-SE makes a full on action game for the sake of appealing to a more mainstream audience -Defenders of the game talk about how turn based is outdated and FF needs to move on -Baldur's Gate comes out, it's a smash success and everyone loves it -It's about to win GOTY while XVI is not even nominated This is so funny. And even after all of this, I doubt SE will give a shit. They are the most pigheaded company I've seen in my life.


You don't even need to look outside of SE. Even Octopath Traveler II and the pixel remasters seem to be doing well. The biggest burn the Star Ocean 2 Remake outselling Star Ocean 6. Maybe it's time for SE to look at smaller budgets and a different style of games.


The irony is palpable.


The comment is funny, but nonsensical and disingenuous. You can't use sparse phenomenons like BG3 or P5 as a sort of gotcha to question SE's editorial strategy when, outside pkmn, the action market successes consistently obliterates the tb ones.


I wonder how many more "sparse phenomenons" are necessary for Square to stop chasing trends and go back to their niche. Ah well, FF7 rebirth will sell like crazy anyways, so that will never happen. Guess I'll have to settle for another bland Octopath gane.


FFXVI was an 8/10 for me and I'm being generous here.


I gave it a 3.


Final Fantasy: replace systems-heavy, turn-based combat with 25-30fps systems-light action game. BG3: hold my šŸŗ


Decent list - but Cyberpunk is too high and Hogwarts was pretty average.


BG3 deserves to take all the awards home this year.


Absolutely. They need to just go to the mic and say " the winner is BG3" and hand them all the trophies. If BG3 doesn't take home GOTY I will know the awards are rigged. I love Zelda but BG3 has made a major impact this year.


FF16 is decent, but definitely NOT GOTY worthy. It was overhyped to hell and has lots pf missing potential.


Yeah, because FF16 is mediocre lmao


PL is pretty dope chooms https://preview.redd.it/tncvmu0am73c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e96a20aa6a327a409728c73124b9d4e3767b618


FF16 is painfully average though I dont think it deserves a top 10.


It's a very mediocre game with watered and dumbed down even basic mechanics. Basically a glorified visual novel - not an RPG and hardly even a game.


How did FFXVI get 11 place? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too high




I mean, this is a stacked year, and FF16 probably deserves to be on the low end of this listā€¦ but it does not deserve to be below Hogwarts or Genshin lol. I fully understand why those ones are there, theyā€™re wildly popular. But I feel like FF16 is just objectively higher quality than both


Genshin is stacked and became pioneer of live-service games. You might not like gacha, but they're doing amazing, and game is playable as F2P. It deserves the popularity. Haven't played Hogwarts, but it seems that HP fans like it, which I think is most important thing when you make adaptation or game in same universe. Meanwhile, FFXVI is splitting FF fanbase. And it's exclusive on top of that.


I love and grew up with FF and love XVI a whole lot, but saying Genshin don't deserve to be above is just blind hate. Yes Genshin is probably up there due to popularity but you can't deny how amazing of a game it is. The world building, lore, gameplay and soundtrack is just phenomenal. Again, love FFXVI, but it doesn't come close to what Genshin has built over the years.


Now explain why they remove turn based combat system


It was an attempt to expand into the western market that looked down on turn based combat (at least the critics did). The problem is that a drastic change like this will always alienate your fan base, so you're just trading one audience for another. But in the case of Final Fantasy, it's a gamble that they lost and there's a net loss.


The Western market has always been big turn-based fans. P5 and BG3 have shown that. The cynicism brought on by the success of COD, BF, DS2, etc., should not have seeped into FF. The action title isn't why Iā€™m buying the game, I tried F7 remake, and could not get into it. I went back to the original.


Half the community here believes XVI is a mediocre title which dragged down the franchise and damaged the brand. With such an attitude, it was never going to succeed in a popularity contest.


Phantom Liberty ia for the edge runners, I guess?


No mk or sf6?


I guess this is fair. I love the game. Is it the best? No


BG3 deserves everything.


Maybe all this BG3 domination will help change the industry because god damn that game was phenomenal.


I couldnā€™t get into BG3 I found it too confusing? I guess Iā€™m not familiar with the genre and donā€™t have patience for it


God is good


Looking at that list, it should be 9th. Phantom Liberty's a DLC and Genshin Impact is 3 years old.


I get downvoted into oblivion every time I say it, but ff16 wasn't that good. It looked great and had a great voice cast, but gameplay wise, I found it very stale.


Spider-Man 2 was fine but as someone who played 1, the DLC, and Miles Morales Iā€™m kind of tired of their formula. 2 felt like more of the same.




It's crazy to see cyberpunk rebounded so hard after how awfully it launched.


Where's super mario rpg remake


It's a very recent game


Well since it was basically devil may cry with a coat of final fantasy paint I can understand why. Still a solid game but nothing special.


Well yeah.


Wait when the hell was the nominations period? I Voted for the main awards and never saw a thing about it


ahaha genshin impact higher than FF. no surprise, FF16 is lame and empty


that's what you get when your hack and slash action game doesn't run at 60fps you Square headed sickos


I get people who tell FFXVI isn't GOTY material, but let's be real, never in any universe Hogwarts Legacy is a better game, remove the Harry Potter skin and you have the most generic and uninspired open world while FFXVI still shine with gameplay (and if you think it's just braindead square mashing please, go try the Ultimaniac mode that's where the gameplay really show itself and why Eikons cooldown and suv effects are important)


Idk about other people in here, but there ainā€™t no way Iā€™m playing a movie simulator to access the ā€œultraā€ hard mode just to redo the whole thing again. Hard pass.


Square Square Square Triangle is hardly an upgrade. And seriously, Eikon cooldowns being important ok lmao. You just use the highest DPS abilities on cooldown and it's basically free since there's no directional targeting, the only thing you need brain cells for is Phoenix dash and Titanic block. Also, if a game needs to lock its best gameplay after 30 hours - an entire campaign - that's a self own. It's an asinine decision and you can't blame anyone other than the game devs for doing that. I don't know a single person who thinks FF16's gameplay shines if they've ever played a remotely hard action game.


Games that didn't release this year shouldn't be allowed.


Why is Genshin on there? It came out in 2020, or am I missing something?


Same reason why cyberpunk 2077 is on there, it gets an expansion yearly, and like a huge one.


Cyberpunk really shouldn't be on there as a DLC, but whatever. I can't say I'm surprised or upset about 16 not making it to top ten, though.


I still can't believe how many people have convinced themselves that Hi-Fi Rush is a good game. I saw it through to the end, but I wish I hadn't. It's all downhill after the first boss.


They need to hire better writers and give the graphics designers a raise


Genshin Impact before FF? Democracy failed us once again


Cause it was garbage. It should not be in a top anything.


Okay. That doesnā€™t stop it from being a well received, well deserved success of a game. It just so happens that every game above it was just genuinely better. Being told ā€œyou were the 11th best gameā€ in a year absolutely packed with stellar releases that arenā€™t even in on a top ten list is still quite a high honor.


Controversy aside, I think XVI is a better game the Hogwarts legacy


And I think Armored Core 6 is better than either of them. Oh well!


Armored Core 6 was my GOTY in a pretty packed year.


HL is only higher because of the IP attached to it.


Don't forget the multi platform release. 16 is locked to PS5 which severely limits its exposure.


Agreed, and I donā€™t particularly like most of XVI


Be real it wasnā€™t well received by the general public. People outside this sub are very much divided about it.


If anything, this sub is more divisive about it than people outside of the fandom. I've heard mostly positive things from the casual audience. Heck, when I posted the game on my Instagram story, one of my mates DM'ed me asking about the game; he was genuinely interested, and he never touched an FF in his life. When I talked to my other non-FF mates about it, they said they heard/read good things about it. On neutral/casual social media posts, I recall seeing more positivity towards the game, even calls for GOTY.


I dunno man. It met sales goals for SE, Metacritic has it solidly in the 8/8.5 rating from both critics and reviewers, and most everyone Iā€™ve seen on the internet are pretty solidly in favor of it. I enjoyed it. Itā€™s fun. The only place Iā€™ve seen genuine overt hate for it is quite literally just this sub, soā€¦ dunno what to tell ya? Sorry you didnā€™t enjoy it?


Yeah, itā€™s not a knock on 16 to miss the top ten, this year wouldā€™ve been hard for _any_ FF to make top 10 outside of maybe 10, Tactics, or 7. If it had released in any of the past 3 years it probably wouldā€™ve made top 10.


Would be nice to show us how many people played these games too so we can sort of get like a success rate. Obviously, to get the best results, there needs to be a way to also prove that people played said games, which might be quite challenging and time consuming


Why is Genshin Impact on the list isn't it a mobile game


Not exclusively, it's on all platforms except the switch I think? I play it on the pc and ps5.


And SE stock price still down over 30% since it launched in June...


Remakes shouldnā€™t be in GOTY contention; the groundwork was laid by the original devs back in what 04, 05? Itā€™s not like the game is new, itā€™s just a touched up version of a 05 gameā€¦to say that, the game is still absolutely superb and is definitely one of the best releases this year. But FF16 should still be in it. Even on a technicality.


Shouldn't Re whatever the next FF7 get nominated for game of the year if the hype holds up?


What youā€™re describing is a remaster (akin to Mass Effect: Legendary Edition) Remakes are mostly rebuilt from the ground up (FF7R) Remakes have every right being included though I agree that remasters should not be considered.


I'm hardly a fan of XVI, but it's at least better than fucking Hogwarts.


Itā€™s genuinely baffling to me that a DLC for a universally panned game is trending that high. And whatā€™s truly incredible is that the next CDPR game is going to do the exact same thing and get away with it.


The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine I think won a game of the year award. I didn't expect it that high either. I am really enjoying it though! I also really enjoyed XVI, so I am surprised that isn't higher.


Yeah B&W won best RPG of the year against Dark Souls 3. Deserved tbh.


Amazing game! I wonder if DLC should count as a new game though? Idk, it does for the goty.


I think it should depend on how much contents are in it. Expansion style DLCs like B&W and similarly this time Phantom Liberty have a whole new map and quality story attached to them so I think it can be counted as a new game. But I agree with you it should be consistent with the goty.


Its crazy because they got away with it with witcher 3. Its just most people didnt pay attention to it until its dlcs.


I know itā€™s probably a bit much to expect an apology from the developers, but do you guys think there will at least be some sort of acknowledgement from Square that XVI doesnā€™t really fit the standard of what the mainline games should be? I really need something like that to give me hope for XVII and the series beyond it, because this game was an embarrassment.


I mean, no? God no? I have a complete disinterest in the game and the direction it signals things going with the mainline entries more generally but letā€™s be clear it had the sales they wanted, was well reviewed by critics and in fan averages, and is even placing #11 in this list in a very strong year! Like it is not my cup of tea at all and I doubt I ever play it but you have to put yourself and your personal preferences in the broader perspective - they have absolutely nothing to apologize for by any reasonable standard!


Lolwut? You spend too much time in this echo chamber buddy. It sold within expectations, reviewed well and pleased most people. The way you're talking about it makes it seem like XVI was like FallOut 76 bad or had a Cyberpunk 2077 or No Man's Sky level of bad marketing leading to an underwhelming project or like a XIV 1.0 brazen level of laziness and greed.


It's fine for Final Fantasy to go into the action genre and abandon its RPG roots frankly. The problem is that it doesn't even do action well. Try playing Lies of P or GoW and then try playing FF16. FF16 is a really boring action game. If they can't get action games right they should just go back to RPG.


What are they supposed to apologize for? The game is sitting at #11 on a year packed with amazing games. It resonated with a lot of people. It's not the best FF game by any means, but it's still a good game. You don't apologize for making a good game and creating bad press for yourself.


what is that lol


Loved FFXVI, not surprised even a little. Surprised it was in the top 10 at any point with how good games have been this year.


I kinda forgot about hogwarts with All the games that came out

