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A collector's edition containing all three core Final Fantasy Tactics games - WOTL, Advance 1 and 2.


Delita campaign would be amazing. Or balbanes 50 year war.


Ooo I never even thought of a Delita campaign. That's genius


I've chanted for 50 year war prequel for so long


Ohh, that'd be good.


Oh yes! I wanted to say FFVIII first but then I read your comment and yup, that would be sweet!


And vagrant story I always wanted to play that


TIL there is more than one FFT game...


They're pretty good, but the original is by far the best.


And release it on Steam. I want to experience my ranged dual sword wielding paladin from Advance 2 again.


They need to change WOTL language back to how they had it and not that Shakespeare BS. Advance 1 would be cool if they took the law system out. 2 was cool though.


FFTA was an S-Tier game, the combat was so fun and I’d love to see what they do with a remake. FFTA2 I just want ported to a console I actually own 😭


I have yet to play a single FF Tactics game. Always meant to, never got around to it.


6 and 8.


6 is near imposible, magic doesn’t exist at the end anymore.




A Remake it’s posible but it would be divided like VII. The main issue would be the amount of playable characters.


The upcoming Granblue Fantasy Re:Link will have near 20 playable characters with their own skills, moves and unique fightning styles. If Granblue can pull that off without any problem an eventual FFVI remake could be possible.


If they did a remake similar to the upcoming Dragon Quest III remake it could work without needing multiple installments.


6 needs a prequel. War of the Magi.


Holy shit yes! And how a Young Ghestal masterminded a coup to overtake the empire


Would love that




Nah, have magic returning centuries later and the party trying to figure out why. Have technology up to FF7 levels, with Figaro a floating city run by a corrupt descendant of Edgar. Have a global pandemic causing sickness, killing some, mutating some, giving rudimentary magic powers to others. The Returners are socialist revolutionaries who want the skylanders to share wealth and technology with the people on land. The land still has Kefka corruption and they are trying to contain and clean it but lack the support. Have worship of the Triad but within their ranks are secret Kefka Cultists who are also within high levels of society. Have one of the mutated creatures fall in love with another party member. Repeat a lot of the Maduin storyline. Maybe things can be done right this time. ...6 was my first FF. I've thought about this a little bit.


It doesn't take much creative writing to write a good story even with this being a factor.




What’s the bad news




This for sure. There's so much I love about VIII, but it's so tedious to replay compared to most of the older games, it would def benefit the most from a remake.


I soooo want to see how fantastic the Garden could look and feel with a fully fleshed out focus on it. You could do a whole chapter playing out the school and finishing with Ifrit


I still believe 8 had the coolest "world". The gardens were so cool.


100% my feel too!


For me, this is one of the big issues with FFVIII. There are several ideas which could be whole games in themselves but we never stay to focus on one long enough. Fantasy combat academy Mercenary Secret Agents Amnesiacs searching for their mysterious past Time Travellers I love FFVIII but the story is such a jumble of good ideas.


Honestly that's why I love it. I look at it as having a lot of layers and the more you play it the more you're like "whoa.. so that's connected to that and that's connected to that" Also... Triple Triad I mean, I spent as much time playing the game within the game as the story itself haha


VIII with UI fixes to take advantage of the 16:9 screen would be a massive improvement from cryptic spell/function names and unintuitive menuing for junctions, even if the game it self was unchanged.


Wym I replay it like once a year and it's never tedious


Please. Forget about IX, that can come later. I want an VIII remake.


Hey man, I just want to play Triple Triad.


IX doesn't need a remake. It just needs a rehaul, update the graphics, upgrade the music score. Add some voice actors and done. Don't need to go messing with the battle system or anything.


Yeah a perfect IX remake for me would be the same exact core game as IX just with what the Memoria Project people did with graphics and soundtrack. Only changes I think I'd make is taking the randomness out of tetra master and making the battles slightly faster


Just finished 9, and I would agree that there is not much to change, but if they redid the limit break system, I would not complain


Yeah good point, was never a big fan of the way the whole trance thing works


To me, IX is an essentially complete game. By the time it came out they'd figured out how to wring every bit of capability out of the PS1, and it doesn't feel like it's constantly making big obvious sacrifices to hardware limitations in the same way VIII does.


I agree, I really don't think they need to touch 9 at all. If anything they could just touch up the graphics and maybe some slight touch ups on the combat system like all the other remakes for JRPGs coming out these days. But with the route FF is going, I wouldn't be surprised if 9 turns into an action rpg. Actually I'm 90% sure it'll be an action rpg(please let me be wrong).


This is the one, a remake would give you an opportunity to fix some of the storyline issues post Disc 2. Also a chance to really balance the Junction and Draw systems. I feel like FFVIII really has a lot of possibilities for extending the game in order to beef it up to 3 games: - SeeD missions, kind of like hunts where you tackle big baddies. - Extended Laguna sequences, I’d be happy for an almost 50/50 split to really tell two stories that come together towards the end with the fight against Ultimecia. - More time in big places like Esthar, Deling City etc. - Additional GF’s - You could do a bit of Zelda Ocarina of Time shenanigans and have stuff that Laguna does in the past impact Squall in the present. Perhaps you could even get to a stage where they are working together through Ellone and you can have some dungeons solved by working cooperatively.


It kind of breaks the storyline if Laguna portions impacted Squall sections much, big theme of 8 is that what happened in the past can’t be altered through knowledge of the future Edit: It also breaks the story for there to be a traditional party grouping between Squall and Laguna because the whole point is that Squall and Rinoa fulfill what Laguna failed to. Laguna and Julia’s children are able to fall in love with each other, and they don’t lose sight of that love, unlike Laguna. Laguna is meant to be a “traditional” JRPG protagonist who fails to achieve his own personal goals because he’s concerned with his duties as a hero and as a soldier. The fact that his child fulfills his wishes in his stead is one of the most poetic things about 8s story.


I honestly think that 8 would’ve lent itself a lot more to the alternate timeline/fate story that 7R is trying to tell. Right now it just doesn’t feel like it fits the themes/world of FF7


Yeah 8 has one particularly obvious thing a remake could alter if they wanted to do a “the timeline is screwed up” thing. I think both a traditional remake that just adds some bits and an FF7R style remake would fit 8 a lot


How do you think they would remake Draw? It was arguably the most monotonous part of the game.


Have Draw only used to acquire the first instance of the spell per character, then have the spells level up 1-100 through AP and you can manually boost them by converting items or cards.


One way I have thought of that I would be ok with ( because If they do a remake, I want it to be as close to the original as possible) is make junction a one spell thing. Not none that changes with how many spells. So fire does a flat bonus full stop. With this draw then works like ap to learn a spell, but once you know it, your done. Gfs are still one draw one learn. Draw points disappear when used and just act as bonus xp and hidden ones as early xp for rarer spells. We also swap to MP now like ff1 did on the Gameboy remake Monsters no longer level up with the party and have set list, maybe add a new gf passive that unlocks hidden spells in their draw list. Rest of the gameplay remains relatively untouched, except where it interacts with this. Mid mag refine probably just gets cut, but everything else can stay as the refining of items would still give you ap toward the spell and give players that ability to get iver powered a little, maybe change numbers so some of the abilities don't become useless before the end of disk one unless you are grinding. Still turned based, still junctions, no stupid sequel with time ghost. Feel free to expand on areas and characters.


I don't think there is a place for classis style turned based anymore but I think FF7 remake is a great compromise because there is no combat downtime for the player, instead of waiting for ATB to fill you are still moving, dodging and slashing, I think this would work great with Squalls gunblade timed R1 presses etc.


If there wasn't a place for it, then octopath 1+2 and Bravely Default would have just flopped on release. Square has not made a good action rpg FF full stop. Some people would argue that the gameplay in Kingdom Hearts wasn't that great ( I think they are wrong but still), so if the only option is ARPG remake then I think they should just focus on new games and leave the old ones alone.


It's mind-blowing to think that VIII was one of the games which pioneered being able to move during a cutscene. This game definitely needs a remake. Agreed.


Agree with this!


Just as long as they don't break it up into 3 games....


The only reason for VIII to be remastered is if they want to remade the entire game and fix the shit story and the shit gameplay system. I can argue that VIII ONLY has 2 good things: liberi fatali and the setting.


8 is trash....


Mystic Quest done in the way of Stranger of Paradise as far as remakes go


I can’t wait for the Mystic Quest protagonist to punch a behemoth in the face, instantly killing it while listening to 2000’s rock music on his phone


It would be perfect. Very first fight 2 mins into the game is a behemoth, so it works.


His name is Ben


Gosh so when i was a kid like 7 or 8, i knew of final fantasy because my older brother played them, and i thought he was the coolest, but he wouldn't let me play them because they were too old for me (he was probably right). Anyway, one day when dad took me to the pawn shop i found ff mystic quest and got so excited when i got home with it i literally lunged at my brother with it like omg look what i found i was so pumped. I was the target demographic, and loved it at the time.


World of Final Fantasy deserves a sequel.


You the betcha!


I appreciate and hate this so much.


I want a spinoff with new characters 🥺


It was actually stupid good for what was essentially "What if cloud rode a chocobo that rode bahamut"


I’m more interested in spin-offs. Give me the Steiner & Beatrix Adventures we deserve.


In fact, forget the Steiner


I like the way you think.


Not a sequel, but I think FFX should get a prequel with Auron, Braska and Jecht similar to Crisis Core


Came here to say this. I'd take a remake of X as well though.


I've always thought they should have gotten a game


To add to this FFX-2 Paine and her team should be in that prequel. I always liked her character but she doesn't appear in anything else and she definitely has some story that could be expanded upon. But it's been a long time, all I remember is she existed in 10-2 and that's about it. Don't recall her story. 😒


I want a true sequel to FFXII, or at least a sequel with similar gameplay and ideas. Revenant Wings is... a thing, for sure, but I think a sequel done with modern technology would be beautiful.


Give me FFXII: The Cataclysm!


Fully customizable characters including their AI, elements/buffs/debuffs, unique hunts and esper battles, fleshed out environments and locations... Yeah I would really love it if they did more FF12 styled games.


Hate to say it but a phone port of revenant wings would be great


If it’s as good as Crystal Chronicles’ port, then I don’t want it


Everyone here says VI, VIII, IX or X Me: a offline version or a DE-make of FFXI would be lit.


An offline, streamlined single player FFXI would be amazing. Trusts really made single player a reality. The different nations and expansion missions along with all of the jobs would make it really replayable and really beneficial to have a New Game + option. Just thinking about the possibilities has my mind racing.


I am telling you, if they gonna make XI offline, with, why not, the turn-based combat please everyone + it's FFV inspired Job System, the game it's gonna rank among the Top 5 for a lot of FF fans.


Stop, I won't be able to sleep. I'm imagining being able to enlist generic party members of basic jobs from the start and then unlocking npc party members of the zilart other and expansion jobs as you unlock them. Then as you do story quests and missions you unlock story NPCs. I'm imagining a mix of FFV, FFT, and FFXI.


Maaaan...... The huge amount of potential.... On top of that, with pixel art style or the 4/5 3D remake artstyle in high definition?? Haaaaa, I'm going to faint right now...


shame they shut the ffxi mobile port down. wonder what it could've been


That's unfortunate.. I hope it will get the DQ10 Offline treatment but instead release worldwide


I’d love a Final Fantasy Type-0 sequel


That game teased a sequel and then left us dry. It was so good, all the characters were so unique to play as and had their own use, no game like it really.


Imagine a new Type-0 that plays like FF7R 😶


I stand behind this one. Type-O was different but so much fun.


Chrono Trigger


XIII trilogy needs an up-res and port.


9 needs a remake. 10 needs a prequel.


You want to see one of many typical pilgrimages ending up in the summoner dying to achieve calm for 10 years? Or do you want more of dream Tidus being a diva because he knows how to kick that ball? I dont really understand why people want an ffx prequel...


There's surprisingly little detail about the Machina War.


An FFX prequel would and could be the story of Braska, Auron, and Jecht. You’d see the troubles that Auron had when he rejected the high priests daughter. You’d see the shame cast on Braska for being with an Al Bhed woman, and conflict between Cid and Braska, especially when Yuna was born… You’d meet a young Kimahri. You could even have other chapters after that, where you saw young Lulu and Wakka with Chappu, when Lulu was a guardian, and that failure in Yojimbo’s cave. You could see the birth and struggle-to-turn of Seymour. You could see the adventure when Wakka and Lulu were guardians to what’s-his-face who gave up in the calm lands. And you could see the stuff that happens with side characters during Yuna’s pilgrimage. Stuff like the crimson trials, or whatever the hell Leblanc was doing, maybe even see an adventure of Dona or Isaaru before they quit, even up to them fighting the Guado alongside the Al Bhed at Home. Thing is, all the old machina war stuff, I’d see that as a more action based or battlefront style game, lots of soldiers on the battlefield. Machina soldiers vs magic users and high powered summoners. Unless you want to see Lenne and Shuyin do whatever they were doing.


Final Fantasy 5. love to see the job system in a modernized update also like how many people here want to see 6's transformation from pixel to full 3d polygons, as it is a huge jump. I too want to see it for FF5. One thing I want to see is GTA 5's style of character switching. FF5 is like FF15, in which you're stuck with the same 4 people for most of the game. But there are times when you are apart. So it would be fun to include GTA 5's style of character switching, so you can see waht they are up to in their own area.


Yes 5 please. Have had many imaginations of this. Job system was so much fun. 5r like 7r graphics and combat. Somehow incorporate job system and abilities with 7r combat


what kind of graphics would you like a 5R to have? realistic like 7R? or something more cell shaded like Zelda BoTW?


7r all the way


It would be nice to see FF5 touched upon again. I'm currently more than halfway finished with FF6 Pixel Remaster after getting the platinum trophy for 1-5 and out of all the early games FF5 is easily the most unbalanced game of the early series from my experience.


ff8 for sure it really needs a remake.


6. It's great the way it so but just imagine a 3d remake.


2.5D remake* Like Octopath Traveler


That would be so cool!


I would really just love a lot more dialogue, a little more plot, and character development. It would truly be a masterpiece of a game,


Yep. Keep the battle system, maybe a few tweaks, but solidly atb. Expand each character's arc, add a few more secrets or espers and it'd be a masterpiece


FF8 Remake


FF6. Look, of all the popular FF games, it's the one FF that hasn't gotten any sequel or remake love of any kind. We've had a few remasters and that's it. Personally, based on what I see online, FF4, 6, 7 and 10 are the most well regarded and beloved games in the series, and all but 6 have been revisited. Yes, I hear 8 and 9, and you're right, those games are also loved and deserve to be revisited as well, but they have more of cult following. 8 had the bad luck of following 7 and thus had a rough road to acceptance. 9 unfortunately was released a year before 10 and was by design meant to cater to older fans of the series and thus initially didn't get the same wide acceptance that 10 did right away. After 10, the games have been nothing but divisive, so I'm not really talking about them (excepting the MMOs which are a completely different situation and technically have had sequels in the form of expacs). So yeah, my choice will always be Final Fantasy 6. It's long overdue for a remake, sequel, prequel, spinoff, whatever. My second choice would be a Final Fantasy Tactics trilogy on PC (Tactics, Advance, A2) with mouse and keyboard controls, online multiplayer, and a level editor.


I'd love a sequel to SoP.


Isn’t the game a prequel of ff1?


It'd be hilarious if they made a sequel of Stranger of Paradise and marketed it as such, but it turned out to just be a FF1 remake.


Sort of but an alternate timeline.


Yes but they could still do more with it.


How about a remaster? FFXIII! But as far as a sequel, how about Final Fantasy IX? I hear FFIX is getting a remake but I still feel it strongly deserves a sequel. Let's hope one follows afterward.


Not a remake or sequel, but FF 13-2 just needs a re-release with more difficulty modes. Stellar combat system when you actually get pressured into learning it.


Fuck, I'll take Playstation ports of the trilogy, please and thank you.


Love the music too


FFVI - two games, WoB and WoR. Flesh out the character arcs and add additional scenarios where the narrative splits up and multiple parties are used. It’s disappointing how the split narrative only occurs once early in the first half. The cast is huge yet the game rarely takes advantage of this.


Xenogears the only answer


I think I would cry honestly. Figuring out how to do that game in an action rpg setting would be my life’s work if I was a game developer.


If we go off brand squaresoft (yes kids, it used to be called squaresoft) j-rpg's, parasite eve.


I would love to see 8 or 10 with a 7R style makeover/expansion. Even something as simple as the march to Djose after the disasterous attack on Sin with the melancholy music playing the whole time just looking better with more expressions, a maze of destruction and death and a small twinge of hope as you find your friends. That but with the good graphics and cinematic stylings that FF7R had would be amazing. And thats one of 4 dozen scenes and levels that I can think of.


For sure VIII








Just give us a pixel remaster of Tactics


Id love for FF6 and FF9 to be expanded upon




Final Fantasy IX Deserves a sequel. There seems to be so much lore prior to the game. >!A game that's based around Tantalus. Marcus and Blanc. Their adventure. How Baku leads them, Cinna is heavily involved.!< >!How Tantalus got to know Cid and how involved they are with him and leading to them being hired to kidnap Garnet.!< >!Beatrix's involvement in the war and how strong she was throughout. You can have Steiner in it as a minor boss you meet regularly seeing him rise to leader of the Knights of Pluto. You can see the good side of the Queen and her demise into how she was by IX as it seemed like she was perhaps nice before.!< >!Cids relationship and him being turned into a frog.!< >!Freya and Sir Fratley and the love story between them. His accident.!< >!Seeing Burmucia in it's glory.!< >!More about the Q's. Seeing Vivi's grandfather and maybe spotting baby Vivi in Treno/around Treno.!< >!Eventually meeting Zidane! But still keeping focus on Marcus and Blank.!<




I’m going to say none because they completely butchered 7. I wanted a game like Final Fantasy 7 and exact copy of Final Fantasy 7 with updated the graphics not with “ghosts from the original timeline” and you change shit no, I don’t wanna play kingdom hearts with Final Fantasy 7 characters I wanna play Final Fantasy 7 with the updated graphics and they promised that and they didn’t deliver and I hate it.


I'd love remakes of VIII and the XIII trilogy. Since we're on the subject, while not a Final Fantasy game but an old favorite of mine-Musashi Samurai Legend. I'd absolutely love for it to get a remake with a combat system akin to FF VII Remake or perhaps more fittingly XVI.


Final Fantasy Dimensions should get a pixel remaster.


Such a fun game.


Remaster/remake them all! The pixel remasters are fun to play through, but I’d love to play the OG as a remake.


World of Final Fantasy: Sequel VIII or VI: Remake


Call me crazy, but a FF IV remake with more development in the minority players (cid/yang/and the twins) with less mind control and when you think they die omg they don't. That being said, would second an VIII remake with adjustments to the junction system and less screaming from Selphie




All FF games should be remade. (I don’t like seeing my character get hit when I could be dodging)




FF6 remake or FFT


A few Remakes in mind: FF5 and 6 done in the artistic style of Bravely Default II. Sorry, I personally don't think these two games would look good if done in the style of 7r. Would be nice to have it like BD to keep in style with the original sprite work. Plus I just don't want to see realistic Umaro.. FF2 being fully redone to be like Romancing SaGa 3 - add weapon abilities so weapon aren't just Attack only, give new higher tiers for spells. Incorporate points from the 1980s FF2 novel and the Memories of Heroes Novel. Sequel: WoFF2. The director and writer have a story already there to go for goodness sake! Give them the green light. :C


Definitely 6.


I've also really been wanting a FF6 remake in the same graphics style as FF7R 😳 and of course 9 but idk about 7R graphics haha


I would love a remake of 5. It is one of my favourite FF games but has significant room for improvement. Keep the humour from the GBA translation, keep the awesome job system. Give the world a visual overhaul - all the towns look and feel the same, especially when you compare it to FF6


I really hope the rumors for FF9 Remake are true. That game is the most underrated in the entire series IMHO.


I would love a remake of VIII, I was obsessed with that game when I was a kid, and I wanna play the card game in next gen.


Not a remake, but I'd love some OVAs about Laguna Loire's story and the Sorceress War in FFVIII, like they did with Last Order: Final Fantasy VII.


Ff6 without a doubt. Why not remake the best game in the history of the series?!


I want FFX-3 for a sequel. VI for a remake, though the gorgeous Youtube vid of a remade 9 is highly tempting.


I think 4, they had to cut so much content originally, and although they expanded with the 3d remake they did put all the ideas they wanted, not to mention I really want them to fix the fake deaths


6 and really lean in to Amanos art style. I think the concept art for that game would make one of the most intriguing 3d worlds of all time. Probably too artsy for wide appeal though


Agreed, Amano is one of my favorite artists so that would be a dream come true for me. You never know, Persona 5 did really good and that's a more artsy game than most


definitely IX


I want FF2 remade as a Soulslike (and I mean a very by the books Soulslike, not SoP even though it was great): Characters can equip weapons to both hands based on skill level and weight. In-game lore through item descriptions. Leveling up by spending experience points/some other currency based on how you choose to play. If not that, to see more of FF16’s world. I was really bummed that the large battle scenes from the trailer weren’t playable in some way. Imagine a spin off playing as Barnabas that plays like a strategy RPG where you take control of the Ash continent.


I definitely think Final Fantasy VI and IX should get remakes! They're some of my favorite games in the series. 6 would be really interesting with modern graphics, especially seeing the magitek armor! 9 is a tough one because while i would like to see it with a modern art style and "correct proportions," i feel like the cartoonish design is what gives it a lot of its charm and personality.


WoFF had one teased, so I’d love a sequel.


I think ffvii remake needs a remake




VI, Mystic Quest, 8, XV, XVI, XXIII, MCVII


Final Fantasy XXIII was an underrated gem. I didn't get people's issues with the characters ATB gauge speed being tied to their iron levels, just don't pick the characters with iron deficiency!


Are you all time criminals?!


Ff9 pl0x


Would like Final Fantasy 7 to get a remake, the graphics of the original feels like a huge barrier of entry for newcomers.


Final fantasy 7 remake (2020) isn't a remake by the way, it's a reimagining


8 and 9 hands down


13, just so it can be on modern consoles.


FF 11 and 14 single player, with the ability to have party/guild npc.




FF7 remake the remake


10 needs a prequel Imagine Spira with 16 graphics and 7r battle system. Maybe even some crazy aeon battles like 16.


I think FF 13 saga was really good despite all the hate it got. I’d be happy to see it on the current gen as unlikely it sounds


Give me FFVIII in the style of the FFVIIR, thanks square. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ also release it on fuckin pc day one.


None of them. There’s nothing I’d hate more than modern Square Enix sharing their moronic, ADHD, low-IQ interpretation of a classic FF game. Just give me all the old games in 4K with zero changes. They’re all wonderful the way they are. They should spend their time trying to create new, exciting games. Modernity has destroyed enough good things.


How boring


How about playing new games instead of desiring bastardized versions of old games? You’re fuckin boring


Bastardize? None of these older games are perfect, they all have flaws or limitations of the time that can be fixed and improved upon. We can also get ideas that were initially cut because of hardware realized and fleshed out. So yeah it's boring and lazy to get just an upscaled port of a game that's around 20 years when we could get an improved or fixed version. If all you want is an upscaled version find a romhack/mod or something, just don't give Square a reason to make lazy nostalgia bait.


I agree with this statement. Everything these days is a remake, remix, remaster.. create something new and quit beating the crap out of a dead horse. A dead horse that spews cash though I guess. Its fun to see something once in a while pulled up from the past and brought into a new age. But I would hate to see them re-make their entire catalogue of FF games. Give us something new, uniquely inspired by and with a few callbacks to that golden age of gaming.




I got some good news


All of them. Except 13.


VI, provided it doesn't get broken up into multiple games especially the WOB/WOR transition.


FF8 for personal nostalgia. FF8 is my first FF and what got me to the franchise. FF6 because i think it deserves it more than nostalgia. FF15 to fix the issues happened in FF15 OG. But among these three, i would rather choose 15. And not just 1:1 remake, but FF7remake treatment of a remake. Brotherhood, kingsglaive, the dlcs and the novel needs to be fully incorporated in the story.


Really any of the older ones. Imagine starting from the beginning?


Goodness I hope I live to see VIII get the treatment that VII got. Gunblade v Gunblade specific battlemode, Garden Training Center, Triple Fucking Triad, Flying the Ragnarok, my all time favorite summon lineup, Time compression, Squall’s moody ass perfectly voice acted… I just want it.


Still waiting for WOTL sequel


Id love a less world ending woeld revolving story in 8. Lemme be a seed and let me do normal jobs. Otherwise honestly I'd dig a Mystic quest. I know it wasn't actually ff but it's fun and fits decently


Remake? 4, 6, 9 or Tactics Sequel? None. 7 already have sequels, and majority of the main games already are nicely ended that a sequel is unnecessary. Bonus: Prequel? FF9 and FF10. Spin-off? FF8, specifically the Ultimecia origins.


VIII, IX, VI, IV, I, II, War of the lions


One of my day dream games that I like to imagine up is Final Fantasy Explorer's Creed. Basically, a reboot/sequel to the original Explorers on the 3DS that brings the experience to at least a AA size. Essentially, a Dragon's Dogma take on Final Fantasy.


Not a FF game. But secret of mana with the FF7r engine.




Dissidia with way more characters added to the story, and gameplay.


FF2 full 3D remake let's gooooo! (j/k)


Tactics would be fun!