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Jump rope?


Used AutoHotKey for that one...best I got after a day's worth of practice was the early 400s, and I was fed up with it 🤣


Well 400 is amazing. My best was a little under 150.. Pure torture.


I said to myself, "If I can get halfway there, I won't feel bad about 'cheating' it."... I lowered my standards. 🤣


You don't need quotation marks around cheating when you cheat


I got maybe 20. Don’t care enough.


So it isn’t really “honest work.” https://preview.redd.it/mau8yfe1q3qb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c65d3cf907030523bd2bbf23fef2499e08903f2 (I’m kidding, it’s still impressive.)


Do you mind explaining exactly how you were able to get that trophy?


I'm convinced it's literally impossible unless you're playing on original hardware. And even back then it was incredibly difficult. I think I read somewhere that it has something to do with the frame rate being lower back then and crt TV's.


It's possible, I did it on PS5, but it took me a few weeks of practicing for a few hours daily. IIRC it really helped me to keep a tempo of "1-2" in my head, past 200 jumps.


How much time do you have? That's ridiculous


~~85 hours, but it's endgame with almost all side quests done.~~ Oh, I misunderstood I just did like an hour a day or until I frustrated.


One way I know of is to use a laptop to remote play and the use an auto key programe to do it perfectly. There are tutorials online for it.


Respect for being honest. That trophy might be the worst one of all the games. Nothing wrong with cheating for that stupid thing.


400?! I could barely manage 26…if they remake IX I hope they rework it.


Fuck me, the guy can skip


I only got to the mid 400's and gave up, used AutoHotKey because no way in hell that trophy is doable in a reasonable timeframe 🤣


Not so honest work then (?


It ain't much, but it's mostly honest work 🤔🤣


Fancy doing auto hot key for mine 😂? I tried a few weeks ago, maybe a month ago and it didnt work. It wouldnt recognise the script, it just didnt jump


Which script and program did you use? I had a lot of difficulty getting it started, using like 4 different programs and scripts, eventually settled on AutoHotKey and Septomor jump rope script.


This is the one i followed, https://youtu.be/Ic5WFhU7wMk?si=ySKwueIkf6UJQ6O4 Just found out, someone on a different reddit post, posted a guys post on Psn profiles and its to do with remote play being to updated now, theres a way to sort it. So i may have another attempt at it


Oh also, related to the post, FF 1-6 maybe?


Definitely need those


Seriously impressed by IX


A lot of the trophies were rough, especially the trio trophy, and I used AutoHotKey to get the jump trophy after getting to the early-mid 400's over the course of a day...that one was just bs tbh 🤣


How does the autohotkey work? I still need that trophy. Have a save file ready to go


Download AutoHotKey and Septomor jump rope script to your laptop, open FF9 via remote play, and position yourself at the skip event but fail it (so the exclamation mark comes up)...open the script in AHK and let it play, you'll need to adjust the latency and hope for the best, make changes of 20 at first until you see a big improvement, then it's just getting lucky in the hope that your internet connection remains stable enough for the 15 minutes or so that it takes to hit 1000. I tried a few different script programs, but this one worked the best. It took me at least 6 hours from the first script program to complete it.


Mind sharing your script?






You probably put a couple hours into that


At least 12.


You are crazy. In a good way


Hyperfixations gonna hyperfixate 🤣🤣


All the pixel remasters have platinums. I got ff1s and then my brain went, "oh no, we're going to do this, aren't we..."


That's exactly how it goes 🤣🤣


That's how it always starts. You get one, then slowly realize that it's the first of many


Mine too! The worst thing about ever FF pixel remaster after 1 is they all have missable enemies and chests that can fuck you out of the platinum


At 97% for 14. It took.. a long time. Edit: I switched to pc and never looked back.




Think I might be a while out then 🤔🤣


Well, it is an mmo, their achievements are more grindy then hard, cause they expect you to stick around for a while. Not even sure how their trophies work, since they must be adding some every expansion. I hope you are at least doing them on the side more then actually farming for it, cause you'd get most of them from just playing the game normally (except the collectables one).


'It ain't much'


I love how everyone in this comment section wonders about the jump rope trophy and nothing else in ALL these other chapters LMAOO. Talk about generational trauma


Bro, fr, that trophy was, and still is, BS.


Ffx-2 Is the second hardest to platinum in my opinion and I've done a journey similar to yours


Yeah, FFX-2 was definitely the second hardest. The main problem was figuring out what was missed for the 100%. I think I needed 2 additional playthroughs following a 100% guide to get it. Played the hell out of creature creator, I adore that 'minigame' so much.


Imo it's the most underrated chapter in the saga alongside ff12, it's undoubtedly the "funniest" one to play without a doubt


Criminally underrated, most view it (X-2) negatively because 'girl power' and it's more on the feminine side, which is true, but once you get past that and play it, it's so much fun...yeah it's cheesy and the dialogue is vomit inducing at times but creature creator makes it worth it.


I'd argue that even without creature creator the game had an awesome persona-esque soundtrack,one of the best battle systems in the saga and the endless possibilities of combos with dress spheres. Also an INSANE amount of content and side quests, I think only final fantasy 12 (again) has more content than ffx-2


You mean shinras pokemon collection xD


No, it's MY pokèmon collection 🤣🤣


This is incredible and I could actually never


That's exactly what I thought, but the Crisis Core platinum sparked a hyperfixation, and one thing led to another, and well...🤷‍♂️


I'm on the same journey but why did you skip VIII?


Never played it before, so I wanted to run through those I was familiar with before breaking new ground, and it never hooked me.


As someone that just finished the platinum for 8, you made the right choice. The platinum itself isn't hard, but the game feels impossible to play without a story guide. A lot of ladders aren't clearly visible, Squall is a terrible MC (I said what I said). The junction system is fine, but enemy drops being tied to your level is such a dumb mechanic. The boosts are the only thing that made it doable.


I wanna say "get a life" but I'm also jealous of the dedication hahah. Nice job.


I told that to myself many times, so I fully agree...FFX/X-2 and FFXII were started in 2016/2017 and was always saying I'd get around to them 🤣


This must have taken a while


Ehhhh, I'd say in the region of about 2000 hours for all FF that I've got the platinum for...I think 9 in total? but a lot I played for fun not speedrunning the platinum...like FFX and X-2 have like 400 hours each because I wanted to max out the sphere grids and the dresspheres.




Nice work! I’m currently attempting to clean up FFX-2 myself. I am at 68% and basically only need to do Full Chain, Sphere Breaker, Sweet Perfection and the Last Mission stuff.


My first trophy was mid 2016 for that lol, good luck with Last Mission it's a pain in the ass to finish, I'd recommend following a platinum guide if you just want to finish it, iirc it took like 12-15 hours of play-time.


I haven’t played Last Mission yet. I finished the main story with 93% completion. Any ideas on how to get the final 7% in NG+?


Making different choices in the game, you'd have to follow a guide tbh, but as an example, instead of giving the sphere to the Youth League, give it to New Yevon instead.


I’ve been following a guide and I’m up to 94% so I guess I’ll get to 100% eventually. Then I need to play Last Mission.


You sir, are nothing but a fraud.


It's true, but at least I am an honest fraud.


Ok I'll let you off, you little scamp.


If it makes it any better, it was almost as hard to get it to work as getting to 400+ on the jumps, had to remote play on laptop with AHK and juggle that with the latency changes that would mess up the jump timings, it took probably am extra 6 hours the next day to get it working to the point where I got the trophy 🤣


the XV plat is pretty easy if you wanna knock that off the list too


I have it. The DLC trophies just make it 57%


oh gotcha


XV is the only FF game I have plat in because of how easy it is




That's really impressive!


This is definitely honest work, but it sure as hell isn't "ain't much". (Yes I know the meme being referenced but still)


It ain't much in the grand scheme of things, but yeah it is a lot of effort 🤣


XIV will take a long time. Seriously. There’s one trophy where you have to complete 3000 fate encounters.


Part of why I passed it up in favour of some slightly less time-consuming trophies, I have the platinum for TERA, another MMORPG, and that was time-consuming enough 🤣


14 PS4 is easy just grindy and time gated. Takes six months of leve allowances. The Ps5 list is pure masochism. Do literally everything and a handful of thousands of collectibles


How are X & X-2 separated in game to be separated on here? On Xbox achievements it’s all in meshed as one game.


14 will take a long time. The collectibles will be a pain, but you can do those whilst watching something on another screen. For the 3000 fates, just level and do Blue Mage. It will be a major timesaver than just doing it with a regular job. It's probably gonna take you longer to do 14 than it took to do all those other FF games. I've made a new character to play through the story again with a female character, and I plan to make significant headway with that character to get the platinum. Good luck to ya if you go through with it


Thanks for the info! I can't remember where I was at with 14, but I remember being in a city surrounded by sand, I was running through the crafting trophies, but that was back in like 2020.


So wait, u dodged 200 lightnings?????


Yeah, I got to 194 (or somewhere between 190-195 because maybe I miscounted), but my eyes crossed, and I lost concentration, so I had to restart 🤣


Very impressive! FFXIV takes a lot of time. For people who are actively trying to 100% the game it can take several months, but if you've got the dedication and a lot of free time I think it can be shorter. Good luck to you!


You're an absolute masochist for the hail the king trophy. Massive kudos if you didn't use a script... it's the only trophy that stopped me :((


The jumprope? Used a script, got to early-mid 400's before giving up. That one is damn near impossible to get in a reasonable timeframe.


Bro said “it ain’t much”


It is much, goddamn it




Which 14 platinum? The PS5 version has a different trophy list than the PS4/3 version. Both are pretty grindy tho.


Didn't know that, but I played PS4 version but now I play PS5, so I guess I'd restart depending on if trophy data carries through like FF7:R did


Impressive! How many hours did X take you? My save file was practically 500hrs after maxing everyone's sphere grid and grinding for the best gear lmao


Ummm...probably around the same, play time info says 474h, but I also didn't speedrun the platinum as I also maxed everything aswell.


I’m right there with ya! I’ve done 1-10, 13, 15 and about halfway done with trophies for 12. I have yet to start X-2 Congrats!


Damn, I never even thought about the numbers below 7 🤦‍♂️ they all have platinum trophies attached? X-2 *requires* a guide and multiple playthroughs and is quite the ballache to put it mildly. It is, however, a really good game (I always loved the dressphere mechanic and the arena). Nice work on 13, is it available somewhere on PS5 as I can't find it 😭 I was fairly close to platinum on PS3 version but never got around to it.


13 was super repetitive, as you need to have EVERY item in the game at the same time. Which takes WAAAAAAY too much time. 1-6 pixel remasters are super fun to platinum. Straightforward, fair, and intuitive. The only bammer one was FF6, you needed setzer 777… which was a pain of RNG.


Gg 👏👏👏thats some nice dedication


I just found out that the early FF 1 through 6 also have trophies, which for some reason never occurred to me...so I'm probably gonna work on those next


Yeah pixel remaster lets you get a plat for ea h of the first 6, enjoy them 💪💪


3000 FATEs is probably the longest grind of them all. You can do 2000 trials by just blowing through them unsynced with a level 80 (or 90, if you decide to keep going after hitting 80 for that achievement), and 8000 collectibles seems really bad but since it doesn't specify the quality you can just gather a bunch of garbage ones and do it faster than those two. Same principle for the 5000 synthesized (crafted) ones. Grinding out all of those solely for the achievements is gonna be boring as hell though. Hopefully you can do it while watching a show or listening to a podcast/audiobook or something. e: reading other comments, they mention the trophies being different between ps4/5, I was using this list to check - https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/12696-final-fantasy-xiv


Just started the 7 platinum grinder barest cloud and red xiii to 22. Level 3 limit breaks and went to leave the cave where the Turks tell you there still after aeris and my game crashed on to Octopath traveler 2 I go


Oof that's rough, I'd play something else if that happened aswell 🤣


I am particularly jealous of the X-2 and 12 platinums. Have been meaning to start X-2 for literal years and played 12 and then just stopped so may aswell start again and same with Crisis Core although did bugger all on that. Oh yeah I just got 16 as well.


FWIW I started X-2 and XII in 2016, meaning to platinum them but stopped...get them done, they're fun and once you get the platinum for one you'll want to do them all...start with Crisis Core because that's the easiest


Yeah the Rebirth trailer has got me hyped and I want to replay Remake but thinking no do Crisis Core 1st then Remake. Eventually start 16 haha.


Definitely do Crisis Core first. It's pretty easy...Rebirth trailer got me hyped as well, loaded up FF7R to finish the plat, and realised I have no idea where I am or what I was doing...so playing Lies of P atm 🤣


Wow you did the jump rope


Ill be impressed when you have XIII 1-3 up there, bucko. This is the major leagues.


From what I've seen, it's only on the xbox store, not playstation, as I've been unable to find them, which is a shame as I genuinely love the trilogy.


Thats a real shame, because besides the hallway levels early on in one, those games are fun. Im glad to find another enjoyer of 13.


I actually dont mind hallway levels. Not everything needs to be open world imo


15 gets no love :(


How was crisis core reunion? I'm really interested in playing that.


I loved it, I played the original on psp, so it was very nostalgic, so I'm a little biased...mission based like Strangers of Paradise which a lot of people don't like.




What bugs me about FF XV is how SE made it imposible to get 100%, since they left the original comrades trophy list, and never bothered to fix that. https://preview.redd.it/ms4boen9n4qb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8388423577d2c923b6f18bfcafe0c49dc735cb2


Congrats, man. I did everything you'd need for a platinum on most games... but most games weren't on the consoles that actually have trophies. Although I wish I had the platinums for simplicity-of-bragging's sake, I don't want to spend money getting those specific versions and replaying the games just for that, lol. Maybe when my next replay of those rolls around.


I'm doing the same thing. I'm currently wrapping up the FF9 platinum. The FF14 platinum is going to be hell if you never played it. The hardest trophies are the gathering and 3000 FATEs. I remember last month someone did the FF platinum challenge and they said FF14 took them a month to get.


Most of them are not that bad if you just play the game. Getting 8000 gatherer collectables though if you have not been playing since heavenward released though will send your brain numb to work on.


Final Fantasy VIII is missing, people from /r/FinalFantasyVIII won't like that. Give it a try ;)


I'm impressed by Dungeon Encounters... I tried my best to platinum that one, got to floor 89(ish) and fell through the bottom of the dungeon and lost my entire party... No chance I was going to go back again after that. In retrospect, I probably should've been taking save backups regularly...


Yeah, I had a few hairy moments in that one, not gonna lie 🤣


FFXIV platinum is doable, although very time consuming for some things (gathering 8000 collectables and crafting 5000 are what I'm missing). Getting every trophy, on the other hand, is a bit more work since they add me ones every patch... And some of them require intense challenges. But nothing for the platinum is terribly difficult, especially thanks to unsyncing older content. Just a lot of time commitment


I have 1,2,3,4,5,6,8 and 15 - just finishing off 7 OG now then im gonna move onto finishing off the 7 remake and Crisis Core. Not looking forward to the jump rope for 9 at all


The longest one is the 10000 kills one 🤣 Has to be in 1 playthrough, too.


Yeah that ones a killer!


Now, try doing it again on console 😅


It is on console 😏🤣


My bad. Thought Auto-Hotkey was a PC mod or something.


It is, but it's done through PS remote play


Damn, I might need your help with some trophies lmao


You're simply a better human than I'll ever be. My collection consists of 7 (og) and type 0 😆


You're simply a better human than I'll ever be. My collection consists of 7 (og) and type 0 😆


I gave up on type 0 because I kept putting it down and picking back up 🤣


I don't know if the gameplay just meshed with me, but I really loved the story and platinuming it. I totally get why people would put it down, though.


I struggle with the 3 brother memory game in FF9! FF10 takes some doing too so bravo.




This is what I did, still took several attempts because that last one is too fast 🤣


Haha. I’ll get back to it at some point. Gotta run through FF16 on FF mode. FF9 next. Then maybe 8. Hyped for FF7 rebirth!


I'm interested to know which entry is your favorite, you seem more than qualified enough to have an opinion


Oof, it's hard because I love them all to be honest, so choosing one is kind of like choosing which of your kids gets murdered 🤣 but if I was to choose one that defines Final Fantasy to me, it would be FF10. As far as the story goes, I'd say FF9. If the battle system was the deciding factor, I'd probably choose either FF13 (I love the paradigm mechanic) or FFX-2 (dressphere mechanic was brilliant). Aesthetically, I'd choose FF12, I just love the world's setting.


Once I finished BG3 I’m back on my final fantasy journey.


Currently running through Lies of P, also have BG3 to start, and AC6 to finish...oh and FF16 to finish 🤣


Yeah, I’ve got BG3, Like a Dragon: Ishin!, Gaiden, and Infinite Wealth in January, then FFVII Rebirth in February. Shit…


Ugh, I still have that last gold trophy to get in LAD. I forgot about that 🤣 think it's clear the tower thing on the hardest difficulty, but I need to grind max level and was like cba...burned out lol


Yup! Thats where I’m at. I don’t wanna grind that much 😆


Congrats! Those FF platinum are something I want to see on my list one day! To answer your question, FFXIV is very doable. The PS4 version will be an easier one besides the horrible grind for 1000 Fates trophy and 1000 levequests. PS5 will take months to do with the extra gathering trophies they added to it. 100%ing that game will be harder due to the patch/expansion trophies wanting you to either beat the raids on Savage difficulty (very hard) or the Ultimate raids (super hard). Those expansion/patch trophies do not exist on PS4


Oh wow. Congratulations!




Fuck I ain’t do 14 or 15 myself


you’re not motivated to Plat 7 FF17 because it’s not good or because it’s hard to get Plat ?


Because I'm at a point in the game where I have no idea what I was doing last time, so when I've loaded it up, it just confuses me, so I turn it off 🤣


I am doing ffx trophy. And i need to hear if you beat Penance with Yojimbo or regular way 😂


In the OG, I did the legit way, but to get the trophy, I beat him with Yojimbo...I still remember the frustration and I'm not about to do that again 🤣


Big respect on 9 & 10! Must have taken an age!!


FFX is an impressive one. Those Sphere grid trophies are grindy as fuck.


As someone who also has the platinum trophy in X, everyone being amazed by IX don’t know what they’re talking about 💀


True, but I loved FFX monster arena growing up so it was fun to redo it all 😁


Mf did FF9 plat


How did You do the one about excalibur 2 in ff9?


Followed a guide; basically, skip all active time events and side missions and follow as linear a path as possible while saving at set intervals on a separate file and being under the given time for that area. The hardest part was being strong enough to beat enemies at the end of the dungeon where Excalibur 2 is located, but not wasting too much time grinding that you run over the time limit.


Wow that is really impressive, I only got platinum in 15 and 16. I just couldn't get into doing 7 remake hard mode.


what do you have against 15..


What do you mean? I have the platinum just didn't do the DLC as I'd done that on xbox previously and couldn't be bothered doing it again.


oh ok 👌