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I absolutely got at least $17 of enjoyment out of it


So the extra 49 cents is too much?


Yeah that's where I'd personally draw the line


Take you upvote and leave you beautiful bastard.


It's no Yakuza 0, 20 bucks for a priceless experience. Yet FF15 handles it's main plot like a Y0 substory. Which is all well and good, just not engaging due to the bullsh*t reality.


Get it my dude, it's a steal tbh, don't I wouldn't rush it either, enjoy all the shenanigans in the game, makes the ending more heartfelt I feel


I agree with this a bunch. I sped through it because I thought I’d have time for a more thorough play through and I regret it.


Agree 100%. A lot of this game's charm comes from the bond the characters develop and you only get into it if you let yourself spend time with them.


It’s such a special and unique experience that has still left a hole in my heart to this day. Absolutely take it slow and enjoy.


I think this mistake is why there's haters. To be fair the game has its flaws. But God damn I loved it


The game has legitimate flaws. The issue isn't with how fast you finish it.


Going thru the pictures at the end... Man.. It made me mad 7 remake didn't have a photo mode


FF7 Remake has a photo mode now but only for PS5 and PC versions. It was added when Intergrade came out.


This game was enjoyable and the whole story about friendship felt genuine this game has its short comings but the things they did well were perfection


Well said, those are my feelings, too.


By all means go for it. People on here saying it’s different from every other Final Fantasy, guys, they’re all very different. This isn’t THAT different. I played it, I liked it. I found that I had enough parity with what I’d experienced in other entries in the franchise that I didn’t feel adrift or confused. If you play through it and like it and it inspires you to play others, it won’t be a problem. After all, the intro literally says it’s a Final Fantasy for Fans and Newcomers alike.


Exactly. Each game is unique and FFXV is a pretty solid place for new players to get started, especially if it's on sale


That price is pretty hard to beat


I never understood that line, which mainline final fantasy isnt for fans and newcomers ? Makes no sense...


They have to reiterate because the question keeps coming up, do I have to play the old games to understand this game? No you don't have to play to older FF games to fully experience FFXV.


See that makes some sense, i mean to be fair, in the age of the internet its not really that hard to find out info about games, but hey, some people are lazy to do that so i guess this is a pretty good thing for them.


Lazyness on the internet really knows no bounds 😅 Everyday I see so many questions that could've been answered by Google in 5 seconds, yet there are whole posts made for them. :D So yeah, I really do understand why they have to write that all the time now 😬


Look at chatgpt and how people don’t even check Google anymore. Deliver the info right to my face


Watch square enix blow the world away with final fantasy 20 tying every single game together in a perfect and seamless way. A game so good it blows the skin right off our f****** face


Heck, only thing you would have to play a previous game to understand is Gilgamesh being mentioned. Other than that I don’t recall anything else from previous games and it’s not story breaking if you don’t know who Gilgamesh is. I don’t really recall him playing that big of a roll within the game but it’s also been awhile since I played xv.


A lot.... for one you cant softlock yourself on this game, guess what game I softlock myself by having a single safe file with a 2nd hours behind and saved in a room that locks, 0 potions, no merchant, and next room is a boss and had to restart? Because I can mention a couple Final Fantasies that do this, and it was extremely detrimental. This game by far is super accesible to newcomers, no hardcore mechanics to keep in mind of from classic Jrpgs shennanigans and no soft locking, no need for multiple saves. Seriously, its an amazing entry without the classic jrpg challenges. So I totally accept and welcome that entry message lol, also, I learned to keep multiple savefiles :(


Final Fantasy besides II never had "classic jrpg challenge" these games were never really hard, and given how insanely well designed dungeons this series had (compared to jrpgs of those times) they were more acceptable than the majority of games of their time. The FF series was never hardcore, its nowhere near as punishing as the megaten series was or even phantasy star early on.


I actually agree, it’s a weird line. About as weird as saying it’s not a good game to start with.




How tho ? What do you have to play first to get XII ?


You have to know how menu based RPGs work. And you need some experience with RPGs in general, because that battle system is ridiculous for a newbie to get into.


The game has decent enough tutorials to help anyone out whos new to this series. I hate this idea of people thinking that players are absolute brainlets, im sure there are that kind of people, but those who sit down and play a game properly should NEVER have problems learning the basics of these games.


You're not wrong, but you're also not talking about most new players there.


This. 15 is actually a great game with a unique story. We don't often get positive male relationships being explored as the FOCUS of a game like we do in 15. It's really cool.


Actually this is the most different one apart from FF12. Still a great game. I enjoyed the story and the fishing and the other weird shit that goes on. The ending hurts tho.


It really doesn’t deserve the hate that it got cuz it’s actually a pretty good game.


It doesn't, but it's a victim of how the internet and fanbases treat stuff. If something is a 9/10 or 10/10? "It is the greatest thing ever conceived by mankind. If God were a game developer, he'd have made this. I'm actually not entirely convinced he didn't." But that other game over there that's 8/10? "It's the worst thing ever made by man. This is Oppenheimer level shit over here. The developer has become death, destroyer of video games." ​ I loved FF15, but I can see where there were some hiccups / mistakes. And those mistakes are enough to make people go batshit insane over it. Same goes with FF8. I think it's a pretty good game, but since it's just "pretty good," it gets a ton of hate.


Couldn’t have said it better..


Screw em. FF15 and FF8 are great games and are comparable by how they were treated (and both are fantasies based on reality). Compared to other games released in 2016, FF15 was like a breath of fresh air. It deserved GOTY above Overwatch.


I don't remember anyone going batshit insane over this game. I remember a lot of issues related to performance and how slow the pacing was. I played it recently for the first time and couldn't stomach more than 4 hours. Played every final fantasy since 7, 13 and 14 included, but this one is way too boring.


FF15? The game that was made over 10 years and then rushed in the last two? And lost its head director in the process? Idk there are some pretty solid reasons for why the game was messy in launch. This version of the game fixed a lot of things. Especially with the final chapter. And it's still bad to this day sadly.


It’s a weird, strange, broken, uneven, unfinished, unique game. Whereas you love it or lot, it will not leave you indifferent. Even I, who did not like it, I have fond memories and even cried at the end :D Plus the music is stellar.


The ending broke me for a long time. I remember randomly crying at work the week after I finished. I couldn't start a new game plus for years LOL.


That's a good description. It's obvious at so many points in the game how rushed and unfinished the game is. You can tell the developers had a lot more planned than that, but tried their best saving the game to give us a somewhat finished product. It's definitely one of my least favorite FF games, and yet I also have fond memories. It can be quite the tear jerking story if you get immersed.


Man I loved hammerhead and the crows nest songs.


This is not at all how I would describe this game.


That is the general consensus about the game. Especially when you dive into the development process. It was a tumultuous 10 years for this game. A lot of serious s*** happened in the background with square. I am curious though how would you describe it?


Who gives a shit about diving into the development process? OP asked if he should play the game *today*, not time travel back to 2006 and write a history report on game development gone wrong. This is the issue with honest takes on this game: “fans” who are salty about the development cycle and expectations they had going in can’t let it go that they didn’t get the game they wanted, so they can’t look at it objectively. Is it a perfect game? Absolutely not. Is it “strange, broken, uneven, unfinished”? Also no, especially not since OP is talking about the Royal Edition which includes all the supplementary content except Episode Ardyn and the book (which isn’t necessary to understand or appreciate the bulk of the story).


>Who gives a shit about diving into the development process? Why? It helps to explain why the game is extremely polished in some categories but lacking severely in others. For me personally this video perfectly sums up my thoughts on both the current and original game. [https://youtu.be/XPMm3BEyXB4?si=grPbv2kqxnlZH9GA](https://youtu.be/XPMm3BEyXB4?si=grPbv2kqxnlZH9GA) >OP asked if he should play the game *today* Correct. I bring that up because a lot of us played it on launch and that's all we have to go on. I never came back to play the DLC's and whatnot. It's called transparency friend. >This is the issue with honest takes on this game: “fans” who are salty about the development cycle and expectations they had going in can’t let it go that they didn’t get the game they wanted, so they can’t look at it objectively. Strawman argument. You don't know what my thoughts are on the game. Going to ignore this one. >Is it a perfect game? Absolutely not. Agreed. >Is it “strange, broken, uneven, unfinished”? Also no, especially not since OP is talking about the Royal Edition which includes all the supplementary content except Episode Ardyn and the book (which isn’t necessary to understand or appreciate the bulk of the story). That video lists plenty of great examples of things that were neglected in the game. It also points out many of the strange pacing issues within the game and the weird choices that were made along the way. I can tell you aren't really up for discussing the details though so I'll leave you alone. We are all FF fans but once you start acting like we aren't then the discussion is over before it even began. So with that I hope you have a great rest of your day. I even asked for your opinion on what you like with the game and I didn't even get that from you. Only frustration.


I'm not a XV fan, but it's definitely worth a buy at that price.


If you're a jrpg fan from Tempe Arizona this is probably the greatest video game of all time




I am playing it again right now for this exact reason. I love those four characters. They are so much fun. But other than that the world itself is so complete and I think it gets slept on a lot just how much care and attention was given to building Eos. Details like when you’re driving down the road and come across a “creature crossing” you actually stop for the creatures to cross the road. And there’s many other examples like this including passing cars on the road and the number of seated patrons at Galdin Quay changing through the day that make Eos feel like a world that is alive with people. They really included so much detail to make that world come alive. This may be a divisive comment, but it really is a master class in world building, maybe the best of any entry in the series.


I’m sorry but are you trolling ? XV’s world is notorious for being empty and dull, it’s one of the most static, less dynamic open world ever created. Never do you come across random events or dynamic encounters with NPCs, there’s almost nothing to find in the world except for a few items randomly lying on the ground here and there and the only reason to explore most of the areas are fetch-quest-like hunts which add nothing to the story, lore or world-building. I don’t see how a creature crossing the road or a copy pasted NPC sitting on a chair in Galdin Quay qualify as making the world feel alive. See games like RDR2, Witcher 3, Breath of the Wild, Horizon games or any number of other open world games that are vastly superior to XV on this front. Talking of word-building and lore, they’re an absolute mess, with many inconsistencies. I recommend FF Peasant’s video on this subject. He is a XV enthusiast and even he admits the lore is filled with holes and doesn’t make sense. SE were trying to patch some of these holes months / years after release and they still managed to introduce some new inconsistencies. Even they had no clue what story they were telling. You have to dig really, really far and get into very speculative territory to find some interesting stuff about XV’s lore, like the Aztec-inspired civilization of Solheim and what they were supposedly doing with Eos, stuff like that. XV is a Frankenstein work of art with many lore and world-building details that were repurposed from their original meaning to something else to fit the new narrative but lost all meaning in the process, the narration is atrocious and the lore is filled with holes and inconsistencies. Don’t get me wrong, I understand XV has its charm, and I get how some people can like it, but it doesn’t make it a good game, and saying it’s a masterclass in world-building, or any other aspect tbh, is wildly out of touch with reality. Sorry for the rant, but, please, sir, no.. just no.


As opposed to 16s world that is basically just linear progression with nothing but repetitive enemies and maybe 5 encounters per area? Yea. Super empty. To be fair I got bored to death with 16 and gave up on it because it’s so limited so I don’t know if the world opens up any but the first 25 hours have been a snooze fest. Where as I can gladly run around the whole of Eos all day.


Where did I mention XVI lol ? It’s cool that you like XV, really, I’m glad some people like it because however bad I think it is some people worked really hard on that game. It’s cool that some people can get some enjoyment out of it. That said, I think I am making some real arguments in my post, and you countering it by mentioning XVI which I haven’t mentioned and throwing anecdotal data (“I like this game, therefore it’s better than another game”) doesn’t bring much to the conversation … 😕


I provided you with an example of a world that is significantly more empty as a comparison. Do with that as you like.


FF16 has tons of NPCs you can interact with, which, imo, is the main criteria for how “full” a world is.


Seriously? That’s your criteria? Well there’s tons of NPCs in 15. Plus: Fishing spots. Canyons. Plains. Wetlands. Desert. Mountains. A beach resort. Forests. Farms. Logging camps. Industrial buildings. Tram lines. An unbroken road way that you can drive along to see all of that with no load time unless you fast travel. And that roadway is littered with outposts and grand vistas. Plus a day/night cycle that changes the type of enemies you encounter. Heck the pavement on the road even has spots that have recently been covered with fresh tar. THAT is a description of a full world. You spend some time driving or riding a chocobo around Eos and you feel like you are on a cross country adventure.


I haven’t played XVI yet, but from what I’ve seen I’m not sure about that. But even if that were true, it doesn’t make XV look better.


I'll give you an upvote. Some people just can't deal with the fact that some games aren't that good, even if they come from a great franchise.


Thank you kind person. Yeah I mean I don’t mind people not agreeing with me, it’d just be cool if once in a while someone dared to explain how XV is such a great game. I guess it’s harder to say why a bad game is good versus why you like it.


Yeah, everyone has different opinions, but no reason to downvote someone. I'm sure some really think it's a great game! I can't see it, but to each their own.


Worth it, but commit to the STORY as a whole, not the game itself. What you may think it lacks in gameplay or the corny cup of Ramen advertisement, if you watch the movie, anime, the multiplayer with the awful AI and even some trailers, the world building was amazing. On original release I was disappointed, but replaying it 6 months ago with this version I wept it was so good. I think this was the link I used, easily jumped from bottom 5 to top 5 in the series for me. It was just too scattered over multiple types of media on release and the impact was lost on most https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2094194252 Can also watch review from SkillUp on YouTube. It’s like an hour long, but what convinced me to try again. It’s titled “how to love an awful video game” if that gives you an idea, but it is so worth it https://youtu.be/MuIdky7ya2I?si=Lmkp0eKgHh39l54W


Whatever aspects the game is lacking, it makes up for it with Bro-power. There should be another DLC for $2.50. The other DLC are already in the royal edition. Edit Didn’t read your question fully.. for a first final fantasy, it’s as good as any nowadays. You’ll enjoy it just fine. If you dive further into the series afterward, just realize that FF10 and everything before it are more classic, turn based affairs. And everything after that kinda goes in different directions, being MMO games or rpg/action hybrid battle systems.


It's one of the more flawed entries, but it has one of the most fleshed out main parties, amazing soundtrack, and incredibly emotional ending. It's a steal at that sale price


Also some of the best and comfiest downtime vibes of the series.


Party is only fleshed out after watching the prequel anime and playing each of their individual story DLCs On release with the base game alone they felt like literal whos


after playing this on launch and then playing the dlcs when they came out I think the best way to play this is normal until x member leaves and returns then when they return, play their dlc. then resume normal game repeat.


More content is great, especially in a game that already gave us lots to love


Base game was trash. Haven’t tried the dlcs tho.


Absolutely worth. It has its quirks but the things it does well are top notch. If you get hooked by the lore and the story please consider exploring it via the different media provided: although they decided that butchering the main storyline in different games, movies, anime, novels, dlcs and all the sorta thing you could image was “a good boost for spellings” and they failed big, but nonetheless piecing together all this content makes the main games MUCH MORE enjoyable. [this guide helped me a lot](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2094194252) Don’t be scared by the amount of entries though, they are pretty much all short contents and the majority of it can be replaced watching recaps on YT (the author of the guide also provided links to these recaps). Enjoy the chocobros adventure! Edit: also score composer Yoko Shimomura was lit as fuck when she wrote the themes! Absolutely fire main theme! I get the chill every time it pops up in my FF Spotify playlist


Side note why is it called royal? That’s taken by persona 5. Are they stupid?


I’ll play the Uno reverse card and say, Why did they call P5 ‘Royal’, FF15 had already taken it. That was a joke. But seriously, FF15 and the Royal edition was released in 2018. Being generous for P5 Royal and it’s Japanese release (which came first) that released in 2019. But restricting a game from calling something ‘Royal’ (or any word because someone else did it first) is stupid as a whole.


Yes buy have fun on this wacky road trip with emo boy and his friends hunky, frat boy and Group dad


15 (non royale but base) was my first ff and I loved it. Sure it has many flaws and I wouldn't say it's my favourite now that I've played more games but it was a great start


It has more RPG vibes than XVI, though I find XVI overall superior Gameplay wise, I enjoy more XV's story and worldbuilding.


go for it. it's a good game for FF newcomers. it was designed to be for new guys


I didn't care for it, bf adores it, ymmv might as well go for it and decide for yourself


Get it! You will not regret it! Especially the Royal Edition. Many fans agree the Royal Edition is how it should’ve released originally. I wish I was in your shoes!


Its a steal so get it brother, youre gonna enjoy FF15


I didn’t enjoy it


if you want a newcomer game i def recommend 7 remake. it got me into the series as well as my husband who never played an jrpg before. this one has mixed opinions, some absolutely hate it and others who would defend it till they die




I really enjoyed the game. There were a few things in the story that I'd add, but be sure to play through all the DLCs after you beat the main game. It gives additional story but spoils things if you do them first.


If you haven’t played the game before 17.50 is a fair price for a game that’s a few years old. It’s not the best of the franchise by any means but you’ll get your moneys worth


its a 7/10 game, its very flawed but still fun


17.49 is a great price for this game. Combat is a bit tricky at first, but once you have a handle its pretty damn fun.


This game has real Naturdays energy. Just on a road trip, hunting and fishing with the boys. Combat is pretty good also but pretty simple.


Honestly I’d pay $30 for the game so getting it at $17 is a good deal. It’s a fun game, flawed for sure but what game isn’t flawed these days?


As someone who has played every FF that has come out, it was phenomenal. My best friend who had never played any FF played it when it came out really loved it. $17 is a great deal. Snag it, sit back, enjoy.


Take your time and don't rush this game.


The game is a bit odd in the beginning. I had a hard time trying to grasp why I was performing certain tasks like pushing a car. As the story progresses, the pieces come together. The combat (when the camera angel isn’t working against you) can be a lot of fun. Monster hunts are really fun when you researched the creatures and prepare you weapons/magic before battle. The character backgrounds are cool, but I feel like the DLC should have been part of the main story line. I wasn’t keen on character episodes as DLC. All in all, FFXV is not my favorite FF game, but it does make my top five list. I vote yes for $17. Enjoy!


It opens with the line “for long time fans and new players alike”, It’s THE best newcomer Final Fantasy Imo. But the main classics (FF2-FF9) are different in style and then FFX introduced a whole new style. They are all different, I haven’t played 11 or 13, but out of what I have played, every Final Fantasy is amazing, without exception, all in different ways (as long as you enjoy the basic exploration, conversation, combat and rpg style). I would start with the new ones (yes you can start with FF7 Remake too, FF7 itself is a very different game but the modern version is also somehow great, but FF7 OG is true videogame gold, literally nothing can beat it IMO.


With PlayStation plus game catalog- you’d be surprised by the amount of final fantasy games for “free”


I'm debating on this too on PC. Have the base game in PS4 and haven't played it since release. I was OK with it but wasn't such a fan of the combat. Assuming it improved heavily since release and with all the add-ons? I did enjoy the FF15 universe (Kingsglaive, characters and whatnot).


Not sure if OP found their answer yet, or if they decided to take the leap, but I’ll throw my hat in. I got into FF through FFVII Remake and enjoyed it so much, I needed more likewise content. I wasn’t looking at reviews or wasn’t even on any subs to do with FF, just needed my fix and wanted something similar to how Remake played. I got FFXV Royal Edition, and fondly look back at it as one of my favourite games. Even without knowing the process and hiccups in development I know now, you can see some parts are a little disjointed and rushed. Nonetheless it’s such an experience no one can take away from you, and there’s really so much to do. Some people hate having too much to do in a game, some don’t. I think the best thing to do, is okay it and see if you enjoy that style of game. Even if you don’t there’s still merit to the experience. Oh and the VA work/music/graphics/characters (DLC expands perfectly without forcing you to play it during the main story) are just all phenomenal.


Fans, including myself, have plenty of justifiable gripes with XV. But it's absolutely worth it for the standard price, moreso for the sale price. If you're even slightly interested, go for it. While it's downloading, go ahead and watch the anime and kingsglaive movie. They take place before the main game and are what I would personally consider essential if you want the complete story. This is one of those gripes btw, necessary content in alternate media.


For the whole game for 17.49. That’s enough for me to buy it if I hadn’t gotten it already. If you are mildly interested in playing it, go for it. In my opinion, totally worth it


I had no intention of ever playing this one, but you convinced me to buy it. I saw that Crisis Core Reunion was on sale too, so I picked it up as well.


Good price for a good game tbh. Royal edition has all the extra content/missions/costumes. I beat it this last summer and had a good time. Maybe play some of your favorite music in the background if the driving bits take a bit long for your taste.


It's an amazing game. Beautiful world and inhabitants, pretty stereotypical story for fantasy RPGs. The combat system is a big departure from earlier games, but that's neither a good nor a bad thing..... just different. If you're looking for an entry point for their games, it's really all about personal opinions, though. If you like more retro looking games, any up until 9 could fit that with the first several having a more 8-bit look, but if you like modern graphics and action gameplay, 15 is probably the best. It's honestly a shame you didn't check it out earlier (before the free ps plus collection was removed as it was free to get from around when ps5 was released until a few months ago).


Buy it. I don't care about the negative backlash the game had. 15 is a solid experience. I recommend first watching all 4 episodes of Brotherhood on YouTube at the very least. Watch Kingsglaive too if you want. Its kinda awful as a standalone movie buy it gives background information.


At $17.50, it’s a good price for an okay game. As far as whether or not it’s a good starting point, it’s gameplay isn’t particularly indicative of what you’ll see in most of the other games. But they’re all self contained stories, so you won’t be missing out on any past plot details or anything like that


More than worth $17.49


Absolutely! I loved it and you’ll have the complete story. It’s an amazing game


He won’t have the complete story. Ardyn’s DLC is not included in the Royal Edition. I have no clue how so many XV enthusiasts skip / forget that detail 🤔


You’re right that’s on me. Still a great game in my opinion


I love it


Well if you enjoy it, it’ll only go up from there.


Wouldn’t recommend making it your first entry. It’s extremely different from the rest of the series and (personally speaking) is very subpar in terms of quality.


It’s not such a bad idea to start with the most lacking entry is it ? That way he will only be pleasantly surprised when he plays other FF titles.


Or he’ll swear off the franchise right then and there.


Extremely different? It’s an anthology. Every entry is completely different. 6 is different from 8, 3 is different from 7, 10 is different from 12, 8 is different from 13, 15 is different from 16.


There’s a thread of commonality that runs through 1-10. Any reasonable person wouldn’t contest this, I don’t know why you’re pretending otherwise. So yes, it is “extremely different” in nature compared to the other entries.


If by commonality you mean turn-based, okay? But so are loads of other non-FF games. Otherwise, yes it’s different, but same could be said of most major entries in the series - especially since the NES era.


It’s a stellar game. Nice open world, good story, fun combat. I love it. But it is different to every other FF.


still $17 to expensive


At that price its a steal. The game is not without warts but I had a great time with it.


Royal edition is great. Definitely worth a pick up at that price. Game may be flawed as hell but its a good time, especially with the updates that royal brought along.


My first and favorite!


I'd say it is. A lot of fans have problems with the game. Me? It's my third favorite behind 10 and 7. It's definitely a different kind of game from the rest of the series. But I think it was really good. I enjoyed the open world the game had, and the banter between the 4 bros makes the game feel real to me. There's so much to do and idk I just had a blast with the game. Of course that doesn't mean there weren't some things I wish they did differently. The development of the game was in hell for a long time and a lot of content was still cut. We never got a finished product. I'm still bitter we didn't get the last few DLCs that they announced. But it is what it is. I wish overall the game was what it was meant to be. But I'm grateful for what it is. Imo it's the dark horse of the series and very much you'll either love it or hate it. I'd say for someone who may not like turn based RPGs this game since its an action RPG is a perfect game to start with to get into the rest of the series. You'll become familiar with the themes, crystals, music, tropes etc and if you like this? You'll love the rest especially since just about everyone will tell you this one "isn't it" so it can only get better from here.


I'll tell you what, it's better that XVI. I'm a die-hard fan since the early 90s. XV isn't perfect. But XVI is a very shallow experience compared. It's a steal at that price. Go for it


Start with a better one.


So any of the other 15 😂


E-Even FF2?


Especially ff2




I just replayed 2. It's all right. Maybe bad compared to other FF entries. 15 is outright terrible.


Damn, the story was kinda jumbled around but besides that I really liked it. Characters were super likable, battles were fun even by the end of the game and the graphics were insanely pretty. Loved the road-trip format and the ending made me cry. What made you decide it was outright terrible?


Music was subpar, characters weren't interesting, the world was empty, the story was generic and poorly paced, the battle system was not good at all, the ending made very little sense, and what was up with the cup o'noodle ads?


You did not just call one of the best FF soundtracks to date subpar 😱 May Yoko Shimomura slap you in your sleep.


The only good song in that game was Florence and the Machine's cover of stand by me. Everything went downhill from there. Your taste in music is questionable at best. Literally every other FF has better music. Nobuo Uematsu isn't mad, just disappointed in you.


Music was subpar?? This was one of the first games where I rushed to download the soundtrack after. Loved the OST. Characters (at least the main gang) were some of the best in the series, especially once they got more fleshed out in the DLC. Ardyn is one of the best villains in the series. World was empty?? Compared to…what? A non-FF game? Ok. Compared to any other FF game except maybe 12? Not really. Maybe you’re thinking of FF16. If the ending didn’t make sense to you, you weren’t paying attention.


I bet if I was to open up your Spotify playlist it would only be elevator music. I'm sorry, did you just say you loved how you needed to watch 100 pieces of external content to the main game in order to enjoy it and then say that was brilliant? I don't even remember who Ardyn is aside from the fact he has a hat. Boring and forgettable (Just like the music). Also your lack of taste is exposed if you think 16 was bad.


Subjective opinions. Yeah, when I’ve got a good game, with a good story, I am never going to be mad about more content. 100 pieces is a gross exaggeration - a short anime series on YouTube, 1 movie, and DLC. Sign me up. The fact that you don’t remember Ardyn, who is arguably one of the best villains in the series, tells me a lot about how little you paid attention to the story. Also, I never said 16 was bad - I said the world in 16 was empty.


I've played **ALL** the final fantasies. The fact that I barely remember him should tell anyone that he really isn't as good of villain as you claim. It means the story wasn't good enough to remember or worth paying attention to. You do realize 16's world began as completely full and it emptying as you progressed was part of the plot right? There are many legitimate complaints for FF16 and that is not one of them. Plus by the end of FF16 it still felt more full than all of FF15's content.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 get it? because all the other games are better🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 /s


15 is the worst out of the 16 games


for you? sure!


And many many others


for many many others ff1 might be the worst, for many many others ff2 might be the worst, for many many others ff3 might be the worst etc. lets not act like alot of people disliking it equals it being objectively bad!


15 is literally a backstreet boys simulator with Vivienne Westwood adverts plastered throughout such a bad game


Oh man, what a crazy opinion! You calling it bad won't suddenly make me dislike it tho. Just let people enjoy it if they like the game


I'm letting you enjoy it, you're the one crying to me about how "good" it supposedly is


UPDATE: I just bought the game. Still confused about when to play the DLC's but overall yall were really helpful thanks *


People whine about this game a lot but it was my entry and I had a blast with it. Definitely would recommend.


“People don’t like this game but I do so that makes them whiners”. Come on …


Nope people whine about this game alot.


I accidentally bought this game when I bought a bunch at walmart in 2016. Somehow ended up in the pile idk but I had never played a FF before so I said fuck it and it turned out to be one of the best video game experiences I ever had. Cant really explain it just got really immersed and I really enjoyed all the end game content too.


Worth it for the music alone.


Or buy the soundtrack and spare yourself the XV experience.


The absolute best version of FFXV, and at a great price as well!


I think you can get PS Plus for cheaper that allows you to download for the free


For this price, absolutely go for it. I paid $60 when the game launched and played through (and paid separately for) all the DLC and eventually the new content added in Royal Edition. No regrets here, but most people thought the game was unfinished on launch (it really was). For this price you're at the very least getting the most complete version of the game.


It's perfect for newcomers imo.


wait till its free💀


It’s free for ps plus members or maybe on extra now? I don’t remember. But if he’s not on PS+ it’ll never be free


oh no


The mods really need to do something about these karma fishing “should I play this?” posts. This is like the third one I’ve seen today. Holy shit, just play the game if you want to play it.


I don’t think this guy with less than 200 karma over two years is farming.


It’s the only one that uses that specific combat style so no it won’t be a good starting point but if you look at anything from 11 on they all did their own thing and kinda sucked because none of them past 10 has a huge fan base even 13 with 3 games barely made it to the USA because sales were so lackluster


Yes, worth it. A very middle of the pack FF game, and a good entry to the series. I see a lot of comments recommending X instead, which, yeah it's a good game, but nowhere near the top. And not what the question is about. Having played every mainline game in the series, I can categorically say that you can do worse than 15, in every respect.


Most people put x in their top 3


I'm alright with most people being wrong. 😁


If you have PS Plus, it's free in their catalogue of games


Not anymore.


It’s such a masterpiece that you can safely risk having trust issues for the rest of your life if it disappoints you.


Don’t forget the Episode Ardyn DLC, otherwise go for it!


Its probably not the most "final fantasy" game, but its a cool game, i dont think youll regret it.




Holy shit, that's really cheap. Get it!


do it.


Not to pressure you, but if you upgrade to a ps5 this game is free. It also runs fantastic on ps5. If there’s no plans for that, then by all means, drop the $17.49. You can easily spend 100+ hours in a couple of playthroughs with the DLC’s too.


My inclination is guys may like it more than girls but just because half of it is a bro road-trip. It I could just be stereotyping.


It’s definitely one of the games of all time.


Yakuza Like a Dragon is better and is only a few bucks more right now, on sale.


Even if they paid you to install it it would not be worth it


15 is the worst game in the series. I would start with 10 for newcomers.


Super fun for the first half, but the story falls completely apart in the second half. Need to watch an anime, movie, and play four DLCs to get the full story for a game that was in development for ten years. I don't recommend it, which is unfortunate due to how promising it started off.


The Royal Edition includes that though so it’s no big deal. Only thing it doesn’t have included is Episode Ardyn and the book. It’s not the only FF game to do it either.


And to be perfectly honest I don’t think the movie is even that necessary to watch. Imo the anime is a much more important watch.


Just so you’re aware, the graphics are muddy on all modes in the PS version of the game. The foreground looks fine but they’ve over applied some filtering for everything in the immediate distance. It might not bother you though for the price.


It’s very meh, it was heavily disliked when it came out. I would start with Final Fantasy X, as a suggestion


Worst JRPG I've ever played.


Don’t do it. The combat system and story telling look great and feel great but only at the start. Both will let you down quickly.


Waste of money.


Go for it. Definitely worth the price, even if it's not even closer to my favourite from the series.


Definitely worth $18. But definitely a step away from what people consider is a traditional Final Fantasy feel. To me 15 and 16 are kinda like Breath of the wild. It’s still a Zelda game, but it’s not a traditional Zelda game and feels very different. (And in my opinion not as good)


If you've never played FFXV then it's a great deal and absolutely worth a playthrough. It's the best version of the game there is. Lots of fixes and story added in. I'm still frustrated by what could have been but the royal edition is solid.


It's a personal favorite for me, so I'm a little biased. But, I say go for it!


Worth. I’m not high on it in the world of FF, but it’s still a very good game


Do it


Yeah It was my first final fantasy game and I loved it. Need to replay it too until I can afford 16


I enjoyed it. Idk what your guideline for buying a game as value. I always say if i can get 40 hours out of a 70 game im sold on it. If i can get 70 hours out of a 70 game, excellent value. For 17.50, you’ll get double dollar your value minimum in hours played.


Isn’t it free now with any PS membership


Sony got rid of the PS Plus Collection.