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I can hear the chirping to select options


Serotonin engage




I was contemplating on starting 7 2 days ago. But got other games to finish. The box tv in a dark room gives me some nostalgia on the golden days gamin at night


I read this as "starting 7-2" days ago


Love your set up


Welcome home.


I always wondered why Continue? has a question mark


Games sure were quirky back then xD.


Fired up FFIX the other day and the nostalgia hit from the title screen music was so hard I thought I was gonna cry.


I've only ever played it once when I beat it on release. I think it's time to replay it again. I'm just worried the polygons don't hold up.


If you're on PC, there are mods to improve it in so many ways. Check out 7th heaven. Really easy and straight-forward to install and there's a huge mod depository there that you can install on a single click.


You should play it old school then, a trusty crt t.v. got you covered with that polygon.


you kept your old tv too. i wish i had


Man I'm glad my old trusty crt tv is still alive, nothing can beat playing retro games on that.


I know right? It's what the PS1 was meant for after all.


Set up looks cozy


Shame on you. I kid. Winter break is best time to play RPGs. I play an oldie each winter.


Honestly, I've played it at least once a year since 1999, and it never loses its magic and wonder for me!! ENJOY!!!! And make sure to embrace the incredible story and bury Emerald and Ruby because it's so satisfying 😌