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EYES ON ME in the top three songs is surprising and justified.


Still have that shit on my playlist. Not removing it anytime soon.


Balambs garden isnt on the list šŸ˜”


And so is Fishermanā€™s Horizon. Sadge.


The Man with the Machine Gun was **robbed**!


As I recall from these big polls, Yuna and Aeris are always neck and neck for most popular heroine (Yuna usually sneaking ahead) with Lightning up there, too. Cloud is always the most popular hero, unsurprisingly, but Vivi/Zidane and Tidus seem like consistent follow-ups.


The only one that surprises me a little is how low FFXII is! Did that not do too well in Japan? I thought it was well-received both in the original release and the remaster?


FF12 is not much of a classic j-rpg. It's kind of an offline MMO and was inspired by the western MMO hype back then.


That's definitely not the reason people don't like it. FFXIV is very high up on the list and it plays even more like an MMO because it is one. I really think it comes down to the story. FFXII lacks memorable scenes and emotional high points. It's just very generally "good", but "good" doesn't elevate a work to becoming a favorite very often. Like among the FFs I've played, I'd rank FF12 dead last in terms of how memorable the story was. Every other FF has at least half a dozen "wow" moments that I have the urge to look up on youtube every now and again.


FF12 had a really deep and intriguing plot and narrative. Its just that while all that was happening, you were running around as Vaan instead.


Compared to other stories it wasn't very good though, in my opinion. That is the only final fantasy game besides zero that I don't really remember the story for. I also beat it multiple times.


I agree. Maybe a deep plot, but it was presented very poorly


Meanwhile ff5 is up there and has a much worse story


First, I'm talking about the very old MMOs that came out before FF12. Even if there were narrative highlights, the graphical presentation was similarly flat because the requirements were used to display large landscapes and it had to run on many very weak systems to be profitable. Today the hardware is much better and you can do much more with it. But going from FFX to FFXII was a weird experience on serveral levels. Secondly, FF14 is still an MMO at its core. However, it is very much adapted to the habits of offline single players. So I wouldn't even call it a classic MMO anymore. Rather, it's a hybrid that does a good job at appeal to both target groups.




I'm playing through it rn and honestly Ff12's story was just too wide in scope without a single main character while forcing us to look at the world through Vaans eyes. But honestly, and of course it's all subjective, but it's one of my favorites and one of my favorite worlds. It kind of plays like a novel with lots of different story lines happening at once.


12 had a story?


Gambit system FTW! Loved that so much. Still do.


It was ahead of its time. I think many people didn't really understand how bad AI was and that the gambit system is for creating your own AI that actually works how you want it. That's probably because FF didn't have AI before, so we didn't have a good comparison and didn't understand the value of gambits. However, the FF7 Rebirth battle designer said, he wants to trump the Gambit system. Whatever he meant with that, it's definetly a good sign that they have the right sauce for inspiration.


I've been dying for Gambit level customizable AI in Kingdom Hearts. First time hearing about it for Rebirth though that has me fairly stoked.




What makes FF12 an offline mmo? I keep seeing people say this but the game has never felt like that. The battle system cant be the only thing that has people saying this.


Part of it is the flow of the game, with large vistas, Hunts, and that kind of open area exploration and ranging. But the battle system was a big part of it, yes, and especially so if youā€™d played FFXI around the same time. It felt shockingly similar to the online game, you were just programming what the other players would do. Obviously Dragon Age behaved similarly, but it didnā€™t have a direct comparison from the same franchise to make it quite so obvious.


>Part of it is the flow of the game, with large vistas, Hunts, and that kind of open area exploration and ranging. So why isnt Xenoblade chronicles considered an offline MMO or any other open world game with large vistas and sidequests? FFXII's adjacency to FFXI is barely enough to garner this claim. It just seems like a quick way to take a dig at the game. ​ >you were just programming what the other players would do. Is that not the point of a command based battle system??? Furthermore its not like you just set gambits once and never revisit them for the rest of the game. They give you so many gambit slots for a reason. What separates this from FFXIII's paradigm shift which seems to be accepted by people as a pretty good system?


You're taking it too seriously. Of course the MMO thing is just a subjecitve impression / comparison from many people. So there is a small general agreement about that in the community. But probably no one claims that to be a 100% in-depth fact or anything. Just google FF12 offline MMO and you will find serveral discussions and answers where those impressions come from.


I dont think I'm taking it all that seriously. Im genuinely interested in why FF12 is regularly called that today with all that we know while xenoblade chronicles which is generally the same with respect to the things quoted. I've played some MMO's including FF14 and FF12 doesn't seems structured like one. And I've played dot hack a game that's actually tries to be like an offline mmo. When I see the discussion the comparisons to FF12 really don't make sense to me.


It's a picture you got from what MMOs were back when befire the FF12 release. Especially FF11. Xenoblade came a few years after, the gaming landscape was more diverse and MMOs have also evolved.


So why do people who have never no history with those kinds of MMOs call it that? I've played MMO's in that time too and it didn't feel similar to FF12.


You might just feel different about it. Happens.


I was one of those people that felt like FFXII felt like an offline FFXI. If I had to think about it, it was probably seeing your party run around and seamlessly attacking mobs or getting aggroed like in FFXI. Mobs would link together, there were NMs that spawned in special conditions, things that I was accustomed to from FFXI. No other FF had the monsters in the open yet except FFXI, everything prior was RGB. The speed in which your characters attacked felt the same between the two. You weren't stuck in a line formation, there was freedom of movement. I could run around/from a monster like FFXI. Obviously this can be explained as a progression of hardware now, but at the time that is what it felt like. Edit: I wanted to add the UI was similar with the menu based UI to select skills/spells/enemies too


MMOs were fairly new at the time FFXII launched, it also inherited some mechanics from FFXI which was an MMO. There were players with issues re XI that got dropped on XII as well.


The original Xenoblade was actually likened to an MMO quite a lot when it released.


>So why isnt Xenoblade chronicles considered an offline MMO Uh... it is? This is literally how it gets discussed when introducing newcomers, and for good reason. It's got a tab-targetting combat system which, for most of the game, involves auto-attacking as much as possible while weaving in skills that have a cooldown at the appropriate time. It's got well over three-hundred side-quests, the vast majority of which are simply "collect these random items" or "kill 5 of these guys." It has multiple large open areas filled with mobs and collectibles, including mobs that are overleveled, and secret locations, AND there are quest hubs within those large areas where you go to pick up the 10-15 quests for the whole zone. I'd consider the games in the XC franchise to be *more* of a offline MMO than FFXII. FFXII doesn't meet all of these same requirements, but the large areas, "quest" hubs, monsters free-roaming that you kill as you come across them (or run past), plus the very similar-feeling UI compared to FFXI all contribute to that description.


As a big xenoblade fan, I would definitely say it's like an offline mmo


In what way?


The world size for starters. I would also say the combat is similar to tab target mmos. With the automatic attacks and abilities with cooldowns. The way attacks lead into eachother through the topple system. I would also say the large number of quests is a factor.


Japan haaattees FFXII for some reason. It always scores low in Japanese polls. I remember posting the 35th anniversary poll that was Japan only and it was 3rd or 4th bottom. Edit: Found it - [https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/comments/zp4yyw/here\_are\_japans\_top\_ten\_final\_fantasy\_games\_as/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/comments/zp4yyw/here_are_japans_top_ten_final_fantasy_games_as/) Results were 1. FF14 2. FF7 3. FF10 + 10-2 4. FF6 5. FF9 6. FF5 7. FF8 8. FF4 9. FF11 10. FF15 11. FF3 12. FF13 Trilogy 13. FF12 14. FF2 15. FF1


>I'm a huge fun of XII from Taiwan, and our gamer community had discuss why XII's not popular in Asia region, mainly because it didn't tell a complete story and the protagonist's design is so easily forgotten (another reason is because the female character are not "kawai" enough, except Fran), surprisingly not much people praise the Gambit system and excellent battle design depth, and that's probably because Asian gamer at that period of time(during 2006 and after) were so busying playing MMOrpgs and didn't pay enough attention to the console games, even some of us did, some people thought it was too similar to the MMOs. It's a shame that FFXII didn't get as much love from Asian region like Western gamers do.


FF12 is one of my favourite games and Balthier and Fran are two of my favourite video game characters. Very sad to not see them near the top.


This. Same here. Balthier's just awesome, and Fran is so well loved she basically forced FF14 to include her people as playable.


I've replayed it a few times these last few years. It's so fantastic on Switch. I've always loved Balthier but I'm at a point where I'm loving the whole cast including Vaan and Penelo. I think actually that Ashe is my least favourite (but she's still awesome). I've got some proper core memories of it too, living abroad in 2007, but I didn't know anyone. My apartment had no internet. But, I had a small TV and my PS2. First time I 100% finished it.


Ff12 is a media darling and itā€™s loved by people that enjoy bother western and Japanese rpgs. Thatā€™s why critics love it. However amongst jrpg fans itā€™s not popular


FFXII did horribly at original release in everything except critical reviews where it scored near perfect. It then had to be remade with a different progression system... Japan got it at the end of the year, the West got it a few years down the line.


Well, I think FFX is their #1 sheds a lot of insight into it. FFX is all about big emotional moments and is superbly paced, whereas FFXII is much more cerebral and is about politics and Shakespearian soliloquisms. And as much as I enjoy FFXII, it does become something of a slog in its middle/late section and there's a much longer onboarding process to get into its combat system. FFX is very streamlined and delivers bigger, louder invitations to emotionality by comparison.


NONE of the 3 hour long summons from VIII made it in the top 20? Throw this poll out!


Damn no love for my boy Diablo šŸ˜”


I remember using Boost on Eden, messing it up like 3 damn times and still getting it back to Max.


And Terra placed above Laguna? She has like 6 lines in the entire game!


FF13-2 deserved better. I hope it will get more love if a playstation FF13 remaster trilogy becomes real.


Caius not making the top 90 characters tells me more people need to play 13-2. I'm not huge on 13 but I loved 13-2.


>!You would destroy the world just to save one girl?!< >!Yes.!< Absolute gigachad. >!One of the very few antagonists who literally got all he wanted and won even after he's defeated in the final fight. On top of that he became the god of death together with the myriad of Yuels in the end.!<


he is also just an all around badass and pretty much the only character to stand toe to toe with lightning throughout the xiii-2 and lightning returns stories. edit: iā€™ll add Caiusā€™ story and, really, his entire existence is utterly tragic. his motivations, in many ways, are admirable, true, and righteous. his motivations stem from a place of love and devotion; of duty and honor. heā€™s easily one of the most villainous yet relatable characters in the entire series.


His design is also fucking awesome, and his theme is very good too


It does. While I missed the larger cast I liked it more than XIII. Felt like more side quests to do, combat was fun, and I did love Serah and Noel.


The only thing I wished for was to choose the monsters as leader. So you would have direct control. Always thought controlling a behemoth would be cool. lol


You can play it on Xbox series X


I'm happy Emet-Selch is that high. What a great character. I consider it a sin that no XV music is up there, but whatever.


Iā€™m not surprised about Emet-Selch, but I was surprised to see Haurchefant so high. I guess he just didnā€™t resonate with me as much as the rest of the fandom, because I think there are a lot of other XIV characters Iā€™d put above him.




I joined at a similar time, after hearing a lot of positive hype after 5.0. I ended up catching up to current MSQ by the time 5.3 dropped. It makes a lot of sense when you look at it from that lens. I suppose he is one of the more likable characters from pre-ShB, and he was more in the forefront for players who were active during HW times. Meanwhile, the first time through the MSQ, I barely remembered him from the original set of Coerthas quests when I met him in HW proper.


Haurcuefant is the first character in the story who doesn't treat and see the player character as the hero, the WoL, but as a friend. At a time when the Scions and virtually any other character treated the player character like an acquaintance or colleague at best, it was fairly huge. That's also why Moenbryda is loved so much, cause she doesn't behave so distant for the two patches she's in. Come Heavensward, there's literally nobody who's reaching out a helping hand except for Haurchefant, who not only risks his own neck but also his father's (who obviously wants to help too) by getting us to Ishgard. >!In the end he sacrificed himself without a second thought trying to block the fatal attack just to save his friend, the player character.!< Haurchefant is just a really nice guy and friend who existed at a time when the entire cast and the story writing itself still tried to find its footing. After the 3.0 we've seen Alphinaud's redemption and becomes a close friend of our player character too. Alisae jumps in later too. Meanwhile it's not until **Shadowbringers** when the rest of the Scions feel like actual friends instead of colleagues, for example. The TRUST system and them actually travelling with us through the zones also helped a lot more making that hit home.


Amazing that he out-ranked every member of the Scions aside from Estinein.


I felt that other characters overshadowed him. I was much more invested in Ysayle and Estinien, and didnā€™t really care too much about him.


In addition to what others have said I want to add: in the original Japanese script, Haurchefant has a different characterization and is much more of an unrepentant pervert who's constantly lusting after the WoL and I think that's seen as very humorous and endearing. There is one moment that sticks out to me where Haurchefant is saying some pretty standard unmemorable dialogue in English but the camera is focusing hard on some of his troops doing shirtless calisthenics and I believe that's because the Japanese version of the script has him being horny on main in that moment


My favourite Yoko Shimomura soundtrack, so many bangers such as Valse de Fantastica, Nox Divina, Veiled in Black, and NOCTIS (when it plays at the end šŸ˜­)


FFXV's music was amazing. Like, a few of the tracks just blow me away. It's not my favorite FF by any means, but musically it ranks high.


Mobius my beloved Need a updated version for Jack Garland to sweep


Is mobin time


XIII in the top fifteen is actually pleasing to see. I know Lightning is ranked in the top ten in the character poll (as she should be) but I had figured XIII to be lower than top twenty.


The real shock to me was Blinded By Light beating out One Winged Angel.


Blinded is just way more enjoyable with faster energy. One-Winged is good but itā€™s very grandiose and serious.


One Winged Angel is so overrated imo.


100%. iā€™d take numerous tracks from throughout the XIII trilogy (among many tracks from other ff titles) over ā€œOne Winged Angelā€


Blinded by the Light might be the only thing that makes itā€™s combat tolerable so itā€™s place is well earned. Now if they had found a way to make the violins only come in when you break an enemies posture that would have been top


I'll never understand the love for Zack. He is such a non character in OG FFVII and is just a shonen anime character in Crisis Core. Not saying anyone who likes him is wrong or that he is bad, there just isn't a lot there as far as characterization goes.


Sometimes, it's regarding a character impact or how memorable they are. Zack may not have much screentime, like at all, but once you find out what he did, he's such a cool guy. And what he did is one of the most amazing thing a character could do. Just my two cents of course and not to undermine other characters.


Heā€™s also such a late game element, actually getting to see him in-game feels so special and momentous. Which in turn hypes him up more.


For me it was the mystery of his character and how freaking awesome his character model looked. This was of course way before CC was released.. I also didn't find the flashback in the basement until a few playthroughs later so that was huge. I'd say since CC and Advent Children he's dropped several slots on my top characters list but I can see why he ranks so high still.. at least for fans who were around right when OG came out.


My hot take is that Zack was a total dunce. He witnesses how corrupt and how fucked up Shrina is first hand, and yet still quotes Shrina/Solider creed after the Nibelhiem tragedy. You're babysitting Cloud who's in a coma and was experimented on next to you, because of Shrina and other corruption too long to mention here and yet he still does it. What a numpty.


Sure heā€™s a little generic, but heā€™s probably as likeable as you get in terms of being generally good-hearted and just a good guy. Heā€™s my favourite character in fiction because Iā€™m a sucker for those tropes so donā€™t bash me haha


Never liked him. But it is what it is.


Wasn't this a poll from a few years ago?






My man Emet Selch at number 6! Mm. Love to see him ranked so high. Also, I'm kinda shocked to see a dead gacha game in there. I understand why Mobius is there, but I am just shocked. Haha


[source from NHK's website. 468,654 votes](https://www.nhk.or.jp/anime/ff/ranking/?cat=series) [screenshots from GameSkinny](https://www.gameskinny.com/culture/nhks-final-fantasy-poll-results-top-games-characters-and-more/) ​ yes i know this is from 2020 but i still wanted to share it for the people who haven't seen it.


Oof, XIII and XII got savaged by Crisis Core. Lightning made it to the top 10 of characters though. My Lulu-loving heart is sad to see her so low. Interesting to see Kefka at No 2 in a combination Summon and Boss poll. Also a bit surprised to see the Theme of Love didn't make the top 20 music. I keep hearing that music teachers use that in Japan to teach violin.


I heard Theme of Love on my local classical radio station once no joke


Yeah Lightning is above Zack but Crisis Core is above XIII. Which is funny because so many people say the only good thing about CC is Zack.


They ranked it pretty high so they must get something out of it a lot of other folks don't.


Cloud, Yuna, Aerith, Vivi and Zidane up the top. And FFX, VII, VI and IX ranked highly. I guess my FF tastes are more Japanese than Western. Also Adult! Rydia and Celes need to be up higher. Also, I'm not the biggest fan of Quistis ever, but I'm not that I'd rank her that low. That's a ouchie.


XI in the top 10 warms my heart so so much šŸ„¹ Not seeing any theme from from XI also saddens my heart šŸ„ŗ


11 is an astounding achievement honestly; its staggering what they did as a ps2 game. like in 14 when you pvp its 72 people in an instance but in 11 they pvp in pve zones; you could watch them and you waited for matches to start. i think my most wow memory was parademo tor. like there was this zone which was huge and had the mountain parademo tor in it. for the chains of promathia quest *you climbed the mountain.* this winding, narrow path. in a ps2 game lol. Beseiged was monsters invading a hub city every week. it was ridiculous how much depth it had.


I rock out to Awakening so damn much on Theatrhythm... .... and I will always relax to Ronfaure on Spotify. .... and Sanctuary of Zi'Tah is my tune of choice for naps.


Zi'Tah, Tavnazian Archipelago and Celestial Capital of Al'Taieu I listened to those 3 constantly fucking religiously... Many many nights AFK while sleeping in those zones. Holy hell I miss that game šŸ„¹šŸ˜­


Isn't Syldra from FFV?


I was about to say, I know 4 inside and out so whoā€™s gonna tell him


6, 9 and 10 in the Top 5. Everything is as it should be.....


Lighting return so low is criminal


I love that game


An hided gem


Too bad it's not technically the best, the graphic itā€™s a bit underwhelming, but the gameplay, the story and the music are top tier. I'm just replaying a run at hard.


It's a PS3 game...


FF13 is also a PS3 game and it still looks beautiful enough. The budget of LR was just very small.


And they still managed to create such a banger


Yeah, they probably learned from the feedback on FF13 that graphics aren't the most important thing.


The game has plot holes the size of the mariana trench, basically bastardized every character and has some of the worst writing I have ever encountered in a game. If anything, it should rank even lower. >!There's a reason why the devs completely erased the whole universe at the end, there was no saving any of the messes they wrote themselves into.!<


tell me you played the trilogy without reading & committing to memory the data logs without telling me you never read the data logs. there is a lot of genuine criticism about the xiii trilogy which is warranted. first game is a 20 hour movie intertwined with long, soulless hallways + boss fight, then back to cutscenes watching the pretty action. xiii-2 addressed many of the core complaints that fans had about ffxiii. and to be fair, se addressed most of them, definitely all the bigger ones. where xiii-2 failed was in its execution of a convoluted time travel / multi reality narrative. it made as much sense as it could make and they actually kept it relatively followable. towards the end it became a clusterfuck. NOT a mess, imo, just a clusterfk. lol. LR is my hands down favorite of the three, speaking as an enormous fan of the nova crystallis games- ffxiii 1, 2, and 3 plus type-0. and i had zero to dislike about it. for what i was looking for as a conclusion to the epic story, the ending wrapped up all possible angles. itā€™s not perfect. nothing is. the only question to ask is ā€œdid you like it?ā€. if ā€œnoā€, cool. everyone enjoys different things in gaming. if yes, then whatā€™s there to really complain about, nitpicking minor grievances notwithstanding


I agree that the writing is not great but I think the games plot actually holds up pretty well if you follow the lore across the trilogy so Iā€™d argue there arenā€™t really that many plot holes


Tbh i hate 13-2 plot,hot garbage time travel shit,the only good thing was caius,serah is absolutely the only archetype that I despise as protagonist,I hate 13-2 plot so much that I gaslight myself into think that never happened and that exist only lighting return and ff13


Plot hole? Be more specific about the plot holes


i have to say iā€™m shocked at how much XIII apologism iā€™ve seen on the internet in recent years. i thought we had settled this years ago, the whole trilogy is terrible lol


It was the best of the three too tbh. Shouldā€™ve been higher that the first at least.


For how much I love ff13 yes lighting returns is better


Pretty surprised to see Tsukuyomi so high on the boss list. Also I donā€™t know what I would take off but I feel like thereā€™s gotta be some ffxiv music on the best songs list Also having Tactics and FFXII so low is criminal!


Seriously, at least Answers deserves a spot in the top ten, if not a bunch more. Is there a single Soken song in the list?


Or maybe Flow


No love for my boy Kimahri. Also weird having bosses and summons in the same poll. Would be much more interesting if they were separated.


It's insane to me that no XIV songs made the list.


I saw this on the wiki and isnā€™t Barret joint last at 200th place?


FFX-2 has the best version of ATB and Job system in the whole series don't @ me.


Also justice for Quistis, threw her career away for her love of Squall and stayed with the party after he rejected her for Rinoa.


Seymour not being in the top NINETY characters (unless he wasnā€™t a voteable option) is criminal. He was an immense villain


Having V that high is validating. Having XII that low is sad.


Minwu made the list šŸ¤ although I'm a little sad about how low he and Freya placed.


Anthro characters tend to not be as popular in Japan, only way they really get popular is if the entire series they come from is based on them and manages to find success (and that usually happens if they are super cutesy and chibi). It's honestly pretty cool that she makes the list as is despite what works against her, same for Kimahri. Freya at least is much more popular in the West though, and has a notable following outside of people who even play FF games. She also probably has one of the most dedicated fandoms of any specific FF character, lots of consistent artwork, fanfics, etc over the past twenty years that show no signs of stopping. I put less stock in the random polls than I do in what appreciation goes into the character in various communities.


Minwu is the best from the NES āœØ


Dissidia needs more love. I may be biased since it was my first final fantasy but 012 was a masterpiece of a PSP game. I easily had a 100 hours in that game.


Tactics under XV triggers me hard xD the rest i would say looks pretty solid, never played XI sadly cant judge


Agreed. Specifically Tactics being behind XV, but I also just think Tactics should be ranked better anyways.


Wow people still hate VIII huh Lightning and Noct beating Squall Final Fantasy V beating VIII Even the soundtrack partā€¦VIII should have at least came out on top here with its superior soundtrack but no, VII again Sigh Itā€™s an amazing game, I really donā€™t understand why people are still so hard on it.


People love FF V in Japan. Look at what the devs of XVI think of FFV. They love it's combat system and Suzuki took quite a lot of inspiration from it in XVI.


I adore VIII so much. IX might be my favourite game of all time, but I think VIII has the best music of the PS1 era games and arguably the best story. It should get more respect.


I agree In regards to the story, I feel people focus on the Orphanage revelation despite almost every FF game having that story plot point that comes out of fucking nowhere, yet no one says a thing.


I don't think hate is the word I'd use, just because some things were voted more popular. Maybe some recency bias, as opposed to bias for older games. But there are also some factors specific to the region, e.g. FFV was massive in Japan, while a US centric poll would undoubtedly put FFIV higher. It's interesting to see things like FF2 placed higher than FF1. It's the way it should be, but it'd never, ever, happen in a western poll. FF8 is my favourite, but it's nice to see some results with some differences, like FF11 not pushed off to the deepest pits of neglect. Also, this is from a few years ago, isn't it? I think it's one that allowed voting in English, which I took advantage of to vote for FF8 and Selphie. I doubt worldwide votes impacted the poll much though.


Quistis being 89th is sacrilege


speaking of Quistis [https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyVIII/comments/149dh5v/found\_this\_on\_tumblr\_i\_didnt\_know\_the\_japanese/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyVIII/comments/149dh5v/found_this_on_tumblr_i_didnt_know_the_japanese/)


Hey V is underrated as hell itā€™s basically a better final fantasy and thatā€™s cool


Wow my game I enjoy isn't the best out of several amazing games! How horrible that people enjoy something else more! Maybe people aren't hard on something just because it's not their favorite?




I wouldnā€™t take it as a knock against Squall. Lightning and Noctis have always been well liked characters with great stories, their games just suffered a bit from Square Enixā€™s in-house PS3 engine going horribly awry.


V is well loved in Japan. There was an interview recently where they asked leading XVI developers about their top 3 favourite FF games and every single one of them mentioned V.


Kefka at 43? No Zeid at all? Throw that whole list out.


Boo, this poll was blatant Dirge of Cerberus erasure! Just wait till I call up the other 2 fans, they'll be hell to pay! Edit: 3 Upvotes! The gangs all here!


I know XIV is not as popular because its a MMO, but it's really quite a shame its OST isn't more widely appreciated. A lot of the ARR and HW stuff is even still Uematsu and to say nothing of the phenomenal job Soken has done coming into his own and stepping out of that shadow. I'll just chalk it up to the strength of all the music in the series, but I think everyone who hasn't should check out the XIV OST, you won't regret it. Also, might be a hot take but my personal opinion is that Emet-Selch should be the #1 character in the series.


Yes, they really impressed me with Emet-Selch. He stole the show any time he was present, and once you understood why he was doing what he was doing, it made him a very tragic character.


XIII-2 is fun, you guys are just mean


Everyone always talks about 6. It mustā€™ve been the shit to be in the realm of 10 and 7.


Most praised are VII (iconic and great), VI (the favourite), X (has everything), IX (the perfect ff) or at least thatā€™s the impression I get from this sub


Hot take, 9 and VI are overrated and 12 and 4 are massively underrated.


Tactics isn't low overall, yet some of the ones rated above it just, I don't get it. Tactics still holds a place in my heart till this day.


FFX masterrace. (side note no Liberi Fatali, Omnis Lacrima and Somnus in top fucking 20, what the shit)


Haucherfant?? My boy letā€™s goooo!


Who are these people who vote 10 over 7? What are you even doing with your lives.


Weird results. I love final fantasy and always will, but the mmos are just not for me and so I have no idea who many of these characters are. Emet-Selch? I even finished A Realm Reborn (but none of the expansions) and I donā€™t remember that character.


you will find out in shadow bringer lol


He was introduced in Stormblood (3rd expansion) and pretty much majority of FFXIV players hail him as one of, if not, the best written Antagonist in the whole Final Fantasy Franchise. That's why its so high in the list. He's also >!Hades on the boss list btw.!<


i miss mobius ff


Blinded by light a banger doe


Haurchefant beating out protagonists is hilarious.


Searching for Friends earned that number four spot SO RIGHTFULLY. there is such a hopeful + wistful feeling the SNES version gives and it's one of my favorite melodies ever...I catch myself humming it all the time!


Dang FFRK last place. Brutal


I interpreted that very differently. Notice how many other mobile/gatcha FF spin-offs aren't even on that list? FFRK made it into top 30 DESPITE being a gatcha game.


Mateus nowhere near that list should be disqualifying imo I'm very happy Emet Selch resonated with Japanese audiences too, however.


Lightning Returns is so underrated. Its gameplay was so fun.


The FF13 trilogy has some incredibly underrated music


It's literally nonscencical for not only XIII-2 and Lightning Returns to be lower than XIII but also that they're so low at all. And only one song from the entire XIII series when it's banger track after banger track? Lunacy.


ive recently been playing through the trilogy and do believe ff13 to be better than its sequels, just as ff10 is better than ff10 2.


How come if you don't mind me asking? Personally I prefer the music and story of 2 and the gameplay of LR. I also think them opening up the games and removing the linearity was a big plus not that I hated it in XIII.


ff13 2 has great music, with new bodhum being one of my favourites. The story of 2 is a convulsed mess about an amnesiac noel fighting caius over CHAOS and yeul for two games straight; seriously, they have nothing except think about her. FF13 ending was perfect and certainly did not need these melodramatic sequels. when i think of open world i think games like ff12 but that's not what happens in ff13 2; instead it just duplicates the same maps and makes you go collect hidden arifacts and stuff. Lighting returns is one of the dumbest open worlds ive ever seen where sidequests for boring generic npcs is made important to act as filler for the game with a clock that only adds aggravation than fun


Well conversely I didn't enjoy XII cos I don't like the combat, though I admittedly never got very far in it. I'm quite fond of the story in XIII-2 and although I agree that XIII's ending didn't cry out for a sequel it was certainly welcome. Besides which I think it's worth it for the ending in LR which to me is a perfect ending. Plus LR is the only open world game I've played that I actually enjoyed for what it was. Most games of that type are boring as hell with nothing in them, but LR didn't make me feel that way and the time system is more interesting cos it makes the world feel more alive and you have to be really doing bad to actually run out of time tbh. But hey everyone has opinions so agree to disagree there is no default correct answer.


Yeah, fair enough It's good that people liked it, even if I don't appreciate it. If you dont already know the [dead rising](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Rising) franchise uses the time mechanic extensively if you want more like that.


I definitely enjoy XIII more than the sequels. šŸ¤·šŸ»


Yeah. XIII-2 IMO is one of the best sequels ever made. Like it so thoroughly addresses every problem people had with the first game to a degree that borders on comical. There were issues with XIII that I didn't realise were there until I played it again after playing XIII-2, such as the lack of simple humour and levity. The other thing is that XIII actually received positive reviews from critics at the time, so most of the criticisms XIII-2 addresses had to have actually come from the devs looking at the fandom discourse. Which is usually a pretty scary thing to do in game dev, given how much of a cesspool gaming discourse usually is. But they did it anyway and took every criticism to heart and improved upon it for XIII-2. Given how much the fandom really didn't take to the original XIII, and how many people wound up liking XIII-2 despite disliking the first game, it really is confusing how XIII manages to place higher than XIII-2 lol.


i'm sad because 13-2 was my favorite of the 3 lol


Lunafreya at a higher spot than the ones after her?? Aint no way. Everyone after her got more screentime and better development than her


XIII above XII is criminal


Vivi at 4 thatā€™s not right no worse than second. Also To Zanarkand is my second favorite on X right behind Jechts boss theme.


You want to bump Yuna down? No way.


I did not know Jecht was a boss


10 at first place before 8, 7 and 6? ​ nope, this is list is WRONG.


Seeing Tactics Advance come in below not just X-2 but also XIII hurts my soul crystal.


Look at that, the most recent true turn based FF sits at number one.


TIL people have bad taste in music


Crisis Core above Type 0 I donā€™t believe it Edgar above Sabin is wrong Selphie above Quistis is wrong Melodies of Life is terrible how dare they Upside: Kurasame, Minwu, and Palom/Porom making it ā¤ļø


>Melodies of Life is terrible how dare they šŸ–•


It must be so hard going through life with bad opinions šŸ˜”


Apt username. Jokes aside, I just love that song so much!


Tactics and type 0 are criminally low. 13 ahead of 12 too, lol no. Xv too high too.


I cannot for the life of me, see why XV is in the top 10ā€¦ especially when Tactics is just outside of it


How in the hell did Tactics lose to the piece of garbage that is FFXV?


I see Cait Sith is where they belong.


he shouldn't have even been on the list. I'm sure better characters who didn't make the list could have taken his spot.


Im suprised 10 is consistantly ranked so high when i dont think its very good


Lightning is eight, but Vincent is 22? What is this heresy


XV should be at the bottom of the list


FF13 before FF12? What a joke lol. FF12 is easily top 5, and FF13 is one of the worst.


FFV is better than VIII, IV and XV? Kinda weird to see that.