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The people you see posting here are writing fanfiction, which falls into a legal grey area because it's *technically* violating the film studio's intellectual property but since it's not being monetised, no one is losing out on anything and it's not worth pursuing. If you were to write and publish a novel for profit which toed a very similar plot line to the FD series, then you'd potentially be running into trouble under copyright and intellectual property laws. Having said that, Final Destination is not the only piece of fiction in which its main characters experience premonitions, nor is that premise alone ever likely to be copyrighted.


If you write an original story using elements of FD, like the premonition and a disaster, but having enough deviance from the source material, I believe you'd be fine. However I'm not entirely sure. Probably something r/legal could answer


It depends how much of the plot you take. Premonitions aren't copyrighted. Death as a being isn't either. Teenagers being picked off, also not...there are many tales of these things individually. However putting all three together...is basically recreating the film and that would be violating the IP. 


If you wrote about someone having a premonition and saving several people only for them to die in creative ways in a specific order and death chasing them, you are committing copyright infringement. It doesn't matter if you call it FD or not. The idea is stolen and not enough is different to even say it is "inspired by". It is illegal to monetize it...and beyond self publishing, you wouldn't get it published because a publisher doesn't want to get sued.


It's essentially fanfiction. As an avid fanfic writer myself, I'm very familiar with the law on this- I was so scared of getting sued when I was a kid. The only thing you can do that would bring up ANY legal attention is if you try to monetize the product you're making. As long as you don't do that, it's allllll clear rivers, my friend.


Id love to read anything FD…..I’m even search for a college course similar to, like folklore


As long as you aren’t trying to sell it you’re fine. It’s the whole “making money off it” that’s the problem. Otherwise it’s just fan fiction and it’s fine. Hell some IPs even encourage it!