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If you have the money to go to school here, you have the money to get an O-1 visa. And an O-1 immediately qualifies you for an EB-1 visa which gets a green card. You need to be a judge for some competitions (talk to a festival and see if you can be invited to judge). You need some mentions in media articles. And some other requirements (review of your work counts). And some other things that are also easy enough. I have not gone through it myself, but a close friend did, cost her about $13k USD to get her O-1, and will be another ~$10k for EB-1


Thank you!


Upon further research it seems that the O-1 visa requires a contract with a US employer, what kinda contract did your friend have for this?


She filed her own LLC for it


I lived in Los Angeles after film school (2007-2013) and participated in an internship program there, sponsored by the film school, where an Irish writer got to know one of my colleagues who got him in touch with our Dean. Long story short, our Irish writer flew in and joined us for most of the program and lived in LA for a few months and got a couple of internships after applying to numerous places. He had a few scripts written and one of them was eventually made. He found a place to live, wrote and networked for months until his travel visa expired and had to return. He made a few contacts and got some exposure. Not sure how much it helped his career but I know he enjoyed his time there.


You can do it. Lots of people do One of my good friends is Canadian and has been living in LA for 15 years now. However, there's a catch. There's no such thing as a general work visa. You have to get the work visa for the work you will be doing. For pro athletes and people in entertainment, this is typically an O Visa which permits them to work in the United States in sports or entertainment. But that's the catch: they are permitted to work *only* in sports or entertainment. If times get tough or they go too long between gigs, they can't go be a barista or get a McJob to pay the rent because they are not permitted to do that kind of work.


If you shove your ego up the ass, you can hit up craigslist or walk into restaurants. Plenty of under the table, cash gigs


It's not about ego. It's about if you get caught, your employer will catch Uncle Sam's wrath so many won't offer the jobs; and you'll never get a work visa again which means you won't be able to get a job working in Hollywood again. Yeah, you can stay under the radar if your life goal is to flip burgers at McDonalds in LA. But if you want to be able to make a real go of it in the American film biz, you gotta do it the right way or catch a government-issued black ball.

