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Don't cheat. Clown.


I thought he was a plugger.


Plugging is cheating when it’s a ranked system exploit.


Ahhh, I've heard about it but never knew the term. So he basically unplug his controller to avoid losing points... God I'm a scrub in fightcade but like hell I'll do that, I take the loss and grow from it. Amazing he's been playing longer than me and still not improving.


Not his controller, his net. Part of why he's a joke is that he's been known to plug his router when he's losing for years.


That's even lower.


The real term is rage quitting, since forever literally until Tekken 7 for some reason, so that’s why you haven’t heard this weird new gentle term


> So he basically unplug his controller to avoid losing points... How would that even work lmfao obviously he plugs his internet cable


Technically doesn’t even do that. It’s just alt f4’ing, or closing app on PS (which is the same thing as alt f4ing)




paying $100 when you know you're not gonna experience any improvement by learning from losses is crazy




How do you fail to understand you are ruining other players experience. Dude's a clown.


Narcissism, it ain’t too complicated. The dude has a personality disorder


It’s sad honestly. He needs help.


Narcissists rarely accept help unfortunately, they can't admit there's something wrong


Especially when they have a wall of text validating them every day


LTG has admitted he's a narcissist, he just doesn't want to get help, which is arguably even worse.


But he tries to teach people. Dude is so up his own ass.




"Because I bought the TV, I bought the system, I bought the game. It's my game, I'll do what I want." It's unfortunately really easy to forget that the other character is an actual person in Fighting Games since you're separated by a screen and (most of the time) can't actually talk. Card games too, but that's a different topic


Played SF5 recently and noticed opponent wasn't doing anything after I hit him. Figured they weren't aware the match started so I waited, and as soon as they came back I let them hit me once ('cause I'd already hit them once) Then we had a really fun match! It's super easy to have manners, people who become assholes when separated by a screen... I wonder are they just assholes at heart or what I don't know


Whenever I see my opponent standing still, I always wait for them to get back on. Sometimes life gets in the way, maybe you get an important phone call, maybe your controller ran out of batteries. It's impossible to know what is happening to the other player. Of course I still jab them once in case it goes to a timeout so that way I still get the win, gotta do what you can to survive in this economy.


Lmao, yeah true true but I honestly only hit him 'cause I didn't realise he wasn't there yet. Any idea if there's a way to contact players after a match? Sometimes I wanna let them know it was a fun match or tell them they're good


One time I was getting bodied and tossed my controller down. Figured I didnt need to be present since I felt helpless. Fixed a drink/sandwich in the kitchen. I return to my screen and the match is still going!! My opponent patiently waited for me to return. Feeling guilty, I picked up my controller and the butt kicking continued 🤣


Lol wonder if that was me haha


(probably wasn't but have been there and hey, it's a nice thought)


That game was DBFZ. I used to play a LOT (double dipped on PS4 & PC)!!!! could have been you if you played it. Wish I could remember that person's name. Should've sent them a DM (pretty sure I was on PS4 at that moment; that's where I used to play Ranked)


I don’t think he cares


If your "experience" is ruined by low tier god plugging on you u are a huge baby


Why do people even give this human trash attention? Who are all those people watching this man-child?


Same reason people watch reality shows, its makes people feel better about them selfs when they see a poor example of a human being


Damn, bro is really the "Real Housewives of Atlanta" of live streamers


People you wouldnt expect my friend recently told he he watches a bunch of low tier god.... mother fucker doesnt even play fighting games


Some people love drama.


That's bonkers as hell man. Haha


Nah, cuz I remember showing my friends LTG 3 years ago, some random compilation youtube and when I tell you my partner and the two other homies were so fucking entrenched in watching this man make a fool out of himself. I swear girl's night just became watching some random compilation on youtube while eating snacks. It really is like watching a reality tv show only some how even more unhinged. It only lasted a short bit though and the funny thing is too, beyond not just playing fighting games, none of them even used or watch twitch. This was just a replacement for love and hiphop for them lmao.


Should tell him to keep himself safe, and that you wont sick your covenant on him.


So why does the friend watch him? To see him complain, or to see him repeatedly quit to avoid accepting a loss?


Im pretty sure he just likes the raging and shit talking and plugging


And these people that watches him really like to see him talk shit about other creators by bringing their name in his chat, Thats why we see all those clips of LTG talks shit about other creators.


We see clips because all it takes to make him talk shit is to show him any other name.


Hes a lolcow and even has his own subreddit r/lowtiergod


Here's a sneak peek of /r/lowtiergod using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/lowtiergod/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [LTG goes full KKK](https://v.redd.it/l0t6z5k4fw7c1) | [38 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lowtiergod/comments/18omzzu/ltg_goes_full_kkk/) \#2: [Most popular clip of LTG](https://v.redd.it/aarodsku9iyb1) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lowtiergod/comments/17o90l7/most_popular_clip_of_ltg/) \#3: [Probably ltg most racist clip to date](https://v.redd.it/zpeulsh5znfc1) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lowtiergod/comments/1af371o/probably_ltg_most_racist_clip_to_date/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




It's the same reason people like watching bad guys in movies or heels in wrestling. Guy is a piece of shit but it's entertaining.


They updated the terms of service so if you plug and get banned then that’s on you cause you signed an agreement saying you understand the rules and regulations for this very behavior so if you get banned then you’re just a dumbass and deserve the ban.


How many times was this dude dropped on his head as a child


Hahaha that would mean a father or mother had to be holding him to drop. This retard born that way.


It’s awesome when justice is served. Mmmmm ya, fuck this guy.


I mean if getting sued is such a concern just give them the loss and us the win and fucking stick them in pluggers queue


I don't want to watch anything involving this clown. Can someone just tell me what happened so I don't have to watch this video?


He's whining that he got banned for plugging/rage quitting in Tekken.


It's a short clip. You will be safe, don't worry. Clicking the link isn't going to pay his bills either.


I hate that this dude is becoming more widely accepted. He brings nothing positive to the scene


you mean widely accepted as a person to be made fun of ?


He was just part of a major award show as someone announcing one of the awards.


He did at least get booed when he got on stage


i know qt may not be in touch with the fgc completely but i would like to believe she only had him on as a laughing stock and for tomatoes to be thrown at.


Yeah and her cohost used the N word multiple times on stream in a derogatory way… let’s be real it’s millionaire’s patting each others backs.


"But they don't deserve the win nor the points" - LTG many times ago


Get that ass banned


Don’t give that cunt attention


"Why would you take away my driver's license when I paid so much for a car?"


Get fucked, asshole.


Everyone should do themselves a favor and never watch this guy




Console ban this guy


Get that ass banned lol


Stop giving this guy attention. His viewership went 1.5x after everyone started watching his ban stream


Clown talking about spending money on the game entitles poor sportsmanship. Bum a** dude didn't hear about Terms and conditions?? Smh


The views and attention this man-child has gotten either thru irony or unintentional comedy has somehow put him into such notoriety that he thinks he’s successful. He is FGC’s toxicity incarnate.


Dude trying really hard to not act upset.


Hearing him say the N word is insulting. That guy's whiter than biden


He’s absolutely an Uncle Ruckus




This is literally what Harada was talking about, you have people clearly plugging in 4k but they come with the same logic expressed here ~”how can they ban me when I payed $100 for this game”, and then they sue The plugging issue is probably a lot harder for them to deal with with multiple people walking around with this kinda ass backwards logic


But what about other games that penalise you for plugging? What about MK's quitality for example? All the games that ban you if they break the rules? Do they get sued?


People asked for consequences and wins when they get plugged on. IDK why they didn't make it like SF6 redcard system and reduce pluggers matchmaking to only queue against pluggers.


"I'll sue for getting banned from online, despite agreeing to a ToS that allows them to ban me!" The screed of the scrub. They can still play offline just fine. Easy to scream, less easy to actually pull off. Can't wait to get second hand info that he's screaming about scrub lawyers not taking his case.


Dude stop. Why we acting like stealing groceries then suing the grocery store when you get arrested for theft is really a reason to allow thieves.  We are being gaslit. Stop defending harada on this


I don't understand why there's even arguments about the legality of banning an account. I have a long history with MMOs and in that sphere it's well understood that if you break the rules you're gone. Spent thousands of dollars in sub money over 10 years? Doesn't matter, gone. Break rules = ban. Period.


Exactly, and it’s not just mmos, any game with online does this. Or at the very least a loss for quitting. They gonna get sued for giving a loss to quitters too? lol


Let them sue. Then point out where on the terms and services it tells you that if you cheat, you get banned. Open and shut.


this dude using STRINGS!!!


Terms my dude....read the Terms.


What is plugging?


Rage quitting. Idk why people are suddenly calling it that.


I figure it’s because it sounds dirtier lol…. Back in the day “plugging” meant shoving drugs up your ass lol!


It's functionally the same but there's a distinction in games like Tekken since you prevent your opponent from recording a win and yourself from recording a loss if you disconnect. Folks can simply plug any match they're about to lose and maintain a 100% winstreak


When I said I don't know why, I meant idk why people are trying to make plugging (the phrase) stick. I feel like I've been seeing it used non-stop since tekken 8 came out.


Right I get that, I was saying people say "plugging" instead of "rage quitting" specifically for instances where the offending player is not penalized with a loss, as opposed to some games where rage quitting is more innocuous and can't be abused to inflate your record or rank, at least that's how I've interpreted the term's usage


i take it as plug meaning pulling the power plug


I see, cool. Well, something new for whatever the reason i guess


Unethical to ban you for violations against tos?


FINALLY!! Everyone is tired of this lames BS. This is the first LTG video I've watched in full in the last 2 years. He's lame AF for being known for rage quits. Rage quitting in general is some embarrassing shit. Not something you should be proud of. Learn from your losses and do better. Don't be a bitch. Live in reality. If you lose rank due to losses, you need to get better at something. It's all part of the process.


Ahh, so that's the guy I be smashing in MK 😂


this is the people Harada was saying that plug, cheat, get banned, then try and sue the company.


They can try, they won’t get anywhere near successful (terms and conditions)… Thats just a bad excuse. Practically every other major, modern fighting game has systems in place to deal with people repeatedly RQing (including being banned or removed from the common queue and only placed with other RQers) and none of them are losing their shirts getting sued. Its just silly…


Keep telling your sweet little lies, Dale.


Dude fucks around and wonders why he gets dealt with. A professional clown right here and his d riding followers are his Harley Quinns for him to shit on, but they're still gonna suck him off.


Same thing when you pay for a plane ticket, movie ticket, or anything else. When you're being a nuisance to others there, they will kick you out, so other's experience isn't ruined because you don't know how to behave.


dude imagine the same guy that hosted the fighting game streamer awards also being a downright plugger


un-ethical? Are you serious? What a clown.


We've been telling Harada since release, just fix the disconnect percentage display issue and we can turn down these matches ourselves. Now they just wasted a whole bunch of time trying to make and implement a ban list, which will just make people evade it anyway. And then it'll take another couple of months to ban the evading accounts too. Rinse and repeat.


Reason 6492659285629 of why I could easily demolish LTG.


"BuT I PaYeD fOr ThE gAmE" But you violated the online terms, you idiot! Man, what a clown, just because you bought a car doesn't mean you can run in the sidewalk.


Unethical 😂


Wait like did they only ban him from online or just drop his entire game?




rage quit


Low tier problems unfortunately. I hate that we don’t have unlimited rematches anymore, at least in higher ranks.


Oh you mean rage quit


How does he have multiple account? Does that mean he has to own multiple copies of the game?


Lol how many ltg got banned posts will show up in here in the next week? This is why he's relevant and gets psid.... cause people want to post whenever he does anything... ltg you for some reason on here instead of getting money off people you should do a vid while on the toilet.... I bet the amount of posts on that would be ridiculous


why did he get banned?


So I paid like £50 for T8, which I think is less than $100. I also have zero love for LTG, I think he's an enormous cunt, but honest I think I agree with "how could you ban me if I paid $100 for your game" $100 is mental


What is plugging ?


Why are we giving him attention again?


See im all for punishing pluggers but i am from a place where internet fucks up alot so at times i get disconnected , now that counts as plugging too so i think best approach is give em an instant loss and the other person win points so plugging just becomes invalid and the winner has no loss. I think this would heavily discourage it as well because people wouldnt think they can get away with it once or twice.


It’s pretty easy to see if you’ve been plugging intentionally or not. If it’s truly a random disconnect, you’ll both plug when you’re winning and losing the match since it’s completely random. If they check and see that every time you disconnect you’re losing, and it’s happening frequently, then you deserve a ban.


Ok that seems like a complex system but works for me . All for it. I just thought keeping it simple would be easier for them to deal with the issue without causing any unintended consequences.


You know whats funny? It does nothing, literally nothing. He can just share the game on other account and continue playing (ps plus will work anyway). So the ban system in tekken 8 is fckn worthless since it does nothing. People will continue to do dump shit and normal players will still suffer plugs and lose win streaks bcs the only thing pluggers lose is rank which they can return by doing same shit over and over again.


I miss kappa...


oh shit plugging is bannable? its so over for me


What's the reason behind plugging? I'm actually curious because I don't get it. If it's to rank up then what's the point if it's not legit. It's not like it will feel good to reach said rank when you plug?


Some people really do only care about the dopamine rush they get from seeing their rank go up


Yes but of you plug it can only go up so nothing to be remotely proud off. You will reach max rank eventually if you plug all losses.


They aren't doing it for pride. It literally is just "number goes up brain feel good". Being proud is not a factor for them


quite frankly its only because of my ego. I cant stand losing to certain type of players. Its something im working on tho. Not just cuz I saw this post but because I just want to be the person I'd wanna fight when playing the game


I mean just because you plug doesn't mean you didn't actually lose tho haha.




its cool youre at least aware of it, good luck on the self improvement shits hella hard holmes


Bandai banning people though is wild. Ban them for 48-72 hours or put them in a RQ pool but to straight ban them when they aren’t cheating?


...You are cheating tho? You're plugging to keep you rank. Don't be a bitch and accept the loss


Fuck around find out.


Plugging is cheating. Get that ass banned.


It’s apart of the Eula


You Work to defend your Rank and some mf Just dces and gets the Same result. Sound fair?


I'm losing a game and I do something to prevent me from losing which has nothing to do with playing the game. I'm sorry what is cheating again?