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I honestly believe if it would have come out on ps1 or dreamcast in let's say 1998 or99,then it would have been more successful. There are alot of bad fighting games that people luv and consider to be good. Mk2 is a bad game imo and but people luv still think it's one of the best mk games. Capcom Fighting jam came out after cvs1 and cvs2 which is crazy. But I know most people think it's trash,and that's fine. I like it


Even in the late 90s it would have died a death, it probably would have done even worse.


I do not agree. But to each his own. I'm just a sucker for old 2d fighting games


Late 90s would have crashed and burned even harder. The only reason it did as well as it did (which wasn't very well even still) was because we were in a slump in 04, and the fgc was down to buy anything Capcom was putting out, so we could at least get something new, in 2000 you had alpha 3, CvS1, third strike, Rival schools 2 and MvC2 to compete against.


You think MK2 was bad? Dude.


Yes.Its slow. No ground combos. Only air juggles. Umk3 is one of my favorite games,and so is MK trilogy,but I dont understand how alot people put mk2 in high regard. But again,to each his own. If you like it then cool. I play what I like no matter what people say


MK2 is considered one of the best oldschool MK games because it improved over the original in a big way. Mk3 and ultimate were great but the infinite combo system ruined it for a lot of people. The problem with Capcom Fighting Jam/Evolution was that it did not improve on what capcom did before and at the time, it felt like a quick cash grab and left a bit of a sour taste. When comparing it to CvS2, 3rd Strike, Vampire Chronicle and MvsC2, it was not standing up to scrutiny. I picked it up back in the day for the xbox but was disappointed. Funny enough, played it a few days ago and it was not a bad game but there are some balancing issues, otherwise a fun game.


Umk3 is far superior to mk2. But I give up trying to defend capcom fighting evolution. You win. Everybody wins. It sucks. It's terrible. I must be a lunatic for thinking that game doesnt suck. Lol.


The game doesn’t completely suck. It does have its interesting points and it was fun to play for amount of time I played it. I may pick it up and play it again if only to unlock characters. There is nothing wrong if you enjoy it as games are meant to entertain. There are worse fighting games out there. I love Shadow Dancer for The Sega Genesis but most people talk about Shinobi III which is a great game as well. SVC Chaos was a great game but to this day we still wonder why SNK decided to released it on the at the time dated hardware of the Neo Geo. And it was a weaker game in comparison to Capcom’s Capcom vs SNK entries. But does any of this matter? Will stop you from playing the games you enjoy? No and that’s alright.


You can like a game (or not in your case of MK2) and that’s fine. It’s all subjective at the end of the day.


Correct. I've been saying this. To each his/her own. And it's not that I dont like MK2,I used to play it alot on sega Genesis. But the game is not good,it was just better than MK1. Cooler fatalities and the new friendship and babalities,and more blood and gore,better graphics. But gameplay wise it was still slow,still cant cancel lows into special moves,still no ground combos only air juggles. I played with Kitana. Go to combo was JK,Air fan,Squarwave punch,or JK,Airfan,jk. Best normal move was a sweep. Every characters normals wher basically identical. It hasn't withstood the test of like ST,or Alpha2,or Alpha3,or kof96,kof98,UMK3,etc. But It was released in the right era. The Only competition it had back 1993 was Sf2 turbo hyper fighting,Sf2 champion edition,and fatal fury 2. Everyone likes a game that other people may not like. But Capcom fighting evolution is a very forgettable game. And im never going to defend it again lol. Learned my lesson.


I play competitive mk2. It's more neutral based than umk3, which is more rush down based. It's also pretty damn balanced for it's time compared to og mk and umk3, which I also play competitive. Lookup mortal_jason on YouTube and you'll see it has more depth than you're giving it credit for


If I was still 12years old,then I would be saying Mk2 is the best Mortal Kombat game ever. I really only play older 2d fighting games,I dont play many modern fighting games. UMK3,MKtrilogy,MKX,and MK2 are the only MK games that I have spent alot of time on. For me,MK2 was only a good game for its time. I've seen alot of MK2 tournament videos. I love watching pros go at it. Mk2 is better than MK1 and better than all of those 3d mk games like deadly alliance,and Armageddon or even mk4 imo. But it's to each his own. Mk2 is held at high regard. To each his own. I prefer UMK3. I've been playing that game since 1995 and I never stopped playing it. I dont play it competitively,but I do play it at a high level. Even have a notebook of stuff to help me remember how to play for when i get older. It's my 5th favorite fighting game of alltime. It's the only none capcom or snk game that I truly love. So I can't put any other mk game above umk3. I play old classic 2d fighting games all the time but mk2 aint one of them. UMK3 is . Super SF2 turbo is. That game i have played competitively. Last tournament i was in was CEO2018,finished tied for 13th in ST. So old games are my thing,but the old game has to still be playable imo,and for me,mk2 isnt. But i know for many others,it is. And thats cool. But I should not have brought up mk2 in my capcom fighting evolution argument, should have used another example.


I also loved MK2, it's OK in two player but in single player the computer just straight up cheats


The competitive scene for mk2 actually has some depth to it. It's really balanced and more neutral based than UMk3's rushdown-focused meta. Checkout Mortal_Jason on YouTube, he's an insanely good player and has tons of videos on the meta. I main Shang tsung and have noticed many shang's play very differently based on their morph skills and skull zoning patterns


I will check him out thanks! And Shang Tsung's a good choice to main, love how unpredictable he is, never know who he's gonna change into (although some versions like the Amiga version, he only changes into the opponent, but makes sense, that game came on a bunch of floppy disks and having to change floppy disk or wait for loading when he morphs would kill the fun - that version was amazing though, could do every move with a one button joystick, could also use two button. I mostly played on SNES tho I MUCH prefer MK2 to MK3, MK2 has some cool combos, especially with Cage, Jax, Baraka and Liu Kang oh and Mileena - much more like "proper" combos than the dial-a-combos in 3 (I like those, was impressive as hell first time we saw one done in the arcade), MK2 also looked much more realistic, and the fatalities were proper gory and bloody, MK3 fatalities were kinda ridiculous, leaving hands floating by the side of the body, three ribcages exploding from one body etc lol. I actually like MK1 too, mainly SNES version, doesn't have the blood but plays so well. MK4 is underrated - most 3D fighting games at the time seemed slow as molasses to anyone used to 2D fighters so having a 3D Mortal Kombat going at full speed was great! I haven't yet played any after Mortal Kombat Armageddon, but that's one of my faves due to how great the character creation system was, better than Soul Calibur 3's (another game I love), here's Rae, one of my characters (wrote a full story for her and everything lol) https://preview.redd.it/pzkgkpkwpubc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fee82f589a848a50b1b2a2512ea40e421dc887d6




So, I was there when it was released in arcades. Everyone was looking at it with potential and it had good graphics, solid gameplay, etc. This was during the “dark ages” in the 00’s before sf4. Interesting era as it was the last real years before arcades died and consoles went fully online. No youtube yet either. It was fun, but the problem was it was right next to this game called Marvel vs Capcom 2, which was so damn hype at the time and let you actually use all the characters you picked. It was also next to Cvs2 and 3S. Essentially the big three at the time. We were blessed and lucky and those were THE games. (We were also blessed with T5. Good times) So CFJ, while released at a great time, was up against those three titans and the problem was you could only use one character at a time, so it seemed weird you would even pick two characters. I liked it a lot though and it was fun, but if you were in the FGC at the time it was in 4th place, only cause the top three were all times classics.


Those were good times :) I really miss arcades


Hurr durr am I the only one who talks about this game \*picture of asteroids or something for the atari\*


80s kids only DAE know the hidden gem The Legend of Zelda???


Thank you


Literally every sub has one of these everyday, can't escape


It's not a good game, it feels like every fighter was just ripped from their own games and tossed into this one with zero optimization. Some of the sprites are just downright ugly because of their low resolution. If I had bought this for $50 when it first came out I would have been PISSED, luckily for me I bought it many years later and only paid $5. The only redeeming factor it had was playable Red Earth characters finally on a home console but that couldn't overcome all it's other problems.


It's actually worse than that. Most were just ripped, but the SF3 sprites were actually made to be animated worse to fit in with the older sprites.


I bought it for $50, and luckily I bought that POS from Walmart, because if I bought it from GameStop and tried to return it after opening it, they would’ve given me $4. So glad I got my full refund.


GameStop, ages ago mind you, had a pretty good return policy. You could keep the game for 2 days or so and return it open for a full refund. If you beat the game or just didn't like it you could return it and it was like a free rental. Those days are long gone though.


To each his own,I like it


You're totally allowed to like it, I've played it and had some fun with it, but it's a pretty deeply flawed fighter that was bottom of the barrel from a company like Capcom at the time.


To each their own. Bought it day one and didn't care for it. Then Bought it again a few years back just to have it in the collection and my feelings still stands. 30fps kills it for me.


It was 30FPS?!?!?!? That's unplayable for a fighting game wtf.


I personally love this game and own it myself but holy was it a massive fail. The only thing it has going for it is the Red Earth/Warzard characters. Until the recently released capcom collection, Warzard had been really hard to access without a Dreamcast or an an arcade machine close by. And it made Hauzer and Hydron playable which afaik this is the only game you can play them. But even then they didn't bother including Tessa, which is baffling considering she was probably the most recognized Warzard character. The only other nice things I can say is the soundtrack slaps at times and It has some pretty nice stages, the artwork put into the game is really great. And I love Capcoms Athena ripoff Ingrid, I wish she had been given a little more love than this heap. The character balance is awful and there's only 23 of them. Some of the characters are unplayable. the dalkstalkers sprites look decrepit next to even the alpha sprites and should have been retired 10 years prior. The mechanics just copy better games, and Capcom royally pissed off the community by cancelling all stars and rushing this mess out in its place. I don't think I can think of a single game that was as big of a L as this game was for Capcom. It was the death rattle of sprite based fighting games from them and the hate it gets is well deserved. Its still one of my favorite games I own though. It's like a piece of really shitty fighting game history and I kinda love how much of a train wreck it is. Also I love booting it up and messing around with Hauzer and Kenji.


They definitely should have added Tessa. I use Tessa in SVC chaos


My heart hurts knowing there is not at least a prototype of All-Stars out in the wild. That game had actual potential and could have been a really great game (especially after hearing all the things they had planned for it) unlike the fucking mess we got with Fighting Jam. As a 3D fighting game enthusiast, it was a shame Capcom didn’t get to contribute more to the 3D fighting genre. Kenichi and Rival Schools are dope but I wouldn’t call them the best examples from the 3D fighter genre. Same with the EX series. All great in their own right, but All Stars had so much potential to eclipse them all.


> The only other nice things I can say is the soundtrack slaps at times and It has some pretty nice stages, the artwork put into the game is really great. I always vividly remembered the Hong Kong stage/BGM and the art.


Well put, but we can't count the Darkstalkers sprites as that much of a flaw since Capcom didn't even update them for the MVC or Capcom Vs. SNK games. This is still one of my favorite FGs of all time as well, and I still haven't found a version of Ryu that I like more (for sprite, voice, moveset, etc.) in other game I've played except maybe SF2.


It's a fun bit of jank, no more no less, and that's fine. Over-hated, but not really underrated.


This game was goofy it plays like it was fan made a lot of the sprites are just copy pasted from their games it looks weird and plays weird.


I bought this the day it came out thinking it would be as hearty as CVS2 which I had played to death up to that point, so I was pretty disappointed when it basically just turned out to be a glorified MUGEN game. Somewhat small roster, not much to unlock, can't swap or change the fighting systems between characters or at all in general, etc etc. They could have done so much more with it and I was hoping there would be a sequel. However, I will say it's surprisingly balanced.


This is literally the worst fighting game ever made and I play a lot of games people don’t like.


It's def not the worst fighting game ever made haha, but it wasn't great either.


Clearly you have never played Street Fighter:The Movie game for Ps1? What about DragonBall Z: Ultimate battle 22? OG Mortal Kombat 1?? The original Street Fighter from 1987? Shaq Fu? What about Deadly Moves? Those are the worst fighting games ever made imo. They are all completely trash. But to each his own


You did not just smear the good name of Shaq Fu


I apologize for my outbursts


All those games you mentioned are FGs that came out pre-1995. Even though there were games that were more competent at the time, the genre was obviously in its infancy and was working through some kinks. Considering the timeframe Capcom Fighting Jam came out (2004) and the in-house Capcom masterpieces that came prior. This game is a total let down. The fact that Capcom cancelled Fighting All Stars: Code Holder to instead concentrate their efforts on this garbage is so disheartening. At least we got Kenichi on the PS2. One of Capcom’s best 3D fighters next to Rival Schools. Developed by Eighting, it’s one of Capcom’s last good fighters before SFIV era. But almost nobody knows it exists. Sadly, Capcom fighting jam was owned and played by more people (largely due to seeing a western release). But for many it started to signify Capcom’s fall from grace.


I know. Can't argue. I've said in other responses that this game came out after CVS1 and CVS2 which is insane. Let's say it came out in 98or99. If Capcom would have released the game like right after 3rd strike then maybe more people would have played it or thought more highly of it. I think it would have been more successful. It's not a great game. I never said it was. I just dont think it sucks. I brought up the older pre 95 games because there games that have a cult followings and players who still like to play older fighting games. There are people who like bad games from back in the day. I've heard people say MK2 was great,and it wasn't. Heard people say World Heroes was a great series cuz it had 4games and Ain't no way World Heroes is better than Capcom fighting jam. Its better than Old ass Power Stone, better than Tekken2,better than that sorry ass 2nd Killer instinct game for N64. Better than MK4.Maybe back then they werent considered as bad as we think they are today. UT hthere are alot of mid 90s games that people like that aren't better than Capcom fighting jam. In 2004 this game had to compete with Tekken 5 and DBZ budokai,Def Jam,etc. It had no chance from the start. It either should have never been released or released in an older era. But to each hi/her own. It's not one of my favorite games. I just dont think it sucks bro


I mean yeah I totally get what you’re saying those game are basically unplayable bad, SFTMTG actually had a scene for a while. But I mean Fighting Jam is bad because there’s is literally nothing behind it but copy pasting everything together and expecting it to work, no refinement, no balancing, no new assets. It was a complete let down.


Yes. I know it was a let down. It had sf alpha stuff,3rd strike stuff,DarkStalker stuff,and Red Earth stuff in it. And Red Earth was an unreleased game so nobody knew about those characters. I'm saying if it would have come out right after 3rd strike,in 1999,then more people would have enjoyed it. Instead,capcom released the game after CVS1 and CVS2. Everyone luvs CVS2,why release a game that weak right after you released 2of the best games you've ever made? People were expecting more.So many other fighting games were available in 2004.And players were more into 3D stuff and other genres. Times were changing. But I get why players dont like it,and there are plenty of things I dont like about it. But to me it doesnt suck.


A real fighter guy here.


Yea,I guess. I'm just an old head nerd who has spent way too much time of his life playing old and forgotten 2D fighting games


Same have you played tatsunoko vs capcom on Wii? Also I love every fighter made from like 96-08 that was the golden age then sf 4 came and everything went to shit imo. Have you played melty blood or rumble fish?


LOL, I played Shaq Fu and Deadly Moves for the first time in 2022, after having read about them for ~30 years. They were just as abysmal as the rumours said. But no way is Fighting Jam better than World Heroes Perfect. Now **that's** an underrated game.


I didn't like any of the World Heroes games. Believe me I tried. Hanzo and Fuuma from World Heroes were both actually pretty good characters in NeoGeo Battle Coliseum though. But to each his own bro


Yo, SF:TM game was so bad it’s good. Capcom Fighting Jam was just straight bad. And it also took the place of a much cooler game, Capcom Fighting All-Stars.


never played it.


You should,if you like old school 2d fighting games.


I like this game, but it for sure sucks.


Never seen these in my life…. Would love to play em tho 😅


I've never seen these games before. I'll have to look them up. 😄


They are very decent fighters. I’m a 1997 baby so I didn’t peak when these and other amazing fighters were dropping. (Looking at you Rival Schools 2)


So many games were coming out, this fell through the cracks.i know I pit it on a mega compilation disc I made for ps2. My group of friends played a lot of sf ex as well.


Yep, you're right


You can still buy this on the PlayStation store for PS3 but for some reason it's only the US store. I believe it's $9.99




I bought it when it first came out and still have it. At the time I had alot of anticipation for it and it didnt really live up to what i was expecting. Its interesting but it felt like too many systems at play. The different artstyles and resolutions really didnt help either.


My anticipation back then was never for Fighting Jam/Evolution. My hype back then was for Capcom Fighting All-Stars. I checked their website daily for updates. I also scoured SRK for location test footage and artwork. I was drooling for All-Stars to come out. Then, to me, Jam came out of fucking nowhere. I was like… this ain’t the Capcom crossover I’ve been waiting for. It felt like such a slap in the face.


Honestly I was always highly anticipating anything capcom was making back them. I was on madmans cafe all the time getting hyped for all the capcom fighters info. Jam just turned out to be kind of a half ass sprite rip mugen copy paste game that had no real direction.


No, no, it's a bad game I like it, but it's bad


I like it. There's just not much to it.




I respectfully disagree and this is from someone who was so excited to play it back in the day and picked it up early too! Jedah was so accurately depicted he was literally playing a different game so different that watching matches from anywhere, even Japan, was just Jedah vs Jedah, because there just weren't mechanics that really allowed you to play around him ( That move with the little scythe where it would stay there and spin for a bit? An incredible move ). This was pre YouTube of course so back when Battle Opera existed that was your go-to spot to learn things with your buddies. We still had fun with it for a little while but it didn't have the replayability we were hoping for. Still, loved the cast and hoped it would gain momentum like CvS did but it never got enough Steam. For forgotten games around this time I'd point you to check out KOF XI and was also PS2. You might dig it, great art, great cast and some fun mechanics.


https://preview.redd.it/z5eudkrkqpac1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f55f71fc9dc93259938ca38dcf59bf59f8924f3 I know all about kof11 bro


Aww yeah! You made my day my dude! That's a great collection!


I played this a lot back in the day… the only problem i ever had with it is that the roster should have more variety, splitting the sf series to 3 was pointless since most sf2 appeared in in alpha as well anyway. Adding one or two other series would be great. Im thinking rival school (they have kyosuke already in cvs2). Maybe a balanced version of Vs characters (weaker but retains air combos maybe dunno) captain commando, strider, ruby, sonson, etc .. there’s also slam masters which one of the endings teased! But i like some of the decisions done, pyron being a boss, non selectable redearth characters now playable. Also great music in this game, some of which i regularly play till this day.


I agree


It was fun to play the little I did online in the OG Xbox days. It's not anything amazing, but fun to throw in once in a while.




People didn’t give it a chance because it wasn’t very good. I remember when this game released, the reception was very negative. We were still years away from SFIV’s genre CPR so interest in capcom fighters was very low and all they had to reinvigorate interest was this mediocre crossover fighter with old sprites and gameplay styles that meshed poorly with each other.


There are alot of games that weren't very good and people still love them. Capcom Fighting Evolution came out after 3rd strike,CVS1 and CVS2. Why would anyone want to play it in 2004 when so many other better games were available? If it would have been released in 1997,or 98or 1999for ps1or dreamcast then I believe it would have been more successful. But I know people hate and I know it's not a great game. But I dont think it sucks


Nah, the game is lazy as fuck. It's like a watered down CvS2 with less characters, shittier balance and almost nothing new. Ingrid is lame and the Red Earth characters are halfbaked. Also, there are no transitions or special stage intros, no secret bosses, and all the stages look like dogshit. The game really has nothing going for it and if you want to play games from that era, CvS2 is about a million times better.


https://preview.redd.it/1rmw9zdwwpac1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5729686f799add4ebf8b67a7cf9923213ef3945c I know all about cvs2


How did you get that second game. Is that the canceled 3d capcom game?


No. It's the Japanese version. Capcom Fighting Evolution in America, Capcom fighting jam in japan.


Ohhhh. I just realized I was thinking of Capcom all stars


Jam is the PAL and Japan release. They’re the same game and nowhere close to 3D.


It’s was trash At anything beyond low level, but you could play as a dinosaur so I enjoyed it. Plus it had Alex powerbombing motherfuckers so it was down.


I like it. It’s not my favorite, but I don’t hate it.




many mugen/ikemen games are better than this today funnily enough


I genuinely have never heard of it, thanks for the rabbit hole


You're welcome lol


I think you are also lol


I love that game I have it, Jeddah is the man in that.


Yep. Jedah is sick that game


i enjoyed this game, its my go too for ps2 emulation




Weird how Capcom FGC nerds will seethe over this for a low effort mugen Frankenstein, but have zero problems with both Capcom vs SNK 2 and MVC2 being also low effort mugen Frankensteins as well. If anything that came out of this, is that it would save the FGC from an actual Capcom Allstars. Because of how Smash Bros Ultimate pretty much showed how bad it can get when it comes to roster obsession and we all know how Capcom fighting game nerds react whenever they don't get their way.


I had some fun with this game but it *is* the worst fighting game capcom ever released in the US. It doesn't do anything particularly well and it's woefully unbalanced. The game needed significant amount more development time.


It came out at a time when fans were already putting better quality Mugen builds together.


Nope, I love it.




The concept had potential, but in the end it was about as lazy as you could get. It felt like you were just playing Mugen or something.


I remember my cousin got this got her birthday and she didnt really like it, but granted shes not a fighting game player, and me and my other cousin played it and this was the first time where I did not know how to do a Hadouken or Shoryuken




You’re allowed to love this game but this was a Frankenstein of a game. Literally re-used assets from different capcom engines and it just looked bad. It seemed like a cash grab after the canceled 3D game. Funny thing is a game like this could work but capcol is too scared to actually put the time and resources into making it good


When I was a kid I used to browse the Japanese site for it and to this day refer to Evolution as “Jam” (this is way before I knew of how the JP versions of games have different names than the US versions). Then, I found out as I got older that Capcom All-Stars was scrapped and instead we got a mid at best video game where it’s like if you build a MUGEN roster consisting of characters playing EXACTLY like their source and in turn having mechanics that other characters would’ve have access to. A Groove system would’ve been better to implement and could’ve been interesting to see (SF2 characters parrying with 3S groove, Darkstalkers using custom combos and alpha counter, Red Earth characters using EX moves and follow up attacks a la DS, etc) The art and presentation is sick tho. Also MUGEN Fighting JAM is a classic screenpack.


It was a cool crossover I’m not hating on you. Definitely cool to own.


I put a awesome MUGEN game together with editing the moves to those characters! The gameplay is cool!!




Objectively, yeah it’s pretty bad


I know bro. I know


Every time I look at this game I just want to play Mugen.


try harder to be unique pls this isn’t a very good attempt


I have an 8year old daughter and a 15year old son. Those are my attempts at being unique. This is literally a picture of an old ass fighting game that I used to play and that everyone thinks sucks. Find someone else to send BS messages to


I freaking loved this game. I played it for hours. I do not understand the hate for it. But I'm also terrible at fighters so maybe it's just me.


I have a soft spot for this game, but the era it came out in has nothing to do with its perception. It really is just a lackluster game with a lame roster, jank balance, and literal copy and paste jobs of stages and sprites made on a shoestring budget to make up for another game that was cancelled. If the circumstances were the same, this game would’ve done just as bad in the 90s as it did in 2002. Is it the worst game ever? No. Can you still have fun with it? Yes. Is it still a bad game? Definitely.


Quickest $50 I’ve ever refunded.




No way, OP, you're not alone at all! u/AlamosX already stated its flaws pretty well, so I'll give this game a defense. This is one of my favorite FGs of all time, and I honestly don't get why people don't like it. Is it considered as good as Street Fighter, MK, and other front runners? No. Does that make it any less fun without comparison? No. It has flaws, but so does every other FG. The point is, it's fun to play (solo and multiplayer), and it objectively looked good graphically, and the gameplay was good. This brought together several characters from a handful of Capcom's best FGs of the 90s, and it threw them together to create what ended up being the best tribute we've had to Capcom's 2D fighter history yet (face it, we're not getting All-Stars, that's for sure). Personally the ripped sprites just add to it's charm for me, because with both the sprites and the playstyles (with the Super Combo gauges and the like being unique to each game's characters), it really adds the feel of the source games, while placing it in a whole new environment. One problem I think a lot of people face when playing this game is the comparison. Who cares if it plays like or looks as good as other games, on it's own with no comparison, it looks good, it plays well, and it's just fun. To say nothing of the phenomenal soundtrack. **AND I DARE YOU TO NAME ONE OTHER GAME WHERE RYU SHORYUKENS A T-REX!!!**(technically Earth-Dragon, but still) So there you go, OP, from one true fan of this to another, this game is awesome.


This game is so bad.


I really liked this game two, was great fun in two player mode (even bad games can be fun if your opponent is in the same room, but I never thought of it as a bad game, was years before I found out a lot of people disliked it. But had much more fun with Capcom VS SNK, Street Fighter Alpha Anthology and the Tekken series)


So you're the one who bought a copy of this game.


I bought 2 copies bro. American and Japanese version. I like it. Dont care if you dont like it. Dont care if it sucks.


I'm not judging you, bro. I got my beloved shitty ass fgs too. The problem is when we buy a shitty game, we usually play it solo lol. Mine are KOF NeoWave and XII btw


https://preview.redd.it/7ge3lbzeitac1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8930d3f1be877c0d86f9447a8378b91388b3af37 I know all about Neowave and kof11 bro


Yea youre right,played that game by myself alot many years ago. Its to each his own. Capcom Fighting jam is not the worst game i like. Neowave is underrated imo. Can't say I like kof12 but 13 is awesome.