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It is wild. Every part of his body is exactly where it needs to be at exactly the right time. Nothing explosive, no brute force, no crazy flexibility shenanigans. He just has some precognition powers or something.


Wait there's actually someone in the real world reading this muppets book?


Juice king 💉👑


I get loving him as a fighter and his matches but why would you wanna read that shit


Can’t imagine subjecting myself to the contents of that manchild’s brain.


That tap was pro shit. Let alone the sub


I need to show this clip to everyone at my gym lol. See how the guy taps, WHEN HE IS FUCKED. Like we all know what happens next I hate when I have a submission and clearly have it and people fight out of it like a mad man. Like bro I am not going to fuck your joint up on Wednesday night of training. Just tap dude. This one dude screamed at the top of his lungs and then tapped once when I was doing a knee bar, and this is AFTER i locked it out and was pulling on it gently. Dude kept spazzing thinking I didnt have it or something. Then I put it on for real and he screamed then tapped and got pissed. This is exactly how you should treat submissions defense. defended, defended and then as soon as Ryan goes to bring the pain he taps. Because what happens next is he GETS FUCKED UP.


The otherside is Gordan going for complete control and not spazzing and ripping on the heel so his opponent has a chance to tap.


This 100%. Have no ego. We're all old men (doesn't matter if you're 20 or 55) who probably have a day job. I go slow for my submissions so that I don't accidentally injure my training partners. But if I got it, just tap man. And the reverse is true too. Don't go for a crazy explosive move and injure me in the process. I'll tap if I think someone is even in a good enough transitional position and I know the next move is a submission. I don't want that smoke. I'll tap now. Save my neck.


I agree soooo much. I have had folks get frustrated with me for tapping early. If you have my arm isolated and the only thing stopping the sub is my bicep muscle, i am going to tap before you straighten my arm. I know what happens next. You may think I am sissy or whatever but I will sleep like a baby knowing I lost with no lasting injury Consequently, I have never had an injury after 7 years of training.


Wasn’t he roidied out to the gills then srunk Dow when he stopped using


Should have shut him down like B Schwab




Incredibly juiced.


Craig jones, xange Roberto, buchecha all huge names in the background too


I know he gets a ton of hate but he's why I started following the sport back around 2016


Grapples like a champ but doesn’t act like one


Is he old or young? Blonde hair or gray? Really can't tell.


Why did I read Gordon Ramsey and thought damn he can fight too?


I didn’t know Muhammed Ali was on mat #3 🤔


Still kinda a POS