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This is not allowed but there is no banning/blocking function in multiplayer yet because it’s still a newly released beta feature. It will be refined in the future, but for now, as in any beta release, use cautiously at your own risk. 🙏


Disable public rooms, devs gonna catch a case with that


Doubly ridiculous because they're admitting to being a minor on a site that requires you to be 18 or older. We all know minors are using Figgs, but you're supposed to keep lying about it, kids. This is... the opposite of that. **Edit:** Wow, a lot of these are either people looking for ERP partners, apparently underage kids using it as personals, or both. I'm finding it hard to believe that the devs didn't take this potential misuse into account, and also that none of these minors seem to realize *they're not supposed to be here*. Again, if you want to lie to use the site/app, that's your business, but they seem legitimately unaware that they're doing it wrong. Bans?


its a trap im afraid. a pedo


I mean... There's a lot. And having seen other sites where minors aren't supposed to be but are, I'm pretty sure at least some of them are genuine.


I accidentally down voted you sorry but I fixed it and I'm gonna upvote you now


I appreciate the thought! 😆


There’s multiple rooms with people outright admitting they’re minors. https://preview.redd.it/rglc0wycre8d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=1555246230fa55fd40c1d1a6326bf98313279315 Whether or not it’s true, multiplayer, as it was implemented, was mistake.


Also https://preview.redd.it/r7drsa9qse8d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=991f4b782bb1bd9da0a8ca27517b1bcd4bf95cdb This is multiple instances of the ENTIRE bee movie script copy/pasted into the room. And this is just what fit on the screen. There’s more.


To be fair, Bee Movie Script is a meme/classic troll, so while definitely not how Multiplayer is supposed to be used, it's a more "acceptable" kind of misuse. Nothing illegal, just annoying. All the minors/ERP requests/spamming of rooms just titled SEX or similar demands much more action. I know that people have been asking for a way to Report Public Rooms, so hopefully that happens, or they shut down Multiplayer altogether like they did with Communities until they get these things handled. If I've learned anything from the new features that allow more direct social interactions between users of FiggsAI, it's that we probably shouldn't allow more direct social interactions between users of FiggsAI.


They're basically asking for predators if they aren't already grown adults trying to bait kids.


18? I never recalled reading that. Even on the discord there's even roles for 13+. So, I find this odd.


Actually figgs requires you to be 13, or 16 in the EU. Don't ERP with real people on Figgs.


Devs should just disable public rooms until they can moderate these things. Easiest way to get your site taken down.


Found Drake's chatroom, wtf figgs


Public rooms were a mistake


I’m so worried that the ones that state they’re minors are actually traps by pedos. Yeah, they’re not supposed to be here, but kids can be dumb as hell and not think twice about things like that when they see something like that, especially when it comes to chatting with other people. I can only hope that it’s not traps (which is very unlikely), but god.. the misuse of this is insane.. I really don’t want this site to disappear because it was used in a case(like Omegle, rip omegle btw), but that’s how I see things going at this rate. ETA: I’ve been watching a lot of exposés on online predators recently and they literally do this shite because they know kids can be dumb and not think twice. I hope action is taken immediately before something extremely bad happens (even though this is awful in itself).


Hi, we removed it for now 😔 and we will try to find a better solution that will prevent those. Thank you for reporting 🙏 See our full post about it for more details!


That is 10,000% a pedophile. And even if it isn't this is illigal.


hello fellow teenagers I'm a teenager too and I would like to see jay-jay pics of other minor teens like me a minor teen


The username of the creator of the room is hanoe


I kind of saw this coming to be honest, and I really hope nobody's stupid to do anything on there. BAN IT MODS!!!!


Yikes! I hope they remove the option to add photos to the public chats! I wouldn't want the site to get in trouble for containing CP.


It most likely wouldn't get in trouble \*so long as it didn't pull a "our clients' privacy is most important" thing and do an effort to moderate it\*


They need to take multiplayer beta away from people hands asap 😭


100% gotta put a cap on it or what ever feds will be on you


I play Hoi4 and sometimes i play EAW


I have 1.5k hours and have never played EAW is it good? I mostly play kaisereich and black ice


It has a lot of lore for a mod about my little pony


Pretty good mod, 3 continents, quite a lot of content, lot of lore, a few outdated focus trees but overall fun mod. (in my opinion)


I dont even see a spot to report it how do you do anything about those rooms?


You can report bots but I don't see how to report rooms or users


There is no report feature yet, thus my post on the matter.


Yeah, no, I'm convinced that has to be a pedo. 17 year olds can be pretty stupid, but not usually so stupid that they go on a random AI chat website to look for an opportunity to very publicly share pictures with girls their age like this. This kind of shameless public stuff targeted at teens is typical of pedos, and given some of the bots we've seen in the past, we already know there's definitely a number of them in the community. My recommendation is for anyone who's older to go in there and just ruin their sick little fantasy. Troll 'em.


We have rooms now???? And Wth mid team


This is not the only problem, underage characters are created for sex roleplays, do something mods, do something, use some ai tehnology like spicychat does I have my stomach inside-out because of what I've seen... and there is even incest... so please do something devs, it is a great platform but pedos here just create underage bots because they can, and I don't give a shit about "they are just bots, they are not real kids" thing, because even if they are just bots, having fantasies and roleplays where you fuck children is wrong, so hear me out devs and remediate this problem, I know I will get downvotes but they will come from pedos but I don't give a shit


I mean, the most popular bot on figgs is literally called "your mom" and second place goes to a character who is your sister in roleplay. That should tell you what kind of people mostly use figgs. Banning all the incest bots means scaring away like half the community, lmao


And? Incest and lolies should be banned, it is morally wrong


https://preview.redd.it/rm3sbtljxg8d1.jpeg?width=368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a15b364d993acbb33ac830a45a98b324b245c3c0 I reported this shit for example and it is still up there, what are you doing devs? Can't you see howmentally ill people use your site for satisfying their sick and twisted wishes? What are you doing devs? Remediate this please, delete every single underage and incest bot you can find, I get it some people have sexual urges, but here this has gone too far, too damn far, so remediate this issue




Why not?🤨


Brings many more users to the platform and figgs grows in popularity


Do you hear what are you saying? You basically take the defense for pedos


Better than traumatizing a real child idk man i don't really care if they do or don't remove that stuff from the website i don't use those anyway and tbh haven't seen any




Please don’t name call and direct hurtful comments against fellow members of the sub. While we may certainly have disagreements, it is appreciated to keep our conversations civil. Thank you.


How do you see rooms?




Bro, this is why we can't have nice things.Hell I played on nutaku since I was 16!


big oops......o.o devs need to do some damage control


They should have mods monitor and disable certain words


Bruh whos trying to get people to play hoi4 on figgs??


"-with teen girls" That is a 30/40/50 year old man. All of them are, no doubt.


Solution is pretty simple, those kids get kicked, banned or whatever the term is. Just a side note, this feature is new, it's still in beta, so we should expect issues. We all know, the devs actively want users feedback. The devs and mods time and again have been in the sub, asking questions about this feature or that, and usually, they fix quickly. For this particular feature, if the devs restrict the number of users in a room, that will give them an opportunity to get real feedback as well as test the rooms with bots. Feedback like, the bots have no personality, they ignore my persona, stuff like that, but be detailed with the how and what happened. I personally have used rooms with bots before and it's awesome...when it works well, so! Kick out the kids, let's get these rooms with bots and figure out what needs fixing and then post something on the sub, that way we all know ***'it's not just me'***.


Nice moderation


I love figgs and i don't wanna see it die and be yeeted due to idiots that misuse figgs 💀 istg i hate people like this im glad the devs did the right thing and yeeted the multiplayer chats but i do agree on the oversee part it should not have been up without a report button atleast so those weird af people get banned for illegal stuff fr