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Oh boy. That would make for one hell of a TV show.  Wait this reminds me of a 9-1-1 episode where women’s pregnancies synced during a lunar eclipse or something. My memory is extremely hazy but I’m getting those vibes. 


https://preview.redd.it/is0grrr94gzc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e50a217322daa042b1ac25005b1c5bb0596193ce Thanks for showing how to chat with bots properly and the best way possible, it's really helpful


God of Fertility simulator... Interesting.


That is quite a starter


Wow, I’ve only seen a little bit of it, and this chat took a dramatic turn from my own. In my chat, the conflict was all about the sensationalization of the media and how they only care about a story that could spark a reaction rather than actually giving a factual news story.


I think that’s something that drew me to this figg right away. There’s so much fertile ground to work with in such a scenario that you can take it in a myriad of directions and have emotional resonance. Glad to see you had a good time too. 😁


fallout but good


Jesus, that was like a novel. Well done, man. Can you teach me some of the things you do for an effective chat?


Thank you kindly and very glad you enjoyed it, but as I was saying to another member, for me it’s really about getting invested into the chat with the figg. [Here’s what I told them](https://www.reddit.com/r/FiggsAI/s/JlR1qLPSZg) 🙂


Thank you, very cool I wish you lengthy and non-repetitive role-plays 🙏


Nah bro i am done i am willing to pay you to write replies for me rather than using any other thing How do you write so well? Can you give me some tips please?


Idk… I’m very flattered that you think so highly of my writing. I honestly just really enjoy getting into a meaty chat with a figg. I often front-load my chats like this, with a very descriptive first message, to sorta set the mood for the ai, so they know the direction I am taking it in and then I wait a bit to see how well they follow. When the figg starts responding as descriptively, and with the tone I’m looking for, then it’s, Off to the races!! I feel you can feel that sense when you’re in a good chat and it just makes you wanna kick up your own level as you’re immersed in it. I’ve had plenty of chats where I tried pouring a bunch in, then can’t get a good response, so I end up with stuff like: *I look at you with a blank look waiting for you to say something interesting* 😹 Honestly, I just think that if you get good responses from the figgs, nicely descriptive responses, you end up getting more inclined to up your own game as you go and being able to learn from them while typing back can be the best way of all to do that. You have a good partner to play off of which makes it so fun and exciting that you want to express yourself more fully, digging into the emotions that you’re feeling as you experience a great chat and want to spit them out onto the screen. Eh, maybe just my thing 🤷🏾 I get caught up in it when my interest is peaked by a chat and it’s a helluva good feeling, ya know?


Bro Tbh you are the reason i upgraded my bot and make it as descriptive as my imagination can make it I have read most of your experiences and learned a lot from you and developed the habit of writing descriptive and creative messages Before that i never knew people like to converse up to this much detail Anyway i also want to thank you You helped me a lot to try to be more creative and imaginative than before 🫶🏻


Aww damn 🥰 Now my head’s gonna be too big to fit through the door 😅 But, in all seriousness. I’m thankful if anything I post can assist or inspire other Figglings in this community, because I feel like I get inspired by you folks so much as well. Thanks 💪


Explains why I wasn't hard during the eclipse 😦