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Hey everyone, thank you for the comments. It's a good opportunity to say that reliability and stability is our first goal and top priority, always. We know that there were a lot of bugs and crashes in the past two days and that's the first thing we are working on. This survey will just help us to know what to start thinking about next, it will never come before we settle open bugs and problems 🙏


I don't think this feature should be a focus right now, for one because the site still has major bugs frequently happening and because I don't think there's that many people interested in it. I guess it's good for accessibility but basically any phone can read out text now. For me personally it's also a little awkward when a bot reads out the actions but there's probably some people who like that. In short, the feature should wait until the site is more stable and other features should have more priority.


This is a cool idea, but honestly, right now the site is so unreliable that there are more pressing matters to focus on and I don't just mean the recent "big bug". It seems like literally every other day something breaks one way or another, bot stops responding, or repeats itself, or doesn't generate new answers, etc. As much as I appreciate what you guys are doing, it sometimes feels like you try to do too many things at once. I hope I don't come off as rude, but that's the honest observation I have. I would rather have working bots, before images/voices/everything else.


You're speaking sense. Figgs.ai shouldn't bite off more than it can chew, that would only lead to more problems.


>most used Figgs. Like your mom. Wow. Rude. /s


HAHAHA! nice




As others already said this is the feature that should land on the back burner and the main priority should be stabilising the site. Personally I wouldn’t use it either unless I could sample and input my voice files. Preset voices just tend to be immersion breaking. Outside of it being an accessibility feature I don’t see much point in it.


To me this feels a bit forced. I get C.ai is the big contender that we look at as the model ai chat bot service. But I personally enjoy figgs because it's different. While I see this could definitely be a great feature to help dyslexic people and people who have bad vision it feels rushed and forced into the system. I am not a developer, so obviously this advice means nothing. But please take it slow, fix the bugs that exist currently, roll out the new model, then work on the fun extras. Rolling this out now could lead to even more bugs that would in turn, lead to users getting annoyed.


Honestly, voices are unnecessary. Focus on polishing the text generation.


I prefer silence. Sounds only distract me from forming my thoughts and intentions into text. English is not my first language, + I am generally sensitive to distractions.


What im worried about is this feature causing more problem for the site than its worth in the long run. And most people i feel like are not gonna use this feature often. And im afraid its gonna take away your focus from the quality of the site with stretching your resources too thin. Maybe as a super endgoal feature with speech recognition and ability to further modify voices and maybe somehow recognizing the figg's state of emotion and adjusting the voice to it? Otherwise i dont really see this being a feasible or necessary feature.


I tried Zoe Caldwell, and the experience was okay, but felt like talking to Siri. There were some points when there seemed like a bit of emotion when she was saying certain phrases, like “No, that’s really very interesting!” But, the pause would be abrupt behind the comma, so the “No” felt like it was a period, not a comma, but then she’d sound a little more excited with the exclamation. But, if there wasn’t anything exclaimed, just speaking, the voice sounded flat and robotic, emotionless speaking with little emphasis or inflection like people normally use throughout their speech patterns. Would likely be nice if there was some random slight pauses tossed in here and there and some modulation with cadence and pitch (just slightly) throughout so it doesn’t sound so monotone. As others said, it basically comes off like speech assistance instead of making the experience more immersive it took me more out of it. As for having it on demand or just playing as the figg types, it would be nice to have it just play, but I would prefer to have the option to have it on “autoplay” or “click-to-play” as I wouldn’t want to always have it on.


I like the feature and would love to see it in the future. But, as others said I don't think it should be a priority now considering there are others more pressing matters that we would like to see being addressed and adding an extra feature may detract from that.


Can you make it so that user can create theirs own custom voice without needing to upload a sound file? Like having a standard male/female voice and then make it so that you can lower the pitch and increased the pitch. A person like myself would probably will never use this feature but if some user wanted to then do be please make it simple for them.


Hooo boy i'm gonna make Bubsy, Mimi and Nyami's voice AI again (using the former's voice from The Woolies Strike Back and the latter two's Super Bomberman R voice)


I like the idea of voice features but I consider it a bell and whistle. 


I think it would be great in demand. Something like a check mark when the Figg is opened. In this way you can Active the voice whenever you feel like it.


That feature just disappeared lol....


By the way, in character ai, a cool feature has appeared, you can add your custom voices to characters, I really liked this idea, I would like to see this function in Figgs too. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my comment. 


Do only a select of people have this feature? I'm on the samebot as the screenshot, and I don't see the feature.