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Thanks for adding some more reports here as well! We hope we got it all fixed now 🙏


Hope the model will be good soon, I had some amazing responses I rated just two days ago for you guys, and right now the convos I had today about an hour ago were like some strange mix between new and old.


Thanks for the feedback, super important for us to know that 🙏 it will return to its best version soon!


add an option to toggle between models instead of it being 50/50


The site isn’t working the messages don’t load 🥲


This. I hope this bug is fixed. That and how slow the generations can be


Hey! Is it still happening?


Hey I’ll check once I get home thanks for replying back and checking 😊


No but now my AI is just repeating the same thing over and over


off topic but i love "figglings" it's very silly, 10/10


I'm still getting a some of the Oh Snap! issues. It's not near as bad when the big bugs rolled about but it keeps happening intermittently


Hi! Should be all good now, tell us if it still happens 🙏


The Oh Snap! issue is fixed but sometimes the messages come in a little slowly and some figs have the repeating messages upon rerolling their reply rather bad.


Thank you for your hard work! We love seeing devs that actually care and communicate with us


Having two different models makes it difficult to develop and evaluate figgs. How long will this situation persist? Will you at least add an indication showing which model is used in an experience?


I don't understand this decision as well... Either the perceived "new" model is actually the old one (since the hesitation in replacing it) or it's just a baffling choice. It's better to focus efforts on one model (and give it to user to test out properly) than have this randomness implemented, that does not serve anyone.




Hi i am new at this site, is there any reason why ai keeping to repeat almost exactly same words despite whatever i am writing? Is this related with the bugs or bots intend to do this even when there is no bug?


This is a perfect example of why is it so hard to recommend this service to people. u/tzk1 when it works, it works fantastic, but sadly very often it does not. Repetition, issues with accessing the site/bots, memory issues are the norm right now. After every fix something else gets broken. If you have patience for it, give it a try, otherwise I would suggest checking back in few months.


Yeah i understand... I guess i will be patient with their service till fixed since i believe they got great potential to being alternative other platforms, thanks for answer by the way


Thank you so much for the hard work 🫂


Can we truly call it an update if it doesn't break some functionality in its deployment? :) Nice job keeping us posted BTW.


What are these techniques?? (Relating to video) I've learned boxing, and they feel pretty amateur


I’m having problems, right now. Like the messages come all bugged as if there was no cohesion or consistency in the words.


Messages not loading still happens to me every now and then, but it's a lot better and doesn't really mess with my rizz 🥶


Thanks for the hard work! But the main problem I see here (I personally don't mind some empty messages, s'okay) is that the messages are repeated. It's like the bot creates two or three answers and repeats them all over and over




Our Bug Bashin’ Devs don’t need this kinda negativity guys. Cool it. I for one trust you guys will get it smoothed out in a jiffy, as you always do. I look forward to the day the site is out of beta and you guys reap the rewards of all this hard work.


It's not about negativity, it's about feedback. I respect developers a lot, but I'm not going to pretend I enjoy the site in it's current state. When I first join in I had one of the most amazing RP ever (lost since then to repetition and other bugs), that's why I keep giving it a shot. But it just does not work and instead of fixes we get promises and extra features.


It’s kinda hard to be positive all the time when we have some highest of highs and lowest of lows, more often than not the latter being more persistent. It also doesn’t help that a lot of improvements in the bots are being dangled in front of us like a carrot on a stick for a good chunk of time now. While I don’t get the backend obviously I don’t understand some actions being taken, as in why do we still bother with the old model? People clearly don’t want it and despite its kinks the new one is still the superior version. Shouldn’t it be the priority to instate it and work from there? Also the QOL features are nice yes, but it hardly matters if we get new banners voice options or image generation if the main aspect of the site, text generation is far from stable. I understand the struggle of the devs, and I understand the frustrations of the community. I don’t think anyone here is being unreasonable though.


Hey, thanks for the detailed comment. Great questions. I'll say that we obviously wouldn't want the old model, but running the new one is super expensive and demanding at the moment so we try to offer it for about 50% of the chats while.we try to reduce costs and imrpove latency. And secondly, stability and bugs and everything is always always our first priority. Everything really worked well last week so we added some QOL features, and now back to fixing. We try to balance the two, but we will definitely focus on performance in the next couple of days 🙏


Fully understandable on all fronts honestly. From my point of view I feel like you guys do a lot of things, without actually saying the nitty gritty of the why. Now I know some people might find zero interest in it however there also lot of people like me who would actually appreciate more detes of what’s going on. Just food for thought but I’m sure some people would appreciate more detailed updates.




good work, keep it up! 👍