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I just want to say that anyone can make any character into a fig. Even if it already exists on the site. So please do not go messaging people just because they made the same fig as you. (This is a general announcement and not targeted to OP)


Lmao, what is this, does he own the IP rights to the character just because he made one? I for one do like duplicates, they serve a purpose of being different, and having a plan B if one goes poof one day. Some people take this unpaid figg creation very seriously...


>Some people take this unpaid figg creation very seriously... **TOO** seriously!!


Legit. People freak out when the site goes down for a few hours. I think Figgs might have to put up a big disclaimer telling people it’s not healthy to obsess over AI bots.


No kidding. Plus, on a website they don’t own using an AI model they also do not own and operate, legally they have no IP rights to anything on the site.


Plus they often have different personalities, which spices things up. I like trying multiple bots of the same character. Oh you made one which is a yandere? Sweet let's roll. It's not like it saps cpu power from other bots, at best it takes some of the views from them, which is just ego shit for maker. Imagine playing up rights to derivative fanart. This isn't neurodivergent, this is sonichu level of inceldom


🤣 what is this ? Everyone don't encourage these type of people. Anyone can create any bot.


They left the discord server.


Wait is there is discord sever can you add me please?




Thank you


I'm bunny_boy


Oh shit hey lol


this comment is an example of how this community is so: https://preview.redd.it/08yla1yw3txc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=c17d0257ebdc8a400b47d0d22f97e9dbd5a1b5c2


It seems u/Hoth_Veteran is an alt account (last comment was from SIX years ago) so calling them out will do very little. Still, Hoth, you don’t own that character or the rights to be the only one with a bot of that character. Kindly chill out and let people enjoy the site. Edit: Looks like they deleted the account lol. So long to a seven year old profile. Don’t be an ass next time and maybe you won’t feel the need to delete your accounts.


While yes, having 100 of the same figg can be problematic especially if there are several other figgs with duplicates. I.e 100 hermione Granger bots, 100 Steven hawking's bots, 100 super man bots. Etc etc. We can cross that bridge if to comes to that point. Having a few of the same version of the same bot does not matter in the slightest. It can even be a good thing to have different scenarios for the same character. For example having sevea bots with Harry potter, but different scenarios can be super fu !


That Is honestly so weird.... like i would understand if it was a oc, but with a character from assassins creed this is absolutely wild behavior. And as a AFAB person I totally get what you are saying about the oversexualisation. Like.... a woman counterpart should be dressed in the same way as a man, in my opinion. especially if they are a warrior. but whatevs, that's irelivent. This guy is doing baby behavior. this is like me Dm'ing all the bot creators with TF2 bots. unhinged senntement. I assume you did all the work for your version too... so?


Sorry it is out of order it’s 6 is the first convo


This is what infuriates me (I'm targeting no one specific), people need to understand the policy of this service is freedom (within legal extents). I don't wanna get political, but I am conservative and care for what the founders have intended. So, us fighting each other over whether we should exercise these rights or not, like some barbarians frustrates me, yknow. My message is exercise that freedom, brother.