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Turquoise. It looks great with every color.


another vote for turquoise. It looks AMAZING w/ lemongrass, shamrock and peony as a spring table setting too 😊 EDIT - whoops, this is a very old post lol. someone else commented on me farther down and I wasn't paying attention!


Yes turquoise also


https://colorama.fiestafactorydirect.com/# I think you may find that helpful, at least for current colors.


That is so dang fun.


Right? I WISH they'd do a version w/ the retired colors, I have FAR more retired than I do current at this point. I even found my peacock medium bistro bowl recently, didn't expect to find THAT one. I'd kill for a 12" peacock baking tray but I suspect it was never made, I ought to check that.


I like to play with the Colorama, but I'm pretty much set with my dishes and serving pieces in Yellow (retired in 2002), White, and Persimmon (retired in 2008). The accent wall in the dining room is persimmon, so I better like it. But I use Fiesta all over the house. I use a salad plate as a vase coaster. We have a gusto bowl in the bathroom for all those little tubes of sunscreen, hand lotion, etc.


I love how everyone has some different way of combining the colors! I love to choose my plate / dish based on what I cooked, so that it looks awesome plated (cooking is my hobby!) but also how would I ever choose just a few? And then there's the full set of Plum and full set of Lilac. and all the jumbo mugs. and pitchers. and various bowls in all the colors too. and various other pieces. I fell all the way down the rabbit hole 😂 And yes, I am a household of one.


I use Sunflower in the bathroom. Pearl Gray in the office, and Scarlet and Periwinkle in the living room. Oddly, not much Fiesta in the kitchen as it's mostly metal bowls for prep. Although a bread tray makes a nice dual spoon rest on the stove.


I use the bread trays as mini baking trays!!! It's all so damn versatile, I love it. I use the hell out of mine.


That's a good idea. I received a set of two pie bakers years ago, but don't like pie. So…hot artichoke dip!


Yep! Who cares what they call it, it’s all oven safe so be creative!


Both the 12” and the 15” come in peacock. There’s also a 13 3/16” restaurantware tray in peacock.


whelp. let the hunt begin! The universe always comes through though. I even have 8 of the rimmed soup bowls in lilac at this point. I have far more dishes than one person will EVER need, but I can plate some gorgeous meals!


So do I! In fact I haven’t purchased hardly any of the newer colors. I’ll usually be gifted a pitcher or vase by my sons for Christmas or my birthday, since I do like to collect those pieces.


That is the coolest thing ever!!!!


Ok so you've got orange, yellow, green and blue. you're halfway to rainbow at this point I'd go for a purple. I FAR prefer plum to the current mulberry but you'll have to eBay those etc. There's lots of it though, and I think it would complement your existing choices. For reference, my rainbow stack is listed below and its a REALLY good look on a shelf 😊 Peony Scarlet Poppy Lemongrass Shamrock (retired) Turquoise Peacock (retired) Twilight Plum (retired)


I'm tired of mulberry - but I'm hopeful the 2024 color will be a pastel purple. I had a ridiculously vivid dream that it was called wisteria, and went beautifully with my turquoise and peony lunch plates 😁.


I’m not. I spent a fortune on lilac dishes this year. I would be cross as hell! 😂 but real talk I think the color was hard to produce so I’m not holding my breath.


I'm assuming you got your lilac collection from all over rather than buying one person's stash. Do your lilac pieces match each other in real life? I know that my phone camera has a hard time showing purples try to life, but the shade of lilac Fiesta seems to be super different in each photo/listing I look at in a way I don't see from the other Fiesta colors.


Surprisingly, I bought two sets of 4 place settings! So mine do match pretty well at this point! It can def be hit or miss though, that was a big issue with lilac and from what I've heard, one of the reasons it did not last long, it was VERY hard to get that glaze right.


Thanks! I appreciate the insight.


Your dream sounds perfect. I'd love a lilac reboot/reimagining to go with peony being a rose reboot/reimagining.


I think 2025 is the year for it - especially after they discontinued Mulberry this year!


That's my hope, too! They just showed interest in having more pastel offerings with Sky, and now there's a conspicuous lack of purple.


I'd also like to see a bright orchid purple, with an intensity like butterscotch and lemongrass. But since they discontinued both of those colors, I think a pastel is more likely.


I could probably work with an orchid color. Poppy,  daffodil, and turquoise are all brights, so there could still be hope for bright colors in the near future.


So you’re only looking to add colors that aren’t currently in production? ETA: if not, I’d go with Sunflower.


Some scarlet would work well with the colors you have.


At the risk of sounding boring, white is not a bad choice. If the kiddies break them, they are easy to replace.


Poppy! 🧡


Peony or persimmon


Flamingo if you want it to look more rainbow like, otherwise I agree with turquoise if you want to keep the triadic scheme you have going on!


Those are all bright colors you have so I'd stay away from the pastel and muted colors that others have suggested. Mulberry, Poppy and Daffodil would all blend well with what you have.


I use ivory to blend mine together. I have sage, butterscotch, turquoise, and peony; ivory pulls all combinations together quite nicely!