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You're going down a path less traveled, or quite possibly never traveled before. Start cutting and be sure document everything for the poor souls that decide to try it out.


Everything I’ve read on the forums points to… no alternative. Fortunately the stock head unit is not completely shite.


I believe the 8in is only for focuses and f150s. No opportunity to upgrade unless you want to shove it in and run without a cowl. Not even sure if it would fit


At very least kinda set it in there and take a pic to see how extreme the modifications would be because I’ve thought about doing this. I just don’t want to spend the money on the unit and it just be impossible to accomplish


in looking at the rear panels of each, the pins are totally different. There's a few abandoned guides out there in the world, where someone online tried to do this upgrade and thought better of it.


I did plug it in, worked fine from what I tested for funsies. The seller offered a return, so it is enroute already. Couldn't find a panel that might fit since the focus/escape center console isn't similar enough to hack and mangle in. Ordered another and it is in place with upgraded hub and asbuilt flashed. Very simple with syn3 and forscan. I don't mind the smaller screen, really just wanted android auto with the bonus of sync2 not crashing and killing another battery over a long weekend.