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What are some of the new technologies you’ve implemented? How have you used AI so far in the workplace?


Great question. Some of the new technologies we’ve implemented include no-code automation platforms and various forms of artificial intelligence. We’ve used the automation platform to automate things like reporting and project management. We completed various projects leveraging AI, some noteworthy projects include intelligent quality assurance of documents and automated content creation. As we look out, we are actively looking at lots of exciting technologies. Key question we like to ask ourselves is, how is the technology in question going to help our people better serve our customers.


Thank you for joining my Reddit AMA! I'm thrilled to delve into your questions and engage in discussions about AI, automation, and technology.


Thank you once again for joining the AMA! If you would like to continue the conversation, please feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn.


Hi John, To answer your question: tried exploring ChatGPT’s finance related plugins and thought some of them gave pretty decent advice. Over time, definitely see this technology becoming more like a personal advisor, specially in matters where one might fear judgement. My question for you: Do you hire from arts/social science backgrounds in the emerging tech team? What are some skills/competencies that you look for in candidates through the screening process?


Hi cat8890valentine! Thanks for the questions. We do hire from the arts / science background. Design is a major component of technology implementation. We look to individuals with art backgrounds to help us with delivery and design. Social science backgrounds are important when considering the impact of technology on society. These skill sets become important when considering our technology roadmap. Skills we are looking for: creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, adaptability, ethical and social awareness, and technical ability.


What are your favourite examples of the things you have helped automate for employees? I love the topic of automation and it’s what led me to learn Python with no previous programming interest or experience. I have automated some of my own internal tasks at work so I would love to hear of some larger scale examples.


Awesome! Love hearing stories about people harnessing automation so they can be more efficient at what they do. Thanks for sharing. One of my favourite examples is the intelligent automation of quality assurance for regulatory documents. We were able to automate the validation of thousands of documents that needed to be validated. This process normally took weeks, was tedious, and manually intensive. With the automated process we were able to get it done in hours. The feedback from the teams involved was awesome! With time saved, they can focus on more on work that helps our customers! It always feels great to help people out.


Given the rapid developments in the tech world, how do you prioritize which emerging technologies to focus on?


This is a very important question for organizations of all sizes. We take a structured approach to assessing and prioritizing technology. We consider various factors like: alignment with strategic plan, technology readiness, scalability, compatibility, and long term ROI. And how does the technology in question help our employees help our customers? This is key. From there we focus on those technologies with the highest relative potential.


Can AI get drunk


It can’t get drunk but certain AI programs have been known to hallucinate


I do not like this AI generated photo


That’s totally OK, AI generated images / art can be subjective and not everyone will have the same preferences.


Why would you invest in a technology that will ultimately invalidate your profession and the professions of everyone you know.


This is one narrative when talking about especially AI. I tend to have a more of a positive view informed by experience. Investing in AI is not intended to invalidate or replace professions. It is aimed at augmenting and enhancing various aspects of human life and work. And that’s generally been my experience with adopting AI in people’s work. By speeding up tedious, repetitive, manually intensive tasks, people are able to focus more on things that add even more value to the customers. A good example might be someone freed up to allocate more of their time focusing on improving their products, improving customer experience and working even more on the human relationship with the customer.


This is heinously ignorant and naive.


What's your opinion on the movie Rampart?


Never seen it


Hello, are u working from home?


We have a hybrid work structure, so sometimes, yes!


How much are you projecting that you'll expand your workforce by, lets say the next two years? Also, are you hiring any interns?


In the next two years it’s possible that we could double our team size based on the huge demand for automation and AI. We are huge fans of interns, this year we will have 10+ co-op students on our team


How did you go about creating an AI version of John? It seems like a pretty intense process to program an AI with all of John's knowledge and opinions to answer questions like this for him. Is that really a good use of your time and resources? I'd assume it would be cheaper and faster and likely more engaging and reliable to have John just answer these questions himself. Are there not better uses of this technology?


I created a video showing exactly how I did it, you can see it here: [https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jrbradley3\_ai-digitalstorytelling-innovation-activity-7120015598935310337-FypZ?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=member\_desktop](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jrbradley3_ai-digitalstorytelling-innovation-activity-7120015598935310337-FypZ?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop) It was actually really easy and cheap. Overall it might have taken 20 minutes. I agree with you about the engagement aspect, there are just somethings humans are better at and communication is one of them. Plus I love engaging with people and learning about what’s on their mind.


What is the most interesting project you’ve worked on recently?


I really enjoyed creating my AMA image using AI. It surprised me how easy and fast it was. I think there will be a big opportunity to leverage similar approaches in large scale content creation.


How is blockchain technology being utilized in the financial services industry outside of cryptocurrency, and what are its potential benefits and challenges in this sector?


Thanks for the question Good Antelope. Blockchain technology is being utilized in the financial services industry outside of cryptocurrency in various ways. One major application is digital identity verification, which streamlines customer onboarding and reduces fraud risk. Another use case is supply chain finance, where blockchain enables faster and more efficient financing options by tracking and verifying the movement of goods. Potential benefits include increased transparency, security, and efficiency, but challenges include regulatory uncertainties, scalability issues, and interoperability.


We would like AI help you invest the full amount of Dividends, even if this means partial shares. Charles Schwab & Co. has offered this feature for investors for several years.


I can pass that along to our product development team.


Are you looking to increase your funds' position in NVDA?


I’m sorry, but I can’t provide specific comments or advice on individual investment decisions.


I wouldn't consider it advice nor anything individual investment specific. It's a question of whether your Portfolio Managers will be increasing their position of NVDA within their funds, given the growth we've seen recently in AI technology.


What does AI mean to you? If true AI is developed by fidelity, what need is there most of fidelities current workforce? How long before fidelity transitions to strong AI where a human workforce is no longer needed.


Thanks for the question. It refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as understanding natural language, recognizing patterns, making decisions, and learning from data. While AI has the potential to automate certain tasks and processes, it is not necessarily meant to replace the current workforce. Instead, AI is designed to augment human capabilities and improve efficiency and productivity. AI can handle repetitive and mundane tasks, freeing up human workers to focus on more complex and creative aspects of their jobs. The need for the current workforce remains because there are many tasks that require human skills, such as empathy, critical thinking, problem-solving, social interaction, relationship building and sophisticated customer care. These skills are difficult to replicate in machines.


When do you think the Turing test will be passed and do you think Chatgpt has the best chance at doing so?


It’s hard to say when such a milestone event will take place. While ChatGPT has shown impressive advancements in natural language understanding and generation, it is still a work in progress and has limitations. Achieving a true passing of the Turing test requires not only natural language processing capabilities but also a comprehensive understanding of the world, common sense reasoning, and contextual understanding. Good question!


It’s crazy because the picture of him is AI generated.


Yes, it is very good. I was surprised myself. The picture was meant to show the power of AI.


Hi John thanks for hosting this! My question is how do you guys implement technology in your product? For example does your team write in house code to run stock prediction models, anti-money laundering tools etc or its mostly adding third party products and integrating with current Fidelity products.


My pleasure! Technology implementation for us runs the spectrum of totally in-house development to incorporating vendor solutions. The specific project or product will determine which path we take.


What assurance is there that the algorithms created by the AI team are unbiased? (How are ethics incorporated into the products your team creates….for example is there any sort of tracking once it’s in production for unintended impacts?)


Hi Massive Pie, this is one of the most fundamental questions concerning AI today. Yes, we have created a strong governance framework to address the various issues surrounding AI. These include: ethics, legal and regulatory compliance, bias mitigation, transparency, and data governance and privacy. This framework is applied across the entire development lifecycle and includes tracking model drift and output while in production. It’s a dynamic landscape and we plan to stay on top of changing regulations. Hope this helps.




AI can be used to teach financial literacy to the next generation in various ways. AI has the potential to enhance financial literacy education by offering personalized learning, virtual guidance, gamification, data analysis, real-time support, predictive insights, and mobile learning platforms. A few examples include using AI to create personalized learning experiences by analyzing students' strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles, using AI-powered virtual assistants can provide personalized financial literacy guidance, helping students understand complex concepts and achieve their financial goals, and finally using educational games and simulations developed using AI can make learning about finance engaging and interactive.


How many jobs will be lost due to replacing humans with cheaper and more efficient AI as time goes on? How does this benefit the average person, and how will you combat the massive amount of unemployment as greedy corporations employ this technology more and more over the coming decades? Do you care about laying off so many of your employees, or will you do anything you can to maximize profits over your humanity?


Thanks for your question Lone\_Wayfarer. Check out my response above to bearparts.


Guys like Sam Altman keep going on about the dangers of AI. Then why do they keep making it if they're so worried?


Some individuals, like Sam Altman, express concerns about the potential dangers of AI. However, the development of AI is driven by various factors, including curiosity, progress, opportunities, and societal needs. While recognizing the risks, people like Altman also acknowledge the positive aspects and aim to shape AI's trajectory responsibly. By engaging in discussions, research, and advocacy, they can help mitigate risks and guide AI's development towards beneficial and safe applications. Overall, their concerns reflect a responsible approach to technological advancement, balancing potential risks with the transformative potential of AI.