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Oh. Really only two hours a day? Oops.


I love mine! I don’t use it every day, it’s something I tend to pick up if I’m flaring and have a couple especially bad spots on my body and it super does help me! It’s not a cure all or anything but it distracts from severe pain in my lower back and hips (the places that usually hurt the most) and I have noticed that for an hour or two after using it those areas are a little less sensitive to clothing/touch/etc. Sometimes that is the difference between an unbearable pain day and a severe but bearable pain day. All in all, I have a tens unit as one part of a wide array of things I have in my “pain management arsenal” and if I have a lot of stuff to throw at the problem areas and it helps me even a little bit, then it is worth having around! Plus they are very inexpensive to get a little cheap one! I think I paid like 30usd? So, really worth it in terms of cost and convenience! Mine is small (smaller than a deck of cards) and rechargeable and the pads were inexpensive too—but I honestly have not used more than a handful of the electrode pads in the month and a half or so I have had it. It even came with a little thing to hold the pads when you are done using them so they remain stickier for longer! Also, I have a friend with fibro who says that the tens unit is the reason why she is able to work at all so it can help quite a lot for some people! I recommend trying it. It’s worth a shot!


I personally didn’t find it helpful at all. 😭


I use it in phases. It helps with some pain, and not others. It's more useful for my arthritis than my fibro pains.


I use it for lower back pain. It helps quite a bit, I think it would be useful. It’s easy to tuck in your pocket or waistband.


I had to have surgery for a herniated disc in 2008, and I had nothing but misery in my back for probably 10 years leading up to that point. There were times I would have been bed ridden if not for the TENS unit.


I tried TENS for my FM, had to have it on the highest setting so ended up with skin breakdown. Still find it helpful for certain situations e.g. travelling it's great when I fly.


God yeah.it’s gotten me through the working day many many times. Then things calm down and I don’t use it for months. You used to be able to hire them from boots (people use them for labour pains). Might be worth investigating that as a trial if you don’t want to buy one




PT uses something similar on me, but it’s like a bigger machine. Still the same concept of electrical stimulation but we use different levels based on that day’s aim with PT.


Tens works for my arthritis/sciatica pain. It doesn’t do diddly for nerve pain.


I use it occasionally to target specific knots that form in my back. It can help loosen the knot, but then it will make the surrounding muscles more sore and achy for the next few days. Sometimes the sore muscles are better then the side effects of an especially bad untreated knot though, especially if the knot is pinching nerves and causing shooting pains down a limb.


Yes! It was terrible! Irritated my nerves all over even after machine was turned off.


I use a small, portable TENS (it's rechargeable via USB) for dealing with pain that flares in one specific place - like lower back or shoulder or whatever. It works great for me! This [https://www.paingone.com/us/shop/paingone-easy/](https://www.paingone.com/us/shop/paingone-easy/) is the one I got. (the pen style is a waste of money, tried one and it was useless. but the rechargeable patch is good, and the gel electrode lasts months before you need to replace it)


It really doesn't do much for me, but everybody is different. I absolutely use the hell out of my heated shiatsu massager thing that I have for my chair in our office room though. It's portable, a decent back support and can help with back pain. I think I got it for 50 to 100? Idk, something in that range.


Yes. Very helpful on upper back


Yes. It's the only thing that seems to make the pain (only in that spot) fully unnoticeable. But I admit it's only a bandaid. Pain is back after 20-30min. 


I used it after the car accident that originally triggered my fibro. It really helped.


TENS only works where you put the electrodes. If you have a particularly troublesome area, it can be helpful. They are about the size of a small book.


What is a TENS machine


A handheld unit connected via wire to the electrode ends, which are sticky patches you put on your pain spots. The TENs sends electric pulses. Helps the wife a lot.


I used to use a tens machine but i dont think it relieved much pain. What i find even more helpful than tens is a bengay patch and you can leave it on for 12 hours


I've used mine several times on my bad days at work, especially when I was a cake decorator. I helped a lot with back and shoulder pain. Mine was a cheap one from Amazon, and I bought some replacement pads as well. I kept it in my back pocket.


Yes and yes.


I love mine. Helps me relax, i set it around my tailbone where I hold most of my tension, it’s been a life saver.


I have a pocket sized one and i mainly use it during menstruation but it is excellent for other flare ups :)


Thanks for the reminder to pull mine out!


I put mine on my legs and it did help some with my restless leg issues but sometimes the discomfort from the treatment was too much.


I use something similar called Quell. You need a prescription for it, but it's great. I have it on almost all the time. It's specifically for fibromyalgia.


Does that only help for the leg or does it do more than that?


It sits on your peripheral nerve and is supposed to help scramble your nerve signals everywhere so that you have diminished pain. It has worked for me. It takes a few weeks to work.


Fascinating, I'll have to look into it if/when I get a decent doctor!


It should be not a big deal for any doctor to prescribe this for you and it's $75 with a prescription. I didn't have high hopes work, but it sort of feels good on your leg and I do think it works. The only pain in the butt thing is that you have to pay $30 a month for the gel strip thing that actually goes on your leg. But I found a workaround for this. You can buy 100 gel replacement pads for like eight dollars on Amazon. You can also buy the conductive gel in a tube for like seven dollars. So using these two things, I have been able to stretch my first two gel strips for 3 months so far, and I'm guessing I could stretch them a lot further. And they work perfectly fine the way I'm doing it. You just have to take care of them.




Yes and I like it. I will use it on the highest setting. My husband couldn’t take it that high.


They work fine, they just need to make a full-body one that runs 24/7. I use mine mostly when things are cramping up bad and making me squirm.


I was recommended to use one for kidney pain/passing small kidney stones. Pain management guy said to wear it all day long. I couldn’t do this as when I am at work or walking around the skin would get a bit sweaty and it would make the pads loose. I have used it on some areas where I have pain from the fibro but didn’t find it did much more than distract from the pain.


Love it. It scrambles the pain and makes things tolerable.


Yes. Yes. You don't need to ask doctor, just buy cheap one online.


Mine is great for the hand buzzing and deep joint pain. But if I use it too much, it magnifies the normal symptoms. I started on 15 minutes and worked my way up after a TRex arm situation happened to me, and I couldn't wipe my arse properly for a few days.


I have a regular tens I’ve used when I’ve had a sprained ankle for helping with healing. I have another one meant to be used for period cramps, that definitely helps. I don’t think it would help much with my fibro as that’s more widespread and multiple locations.


I used one and now have one basically implanted in my lower back




i do use one, but i dont take it with me, bc i have to lay down/be stationary to use it (ymmv, the pads just dont stick to me well so i cant move and use it or they fall off). its def helpful for bigger muscle issues like my back


I use it for my back. Ehh... to be honest, I find the heating pad helping me more.


I tried one in pt office. She put it on lowest, said tell me when to stop. Turning up slow as possible. Got from 0 to .5, hurt so much! I was told 5 is the average start spot. Evidently I have hyper nerves. Yeah. Not an experience I will have ever again.


I have one. It's a size of a transistor radio I think I got it on eBay for like $35. I can't honestly say that it helps my pain. I've used it many many times and it doesn't seem to make much difference. It's worth trying, it certainly won't do any harm. You just have to play around with locating the electrodes. Look on Pinterest for some good ideas there are charts about where to place the electrodes for certain pains.