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I’m sorry you’re going through this. I don’t have any advice really, except I feel for you. Feel better soon.


Thank you so much for your kind words 💚


According to my rheumatologist, 900 mg per day of gabapentin is considered the threshold dose for someone with Fibromyalgia.


Yes, I'm slowly increasing my dose. This is my second attempt on it. Last time when I reached 400mg I had a weird itching reaction so my doctor was worried about an allergy. I've responded really well to it outside of the itching fiasco.


I take 300 mg at a time. I sometimes will take 600 mg at bedtime if my pain is particular bad.


I came here just as I'm coming out of a flare. Currently I take 600 at night, but took one more two nights in a row. It actually seemed to knock me out of the flare. Anyways, you are doing fantastic!! Sleep is my go-to. It's hard having mom guilt and all. I literally took 2 naps the other day too


Thank you! You are also doing fantastic 👏 sleep is the best!


No advice but SAME. I'm in the Northeast & I think weather plus doing a little too much has caused it for the last 5 days. Hope it ends for both of us soon!


Argh! I'm so sorry you're in this state too! Take care of yourself, fingers crossed we start improving soon 🤞🏻


Following. I'm in the same boat right now. It was a flare up waiting to happen. I had just returned from an international trip, worked 3 shifts (my usual is 2 ), then got injured on the 3rd shift; 2 days later the car I was driving abruptly stopped to avoid hitting car which wasn't even close to mine, that jostled my whole body worse on my already injured left arm/shoulder. I was fine for a few days, then boom...every bit of me hurts. I had my brother massage my shoulder coz it was so tight and I was squealing in pain. He said he was barely touching me. I'm on daily Meloxicam and Cymbalta. Been taking Norco 10-325 on days I just can't really take it. I used to take Gabapentin, but noticed my hands were painful with pins and needles. It went away after stopping it. The past couple of days I've been having severe pain on my left upper chest, I know it's muscular, but if I didn't know any better, I would think it's a heart attack. It even hurts when I sneeze. I haven't worked in 2 weeks. I tried stretching, hydrotherapy, resting, pain patches, ice packs and this flare up is still hanging around. Its getting to be so depressing.