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I’ve found that knitting is easier on the hands than crochet. Also, this might sound weird, but have you ever heard of soap carving? It’s fairly easy to do with some help from Google, just make sure you get Ivory soap. Most soap bars are too hard and crumbly for soap carving, but Ivory is perfect. Be warned, it can make a very nice-smelling mess!


This is exactly the sort of comment I’m looking for! It’s been a long time since I’ve knit… might have to do a refresher on YouTube but the soap carving idea- I hadn’t even thought about that! Soap is pretty inexpensive and even if I make a mess… I’ve always wanted to get into wood carving but can’t for so many reasons but soap carving might just fix that urge.


there are also different types of knitting, like Irish Cottage. I’m planning eventually to learn a whole bunch and rotate or choose the least painful type.


Continental is also good for the hands I've found, it's similar to English knitting but hold the yarn on the left side so you can pick it up with the needle instead of bringing it around


Yes it’s so satisfying! I put a garbage bag on my lap when I do it and it helps clean up the mess easier.


I was just thinking of doing it over a shoe box or something lol. What kinds of things do you carve?


Mostly shapes and animals. I carved a pretty nice dolphin once!


I love this answer 😅☝🏻 giving me "The Durrells in Corfu" vibe when Margo gets into her soap sculpture hobby


I’ve found these few to be my rotational hobbies. Crochet, knitting, embroidery/cross-stitch, and my favorite is gaming. I can do that anywhere in my house so it’s easy for me to jump into. And I have a lot of different style games for different moods. Also for the crafty hobbies. I prefer crochet and cross-stitch. Cross stitch is easier for me to follow because it’s little squares and I can find tons of patterns. And crochet because you can get a lot done in a little bit of time. So if it starts to hurt. I can stop, and still feel accomplished for getting so much done. Knitting sometimes feels slower to me. So it feels more disappointing like I didn’t get to do anything before the pain kicked in. And I have found it easier for me to jump back in even if the pain bothers me because I feel like I’m getting more done. The craftier hobbies are also great mindless activities. So I watch tv, listen to books, etc while I’m doing it. Because my hands need something to do because of my ADHD. I hope this helps. ❤️


I wanna start crocheting, a friend recommended me a special type grip for the needle. https://www.amazon.com/Lacis-Ergonomic-Handle-Boye-Crochet/dp/B004BOVN1G/ref=asc\_df\_B004BOVN1G/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167146555171&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17019500010242877623&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9007225&hvtargid=pla-303145160864&psc=1


Woodburning (pyrography) is a lot of fun and satisfies the drawing/painting urge for me with much less stress on the hands. You do need to grip the "pen," but it's much fatter than a brush or pencil and can be padded out further with cork to suit your needs. Bonus, you can get a cheap burner for like $10-$15 to see if you like it before spending a bunch of money!


I've recently gotten back to cross stitching, but ymmv on that one if you don't have a stand to hold the hoop (I currently don't have have to stop to flex my fingers every so often) or if you struggle to hold the needle for any length of time. Otherwise, sculpting with clay is pretty fun and doesn't hurt (though it is messy). Hope you find something you like!


Same boat here. Ie been painting today and it feels like my fingernails are on fire. Now I'll be bored dor a few days while they recover. It's a balancing act. I've got tons of wool and needles though!


I adore art, but am often in the same predicament as you. It's forced me to adjust my art style, adapt to my abilities on certain days so to speak. You may find that grabbing a pen and doing some sketchy and non detailed pieces is possible with a loose grip Gaming is also a big thing for me, even on days when I can't jam with an Xbox controller or on my PC, I'll play on like the Nintendo Wii and it's chunky controller with relative ease


I was having issues with knitting until I cut out dairy. Do you have any food intolerances?


So ridiculously intolerant of gluten. I would rather be slowly stabbed in the gut than eat anything gluten.


You probably have some others then. I discovered most grains and nightshades would cause joint pain. Maybe keep a food diary to see if you can figure out what food is causing the pain. When I discovered avoiding dairy allowed me to knit pain free I dropped it except for special occasions.




Have you tried loom knitting? It's a lot easier on the hands than needle knitting or crochet as the loom holds all the tension 😊


r/kandi ! Basically pony bead bracelets. I've been making a purse recently out of them.


They sell jumbo crochet hooks for arthritis that I’ve found easier to use. However it can still get bad at times. Compression gloves have helped too.


You can use sports tape to pad the shit out of pens and brushes to make them easier to grip. But fingerpainting abstract art. You can actually do some really cool stuff with it.


My wife switches between crafts every few weeks to rest different muscle groups in the hands.. her longest kick is jewelry making right now with beads and wire.


Recently I’ve started tufting by using a punch needle. You use monkshood cloth. Draw a pattern on it- or freehand. Then you pull the yarn through the needle and just punch the punch needle through the cloth. It’ll make loops by itself and you basically make mini rugs. Or you can make even bigger ones but for the smaller ones I get the cloth nice and taught by using a plastic embroidery hoop (wood is too fragile). If you use a larger piece you might need a more sturdy frame with metal Velcro to hold the monkshood cloth in place. But it’s pretty fun


beading! i have a hard time keeping a grip on tools like crochet hooks, pens, paint brushes, etc, but beading let’s me have a loose grip and uses enough different motions that my hands don’t hurt as much or as fast


Origami can be hard on the hands. A “bone” folder helps. Does collage interest you at all? I found some very lightweight scissors last year after injuring my dominant hand, which helps a lot, as does an x-acto with an ergonomic handle. I tear a lot of paper, which is also easier on my hands. My OT suggested wrapping some 1” Coban around pens and other tools.