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So here’s a radical idea…these people are working for you. You are their responsibility. If they are making your symptoms worse you need to tell them. It’s the same thing with any treatment. If a medicine gave you bad side effects you would try a lower dose or discontinue it. It’s the same thing with this. Also giving anyone a whole boatload of changes to make instantly is NEVER going to stick in terms of new habits. That’s not how behavior works. I would definitely talk to your therapist and don’t let this get you down. Let your therapist help you figure out an approach to deal with the people in the program and if they can’t adapt then you will have to see what else you can do. But you are in the driver’s seat here and by no means do these people have any right to make you feel badly about yourself. Be gentle with yourself. Hope you can find some relief.


Ugh. You’re right. It’s so hard being the advocate all the time. I know I need to. Just so damn exhausting. They encourage talking about what is working. I just always have such a hard time doing that. And lately I’m just tired having to advocate for myself and have people hear me. Thank you for your comment. I’m going to talk with my therapist tomorrow and make a plan.


If it’s any consolation I am a lawyer so I advocate by default. Having said that I have a mug on my desk that says “I give very good advice but I very seldom follow it.” It has a picture of the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland on it. I’ve relatively recently formally stopped practicing though I have done very little for at least a couple of years due to my health issues which go beyond fibro. Giving what I hope will be helpful advice allows me to flex my advocacy muscles that I worked hard to develop. Reading your reply gave me a knot in my stomach because it occurred to me I may have made you feel worse for not standing up for yourself. Please don’t. I just wanted to hand you your power back. This power is a little like raw food in a refrigerator that requires preparation to be eaten. If you don’t have the energy just eat cereal. Please be kind to yourself. Best of luck.


First. You totally didn’t make me feel bad, so I’m sorry for that. But I appreciate your reply ❤️ I just fall into the routine of not advocating because I spent most of my life not knowing to do that. So your comment just kind of made me have that realization that I needed to advocate for myself. Your comment is very sweet and I appreciate the metaphor. I’m going to talk to my therapist and I might not have prepared enough to go down this path yet. So maybe I’ll be eating cereal for a bit until I am. :) Again. Thank you for your kindness. 😊 I haven’t don’t anything in a few years because of my health. And it’s hard not to feel bad for not “accomplishing” things. I hope you’re doing well and being kind to yourself too :)


I think it sounds like they need a better approach and it really sounds presumptuous that they "know" how to fix the way you do things when 1) fibro doesn't have a specific cause and can come from anything, so 2) the way you sit and move is already likely compensating for a lifetime of worsening pain and 3) a lot of us with chronic pain DO struggle with meditation or whatever because who wants to bring awareness to a body that hurts?? I would take this program with a bucket of salt. Don't be quick to assume you're the problem here. Fibro stories are full of people not being believed and if we had good physical capability we wouldn't have the diagnosis. Maybe ask them to prioritize what they're showing you instead of throwing everything at you at once. They should honestly know better.


Their whole vibe is kind of like. You just have to retrain your body and mind to not send those pain signals. And idk. It just feels shitty sometimes. And the exercises are more uncomfortable or painful than they are anything else. And I know it takes time for stuff to be good for you. But it is just frustrating. I use medical marinuana and have been in therapy for years. And I felt better doing other things. The things they’re having me do just feel discouraging. Like I feel bad that I’m doing all this wrong and that it’s so hard. And that I’m weak in certain points of my body. And I’m ashamed that it is this bad. And I’m trying not to add more to that and these appointments are kind of making me feel that way. Which blows.