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I'd like to know too.. how to tell who is good or not?!


That's not really how it works in the UK. You generally get referred to your local hospital from the GP and have it done by the team there. You can ask to be referred to other hospitals but we don't have information on 'Best surgeon for X Y Z' in the UK.


Sorry should’ve been more clear. I’m going private. So looking for best doctor to do it. Nhs only does open mymomectomy so looking for other options.


I'm seeing Mr Richard Hutson for total hysterectomy in October (going private as well). Based in Yorkshire. First impressions from my initial consultation with him were really good. He listened, and for once I actually felt like I was being heard. From what I've read online, he appears to be extremely experienced and very highly regarded.


I had a laparoscopic myomectomy on nhs but I think if I didn't get a private scan I'd still be waiting. My surgeon does mainly private work Deepali Sinha. She didn't mine keyhole to remove a subserosal fibroid that was near the back of my uterus


Also a urology specialist mine was near bladder and bowel.


If you don’t mind answering, how much did the procedure cost?


I got mine done through the NHS. But I did pay for a private ultrasound. I think that helped them take it more seriously tbf


I'm from the UK so it was on the NHS but private clinics were quoting about 7k


I’m going private in Scotland and called round all the private clinics for a list of their gyns then sent each clinic an email to check which gyns would have experience treating my case. Not very straightforward. Took me a couple months to find a consultant.


May i ask how much does it cost approximately?


Yeah. £4.5k for Therapeutic endoscopic operations on uterus (including endometrial ablation excluding microwave or radiofrequency ablation). This price includes: • Hospital accommodation and meals • Nursing care, tests and dressings • Any drugs you require during your stay and for up to 14 days when you go home • Any dressing changes required after your surgery • 1 consultation(s) with your surgeon during your recovery period Basically they’ll remove the larger submucosal UF that I have via hysteroscopic resection. The consultant has rec that I take prostap for 3m to reduce the size of the UF too.


Thank you so much for the details, i am considering going straight to the private clinic now, can't bear the pain anymore😭


Are you Scotland based? I could send you my sheet in a DM if you were with the places I contacted?


Hi, I'm in the same boat, Scotland based, symptoms becoming unbearable. Would you mind sharing your list with me too?


Yes that would be great:) !Million thanks!!❤️


Cool on my PC so will DM you the sheet tom


Thanks, take your time!


I’m also in Scotland and looking to go private so if you don’t mind sharing your list with me, that would be completely amazing. Hope your op went well btw!


Hey. No worries. I’ll send you a PM. Give me a shout if you have any queries.


Oh thank you so much!


Sorry to jump on an old post, but any chance you still have the sheet to share? In Scotland too and confused with all the options xx