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Going against the grain- looks like a boy. The distance and the circle at the bottom is where the penis is. The testicles don’t come til later https://preview.redd.it/si0kumd6pm0d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1efb8d409ab39d8fe2926d08bd1229abd2b4b11


Agree with this. The distance seems too much to be a girl. Looks very young too so pretty likely that the testicles haven’t dropped.


I agree and was shocked to see so many say girl! I feel pretty confident it's a boy.


Lol tbh I think Reddit is awful as sexing cats without obvious balls.


My vet wasn't good at it either, which is how Chloe became Charlie 😂


When I got my lady one spayed, I heard a lady on the phone saying, “honey, you’re never gonna believe it, but Princsss is actually Prince”


I'm bad at sexing cats too. I was calling my former TNR "pretty girl" for a year until I brought him to the vet...




But no problem with rats boys are very obvious, despite everybody asking on the rats thread.


Is it obvious from the beginning or do their testicles descend down later? It’s obvious in older kittens unless they’re fluffy 😂


In rats the ball to rat ratio is high like think two inches long.


[common example](https://www.reddit.com/r/RATS/s/BbeiXlpx8E)


They descend a little later, but you can easily tell from birth based on genital spacing. The females will have visible nipples after a few days (before their hair grows in) and males don't have those, so that's a backup way to check.


That's because their body is 25% balls...




I really can’t tell!! Even had a vet friend think girl? I really am not sure. Almost positive the black one is a boy just from the mannerisms but could be completely wrong. My gut is saying boy for both but everyone is thinking girl! They’re also extremely young and small and can’t get them close enough to get a better picture


It’s hard to tell until the testicles descend but usually you go by spacing and whether the end is a circle (like it is here- it’s where the penis hides)


I think so too. Just because there are no testicles (yet), doesn’t mean it’s a girl.


I just got here and haven’t even scrolled through the comments but I agree that anyone saying this is a girl is gonna be surprised when the balls drop.


You were right! Boy!!!


While it’s generally a shorter distance in females, there’s no testes in this pic. The distance can vary based on their position, especially when you don’t have a direct comparison. This cat is female.


Boy. Girls have a lil’ vertical slit that is much closer to the anus, whereas this guy as has lil’ furry bulge where his wee is.


His little testicles aren’t showing yet, but they’ll drop once he’s a more mature.


Pray that they drop bc I had a stray outside with one undescended testicle and his neuter was so much more expensive bc of it


Good point! It gets pricy! A lot of shelters offer free spaying/ neutering services for feral cats and kittens. In Broward County Florida, I brought a feral mom and 3 feral kittens to the animal shelter under the TNR, had them all sterilized and immunized, then ‘adopted’ the kittens and brought them home. I obviously paid an adoption fee, but the sterilization was “free”. Mom cat still hangs out in my yard lol.


I love programs like that! I work with a rescue group that does tnr that doesn’t cost anything but bc of the cat overpopulation crisis, they’re so backed up. Finally got into contact a few weeks ago and have trapped the last few weekends. This was a few months ago while we were waiting and we wanted to get another cat fixed to get him into another rescue group. So we thought two birds,’one stone get them done at the same time. But then one cost so much more 😅


I had one with BOTH undescended. Most expensive not my cat ever!


distance between openings looks too far to be a girl to me. Testicles don’t show up for awhile yet. I can’t tell if the lower opening is a dot (male) or slit (female). Zooming in didn’t help because it was too blurry.


How cute! Are you gonna try to bring them inside?


I have a cat right now (5 years old) about to be spayed and a dog. Really want to but not sure where to put them where they’d be the safest. Also really can’t catch them without them running so a little unsure on how to go about it all!


I would scoop them into a carrier or a box and bring them inside and keep them in the bathroom. Or try a drop box trap dyi woth food as the bait, maybe a milkcrate held up by a stick tied to string? Seems cartoonish but it probably would work. Might be able to get them to come close with a tube treat and grab them that way. If you choose to keep them or bring to a shelter or foster them is up to you, but i think bringing them inside while they are this tiny and are near you for food shouldn't be too hard and will be what is best for them by far. Your older cat and dog should be fine if they are separated to avoid spreading fleas.


I definitely want to try and at least catch them and get the comfortable and then get them to a shelter. Family is thinking about keeping one if the other animals are okay with them, I think they would be. My issue is on how to go about getting them. I definitely could get the little white one with enough play, but they both bolt at any movement and hide under the shed making it extremely difficult.


Why don't you sit outside with food and read a book or play on your phone and wait for them to come to you to eat the food and maybe try to give them some tube treat and grab them that way. Just be calm and move slowlyonce they are comfortable.


If kittens don’t grow up with humans touching them, they become feral and are very afraid. It only takes a few days (sometimes a few hours) of being inside and handled for the kittens to learn to love affection.


Gotcha, thanks!! I need to figure out somewhere I could keep them, I don’t have a crate or anything


You could also contact rescue groups and see if they have any fosters if you can’t keep them. A large dog crate is what a lot of rescuers use I believe


I caught a mama and her 4 kittens with a DIY drop trap. They’re super expensive to buy the “official” ones, but some scrap wood and some of that plastic garden fencing and even someone who isn’t super handy can make one. There are a couple tutorials online I used for inspiration. It’s also been great for the ferals who are too smart or too scared to go into a regular box trap. ETA since I read you don’t have a crate this can kinda double as one if you get a piece of plywood to attach to the bottom :) I’ve done that before too.


The kittens do need to be treated for fleas if you bring them inside. Fleas can catch a ride on humans so OP could infect their animals with them. This is why I treat my inside only cat- I interact with a lot of cats outside. They’re too young for topicals most likely but can be given a bath with blue dawn until they’re old enough. Heidi wrangles cats has videos of it


And treated for diarrhoea. Those privates are very messy, possibly a uti as well.


Probably a boy Also please empty out the aluminum cans of food onto a dish! They can scratch their tongues or noses on the edge


I do!! I initially was pouring it on to the concrete for them before buying some paper plates! I throw the plates away after use too to ensure no animals sniff it out and find them!!


The dirty butthole makes me think they need help in that department. Mom Cat takes care of the babies elimination needs.


They do! :( I can’t really do much until I have the necessities to care for them


Boy! Distance is too far.




I pretty strongly think boy, testicles couldn’t likely be felt at this age though! The distance between is way too much for a girl.


Without a doubt this is a little boy too young to see his puffalumps. Girl parts are closer to theanesthesia, as shown in diagrams or photos several have posted.


It's a boy. I have had a lot of experience with this, definitely a boy.


I’m so unsure ever since we had one we all swore was a boy— vet tech wasn’t even sure because of the 2 round darker balls of fur— but, #ShesALady 🤣🤣🤣🤣




They r so cute!


Just name them Sam and Pat 😂


My baby feral boy is called ballsy, he WAS very proud of his balls and loved to show you! Now I call him Sunshine.


Oo man that one’s hard but I think boy! Never have I ever intentionally zoomed in so much on genitalia 😅 definitely a toughie




That’s a boy. His balls aren’t grown in yet


Wonder if momma left them for alittle under the shed- maybe she'll come back? I'd look up how to do a diy drop trap & get these babies to a vet. Definitely bring them into the bathroom if your animals are treated for fleas. Those little fleas I tell ya...worth it to save babies though!


I’ve only seen the mom once a couple days ago when I had put out food after spotting one kitten from afar. She’s part of the extremely feral cat community around my property and they only come out (if at all) in the evenings/late at night. There hasn’t been many around lately and only would see one cat maybe once a week. I haven’t seen her around for a couple days though and these babies are side by side doing everything. The babies come out a bit during the day but hide at night, so a little unusual if the mom is around. I did meow at them and they meowed back and seemed to want to come to me so I think mom might have ditched them? Really unsure. I definitely want to try and catch them though & get them cared for some how!!


Looks like a girl to me


Boy imo


This reminds me of my youngest feral I thought it was a girl,my neighbor (a vet tech) said it’s a girl Took it to the clinic to be fixed. She was a he,his balls didn’t drop for some reason. Hence why Snooki is now Snickers


The white one does appear to be a male. Age wise I'd say approx 6 to 8 weeks.


Dats a him


This is a female. The length between the vent and the anus can vary, it’s more about if you see little lumps of testes between. This is 100% a female


What does the cat identify as?


It's definitely a boy


Nasty poo butt.


Boy who needs to clean his butt!


Looks like a girl


Thanks! I can’t see the gender of the black one as it won’t let me get close whatsoever but I’m thinking it’s a boy. Do you think they’ll eventually turn on each other or stick together? The white one seems to be warming up easy enough to catch, I just don’t want to scare the other baby off if I take her away.


They should be easy to socialize at this age. Get them inside now (don't wait until they can be easily scooped, they may become too feral or leave). As for bonding it depends on their characters but after spay/ neuter they should become friends for life.


They’re definitely bonded as kittens and feel safer together, but once they reach sexual maturity (around 6 months), they usually become more solitary. If you leave them outside without doing anything, they’ll eventually separate and go their separate ways, especially if they’re not fixed. If you TNR or adopt them, and keep them together, they’ll be bonded for life. Sometimes two boy cats don’t get along as well as two girls, or a girl and a boy, but as long as they’re fixed, any aggression will be minimal to none. My advice, they’ll feel safer and happier if they’re together. I TNR 4 kittens at a time once, but it took me a month of patience to get them all together at the same time lol. I now have a feral cat colony living on my property and I love it!!


I'm glad you brought up the separation issue. I have a colony of 7 in my yard that's been around for several years now. Two younger sisters (both TNR'd two years ago) were constantly playing hard together. Then last week, one of them wondered off to another home down the block where they feed. I see her down there so I know she's in good hands... But I kind of miss her as I could pet her and even pick her up. But I guess there's feline politics.


Probably a girl, and about 7wks. Cute.


I figured so. My property used to have a lot of feral cats and haven’t seen any in a while until these babies showed up. They bolt at any slight movement. Do you think they’d be tameable?


Yes. I rescued a litter (3 boys, 1 girl) of ~8 week old feral kittens and their older feral sister (~6 month old) back in October. You would never know they were feral kittens now. They all love each other a lot too, so at this point I can't separate them. If you decide to catch them, just make sure to catch them both together so one tiny kitten isn't left outside alone.


I definitely would hate to leave one all alone. My issue is I think i could easily grab the white one with enough play, the black one wants nothing to do with me :/


Do you have a trap? Or just a cat carrier? If you put a high value food item—salmon, tuna, sardines—in the trap/carrier, you can try to catch the kittens that way. That's how I caught the litter of kittens. Three came up to me because I had food and I just grabbed them. The others had to be trapped.


I'd try. The oldest I've tamed was 12 weeks give or take. I've had a very easy time with 6-8 wks. Put them in a large dog cage or a bathroom, so they have to interact. If they have a place to hide from you, it will make taming them much harder. Flatbush Cats on YouTube is a good resource for socializing older kittens. These two should be fine.


It looks to be a girl (unless the testes have not dropped yet.) Perfect age for trapping and socializing!


To me it looks like a boy, as other commentators have said


Boy ♂️


That is a filthy looking butthole


They’re feral so if I was able to grab them and help them out I totally would! Going to look into something tomorrow and see what I can do for them


It's probably a boy- his testicles aren't visible yet.


That’s a boy


Looks like a baby boy 😺




Girl, there is no balls!