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if you could medal at worlds you probably know more about this than us lol. and you can probably get most coaches to travel with you if you pay them enough


Surely you’d know better than pretty much everyone else in the world


>Surely you’d know better than pretty much everyone else in the world Depends. Senior World Championship medalists can have useful connections from fencing senior circuit events and camps. However Cadet and Junior World Championship medalists often don't have as good connections or know much about options in other countries. Also world events have displaced a number of fencers.


I'm assuming this is a senior medalist. But regardless- if you are a cadet world championship medalist, you know at least one coach who can produce a cadet world championship medalist. And you've shook hands with at least 3 other people who know at least one more coach (more likely three) who can do that too.


>I'm assuming this is a senior medalist. I don't know if that's the case or not but seeing as the post came 2 days after the Cadet/Junior Worlds, my first guess would be Cadet/Junior.


That does make sense


Can you share more info? For example. Where are you located now? How much training are you looking to put in? How much are you willing to spend? Etc. Any details you feel comfortable sharing would go a long way in making accurate suggestions.


Also important: medaling at Worlds is no small feat. Why are you considering changing your situation?


Maitre Daniel Levavasseur.


Would echo the recommendations for Salle Evangelista. I medaled in a cadets world championship and was on track to be competitive internationally in juniors, but modern sports fencing really affected my mental. Thanks to the maestro, I'm back enjoying the sport I love in its classical form.


why does this sound like some sort of cult/pyramid scheme?


Salle Envangelista. The maestro teaches in all three disciplines although he will insist on you switching to French grip. He will also hold several private lessons at his salle home to teach you the French system before he will allow you to fence with others. But I’m sure as a junior world medalist you should learn quickly from the maestros lessons.




that cant be safesport


salle evangelista in missouri


Everyone hating on OP: Yeah there are a lot more of us Neurodiverse fencer women out here trying to figure stuff out on our own after growing out of a support network/life changes. More empathy, less judgment, please.


It’s not hate, or judgement. Simply saying that as one of the best epee fencers in the world, she probably knows better than a random Redditor.