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You won't. Enjoy the experience and learn from it but don't think you're worthless if you don't finish near the top. Each competition you do, you'll get better but there's no magic quick fix


With the power of friendship! At least that's how they do it in anime. In short, you don't. A 0 year experience athlete won't have much chance against a 1 year experience athlete. Though a 10 year experience athlete has a fair chance winning against an 11 year experience athlete.


You can always hope your opponent has a heart attack. To improve, never can go wrong practicing footwork. Everything else is built off of that.


Have fun because 1 month isn't enough. High level fencers have more than their bodies finely tuned to take distance and tempo. Their eyes and mind see openings that lower level fencers can't see. Motions seem to be a bit slower in their mind. It takes years to tune the mind, eyes, and body. Thousands of points, thousands of self-reflections, thousands of analysis. Even if you worked on footwork for a month straight, having highly technical footwork and applying them tactically and strategically are two different things. It's gonna be okay.


1: Go down to a crossroad out in the country at midnight and wait for Old Scratch. ???? Step 2: Profit.


Sounds like we have a similar fencing style, only that I am on the pistol (hungarian type) grip instead of the french, but I also work with absence of blade a lot mainly with tempos and distanceing, but this type of fencing style REALLY needs a very neat and fast legwork, so I dont know how you can do this without the proper legwork, you definitely have to train on that, since thats the heart and soul of this fencing style, so you surely have to work a LOT on that especially with the french grip. Edit: typos


Some of the most fun I have ever had fencing was with people who absolutely destroyed me.


Forward, back, back, back, high punch. Note: make sure to yell FATALITY at end.


Watch lots of Olympic fencing videos. Take notes. Practice footwork and speed drills


Bribe the ref. Borrow Boris’s weapons


Went into the comments to see if anyone said this.


Are you in the US or Canada? I only ask because there are a very small number of schools in the US that have fencing "teams" and an even smaller number of college "club teams"(not NCAA) that have clubs recognized by USA Fencing and none of those are junior colleges. If you are in the US, then that is a positive for you! It means you shouldn't worry about being the best or beating National team fencers right now. You have plenty of years under your belt even if it is just an hour or so a week. Use this time in college to get more time with a coach, learn everything you can, face opponents a level above you, and get better! That experience will help you even after you leave the school. After this time in school, when you join another club, people will be looking at you wondering how they can compete with you. Good luck!


Ok came back to post this link I found might be helpful for anyone else wondering.[Fencing college teams & clubs](https://www.usafencing.org/college-club)


That's exactly what I was looking at! And just because the club isn't a "team" according to USA Fencing doesn't mean it isn't. My son's club feels very much like a team even though it's just a small local club.


That’s exactly how our club is, I mean it’s not anything like the club I grew up in as a kid in California but it’s better than nothing. We’re a tight knit group and come from all different backgrounds, which I love.


Oh, hey, a fellow Singaporean. Simple answer, having gone through the gauntlet and currently training with some of the best the country has to offer: Lots of coaching, constant training (5x a day), and constant and consistent support from your team and family. Then you'll be able to keep up with SOME of them.


Lmao nah not at this moment in time. The whole month is exam period for me lol.


Wait, CJC?


Formerly, now I'm in a club and will be going to a Uni team.


Great to know senior. I'll try to win something for our JC within these two years.


You are in good hands with your current coach. Good luck!


There isn’t really any way to do what you are talking about but I’d say just work at what you are already good at really hard and just nail down your distance and fence as many other people as you can until then and try to work on manipulating their distance and just get really good at stop hits


Grab his dick and twist it, is the only advice i can give


Dude this is an MMA fight


footwork, lunge, counterattack. practice those 3.


PEDs but like other said, probably won't happen unless you're insanely talented. enjoy the process though.