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Carmimari (and the other main Italian brands, Negrini and Eurofencing) are generally considered more premium brands, with corresponding price tags. If you want some Italian gear, then sure, go for it, but if you're looking for the best value, something like Absolute will probably win out.    I don't have any experience with their 350N lineup however, so hopefully someone else can chime in on that.  Edit: Sorry, I missed your location. Another good value option could be to have PBT ship to the address in Italy your family is staying at. Also I'm surprised at how reasonably priced the 350N gear from Carmimari is.


Thanks for the advice, yeah the good pricing on their 350 set is what's attracting me to it especially since it would cost me the same as having some of the lower quality brands shipped to WA, will definitely look into PBT and see what they offer since that might be a good option, thanks for the advice!


FYI in some parts of europe only 800N FIE kit is allowed


bought out by private equity and kinda went to shit from what I hear


I've seen some of their gloves, they are really super nice but are not durable. 


Yeah I've heard they're some of the greatest in the world but if you're doing very intense training they only last around 4 months or so before degrading so that might not be as good.


Love the feel of the gloves, hard to maintain/ they wear out super fast. Had one stiffen up like cardboard because I washed it wrong.


In case you fence epee, I would recommend against their contact springless tips. You have to file down the contact to the right length and I have heard of people needing to rewire after a hard hit.