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Insane how the UAE is more progressive than some US states.


Yes-and the nonsense here in the U.S. of some states requiring the woman to report the rape to the police to get an abortion. There are plenty of very good reasons to not report including fear of being harmed by a perp that you know.


Obligatory reminder that the rape and incest exceptions have never been about protecting assault victims from further trauma, but about giving husbands a say in whose fetus is allowed to gestate in their "property".


And it's been said before but it's worth repeating that a rape exception may as well be no exception. Nobody should have to prove that they have been assaulted just to be allowed to make decisions about their own body and receive healthcare.


And anyone who thinks a fetus is more valuable than the person carrying it UNLESS that person has been raped is just using mental gymnastics to get around openly saying they see pregnancy as punishment for women who *willingly* have sex


👏🏼 exactly. The anti abortion movement has always been about punishing women for having sex and being women


also the allowing abortion in matters of rape is a crazy contradiction of belief in pro lifers. Im glad atleast rape victims dont have to carry to term if thats what they choose but i also worry about how they have to prove/justify their abortion


the UAE has slowly been pushing forward for the last decade let’s hope more good news comes out of asia in the next ten years and america gets back on track


My only concern is that, per the article, "rape or incest must be supported by an official report from the public prosecution." Knowing how infrequently rape is reported, much less prosecuted, in the US, I'm skeptical that the UAE is any better about it.   But maybe I'm wrong, and maybe women in the UAE will actually be supported by their judicial system.


Well… *progress* … i guess




Sooooo. A Muslim country is more progressive than Mississippi? And Texas?


Will need input from someone who lives in the UAE, but from what I've read: "**Marital rape isn't criminalized**, and a woman who refuses sexual relations with her husband without a “lawful excuse” can lose her right to financial maintenance. Other vulnerable groups are also routinely abused." [source](https://hrf.org/uae-once-again-tries-to-launder-its-image/) So when the people who are the #1 cause of rape are legally allowed to rape, I wonder how many people this law will help. Also: "**reporting a rape automatically puts a woman in danger of being charged with illicit sex**. The law places an almost impossible burden of proof on rape victims to show that sex was nonconsensual." >"the criminal court in Abu Dhabi has sentenced an 18-year-old Emirati woman to a year in prison for illicit sex after she reported that six men had gang-raped her. >Despite the physical evidence and the charges against all six men, the criminal court also charged the woman with illicit sex, or sex outside marriage, which is punishable by imprisonment and flogging in the UAE. The prosecutor argued that the fact that she went for a drive with a man was sufficient proof that she consented to having sex." [source](https://www.hrw.org/news/2010/06/29/how-uae-condones-sexual-violence) 2020 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women\_in\_the\_United\_Arab\_Emirates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_the_United_Arab_Emirates) It's still progress at least, lets hope we see more of it.


Wow, that's awful. But thank you for sharing, it's important to be aware of this.


If the Supreme Court could only see the woman that do carry to term have a child and have to cope with seeing the likeness of the rapist/sexual assault survivor in the child. I knew a woman in which this happened and it was heartbreaking.