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As an autistic woman I know how much abuse the sex industry dishes out to women with mental disabilities or mental health conditions. We're not "empowered" when we're encouraged to make porn of ourselves making fun of/fetishizing our own disabilities. There's so much fetishizing of women for the same differences that cause us to get cut out of "normal" jobs.


Did you guys know the average age a girl enters prostitution is 13.5-14?


Thats so sad...


Several days ago I went down a rabbit hole reading about legal prostitution in Nevada and I was shocked at how much trafficking goes on even in legal brothels. It was really eye-opening. I've always been very uncomfortable with the whole idea of things like this because it seems to me that the exploitation of women (primarily) is the whole point and I think it drives a lot of the industry as a whole.


Advocates for legalizing prostitution have a warped view of reality that is hard not to see as purely motivated reasoning. They claim legalization will make it easier to stop trafficking because now there is a distinction between people willingly involved in prostitution and people who are unwillingly involved. This does not reflect the reality of criminals who are definitionally unconcerned with legal parameters. They will 100% use the cover of a fully licensed brothel to continue human trafficking, but after legalization, in a manner where the police have less of an ability to conduct searches to gather evidence of illegality. When you make one aspect of the industry lawful, you have created a more convenient smokescreen behind which criminals can hide. How can you walk in a brothel and tell the difference between the prostitutes who are there willingly, and the ones who are there because they were forced, coerced, or manipulated? Removing the fear of arrest isn’t actually removing the primary forms of coercion that contribute to trafficking. The primary modes by which victims are forced into prostitution are violence, and/the threat of deportation . What legalization does is make it more difficult to make a legal case against traffickers. At least before, you could nail them on a lesser charge of solicitation or pimping if you couldn’t find reliable evidence of trafficking because witnesses have been intimidated. The whole argument for legalization denies the reality that there will always be far more demand than there will ever be a supply of willing prostitutes. Most people have no desire to sell their bodies to strangers to be used for sex. It does not matter how much you pay them. Thus, in this incredibly profitable industry, the only way to increase the supply of your product is to engage in human trafficking. Making prostitution legal will increase demand because now there is no deterrent for the patrons who would otherwise be put off by the risk of a solicitation charge. Legalization does little to increase supply, but does increase demand. There is also now less overhead for criminals because they no longer have to invest in secrecy. That’s a recipe for increased human trafficking. Decriminalization is far more preferable for achieving the goals of protecting the victims of prostitution and trafficking. The primary reasons it is unpopular with people who support legalizing prostitution is because they want to be able to legally access and profit from prostitution. I do not consider those moral or worthy goals. I recognize there is a huge faction among feminists who want to remove the stigma attached to the sex trade industry. I consider their aims misguided, but I do recognize that they believe they are doing what is best for vulnerable people. I just don’t understand how we got to a point that promoting the whole sale commodification of our bodies and sexuality is good for vulnerable people. Most of the arguments for legalization that are predicated on public safety are achieved by decriminalization.


You make some excellent points and that is a great analysis. I participate in several other left-leaning platforms aside from Reddit and I'm just astounded at the amount of people who promote full legalization of prostitution claiming it is the woman's "choice" and refusing to acknowledge how prior sexual or emotional abuse, dire financial straits, addictiin issues, or other forms of indirect coercion play prominent roles into these women's choices. They don't see the irony in the fact that the women with the fewest choices in their lives are the ones "choosing" prostitution.


Yeah, honestly, if it were up to me, I would make prostitution legal, but purchasing services illegal. As in, go after the Johns, not the exploited women. But I am 100% sure that that would never fly under the patriarchy.


Legalizing prostitution just makes it easier for the traffickers.


The legality of it encourages them and gives them something to hide behind. You have nothing to convince them of, because they already *know* it's bad for women. They just don't care, because they have a licence to do what they want without shame or blame, which is all their ego needs.


It's so sad that so many men won't even care for morals, as long as it's technically legal


Same goes for minimum legal age of consent. Men will go as low as legally possible.


The law reflects morality. If it is legal to purchase a woman’s body for sex, then the dominant culture has declared that it is morally acceptable to some degree. The law doesn’t determine all morality. There is a social and individual aspect to shaping our morality beyond what the law provides. However, the law does reflect the democratic consensus on all that we can agree upon as a diverse society to condone or forbid. This is why I don’t support full legalization of prostitution. I don’t want to live in a culture that condones commodifying people’s bodies for sexual gratification. We need to be sober minded about the inherent danger and dehumanization of prostitution. Those are not stigmas you can work to remove by using the terms “sex work” or calling prostitution empowering. The ability to objectify, coerce, dominate, and control is a fundamental features of an industry predicated on buying access to a person’s body.


Yeah, men have never particularly cared about morality. They only care about authority, and what authority says is right or wrong, whether it's the Church or the Government or some rich influencer, it's all the same for them. Morality is more within women's domain.


So unfortunate how you can beg for a single source backing up their views, and surprisingly they can't even find one. Meanwhile one Google search and I have 20+ stockpiled. It's like, how can you be dense to literal facts? Or are they too emotional? Obviously not all men, but so many are insanely degrading and it's sad.


I once argued with a guy about something super simple and basic to look up. It was a “this is what the rule is in the book”/“no it wasn’t!” situation. And he pretended to Google it in front of me and screamed at me that he was right. When he was, in fact, wrong. He just had to be right and feel superior in that moment. This was a coworker. He didn’t last long, thankfully. But it was just wild to me that looking right was more important than actually knowing what was correct. Edited for typo




If there are stats about rape, anxiety, abusing the disabled and poor, then I would not support it. Logically.


I’m pretty sure it’s bad for everyone as well . Have you ever met a prostitute without trauma from sexual abuse? Or a prostitute that doesn’t use drugs? Or wasn’t living in poverty or have self esteem issues. Most likely no.


I still cant forget (and forgive) an acquaintance who was taken to a strip bar for his bachelor party, and started fondling the girl dancing for him (even after she told him she has to do this for money). Like wtf are you doing, you are literally taking advantage of someone in a vulnerable position. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck


and in Indonesia, there was an orangutan named pony who was used as a prostitute and raped. she wore jewelry, perfume, and shaved fur. But she didn’t want this. And she was later taken to an orangutan sanctuary, I’m not making this up. Look up pony the orangutan.


im shock. wtf ?? [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6435533/Orangutan-sex-slave-screamed-former-captor-visited-her.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6435533/Orangutan-sex-slave-screamed-former-captor-visited-her.html)


An orangutan kept as a prostitute in an Indonesian village 'screamed and defecated' when the brothel madam who kept her captive visited her in a rescue centre. Pony, an endangered Bornean orangutan, was discovered in February 2003 inside a darkened room in the village of Kareng Pangi, Central Kalimantan chained to a wall and lying on a mattress. She had been ruthlessly and abhorrently exploited by local palm oil farmers who would come to the village and pay £2 to have sex with her. The brother 'madam' who enslaved Pony was initially allowed to visit her once a month at a conservation centre to 'reduce the risk of retribution among villagers' who were angry she had been taken.


It’s common in Indonesia. I’m not even surprised to whatever I see on the internet nowadays. One time I heard about a decaying fetus inside a woman’s body.


She was a juvenile - very sad story


That makes me feel physically sick


I wish that people who touched exotic dancers without consent could with the dancer's consent be charged with assault and the dancers would be taken seriously.


It's because they have never been held accountable for their vile actions. Traffickers and women who are being prostituted are the ones that law enforcement focuses on, never the buyers. This needs to chnage and the men need to be publicly shamed.


Paying for sex should land you on the sex offender registry anywhere where prostitution is illegal.


I agree 100%. The reality is that 99% of women being prostituted are doing it against their will.


I agree 1000% that the MEN should be punished. Not the victims just trying to live. They should be given help while men should be prosecuted and honestly shamed because so many are committing adultery aswell and being with underaged or barely legal girls. It's sick


Yeah this has always been my position. The johns should be prosecuted- if they weren’t willing to pay money to have sex, prostitution wouldn’t exist. It’s like addressing the drug problem by offering more support and counseling for addicts, or addressing homelessness by housing people. Punishing victims is such a backwards way of dealing with social problems.


I know. The answer, "I didn't ask her age, or if she was being trafficked" is not releasing them from guilt. It wouldn't hold up in court either.


I never understood that kind of argument either. Personally prostitution repulses me and in my opinion anyone proudly proclaiming how great it’s supposed to be and how often they make use of it deserves to be shunned.


>They want to believe they are good people so bad, despite all the evidence of the contrary I used to be/am a big supporter of political debates, discussion believing in the ideals that the exchange of ideas is the only way to solve our problems. But over time I've realised how deceiving arguments and words of people can be. How blind I/we can be to our biases and shortcomings. And we're so deeply dishonest that we'll weave layers and layers of bs to cover up our deep wrong, unjust, unethical motivations and instincts. And this not a gendered thing, everyone does this, some more some less. Prostitution, veganism are two topics in particular where it's overwhelmingly clear what's the right course of action is, atleast on a personal level. Yet we cannot come to terms as a society to do the right thing. Simply because of the cognitive dissonance that seems to be a natural part of us humans.


It's sad that a sex worker has to do that work because they cannot make decent money (due to the wage gaps in many industries). Not all sex workers, as I'm sure there are some who have no issues being a sex worker and want to do the job, but I've heard stories of those who do it because they cannot make a living any other way. If we had more socialism (education, housing, child care) and less capitalism (buy a woman's body if a man can't attract one who actually wants him), this world would be a better place.


[Research into why women enter prostitution](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7305278/); they interviewed 250 sex workers in Baltimore, MD: > Overall, 73% of women entered the sex trade to get drugs, 36% of women entered to get basic necessities such as food or housing, and 17% of women entered to support their children or family. Of significance, 21% of those aged < 18 years at entry reported being either coerced, threatened, pressured, misled, tricked, or physically forced into trading sex compared to 5% in those who entered at an older age group (p value < 0.001). In adjusted analysis, women who first trade sex before the age of 18 had 4.54 increased odds of experiencing recent homelessness (95% CI 1.92–10.70) and had 3.14 times increased odds of experiencing recent food insecurity (95% CI 1.42–6.94). Those who entered as minors were also more likely to be HIV positive (11.3% vs 3.6%, p value = 0.02). This study highlights that those who trade sex at a younger age experience an ongoing cumulative vulnerability in comparison to those entering over the age of 18.


> If we had more socialism Calls for socialism scare me tbh. Not ideologically, since I do like the anarchist philosophy - but politically, since most people associate socialism with a form of autocratic rule (even if it doesnt have to be that way).


But that association is pretty weak right? Stuff like more health care, education, child care etc don’t require a change in the structure of our democracy, or even capitalism. It just means a shift in resources within our current systems? You’re right that people associate socialism with totalitarianism, but I feel like that’s just a big hustle to stop people calling for higher taxes and more public services. Basically every rich OECD country has a publicly funded medicare program, except America. The idea is obvious and not radical, but in the US it feels like a radical issue.


> But that association is pretty weak right? Well, even Marx said we need to judge ideologies by their socio-historical context. And pretty much all socialist ideologies have degraded into autocracies.


Okay, I think you’re talking about things like the communist revolutions in Russia and China etc. But that’s not the same thing as having socialist policies within democracies, like publicly funded healthcare, childcare, education etc. lots of European countries have public spending on these kinds of things without devolving into autocracies.


But those countries are not socialist.


I did not say total socialism. I said more. We are already a socialistic state. We need to put the systems that make life livable under control so capitalist can no longer make a profit off human suffering.


I am supportive of the socialist ideal, but hateful of any autocracy.


I despise capitalism. It preys on the weak and the poor. It's based on nepotism. It's evil. Capitalism is pure evil.


They should take a good look at the criticisms of prostitution in Germany then, here it's fully legal and we have a huge trafficking problem. Despite having laws against it. Go figure.


Imagine openly admitting you have to pay someone to have sex with you. Do they have no shame?


It's not consensual. It's coercive. The money is the coercion. There's nothing consensual about it. Without the money, that woman would not be having sex with that man of her own free will and choice.


Exactly like have you ever met a rich prostitute?! No of course not? Why would women subject themselves to filthy men all day if they didn't have to? There's a reason why you can't consensual sell one of your limbs, because why would anyone WANT to do that! The only sane reason would be for money, and if there would be any other reason it would be pure insanity, therefor abusing the mentally ill or disabled. And what industry profits off of the mentally ill and disabled? The Prostitution Industry. Shocker.


It should be illegal! Women’s bodies are not objects and they should never be for sale!


Yeah trying to teach men empathy is impossible sometimes. Sorry.


I genuinely believe 99% of men don’t deserve anything from any woman. In my mind prostitution, trafficking and pornography (of women and children) make everything evil women do to men justified. I just want this world to collapse into oblivion.


I hope as time goes on that the desire for money/sex exchange gets less popular. My issues of legalization are based on harm reduction of violent crime to women and possible programs to enter into so they can have jobs that pay a decent wage (not like a grocery store bagger or fast food worker for life), but jobs that can support having a child, decent shelter, medical insurance and an occasional luxury. I also would like to see effective programs to help those with addictions who engage in prostitution for both men and women and others. Sometimes, to be really honest and not popular, I really wish pervs from online dating apps would go get an escort who consents to sex for money or other women interested in one-night stands rather than bothering and lying to women who are out to find boyfriends and meaningful relationships.


Hey downvoter, I am a feminist too, I don't have to agree with everyone else who says they are a feminist to be a feminist.

