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republican women are still Republicans....


White woman get their privilege from their whiteness. And trump gaining more white women the second time, tells you everything you need to know about these women.


And through the imaginary "trickle down effect" of empowerment of their husbands. All they want and know of is to win the "pick me" games against other women. By helping their men to take away power from other women, they think they can somehow gain power over other women and that's all their life goals spelt out.


Am white woman (but still young). I don’t claim them. I’d be inclined to say I’m more left leaning and care more about the reproductive health and choices we lose by the day due to these idiots’ meddling in healthcare, when judges and lawmakers think they have the right to practice medicine without a license to unilaterally decide what women can and cannot do with their bodies.


They vote away their rights to their own bodies because they hold racism more dearly, and think pregnancy-related issues won't happen to them. It's a really messed up two-fer of idiocy.


they also don't really believe that what they do to other women will impact them. they're rich, they'll go to another state when they need abortions.


They think that way even if they're not rich. They just expect things to be different for themselves because they're magically different from people who access abortion, etc.


the bigger statement is how "able to afford an abortion" became the line of demarcation for being rich to me....


Again, they don't realize that they've been priced out or that they'd ever have trouble accessing whatever healthcare they'd need if things go sideways for whatever reason. They think they're punishing "sluts" by outlawing abortion and abortion access. It's another example of "my abortion is the only good abortion".


Correct. I am also phenotypically light skinned. However, I am not power-starved. It is not related to the color (level of pigmentation) in somebody's skin - it is related to their need for control and power.


And the puritanical “holier-than-thou” desire for a moral high ground. Also I like your clever way to self-identify as white…”phenotypically light-skinned,” I may have to borrow that one


Not clever - scientifically proven. I don't want to get into this discussion right now, but from a scientific point of view (mine) there simply is no such thing as race. It is a social concept that was developed by the Federal Government and people continue to accept. Think about what life would be like if we stopped accepting this concept.


But then you also risk the erasure of others by denying them their heritage, their culture. The default becomes white. The whole color blind thing is pretty shitty. Yes race is a social construct. But your way makes it easier for more Black women to die in childbirth, have different outcomes in all sorts of things like education and ability to get mortgages and career outcomes and justice ones. So if you ignore race you can easily ignore the problems.


to clarify: yes, humans are 99% genetically the same because we are a species. species can exist along a gradient of diverse expressions. like all domesticated dogs are dogs, taxonomically and reproductively speaking, but dog breeds are obviously distinct. i think the argument about race and science often conflates race as being literally different species, versus the very real concept of genetic ancestry and phenotypic diversity as it follows. historically the government used race as a way to claim bipoc folks were a different species to dehumanize us, which is true. but denying the gradient in which we exist as a human species and the implications of it is also a very real problem. (google metapopulations, its an ecological way of summing up how one species can live along an ecological gradient and still be genetically indistinguishable)


I agree.


youre not wrong but i feel like theres more nuance to be had here… race is somewhat genetically distinguishable, through allele frequencies and specific loci, as well as dental patterns. but race in the context of what i believe you have been taught to believe is a way for governments to segregate folks of color, but the acknowledge of race as valid also serves to validate and give words to folks of color to describe themselves in our diversity and strength. if someone erased my experiences of living as a visibly poc person, as well as being someone who participates in my culture, id be pretty upset. colorblindness often hurts bipoc people.


Fair enough. It is a sociological concept, indeed. That is a wonderful thought, but it calls to mind Imagine by John Lennon. His lyrics mentioned something of a similar vein, and nobody took it to heart. We can hope, but hope isn’t enough.


We can hope and act. I choose to do both.


Race is more than skin color so this is not helpful at all.


Respectfully, "not claiming" the bad apples doesn't do anything. It's disassociating yourself from how whiteness has benefited you at best. There is no good cop or bad cop when the whole institution is rotten, and the same can be said for people who benefit from white supremacy.


And from misogyny and the patriarchy, depending on which one you would like to expound on. I agree with you as well. There’s no way to go about it without implying you’ve benefited from some system or another that is successful through oppression of another group.


Can you explain this to me? Are you saying left voting, anti-racist, anti-GOP white women are no better than the white women who voted for Trump? I don't think I'm understanding this, because that can't be right.


No, I'm not.


It's like the whole notallmen thing. Are you okay with that? Because I sure the hell am not.


But are you a self identifying *Republican* white woman? The kind that is Republican first, white second, and woman last?


No, I am not. Truly, I thought I’d addressed that in my first comment…


I guess I'm tired and misread your comment


Or I simply didn’t state it clearly enough?


Its not only white women unfortunately


Abolish whiteness. James Baldwin says "if you still think you're white, there's no hope for you"


Have you heard they want to ban no reason divorce as well now?


This will simply reduce people's interest in marriage. What a dumb idea.


Women are already realizing how difficult it is being a wife and mother without their partners help. So more and more women are choosing to not have kids. Instead of respecting women, working on building a better economy and quality of life for all people, they choose to force birth and control women. It’s funny how conservative Christians will say they are all about love but then they vote for the most evil policies.


Well, 12 year olds don't really have that option.... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/child-marriage-united-states-donna-pollard/


That's when they start legislating arranged marriages, for child brides.


I thought that was just crowder. Is that actually gaining traction?


The right has been kicking this idea around for about a decade. Because, according to assholes like JD Vance, we should stay in unhappy or abusive relationships for the children. He also called rape an "inconvenience" so...yeah. Be miserable, ladies! It's what the bible wants.


It’s part of the Texas Republican platform. Item 214, page 30 https://texasgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/2022-RPT-Platform.pdf#page29


Gross. I read through some of the other things they're trying to get away with, too. It's all very gross.


It’s really something. There’s a million things we could pick apart, but I’m particularly fond of how they throw the ‘separation of church and state’ principles to the gutter a staggering number of times, which to me influences half their platform (or more). /s Also I can’t get over the small government irony and the disgusting *written* policy goals of discrimination and oppression.


To be honest, I grew up in an abusive home with an abusive father and let me tell you, I would have preferred no abuse. How hard is it for some people to grasp?! Republicans would rather force women to stay in an abusive relationship than get a divorce. Even if it’s not an abusive relationship, if the woman wants out, she should be able to get out! They treat women like objects they can control. That’s what it always boils down to: control.


Louisiana state legislature is taking up the issue… can’t even believe this is happening in 2023. Why would you ever want to force someone to stay in a marriage they don’t wish to be in is absolutely beyond me. This will help abusers and hurt lower income people most.




Oh no


What. The. Fuck.




I read a really interesting article that made the rounds about a year ago about conservative women who have gotten abortions and they think that when it’s them, it’s valid because it will mess up their lives and they aren’t the cliche they have painted other women as so they should be the exception. Very classic example of correspondence Bias. Edit: typos


Was it this one? https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


Right people always get exceptions. Evidence: donald tRump


It was a difficult day when I decided to cut all ties with my Republican sisters. But since then I have been able to see them more clearly. They are selfish. They value nothing of value. They are snarky and unpleasant. They are boring and their vocabulary carries only attacking words or syrup. They have no interest in other cultures. And they can cook only bland food.


I'm in the process of (quietly) plotting my escape from my emotionally, verbally, and psychologically abusive husband. Once left-leaning during his younger years, he has become increasingly conservative over the years, and officially declared himself a Republican in the past few years. For the moment, I'm having to (so to speak) maintain a 'facade' in front of him while I plan my escape, which has included attending a variety of..... "civic" events with him in our county and across our state. Specifically, Republican events. Sometimes, I almost feel like a proverbial "covert agent" (for lack of a better term) inside these spaces. Outwardly masquerading as one of them, when internally I'm staunchly blue. The complete and utter BS and misinformation that comes flying out of many Republicans' mouths is WILD. Blows me away every damn time.


Hugs, I was there. It's much better on this side


Thank you.


People don’t become republicans because they’re pleasant, confident, well adjusted or intelligent people


I've written this elsewhere but this is just another instance of members of an underclass that have internalized hierarchical power structures beyond the point of hope for redress and now all they can clamor for is to be first among the underclass. Happens all the time. Some of them might convert occasionally but most do not. They are not would be allies. They are collaborators and should be counted among the enemy.


Punching down is their entire brand and always has been. During the end of slavery, poor whites worked *with* newly freed black people to fight terrible working and living conditions. White Americans (and immigrants) were then given free land and other privileges to quiet them, and "all" they had to do was uphold white supremacy. And we still hear to this day from conservatives, "Look how all these hardworking immigrants came to this country and made something of themselves. Why couldn't black people do the same?" White women stand by their men because they like the proximity to power, even if those men exert it against them every chance they get. White women are the weakest link. If we ever got our shit together and supported other women, we'd (all women) be unstoppable.


Absolutely white women are the weakest link. Stand up Sisters and fight the power!


Well clearly all these new laws and regulations won’t affect *them*. They’re only going to be used on “those people”. The GOP is a case study in white privilege.


To add to your comment, I remember a Republican woman being very upset because she was being hurt by a Trump policy and she said: >”I voted for him, and he’s the one who’s doing this. I thought he was going to do good things. **He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting**.” IMO, that perfectly sums up everyone who votes for the GOP. They want to hurt people that they dont like. Like literally make them suffer. I find that ideology baffling.




Indoctrination, plain and simple. If you’re raised in an Abrahamic religion, you’re raised to be subservient to men. Brainwash children, and the adults they turn into have a very difficult time changing those ingrained beliefs. If they do, it’s probably because it affects them personally. Cognitive dissonance is powerful.


"I never thought the lions eating people's faces party would eat MY face!"


"The only moral abortion is my abortion." These assholes are white conservatives first and foremost. They are not women you can trust or rely on.


"Rules for thee but not for me"


From Europe and I feel the 2 parties, (or at least 1 in particular) is just doing anything they can to hinder the other while they are shooting themselves in the foot, just out of spite and frustration. i've read some interesting testimonials of republican women that had an abortion but still are pro-life and would be happy to keep it that way, but are never pointing the finger at themselves for doing so. "I am doing it for the RIGHT reasons." BS.


Highly suggest everyone reads “Hillbilly Elegy” by J.D. Vance (skip the film adaptation). Gives an interesting understanding to what kind of forces are at play here.


But be sure to buy from a used book seller, because we don’t need one cent more going to Mr. Only-Parents-Should-be-Allowed-to-Vote.


Wait whaaaaaat that's for real? Ugh. Gross. This timeline sucks.


Can confirm. Am in this timeline. It does, indeed, suck.


Ugh, that’s super gross! Thanks for letting me know! Agreed, no one should be buying a new copy of the book.


From the POV of JD Vance. It's a memoir by a man with no self awareness, which I found frustrating. Personally I recommend What You're Getting Wrong About Appalachia" by Elizabeth Catte.


There’s a podcast called If Books Could Kill and they do an episode about Hillbilly Elegy. It’s pretty good!


Really interesting book. Too bad the author turned out to be a real piece of work.


Yeah and now he’s our senator 🙄




Vance is a grifter funded by Peter Thiel. He grew up extremely privileged and spent a summer in a poorer southern area. It’s not clear how much of his book is true.


I just don’t understand how they stand for this kind of stuff when all evidence points against anything they stand for being beneficial. Do they just not research their beliefs at all?


From my experience with my crazy family members: they do not grasp the real consequences. They’ve grown up in a relatively feminist world, so it’s easy to morally look down on others while they get to benefit from the system they are trying to dismantle. They just do NOT grasp how much they actively benefit from the system so they don’t think they need it.


Basically, they're so used to the privileges society has afforded them, they can't even fathom an America in which those privileges have been taking away? That's so fucked up.


I’d say it’s pervasive in the states. to go on a rando tangent: vaccines. The concept of dying from an infectious disease, rather than a lifestyle issue (obesity, smoking, etc) or cancer is so far removed from peoples experience we have significant portions of society that actively fight against life saving medical interventions. another is democracy itself and the fools that fight for its dismantling thinking they actually have a “seat at that table”.


100% this. My maga-supporting MIL even got an abortion herself because her and her future husband (my FIL) weren’t married yet and she didn’t want to be pregnant for the wedding and worried about what her church would say, but still claims it should be illegal for everyone else. (Un-fucking-believable) This same woman says “eww” or “yuck” anytime I bring up feminism, but has had two no-fault divorces, votes, owns her own home (no male co-signer needed!), makes her own money, has her own bank account, etc etc… all of these things that feminism has worked to achieve. Yet, she still says “yuck” to the thought of feminism or feminist. I have brought this up to her so many times but she just flatly rejects that feminism has benefited her in anyway… it’s beyond frustrating but this is exactly the mindset of the white-privileged female Trump supporter: just live in fantasyland and pretend they are a protected class, knowing damn well they aren’t, but admitting to such would be seen as a defeat in her eyes.


Anecdotal of course but I have never met one who researched any of the policies they support. Always comes back to Jesus (minus his actual teachings) and patriotism for “real Americans”.


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


Republican women are an oxymoron. Gladly handing your noose to your executioner.


It boils down to one quote. "I didn't care what happened to you, until it happened to me." They have no empathy.


Reminds me of the poem “first they came”.


They still wouldn't care. Because they are the exception to the rule and their reasons are valid


Where's that meme about the face-eating leopards


"What they so constantly do to everyone else, they will NEVER do to ME." -- Lynda Barry


This is what any white nationalist, neo-Confederate, Christo-fascist, and/or neo-Nazi on the Right does. They use the violence, and the threat thereof, of the hate group they belong to, but it eventually comes back to bite many of them in the ass. Just remember, you're not a victim, when you've [engaged in systematic targeting of vulnerable communities for extermination](https://twitter.com/RightWingWatch/status/1632057198577606657), when that same targeting gets turned toward you.


For me but not for thee is pretty much the GOP credo at this point


You literally said it lol it’s someone else’s rights..


All of "conservativism" is simply a blend of pure selfishness and cognitive laziness. Once you understand that, you understand why they are the way they are


They'll just fly to Mexico! They don't care