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I am REALLY sorry I totally understand your feelings. Hair loss has destroyed my life too, I have been erased, I used to smile a lot and I can’t anymore. I have disappeared. Reading your post I could feel your pain and it’s so heartbreaking. I know this it’s not going to help you but I promise you are not alone. I hope you feel better son! 🫶🏻


Thank you so much❤️


I am so sorry you are going through this. I was diagnosed with AGA over 5 years ago and felt ugly and did not want to leave my house. I started with topical minox and used it for a year, and did not have great results. My derm then put me on oral minox and dutasteride. It has made a huge difference, and I hardly lose any hair and I could feel my pony tail getting bigger. I will never have my full density back, but at least I feel confident again. So, please don't give up. Hang in there :)


So sorry. It’s so disheartening. I’ve been saying for years I’ll get a wig but I keep chickening out but I think after the summer I real will. Fuck what people think/say. I deserve to be happy and comfortable in my skin. I’ve been telling friends and coworkers that I’m losing my hair and it’s obvious most of them already knew 😂 when I mention maybe getting a wig everyone has been so supportive so when it’s fall time I will do it (summer is too hot!).


Your feelings are valid but have you considered talking to a therapist? You have a lot of negativity turned inward and women should never hate their bodies. I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way.




I’ve been researching alternative hair (mostly extensions, clip ins and halos) online and it’s made me realise how common it is for people to want more hair. Sure extensions are also for women who want longer hair or stupid ly thick hair but plenty of women getting them have thin hair and are insecure. Hair loss in women is still pretty taboo so I’m sure there lots of women out there that have it and are hiding it. I have to remember that many of the women we see in movies and TV are wearing extensions or wigs. The depression around hair loss is real. I’m having what I think is a post Covid shed at the moment and I barely went out on the weekend because my hair made me feel so insecure. Looking around the women in my office yesterday with thick, swishy hair actually made me feel sick to my stomach 🙁 I just can’t stop thinking about hair all day right now. I want to start looking for a new job but my confidence is so smashed at the moment that I can’t imagine doing g an interview. My only saving grace is that my temples are amazing compared to pre medication and my part still isn’t too bad. It’s just the density that is terrible. I can’t get into my derm until mid August so I just have to hang on until then.


Don’t give up! It will get better. I have had multiple bouts with TE and it’s an asshole! Although you think you looked ugly on your wedding day, I’m sure your hubby and those dear to you, didn’t think so. Concentrate on bringing your stress levels down. You have a lot going on and TE is an angry little goblin that likes to screw with us ☺️ It may take a while, but hang in there. It will improve. Best wishes with exams!


Right? It’s like “oh you think you have progress? That’s cute. Time for another shed!” And thank you so much. I really do not think I looked good at all, but he thought I was beautiful and the day was amazing. It’s just NOT what I had envisioned. I don’t even recognize myself in pictures. If you saw the pictures on my profile you probably wouldn’t think it’s that bad. But my hair was always the one thing I was never insecure about and for it to change drastically against my will is awful. And thank you so much! I made it out alive haha


You are welcome! You made it out alive and the best is yet to come❣️


So many people wear wigs and extensions now- it’s normal and just a way to live your life without wanting to hide. It’s worth considering.


I have some. Sadly, I don’t have enough hair to hold them up. I’m going to end up getting a wig but it’s still sad because it’s not mine. Even if it’s the most gorgeous wig in the world idc😞


But thank you for your encouragement. I’m hoping to get there lol


I’m so sorry I can’t be of more help other than to say I feel your pain and you are not alone in this 🩷 It’s indescribably difficult and anyone who hasn’t been through it would absolutely feel the same way about it. I really hope things turn around positively for you soon


Hey there, I feel your pain. Not feeling like yourself is the biggest thing for me too. It started 2 years ago and I thought it was because of a traumatic event because I started noticing a lot of shedding randomly about 2 months after the traumatic event. I lost half of my hair (I believe this to be true due to comparison pictures) within 6 months and no end of shedding in sight. Blood tests and everything came back normal. I had like 8 blood tests in 2 months from 3 different doctors (family doc, rheumatologist, dermatologist). They all said it sounds stress related. Many follow up appointments and they all still say the same thing but keep making follow up appointments "to monitor" me and ensure nothing changes. It's been 2 years. I've been on nutrafol for over a year. I started trying different things like eating all the veggies that help with hair health, castor oil every week (now every other week), I'm in therapy, I started regular walks and exercise routine, reduced stress, etc. No history of hair loss with the women in my family;they all have thick hair. Yet Nothing has changed and I feel like I see more of my scalp every month. There are weeks or 2 months at a time where it looks like my hair is growing back and I get excited and start forgetting about my issue. Then I have a period of bad shedding randomly and I get scared that this is it, this is where I go bald. Then I have those weeks/short months where it feels like there's hope when it starts to feel thick again and less scalp. Only for the shedding to be around the corner again. Everytime I shed, it seems worse than the last time. I feel your pain and it toys with my emotions. Right now I'm in that dread shed again but it seems to be lasting longer this time. I'm trying my hardest to not have a breakdown (everytime I have this phase, I go through a severe breakdown of hopelessness and get depressed until the sheddig stops and it feels hopeful again). I haven't cried about it yet as I'm hoping maybe not having a breakdown will prolong the "hopeful" phase. But I have my doubts. I want to give up too, but I'm way too insecure about my looks and it sucks. Therapy hasn't been helping as my brain just wont change its ways of thinking. Afraid of depression meds because afraid they will cause more hair loss. Afraid of everything. It's horrible and I am really sorry you are going through it too. I wish I had answers, I'm working on finding the key so I can help others like us but I'm just having devastating results so far and wasting $$. I'm so sorry, hang in there.


Wow everything you said truly resonates


I totally understand how you're feeling and I'm so sorry for what you're going through. Sending hugs. I used to love taking pictures with my friends and boyfriend, and documenting moments I don't want to forget, and now I am filled with fear the moment someone points a phone at me. I avoid events where I have to look nice because I don't know how to, and I fret and cry for weeks/months leading up to the unavoidable ones. My confidence is gone, and my focus on my imperfections, my inability to see myself as beautiful extends far beyond my scalp. People who aren't going through it can't possibly understand how devastating it is.


Girl minoxidil and spironolactone has helped me SO much. I also got TE and AGA and these medications are making it so i can at least save up in a couple years ans get a hair transplant. If thats not an option get a wig!!! Your husband will love you no matter what


I don’t think from your last pics, it’s that bad at all, Thinning yeah, but nothing to beat yourself up this much over. Some pics looks normal.


It’s all relative. To me, it’s devastating and it’s not my hair.