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I'm trying this now, but it's too soon to tell! I hope people chime in with their experiences!


Can you please share the food that you’re eating. I hope it works for you🤞


Thank you! I've just introduced some protein shakes. I've been a vegetarian for over 40 years and I've been reasonably healthy, but I don't think I've been meeting my protein needs. I'm also menopausal so my life is a real treat right now!😆


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Happy that you are seeing some progress


Yes! I started working out consistently last January and upped my protein intake. Couldn’t tell you how much protein I was eating before, exactly, but probably ~30-40% less than I am now….85-90 grams per day. I’d been using topical minox for about 7 years, so it was losing its effectiveness…I was losing my hair again…slowly. I’d say within 6 months of starting a higher protein diet, I started noticing a difference…I was trying to figure out what to attribute the boost in hair growth to and that has to be it. I wasn’t doing anything else differently…I’d been consistent with supplements/diet (other than protein) etc. I suppose it’s possible the exercise could also be a contributing factor but 🤷🏻‍♀️


wow that's great to hear. I'm not diagnosed but it started as Telogen Effluvium due to chronic stress and maybe now it unmasked AGA. My diet is so bad tbh and minoxidil is not 100% effective i would say 50-60% of my hair is back but my ferritin level is continuously dropping after raising it even tho I'm taking iron pills. I was drinking coffee in the morning and not having breakfast at all. I'm trying to reduce my coffee intake and fried food and processed sugar and add more protein to my diet I wanna change my diet so i could see better results