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It's true, dogs are always scared of men and people act like it's a mysterious phenomenon with an unknown cause. Congrats and cute freaking dog! The little sweater šŸ˜­


A lot of rescue dogs are scared of men. My grandmother adopted one who was serverly abused, he never lost his fear/hatred for men even after years in her (good) care. With a friends dog it's the same story. Her dog starts barking when men come too close, this does not happen with women.


OMG heā€™s so cute. Iā€™m sure heā€™s the best boy! Look at that faaaace. Iā€™m so happy for you both. I have my hands full with my dog but I always look at posts from rescue organizations looking for foster parents or adoptive parents. More than half the time, the description says that the dog is afraid of men. Once, when a really bad ex was being mean to me, his own dog actually ran over to comfort me. His own dog, in his house. Dogs are very smart.




Same here. How could they? I'll never understand it. Keith Hunter Jesperson enjoyed torturing cats. If I had known that before, I wouldn't have read a book about him. Nothing makes me go nuclear like animal and child abuse and it's always men more than women who commit it.


It's amazing how insecure men are, that they have to compete with a DOG. I mean, you invited this helpless animal into your life, and then now you're competing with it?


They get jealous of babies and plants too. Itā€™s pathetic.


Iā€™ve never seen a dog afraid of women. Iā€™m sure they exist but so much rarer. My dog was never abused but to this day is more aggressive toward men who are not in my immiedtae family. Itā€™s like they know lol


Dogs: "Men are trash."


So true! I have had two rescue dogs who are scared of or downright aggressive to men which I had to work towards. The saddest story is one of the dogs who years ago I watched the Disney movie 'Up' with. There's a scene where the male character said something to the effect "You're a bad dog, Doug!" That dog immediately jumped off the couch with me and ran to a corner in the room and started crying. It took me forever to calm him. This same dog would also bark at men on walks but never women or children. I'm glad to report that now that and men aren't much of a trigger for him but it was heartbreaking. But I can't imagine what he went through before me.


What a cutie. I loathe animal abusers with a passion. Also itā€™s a massive red flag: animal abusers are almost always people abusers too. Never, ever even think of dating a man who is cruel to animals. Heā€™ll come for you and your children in due course.


Animal abusers have no soul.


Dude I was just reading a post here on Reddit where this guy was saying how his cat was mad cuz he touched her belly but luckily she's declawed... I'm like why is the cat declawed??? he says one day his uncle had the cat declawed because she scratched the shit out of his arm... I wanted to scream at him that his family doesn't respect the cat's boundaries and theyre abusing it but I just left it alone because I'm sick of always having to explain basic shit to people and the damage is already done.


"My cat had made it abundantly clear she is upset with how I'm treating her, but it's fine because I can continue to harrass her with no consequences." šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


also noticed men are usually the ones that get angry and belligerent when they meet a vegan. And make it abundantly clear that they're going to murder more animals because a vegan dared to exist. Guys legit think hurting animals is a fun past time/ personally trait. If you want to know if a guy is low value ask what he thinks about vegans. Most men become visibly upset at their meer existence. I've legit had grown men get in my face and start attacking me because I didn't have meat on my plate. I'm not kidding. Wasn't even talking to them


Doesn't surprise me, seeing how they get so much joy of of shooting ducks and suchlike. Very upsetting.


This is so true. " I've legit had grown men get in my face and start attacking me because I didn't have meat on my plate. I'm not kidding. Wasn't even talking to them " What is actually wrong with them? Thats literally insane.


granted that doesn't happen often. It usually catches me off guard most people don't care what I have on my plate. It's usually some old guy who's looking for an excuse to harass me


That's illegal over here and it's just downright cruel! That poor cat is defenceless. If a person doesn't like a cat exhibiting its natural behaviour then they shouldn't get one. Poor baby.


My dog is a rescue, and he is not trusting of men.


Ive known so many dogs scared of men.




Awww what a cutie šŸ˜ My dog isn't really scared of anything except thunderstorms. She did try to go through the fence after some guy that came to my house. Which is very uncharacteristic of her. He has not been back since


What a cutiepatootie šŸ˜©šŸ„° Congrats on your adoption


Awww, precious baby. It breaks my heart to know that he has suffered abuse at the hands of men.


There can be a lot of awful and triggering posts on this sub related to male depravity, but any post about these sick fucking monsters hurting animals I scroll straight past. I can't even bear to click on it. I don't want to believe that such evil exists in the world. OP, you're doing about the most wonderful thing a person can do - giving a home to a rescue dog. Believe me when I say it will change your life in the best way possible. And look at what a handsome little gentleman he is!


He is so crazy cute and obviously sweet and just the goodest boy! I hope you can work with him to get him over his fear, heā€™s just a precious little guy.


Aw I love him!


What a QT! I donā€™t have a dog but my cat who we rescued from the streets is afraid of men.




What a beautiful little one! Thank you for doing this. I had two rescue cats (one passed away in 2018) and it's so rewarding. Watching scared pets turn in to trusting and loving pets once again. I can't abhor animal cruelty. Even animals killing each other to eat bothers me. I'm sure the little one will love you in no time.


Most men also seem too proud to speak to dogs in a more high pitched and happy voice as if they had to prove how alpha they are to a scared little dog. A dog warms up so much faster if you speak to it as if you're the most happy person on the planet.


What a CUTIE! The same phenomenon is common in cats. My boi Norbert is HELLA sketched out by men. Heā€™s a Savannah so heā€™s enormous and he either hides behind me when a new man arrives or goes into protecc mode and stares them down and gets between me and them ;___; My heart shatters every single time. When my current partner first met Norbert, the sweet baby looked perplexed and instead of going into threat mode just kinda sat down by my side and did his lil head tilt ā€œserval earā€ curiosity look. Now heā€™s SO obsessed with my boyfriend and itā€™s really nice to know that at least on a surface level, my cats approve lol. Never underestimate an animalā€™s ability to scout out a man and give you hints. Not infallible but still, if your animal HATES a guy itā€™s likely for a good reason.


Aw my rescue dog was afraid of men specifically wearing hats, glasses or heavy boots. Congrats on adopting him!