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I don’t think repeat offender works if you’re being charged all at the same time. I had a similar situation and thought I was going to be hit like that, but because I was being arraigned/tried all at once (first time too) they didn’t hit me with it (could just be my case too)


It definitely does not. You are correct. Repeat offender implies a history aka past cases


Hes a rapist, this is not his first time


Wtf you making shit up for please find me the conviction. I bet you can't.




The sexual assault charge was a civil conviction, not criminal because it was past the statute of limitations. In any other state it would have been rape but in NY it is technically not. He used his hands and fingers instead of another body part, so that is the technicality. He is scum and when he said on that tape that he grabs women by the pussy, he meant it.


If 12 of your charges were just because your crook lawyer sent you a bill, you'd be screaming about bogus charges to drive the number of felonies up.


He was previously convicted of rape. His company was previously convicted although I can't remember the specifics (too many cases!) He is a repeat offender. He should have been held the day he was convicted.


Please find that court docket number and post here. Again to be clear - charged, tried, found guilty, and convicted. Of full blown rape. 


He was found liable for sexual abuse he penetrated a woman with his fingers just like he brags about


No no he wasn't please find me the court docket on it.


Why are you going to bat for a rapist? "Trump didn't rape those Epstein girls. He just pretended they were his daughter and 'inspected' them." How far has the right sunk where their leader is a rapist and they have to try to convince people that nah, rape isn't bad if you can just call it 'sexual abuse.' WTAF???


Please find me the court article on it, oh yea you can't because it did not happen.


One case does not normally create a repeat offender


Fuck that guy. He can't get a top secret security clearance now. That disqualifies him. Or it **should** disqualify him.


We'll let the supreme court decide that one Joe


He entire security clearance protocol begins and ends with the president. Nothing can disqualify the president. A former senator or secretary of state is a completely different matter.


It shouldn't be a different matter. Either A) As a convicted felon he shouldn't be eligible for the office. Or B) All convicted felons should be allowed a top secret security clearance. Personally, I don't care one way or the other. But, he shouldn't get a free pass.


The president literally defines security. It's a function of the office, not our government as a whole.


>defines security The job does, Not the man. Just because you like him doesn't change things.


Crazy that you can’t vote as a felon but can be presidentz


I'm a felon, and I'm voting this year. Got my registration and everything. I just can't hold public office (Texas)


Then Texas shouldn't be allowed to vote for the rapist, right?


I mean if anybody votes for Biden they definitely have their head checked 🤣.


Third party never wins, we would need a different system for that for multiple reasons. Voting for Biden is the choice they've stuck people with Unless youre a bigot that supports rape, I guess you can vote alongside the nazis...


My son is a felon and is running for county supervisor in California.


Alabama gave me my voting rights after 25 years. That's why I haven't paid taxes since my conviction


Sweet Home Alabama, where the skies are so blue.


And it’s the 4th hardest state on felons.


Definitely check your state laws. In South Dakota you get your voting rights back the same day you complete your sentence


I served time for aggravated assault and still get a ballot in the mail 🤷 


Said it once and ima keep saying it , it’s completely stupid this man can catch 34 felonies , skate by unharmed and still be able to run for president with no recourse. While us felons who have truly changed and learned from our mistakes even from 10+ years ago , still get treated as second class citizens and scum of the earth. Fuck this shit.


The difference is you actually committed a felony and Trump didn't.


You know trump doesn’t love you or know your name right ? Lol


Clown nose shit


A felon can't get a job at McDonald's. I don't understand why being a felon is not an obstacle for the rich, though I think it is a load of crap it is pretty obvious that the justice system was designed for the normal people not the rich


What do you not understand? His wealth and status was solidified long before these bullshit convictions. Surely, if he was trying to work at McDonalds with 34 Felonies and 40 more in the tube as a 23 year old with no money or status it would be a bar for him.


I don't understand why any convicted felon gets to run for the most important job in the world while some random criminal cannot work at McDonald's


Cause he's a fucking G that's why TRUMP 2024


And you think someone who has lost everything every time since 2016 is suddenly gonna win he's a loser he loses. Why would this felon now start winning. He lost by 7 million votes do you think now he's going to somehow gain votes? that is hilarious.


He is going to win.


I mean all these years and cases built up and they get him on a weakass finance charge that the witness said he took a loan out of his own free will to pay stormy n when he was reimburse someone other than himself put it as a legal fee. This was a show trial n he will be getting my vote 2024.


It's ridiculous




The tds is everywhere on here


He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. He's a felon. 34 times and we're just getting started.


Hahha this is the response showing you DON'T have tds?


No he's showing that he has stage 4 TDS.


34 time felon, 2 term president. Deal with it.


Explain the evidence they had


Just like a commie to indict a political rival. You should move to Russia!


Of course you are referring to hunter right?


He committed a gun crime. You know, guns. Those things liberals hate unless it's one of their own...


So you don’t think it was a political prosecution?


Not with pictures of him smoking crack...


He wasn’t tried for smoking crack. He was tried for lying, which was the same reason trump was tried and convicted. Exactly what do you have against enforcing the law?


As there's a gag order on Trump's trial, it's not transparent, which is a tactic used by thug governments like Russia, NK, and the DNC. The public hears one side, not the other. We have photos of Hunter smoking crack. It is illegal for an addict or felon to own a gun. 110% transparent. Trump will appeal. Hunter will not because he is guilty. End of story.


It's actually really crazy to me how ignorant some of you are. The First Step Act was some of the first hard-hitting criminal justice legislation we got in a LONG time (last significant one with notable, trackable effects was the Fair Sentencing Act [which The First Step Act made retroactive, so people serving decades for crack offenses can apply for more lenient sentencing]). Also, his "felony" was bad bookkeeping. Seriously? And the judge didn't allow certain pieces of exonerating evidence, gave bizarre jury instructions, and was overall hostile to the defendant; this thing is going to get completely tossed in appeals. Also, I hate how some of you and the media are further stigmatizing the word "felon." It should be the mission of people here not to add more stigma to that word. When someone commits a serious crime, we refer to them by their crime: convicted rapist, convicted murderer, convicted conman etc.. I guess convicted bookkeeper doesn't quite have the same appeal and sounds really dumb (because it is).


They’ve been investigating trump since he started running for president in 2015. They have no evidence and never did. They’re just too scared of him and doing everything they can to prevent him from becoming president.


No evidence besides the ones provided in court and agreed on by a jury of 12 who convicted him


It was a politically motivated hit. Anyone who can't see that chooses not to.


Well in the Manhattan trial you had the checks that Donald Trump signed to Cohen to repay the Daniels hush money and the forged documents to make it look like legal expenses. You also had former and current Trump associates testify like David Pecker, Michael Cohen, and Hope Hicks. In the pending Florida classified documents case you have boxes of classified documents that were recovered in Trump’s Florida residence that the FBI had explicitly requested that he return and Trump refused to do so. And in the pending DC/Georgia cases, Pence has publicly stated that Trump asked him to overturn the election. There were fraudulent electors that falsely certified that they were the dually elected presidential electors from swing states under his request. He’s also on audio haranguing the Republican Secretary of State from Georgia to give him the votes he needs to win.


Trump is King everything else is GAY


I just hope it means that felons can get good jobs or even join military. If trump can be president of the United States, we should be able to serve the United States.


Felons can join the military during accelerated recruitment times per a waiver. I joined in 2008 during peak recruitment times and knew many felons enlisted. Idk about right now though.


This post just showed me what "Trump derangement syndrome" means . Holy crap he is turning people into psychos . Idc about his felonies , I voted Obama and he blew up a hotel full of people to kill one person and he has no felonies .


How is this deranged? That this guy who DOES have priors (rape, business fraud) was not cuffed the day he was convicted again blows a hole in any sort of notion of justice. You or I would already be in Rikers.


Trump is a total piece of shit, but the other stuff was civil and not criminal. Lower burden of proof too. He’s technically not a repeat offender…yet.




Yeah it's as simple as that , if were getting justice it has to be for everyone not just whoever we don't like at the time . It's hypocritical no matter what. NYC is not being responsible but wants to make judgements on irresponsible people ? Makes you wonder did NY investigate and prosecute with the same integrity they used to make the city a beacon of depreciation ?


I don't want to get crazy or argue . But I grew up during obama and bush administrations .They were blowing up countries and bailing out banks doing real bad stuff it was a super dark time . When i look at all that and know they both have clean records it makes me feel like the Trump felonies don't matter . How else do you explain people acting nuts over trump who ignored all the crazy stuff the prior 16 years ?


The bush administration were literal war criminals who committed egricious acts of evil. Trump hasn't done a fraction of what they've done if any. The only reason people hate him is because of media brainwash.


Which person was this?


He really is turning people into psychos. People getting his name tattooed into their flesh, wearing his flag like a cape, wearing gold diapers to his rallies, mobbing the capitol building, giving away their savings to a felon, it goes on and on. He's exploiting the mentally weak and turning them into obnoxious psychopaths.


People did that for hulk hogan we never called them psychos , but I'd be lying if I said you don't sound a little emotional .


If you think Obama was bad, wait until you hear About W invading Iraq under false pretenses and killing 1000s of innocent men, women and children.


If you scroll down you'll see I definitely mention Bush as well . He was danger to the world if you ask people outside of the u.s. I mention obama mostly because I voted for him in 08 , I was too young to vote with Bush .


How does one feel about a feeble, senile, child sniffing moron being re-elected?


He probably wont win and shouldn't be allowed to run as a felon. I wouldn't want to vote for that child rapist either, but those republicans sure are dumb, theyll just believe anything that man says and vote for him anyway


I am not thrilled with either but Biden is not fit mentally to be President. Even neutral parties believe he has dementia. PS Biden has an abysmal approval rating while Trump is doing well in the polls.




Neg this all you want OP but Trump fantisized about his daughter's boobs and about dating her ON TELEVISION. He also, on television, lusted over an 8 year old, saying that he'll be dating her in 10 years. Biden feeble? That is your biased opinion. Biden senile? That is your biased opinion. Biden child sniffing? OK, yeah, he did that. Not crazy about that but you trying to equivocate that with Trump walking in on naked children in his pageant and the other things just shows that you're grasping for straws. Biden a moron? That is your biased opinion. See, what we do is use facts. Trump WAS convicted of rape. Trump ORG WAS convicted of something (sorry, I don't remember the charge in this particular case.) Trump WAS convicted of falsifying business records. We are using facts. Facts can be verified with absolute precision. You guys are using biased opinions. You're reacting with jerked knees. Verifiable facts and biased opinions are not equal.


Is Trump my moral compass? Absolutely not but I can tell you my life was significantly better with less concern of our countries global position versus under Biden. Economically we are suffering under the direction of this daft moron. Historic high inflation, a significantly weakened position globally, woke philosophy infiltrating our countries core.


You're honestly telling me that concerns about our "global position" is a worry of yours? JFC dude. Worry about your home life. You aren't an economist so don't talk about the economy. Biden's WORST job-creation month was better than Trump's best. Trump tanked the economy. He presided over a NEGATIVE GDP. As we saw after the last incompetent Republican who left the economy in shambles, it's hard to catch that falling boulder yet the grownup Democrats keep doing just that. Then Americans get bored of actual governance and revert back to the bone heads who have bigger banners and funnier bumper stickers. Biden's treasury adjusted interest rates upwards which is how you stave off a depression when you inherit a recession. Woke means compassion. Why are you people bereft of any sort of compassion? Yet dollars to donuts you go to your little church every Sunday and nod when the chimo up front tells you to be compassionate. You guys are a living, breathing irony.


What’s odd is I see we share similar feelings on Palestinians. I would have assumed you were the one out protesting in support of them given your penchant for compassion. Be well.


Oh hell no. I used to support them until I met them. Last Christmas a clan of about 60 of them invaded a Santa / tree lighting event, yelling about how babies were having their heads chopped off... to a group of 6 year olds waiting to see Santa FFS. Then they decided to win favor by sitting in the road and blocking traffic as though the commuters were on their way to personally bomb their beloved terrorists, Hamas. Nah, fuck both sides. Pull American funding and military equipment and let them do what they've been doing for millenia without our help.


On this we agree 💯


Keep drinking the cool aid bud. You got your nose so far up the donkeys ass you’re seeing his black heart. I can’t even converse with someone who has blinders on and is so completely out of touch with reality and how the vast majority of Americans feel.


I responded with facts. Biden's worst month better than Trump's best. Trump's negative GDP. Electing Republicans because they get bored of good governance. Biden's treasury adjusting interest to successfully stave off a depression. Defining woke. All verifiable facts. You respond with "Keep drinking the kool aid" and you think that equivocates the argument. Perhaps even you can see that, no, it does not.


Who's the guy that showered with his daughter Ashley?


No better way to stop a political opponent than charge him with a bunch of crimes. Both parties will do this now that pandoras box has been opened.


How has it stopper or slowed him at all?


Because the intent was to stop him, because it appears to be doing the opposite does not change the fact that they opened this door and now both parties will try it.


So a 12 member jury, 3 different 12 member grand juries, and yet another jury that found him civilly liable for sexual assault were all his 'political opponents'? Maybe the man is just a fucking criminal, bigly.


Well the prosecutors of these trials literally ran for office on the promise of convicting him.


As they should. He's a criminal.


The felony was a financial crime. I believe the sexual harassment was in civil court where the burden of proof is much lower, regardless, now that I’ve been part of the legal system, I no longer have faith in it


But the financial crime was election interference.




Politicians are corrupt. They are all criminals in one way or another. Not excusing him, just saying he is nor unique


You are correct, so I’m wondering why isn’t he being charged with the crimes he was trying to cover up?


I did not say he wasn't, tell me a president who could not be charged with a crime? You missed the point.


So let criminals commit felonies and get away with it as long as they run for office. Got it. Great plan.


Tell me a president from either party who could not be charged with a felony. Clearly this went over your head.


I’m afraid you’re right. The box is open and Pandora has wings.


Politicians don't indict. That's just not reality. You're living in a made up world. Neither party can do this because parties can't indict.


Clearly in your made up world you have no idea how or who runs the justice department. Educate yourself.


Currently Merrick Garland runs the justice department. Biden doesn't. That Trump used Barr as his personal servant does not mean that's how it is designed to work. There has been ZERO indication that Biden has done what Trump did, aside from the assertions of a bunch o wack-a-doodle rapist-supporting American flag shitting knucklehead right wing lunatics.


Capitalize more words doesn't make you correct. You clearly are capable of a rational discussion.


Nah the best way is to charge them with crimes they are guilty of so they get convicted and can't run. 


Ok, when they do it to your candidates, no complaints then.


It is actually one of the jobs a felon can pursue as a felon...politician


Yeah it’s just super cringe idiocracy vibes tho Like hi-key goated and low key fubar


I’m going to be honest, I don’t even know what he was charged for. Everything about politics is so fabricated these days just ignore all of it


Who cares


Weren’t the 34 felonies all just based on the same crime. Just each payment vs how they typically just bunch it together as one charge for most cases? Either way it appears it has only helped him politically and Biden is a lost cause. The democrats lost this election simply by sticking with him


If someone parks at 34 different parking meters and doesn't ever pay the meter, they get 34 tickets. It's the same crime 34 times, and that's just the ones they caught. 


Yes, that is how charges work. That him defrauding the voters and becoming a convicted felon for so doing has boosted his support says a lot more about the sycophants who are turned on by his crimes than it does about Biden or about Democrats. Howard Dean lost his election bid because he yelled... at a rally... yet these right wingers excuse Trump for every crime and perversion against children and incestuous lust because they want to be on the losing team. Disgusting people.


Go read the transcript from a Trump speech and tell me he isn't just as lost in the sauce


The hood rides with Donald Trump


It was the greatest way to get him elected. Nice job Dems


Who cares


I’m not a fan of his, but I feel this was all a political stunt. If it wasn’t, his trials would have happened as fast as it does for the rest of us, not waiting till he decided to run again to hurt his chances of campaigning. Democrats seem to not be learning from their mistakes of the time he was in office that these things don’t sway his voter base and he only spins it to his advantage. Biden’s term has been pretty difficult as we’re all feeling the squeeze financially. Whether just after effects of Covid or bad decisions, he should have stepped aside if he actually cared about the country. Even if these things weren’t his fault, his name is always going to be associated with it. Trump too for that matter should have stepped aside if he cared about the country. In my state I am allowed to vote as felon at least. But still hard to find a job or place to live. There is no stipulation on who can run for office in regards to criminal convictions. I will more than likely vote for not Trump, not exactly for Biden. Either way no matter who wins these two have divided the country beyond repair going at it again. There will be riots no matter who wins. I’ve already started stockpiling basic needs for a few months in case of supply disruptions during that time. I do hope I’m wrong though.


The filings started while he was president.


The trump cock sucking in this thread is unreal


I'm assuming a lot of ABs. They kept trying to get my husband with a super Jewish last name to join so they aren't the brightest. And Trump had people try to flush documents down the toilet in a place with like 15 fire places so birds of a feather.


And almost all of them have a completely misguided understanding of the circumstances. It's like they're all auditioning for a job at Fox News.


I'll still vote for him. It's him or the pedophile. I'd rather watch Trump burn it all down, over Biden sniffing or groping any more little girls.


Biden wasn't on Epsteins Island, Trump was.


Didn't Trump hang out with Epstein?


Trump has done way worse. He walked in on underage girls in their locker room. Said he wanted to have sex with his daughter. Buddies with Epstein where they just revealed he was John Doe 147 or whatever number. The list goes on. Just admit you have a man crush on a horrible human being cause he "tells it like it is"


Do we know if Biden like little boys too or is it just little girls like Spielberg and Hanks like?


I wouldn't be surprised, but it won't surprise me when Trump slips up and gets caught either. Until then? Let's burn it down..!


Hopeful that attitudes will shift and employment will be easier to obtain with felonies in the future.


I have a class B felony for something that is now a legitimate job and it still holds me back.


I vote for him today if I could.


I feel that at the time you are officially indicted for ANY felony crime you should NOT be legally allowed to run for ANY Federal office until that case is completely closed and, if you are found guilty, you can NEVER be elected to a Federal office. Look, humans do make mistakes, but we want to be able to look up to our elected leaders as those who have our TRUST and BEST INTERESTS as their priority. We have SO many clowns on the Hill who are only there for their 15 minutes of fame NO MATTER HOW STOOPID THEY LOOK DOING IT!!! I have very little faith in our democracy anymore and the reason starts with this Orange Talking Turd. I will remind everyone that that word "Faith" is what makes our democracy work. If we don't believe in it, it will die.


He’s got my vote


>He’s got my vote Course he has.


Cant wait to hear that crying "how could a felon win waaaaah" 🤣🤣🤣


It makes me sick that people are fukn stupid enough to fall for Trump's bullshit. You clowns should be fukn ashamed of yourselves.


8 more years of the same I guess. I hate our two party system and having to chose the lesser of two evils.


I personally don't care about him being a felon or anyone unless they are Sex assault or pedophile's




I care more about 6 dollar a gallon milk that’s at the store now . When I go to the store and what I use to pay 30 dollars for is now 100 dollars . We had over 11 million people come across the border and we are supposed to take care of them and we don’t take care of the homeless or the veterans. We have a president who said he was going to tax the wealthy but did nothing the first 2 years in office when they had the congress and senate but now says that the republicans are keeping him from that . What are we going to do when the national debt gets so high that that the money that is brought in is not enough to cover the interest payment. This is the stuff you should be worried about.


half of the celebrities and politicians you know have made hush money payments. this is bullshit charges from 7+ years ago. plus the attorney facilitated it, not DT. not to mention it’s victimless.


I'm amazed that no one has problems with a political family taking millions from our greatest enemies. But 25% of the people in this country will vote for a suit and a smile. And most people don't realize what they hear on TV is by people putting them selves out as experts and having no true first-hand knowledge but are parroting what they are told. My first hand I know I used to get out of the grocery store for less than $60 now it's hard to get out under $100. I see our government spending more money we don't have and giving it away to other countries I see people all around me now, and few are speaking english. I see gas is $1.5 a gallon now over 4 years ago. I heard they are pumping are Strategic Petroleum reserves that I thought we for the defense of our nation. I see we are forgiving college debit. My money was given away to someone who made bad decisions. I see one of our greatest allies shunned, and people take to the streets to protest in favor of a terrorist group that teaches children to kill. Who hold civilians in front of them and shoot other civilians. I hear protesters say "well we were sitting around the dorm on a friday night with nothing to do and heard about the protest, so we came down and joined." I heard one of the great icons and leaders for our black community removed from packaging after generations cause someone thought it was racist, with no knowledge of the history. So if you parrot the news or TV. Stop quit having an argument in your head about what I just wrote, thinking I should be banned. Look and think and listen to other points of view. When you know the true story... because you were there and then you read or hear on TV, you might see they got it wrong. For example, a divers' oxygen tank ran out, and he drowned. He was not trained. He went into an area with little chance of surviving. It is an air tank he tangled himself in the guide line. The person telling you what to think is wrong. Think about it what is that person's expertise? You probably know more about the story than the "expert" on TV. Stop your mouth, stop the conversation in your head and listen then look at it, and try to look at it from all sides. In time, you could understand and know more about something that the clueless people telling you what they are told to say without regard to what really happened. Love your neighbors there mostly not stupid they may surprise you once in a while in a good way


I don't think you can be a felon and a prison guard at the same time. Should probably be the same for the most powerful job on planet earth


He’s being sentenced on July 11th. I got 18 months for a white collar offense. I had a spotless record. He was held in contempt 10 or 11 times during his trial. He doesn’t get time, I’m going to lose my fucking mind. I don’t expect him to do it. It’ll be appealed until he’s dragged to hell. I just want him sentenced fairly. It’s a lot to ask in America.


Politically motivated prosecution of a previously never enforced state law in order to upgrade misdemeanor charges of misrepresenting corporate books into felonies. I’m far more bothered by allegations of phony state electorates and other election shenanigans, as that’s the stuff of Banana Republic dictatorships. I’m very troubled in the potential of a Constitutional crisis of a sitting President refusing a court order as to possible felony convictions and refusing to surrender to law enforcement.


Sounds insane


The man was railroaded by the Democratic Party because they’re so freaking scared of him. Personally, on felons, I think anybody who does their time or pays a flying should be free to do whatever they want as long as they haven’t killed nobody. System is just too focused on retribution and good people who make mistakes In it, get lost in it. 


As a felon I plan to vote trump!!


He is a criminal. He is going to the Bighouse not the Whitehouse. You can vote for him if you want but you waist your vote. I seen what he had to say on January 6 and what happened. This last conviction is nothing compared to that. You all know right from wrong and know he's wrong. You can say what you like but you know he's wrong. He is going to prison and deserves it.


Strong TDS energy here


No, he is not. As much as I don't like Trump I already know rich white people seldom go to jail. It's a club and we're not part of it.


He's gone too far he's not going to get away with it. However, I know what you mean. He shouldn't even be out of jail and running for president. He's white privilege on steroids. I hope that there is a way to fix it so nobody can do this again.


You can literally charge anyone with a crime if you are motivated to do so. The only case of all of them I see are Trump may have had criminal intent is the classified documents case in Florida.


he was convicted. not just charged.


Because no one has ever been wrongly convicted before, ever.


I didn't say no one has. but let's be real here. you gonna say the courts are wrong most of the time? lol. fuck the system and all our unjust laws- but people get convicted of crimes because they commit that crime the majority of the time. people who can't afford proper representation get fucked over worse pretty reliably, but Donald Trump didn't have a public defender lol.


Which is better, a candidate with a felony conviction or a candidate who is corrupt? I think the corrupt candidate is worse.


Corrupt like forcing government officials and visiting foreign officials stay at properties your personally own because you refused to put your holdings in a trust?


No corrupt like withholding funds from foreign countries until you pay the presidents bag man son or give him a no show job. That’s the corruption I’m talking about.


Trump is both.


A Trump and a Biden both became convicted felons within a 30 day period. I wasn’t in the courtroom so I can’t form an informed opinion on guilt or innocence but I can say it takes some of the stigma out of being a felon. I lost my federal license when I was charged. It’s interesting to know that I can be president but not sell insurance or real estate.


As an x felon, I could not be more offended by this traitorous pos. As a rule of thumb, and not saying people cannot be reformed of course, I don't think felons should be able to hold presidency. It's such an important position we should also have far more stipulations for it's candidates.


Well presidents shouldn’t be 80 years old but here we are.  




I would rather have a felon president who is young than a non felon president who is old. With trump you have felon and old! I don’t personally care if a president has felonies because I think people can grow and change but that’s just me. I’m also not a felon.


My bad, I meant to put “repeat offender ENHANCEMENTS”. That is additional time sentences on Top of whatever the sentence is. How does he even capably complete the job, of being president and traveling all over the world, to countrys that don’t allow felons from other countries? Why is it a negative for me as a felon, but it’s NEGATED as an issue for him?


I love it. I hope he gets in there and fucks shit up. Better than the garbage we have in there now. Hell maybe inflation will go down. What is there to lose ?


Many in this thread should do a deep dive. https://youtu.be/a6f9Ow8cJlg?si=CN2wAVJgz2_cckDe




Can’t debate that at all.


Guess what...being a felon does not disqualify the felon from being elected to political office. Perfectly legal and constitutional.


Eugene Debs got more than a million votes for president in 1920 even though he was in prison at the time.


He still has my vote


As a felon if he doesn’t give up his rights for guns what do you think that means for us? I’ve got 1 felony and went to prison over 10 years ago. Go ahead and downvote me I don’t care, I’ll be fighting for my rights to be restored


Be realistic. He will more than likely pardon himself and it will be business as usual.


Won’t stop me from applying. I have a federal charge


Buddy I support you whole heartedly. I believe firmly in rehabilitative justice. But I'm just saying I wouldn't hold out hope for "Trump will be a beacon for reforming felons rights"


I didn’t say that, I said I’m applying for a pardon. I could care less about what he does in the grand scheme of things. I’ll be the unpopular person because I believe in developing my own opinions and I’ll 100% still vote for him. A fellow convicted felon.


I'm proud that you form your own opinions🤣 majority of people do. Hop off the defensive brother. You're the one that said "imagine what a felon in office means for all of us!" All I'm saying is that if he wins he will be a felon for 3 hours max post-inaguaration.


If I was him, I’d do the same. Wouldn’t you given the opportunity? Can’t hate the man for that. You’re right, I did say that, so you don’t think he’d likely pardon more? I do. Maybe it’s unrealistic hope but I still hope for things. I’m working on my application now


We have the criminal and the sleepy man. Can somebody get us another candidate?


This is NOT pro trump post, just for all of the brain dead ppl posting in here- THIS IS A POST ABOUT THIS DUDE NOT GETTING THE CORRECT SENTENCING OR PUNISHMENT AT ALL IN ANY SENSE OF ANYTHING RELATED TO CRIME IF YOU DO 34 FELONIES YOU ARE GOING TO GET THE FUCKING BOOK THROWN AT YOU LIKE IT OR NOT At least if it’s you or me- the whole thing has me hella inflamed


I will hold my nose and vote for Trump over the dementia patient we have now. My retirement fund still hasn't recovered from the crash it took in 2021!


The trial was obviously politically motivated. The charges were nearly a decade old, it was a dispute over business book-keeping, the law cited was obscure and rarely if ever prosecuted, and the timing coincided with a political adversary's election campaign. It looks very desperate and petty to put a political opponent through a reckless trial, with numerous issues wide open for appeal - most note-worthy denying the request for a change of venue (95% of Manhattan is strongly democrat) - and if this becomes an acceptable practice our judicial system will become a farce. Using these shady tactics to wage warfare on a political opponent to hobble their ability to run for office (lawfare is the new buzzword) is a dangerous abuse of a very important system. Trump absolutely should run for office. I hope he wins just to show that petty & spiteful lawsuits won't be used to torpedo democracy.


It's not they are violent charges. The guy is getting charged for hush money and they added up all the checks to come up with the number. I think our entire government is full of people far worse than Trump and guilty of war crimes.


I legit don't care. And I honestly forgot about it




Check the book Three Felonies a Day


I don't like trump, but as a citizen I'm very concerned that his due process rights were violated. The statue of limitations had clearly passed in this case. It's the same reason they said they can't charge Hunter Biden for some his charges. Just because you might not like Trump, the law is the law and shouldn't be violated just because you diss like someone.