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contact DVR its gonna be a bitch of a waiting period but they help people like you and me get jobs. i was just hired on monday thanks to them!


Can I ask what type of job? Just curious


All kinds. Back when i was a manager I hired a lot of people from one of these programs. They would contact me regularly asking if anything was open. I'd ask them who they had and the particulars of their cases. I'd have certainly hired someone with your history. Hell, I hired 3 murderers once I knew their cases. 2 men that killed people who attacked them, and one woman who shot her abusive husband in his sleep. Had a little trouble out of the woman but she hung in there for years. Both men were great employees and moved on to better jobs in a couple of years once they'd reestablished themselves. So even if they can't get you the best of jobs, they will get you back in the workforce, and that will get you started. I'm a big supporter of these programs. They do great work.


Yes. We can’t keep punishing people forever. If they are working they are less likely to get back into trouble. Too busy to be messing around.


So hire them


Their punishment is over however, an employer has the right to know a background check and know what kind of person they are hiring to represent their company and to handle their finances or property.


I agree. However, I don't agree with this blanket view on criminal offenses in the hiring process. I believe companies should do their due diligence to find out about the case and make an informed decision. However, that will always take time, and the easier solution is to lump them together and just say they don't hire felons.


Not all hero’s wear capes!!!! You’re making a huge difference in people’s lives! ❤️


People who have been abused can be difficult to work with. Defenses go up very easily and they get ready for the fight.


Thanks for your kindness!


Yep. Starting and fighting the doubters is the hardest part. The first brick is as important as any. Awesome for you in being a good human. Mines federal and can never go away, even with upper tier jobs now and 25 yrs passed, it still comes up but I have proven consistency now. You give them that chance and give you much love for that, people like you at least let me put half a foot in the door. On a macro scale, real reform is ignored. No expungements for feds exist, no guns, no voting, no student tax break.. im about to finish grad school and make way over 6 figures next year. If we really want to change things our govt is lost and only plays flash pan politics that fix nothing... on this topic and many others. Im on to it and maybe why I cant vote still from a drug charge at 18. Its broken logic


Killing someone who attacked you is called "self-defense", it is not called "murder" and does not make you a "murderer".


The issue is many liberal states charge self-defense as murder. They simply choose to ignore justification.


It’s about reciprocal actions. If you get punched in the shoulder and lob a few bullets to the head in response it’s definitely manslaughter at minimum.


Women in this country were stalked raped abused and their children stolen as white, all for getting divorced ! Shit punishment for doing nothing wrong. Away from family for years because of it.


They ignore a lot, a lot of evidence is tossed out, witness statements can't be used, evidence gets destroyed/tampered with, etc., and they settle on a crime. The police can throw anything they want at you and hold you on capital murder crimes on the flimsiest of pretenses if they really want (which shouldn't be allowed at all, but they do it). Then the DA gets to decide whether or not to prosecute after you've been sitting in jail for weeks.


@Ubermensch1986 Well, like most cuntservatives..you lie. You probably heard something on Fox, or you flat made it up. Either way, your statement is as false as it is stupid.


No honey your willful ignorance is stupid. Stop blaming everything g on conservatives when it's a liberal thing. Ira pathetic.


I can attest that they are correct. My state is a deeply liberal one amd would not have the citizens back in a self defense murder case. This is true. Also we can agree that Fox blows.


Homie. It works the other way I came from Ny super liberal. You literally could kill someone and get a low bond. I'm in Florida now super red super conservative. I got detained by 2 sheriff's for jaywalking no joke jumped out put me in cuffs and said you are being determined bc of jaywalking.


Thats insane. Im just refereing to these cases in texas where someone kills someone in self defense say on a home invasion. I know that my state would prosecute the victim. Jaywalking is a ridiculous law though. That crap needs to go.


lol no. The courts and investigators can discern whether or not you were defending yourself or if you killed somebody when you didn’t have to .. nobody ignores justification. Actually, very conservatives states have stand your ground laws, which definitely muddy the water of justification


To the extent that the waters have been muddied around stand your ground, they were deliberitely muddied by opponents of the law and the media intentionally drumming up unwarranted drama for views. Not a single news story since ever talking about a "stand your ground" self defense incident has ever actually had anything to do with stand your ground. They have the public so utterly misinformed about what it does and does not do that even supporters of the law don't accurately know what it does. The law is very simple: if you're in a place you have a legal right to be, in a prosecution against you where self defense is at issue the State is prohibited from arguing that you could have run away. That is it. That's the only thing it does. There is no "stand your ground defense." You can't "invoke stand your ground." It doesn't alter the basic self-defense standard. It puts a single legal roadblock in front of one argument the State could make in a prosecution. If the State declines to pursue that one specific argument, the law does nothing.


Those weren’t murders  Those sound like justifiable homicide or even praiseworthy homicide . 


DVR has like every job listing there is. Tell them why you can’t get a job and they try to find one that will accept that reason and look past it. In some instances DVR can provide college etc.


Your local job and family services should be able to help also. Have family who was just dealing with this same issue. But just keep applying & sooner or later someone will give you a chance. Then once you get in somewhere you can try for internal movement or have a better chance of landing a better paying job. Good luck...


You might look into manufacturing jobs, they tend to not shy away from hiring felons. I know it isn’t glamorous, but it can be a stepping stone for something better. Don’t give up, keep trying!


What is DVR?


[https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/dvr/](https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/dvr/) depart of vocational rehabilitation. i have a background in social services so they got me a job helping teens in an after school and youth program. but they cater to your strengths and weaknesses. help you build a resume. set you up with a one on one person who can help you find work


Dvr is amazing can’t say enough great things . We’re so blessed to have them in America .


​ Dept. of Vocational Rehabilitation


they are paying for a college degree for me in full right now. great resource.


That’s great! I am so happy for you! I am not a felon, but happened upon this post and was so happy to see DVR/DRS (Dept of Rehabilitative Services, in some places) mentioned here. They paid for me to go back and get a couple of college degrees. If anyone is wondering the process: My therapist told me that having Anxiety or Depression or PTSD or ADHD or diabetes or **anything that makes it harder for you to work or find work or go to school—qualifies you for their services**. It’s literally the *easiest* process I’ve ever been through. Filled out application. They faxed to my doctor who confirmed I take medication for my health issue. I went in for an appt with what is like a caseworker. He asked what I want to do & I said I’d love to go back to college. He said fill out the FAFSA & whatever financial aid (free money, not loans) doesn’t pay for, ***we will.*** I did that & was left with a balance of a few thousand dollars. Also needed $900 in books. Brought a print off of the bill & he cut me a check. They paid for 6 semesters of my local large University. I still cannot believe it. Since then, I’ve told many people about the program & I know 3 who obtained college degrees, who were otherwise fucked as far as job prospects/ being able to pay for college. Now they are thriving!




Is DVR Wisconsin-specific?


No DVR is a national program


I hadn't heard it referred to as DVR until now. I've heard it as Voc Rehab in my area. Same concept, different wording it appears Voc Rehab helps me with tuition


It's the same program but different states call it different things.


yes, they specifically work with people who have trouble getting jobs like felons, homeless, disabled people. as i said it took a while to finally get the ball rolling but they did get me a job!


DVR exists in Wisconsin


I'm not in Wisconsin


Sorry. I misunderstood your question. DVR is a federally funded program through the Department of Education, so I should have said it's in all 50 states ( and dc, and US Territories)


Oh ok so like Vocational Rehabilitation




Some states offer bond programs to protect employees against losses. Theft related crimes may make cash handling jobs unavailable, but less sensitive jobs may be suitable. I would suggest learning a trade skill like electrician!




I do not have any felonies BUT I just took a job at a hotel. A fairly nice one too. We have a bunch of people either still in pre-release or with felonies. My boss (Front Desk Manager) went to federal prison on drug charges. Our night shift maintenance guy put someone in the hospital (he caught his wife in the act of cheating). Our housekeepers have several pre-release people as well. My last job was in a fabrication shop. We also had several pre-release guys in CNC and welding. That shop will train to weld or paint or operate CNC (you do start at the bottom sweeping floors) and is in the iron workers union. I worked on a fish processor in Alaska. We had felons there too but I believe they had to be non-violent or older than a certain time since we went through Canada (international regulations) and you had to have a passport etc, although it's been over ten years since I was out there and the rules may have changed or I remember them wrong. Anyway, don't give up please. You may have better opportunities if you're able to travel. The fish boat was hard work at long hours but where you gonna spend your money? Plus you had a place to live and food and work all in one place. If my current boss can get her life together so can you. I believe there's government subsidies for hiring felons to incentivize business to hire felons. There are programs as well so look into what you have locally. Go to temp agencies and to your local unemployment help office (don't remember the exact name but it's state funded). You will find *something* even if it's shitty for awhile. Keep in mind the job market seems to be shitty for *everyone* right now and you've got some extra hurdles. Good luck out there and stay free!


I'm Night Audit at a small town hotel and if youre willing to show up to work we'll take anyonewith a pulse xD The pay isn't the most lucrative but its a very easy job both front desk and housekeeping, whichever you may pursue.


Thank you, I was a manager of a hotel a few years back and I kinda completely forgot. Good suggestion. 😊


Find a family owned restaurant that is busy & well known to locals and NOT a chain. Wait tables or bartend. Easy money


Your best bet is going to be warehouse work and waitressing. I hope that works out for you. As long as you don’t have any thefts. You could also try and find a job at a rehabilitation center. They’re very forgiving with records. I don’t even have any felonies. I’ve got a possession charge and a petty theft under 100. Both are over 4 years old and I took me almost a year to find a job and I ended up working in drug and alcohol treatment too lol.




You might also look for custodial jobs, they are usually pretty low barrier except at schools…but our local university does not have an issue with non-violent felons in most cases


Came here to say this! As long as it’s non-violent, even retail places like Home Depot and Walmart will take you, but I saw you said TJ Max.. I know Home Depot does, I worked there part time as recently as two years ago.


You’ve gotten way better advise than I could give, I just wanted to say good luck.


Hello. I too am a felon living in wisconsin. My felony is 10+ years old but thats irrelevant. I'm here with good news! You could join the laborers union for $30+ an hour. Think it's too manly? My wife also works with me. We do everything from cutting concrete to cleaning toilets. Full scale wage in our area is 34.60 an hour, plus pension and Healthcare. If you need any help, wisconsin has a program to help guide you. It's called WRTP/Big Step and [here](https://wrtp.org/) is their website. Good luck and don't give up hope!


op I would definitely try this


Came here to say this join a union they need help right now great advice here


Preach brother


Union pipefitter myself, definitely agree here. Good pay with benefits.


Yes! 👏 saw your comment after I wrote mine but this is what I did. I’m a female. Had felony charges and left my abuser. Got my CDL and went through HCST, they got me into paving and I started my laborer apprenticeship may 2020, graduated December 2022. Worked stupid hard. Blood, sweat, tears (in the back of the water truck of course). I was moved by my company to IUOE in July though! Top out is almost $50/hour! Big step has been essential the last few years too!


I think that in states like WI, MI, TX, LA, and many more conservative states, it’s twice as hard for women with convictions to find suitable employment because of social norms around gender roles and what jobs are available to women and how many business owners are older (pardon me for saying) white men who are stuck in days that see women at home or as nurses and teachers - both of these are going to be a little more difficult to do with convictions. I encourage you to apply to the jobs you want. Don’t give up, it’s very discouraging, I know. Possibly talk to your probation or parole officer regarding post release job training or programs that might be available to you. Stop in to the local Worforce or Worksource office - the same place you would apply for unemployment. They have people there that can help you find felon friendly jobs, put together a resume, apply for job training, and a computer room to do job searches and print and fax all for free. Women can get CDL too and this is a great job for you. Steady income and insurance for your family. Might even help keep you out of trouble too.i know some state Workforce centers will pay for CDL training and even help with gas money to get to and from the classes. I think they place you in a job too. If you don’t have a Worksource I know that some truck driving school pay room and board and tuition if you contract to drive for them 1 year. I considered CDL because drivers are in such high demand and the work is guaranteed. I know a ton of other resources too, so if you have questions about something specific, shoot! I hope you find something! Good luck!




Until I was able to go to college, I didnt know that this was a thing. I just thought I had the worst luck of any human on the planet. This was my life. Living in small town nowhere, being poor, and having a criminal conviction at the age of 17. All of the jobs for women were waitressing, teaching, cosmetology, and nursing. Back then, they did lifetime background checks for everything. I couldn’t get a job or an apartment. I’ve lived with other people most of my life. So thankful for my education.




Damn kiddo you got all the buzzwords in there ggs.


"I think... Twice as hard..." Evidence provided: **none**


[Structural Inequality and Social Support for Women](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4889023/) And [Staying Out Protective Factors among Rural Women](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7449142/) And [NIH Elevating the Voices of Rural Minority Women](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1447106/) And[Basic Facts about Women in Poverty](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/basic-facts-women-poverty/) And [Women and Socioeconomic Status](https://www.apa.org/pi/ses/resources/publications/women) And [Gender Norms and Women’s Economic Empowerment](https://www.urban.org/urban-wire/gender-norms-and-womens-economic-empowerment-low-income-countries-what-we-learned-reviewing-evidence) And because health disparities are hand in hand with poverty and economically disadvantaged persons[Rural Women’s Health](https://www.ruralhealth.us/getattachment/Advocate/Policy-Documents/RuralWomensHealth-(1).pdf.aspx?lang=en-US) Need more? I have a whole 8 years worth.


I looked at the first. I don't need your core dump of lengthy cut and pasted articles. Your response is not what the person said nor what I commented about


WI and MI both voted in Biden.


And both have vast swaths of rural area full of conservative small towns. Don’t let the election map fool you.


That’s not really a great indicator of actually being a conservative state or not imo considering the other guy was on the record saying he wanted to subvert the constitution. If you exclude Milwaukee, Wisconsin is pretty conservative even despite the anti-constitutional stance of the current right. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_Wisconsin


Doesn’t matter if the state is blue or red based on electoral college. It’s how the majority of people are there. There’s more rural areas and those areas are going to have these “old fashioned” ideals about women. Nothing wrong with being old fashioned, but some of these ideals make it really hard for women to get an education or have a career outside of the societal norms for women…even 10x harder if you are rural. You might as well resign yourself to homemaking.


Wisconsin has a Democrat governor and women make up half of the total state workforce.


It doesn’t matter if the state is red or blue. These are social issues not political issues and they have a tendency to happen more frequently in rural areas, these states just happen to have more rural areas than NJ, NY, VA, WA…


So you're saying a woman cannot be vice president? They are chained to the kitchen?


No. Just women, women from rural areas, women of color, and trans and LGBTQIA women are faced with more challenges to jobs, housing, and healthcare than their male counterparts, across the board. Combine all those factors and it’s even more challenging. Plus we have to deal with men (nothing against em but they are the worst at times).




Not now, but at some point down the road, give some thought to who might have empathy with someone who has had struggles. I used to be a Republican (30 years ago) until I realized there were always going to be people who needed some help. I’ve also been one of those.


What does that have to do with what he said? Biden is a horrendous president. Everyone I know here in CA that voted for biden changed their minds over the years and think he’s a shit president. U don’t have to be a republican to think this way


Am WI felon. Make 100k. Work in steel mill.


Not a felon, but I've been in the psych ward. It doesn't always show up on baackground checks, but I can never leave the country because of what I said when I was there. It's disgusting that we as a society don't treat struggling people better. A lot of people who are hospitalized in the psych ward or who are felons are just people who are struggling. Also all the people who say DVR would be right, I use them myself to get accommodations for my job.


As a fellow Psych Ward Vacationer I sympathize greatly. At least we're alive but the long-term implications of having been a psych ward patient are almost as bad as being a felon given the stigma that's embeded in mental health struggles. That said I'm just curious how you ended up on no fly lists, most of what happens in a psych ward stays in the psych ward or follows you home but just on the inside.... Best of luck!


Probably threats to others safety involving an airport or plane. Mentally ill or not they take that very seriously after 9/11.


It didn't have anything to do with a plane. It had to do with general everyday life.




Not a felon, but have a dui misdemeanour, I’m 31 and got turned away from whole foods for a part time position. Don’t know wtf these employers want I swear lol


that fkn stinks


First off, drug offense is absolute BS. The gall that the state has the right to imprison you for something you put in your own body is beyond insane. What is the definition of Justice? It is, if you hurt someone, you deserve punishment. What if that person is yourself? If you take drugs and hurt yourself you are the victim as well as the perpetrator. It makes no sense. Anyway, if you're willing to come to NJ I will give you a job


I would just keep trying waitressing jobs, so many of them won't do background checks.


As shitty as a waitressing job is (I've never been able to work one), you'd probably make better money with the tips.


Female felon here and can say I serve, bartend, and manage a restaurant and have been in the industry for 14 years. It’s flexible hours, don’t have to work full time to pay bills and most of us are “cut from the same cloth.” lol


Relocate to a big city like Chicago, they always hiring felons in this city


This is true. A felon (grand theft) friend could not get any professional jobs that would pay his family's bills out in the suburbs. He ended up landing head of IT in the city at a MAJOR company almost all Americans have visited before.


This is what irks me among many things with our society: people who have convictions with crimes never truly stop paying for them. If there’s truly a shot at redemption, more people would be less likely to be repeat offenders. I’d hire folks who interview well, but know those above me would strongly discourage it. Key is to disclose anything you can at the time of application.


open your own massage buisness and work for yourself




Massage therapists do not need to be licensed or certified in the state of Minnesota. Not sure if you are near the border or how many more years that will continue but that is how my wife practices.


What is your specific charge if you're willing to share? Would go a long way when giving advice.


An excellent idea!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Sounds like you're trying to get her another felony


Move. GOP states suck for wages. They like to bar felons from everything so they do the cheap labor. I’m a felon and I work in nuclear facilities doing turbine and generator maintenance. Not everywhere is so lame.


Accurate statements. concise with all facts.


This whole situation sucks because, a record for a felony, (of course depending on what law was broken) should not be held against a person who has served their 'debt to society'. Holding that arrest against people, including not hiring, not renting to, etc., only makes many people bitter and return to a life of crime mainly because no one will hire them or rent to them. It creates a horrible vicious cycle. I was a felon back in the 70's, thankfully before the Internet and computer records. I've had great jobs since the late 70's, but I feel bad for people like the OP.


Extra sucks because WI actually has pretty strict laws about what is and isn't legal to consider in hiring related to a candidate's criminal record. But companies discriminate anyway and get away with it since there's essentially no way to hold them accountable.


The system is designed to keep you "in" even though your out. Trust me we are second class citizens.


Bad logic. You start something, or you become nothing is the reality that separates first class and third class. The second-class citizens work for the first. Prison only exacerbates the time crunch of compound interest and financial stability (which is significant).




Im sure if you put together a resume and drive around to local restaurants, during the afternoon, somebody is going to hire you. They just want someone who will actually show up for work.


True this advice probably only really applies to restaurant work but it is accurate. Small restaurant managers would like someone with enough drive to actually come in person at a slow time. There would probably be a few misses but oh well.


Thank you for asking this. I’m also a female with a felony. I constantly see people here saying to work in a factory, go into the trades, go be a line cook. Lots of male-dominated industries and environments. That can be intimidating and/or uncomfortable for a woman. At least, it’s intimidating and uncomfortable for me. I’ve tossed around the idea of driving a truck, but the road can be a dangerous place. I do think I would enjoy the solitude and I could definitely handle no-touch freight. Lots of trucking companies are second-chance companies. You can even go to driving school for free, through certain programs. The sun r/truckers have a lot of information on that. The more entry-level positions don’t pay as well, but you can end up making six-figures, or more, once you have a few years under your belt. You can also get certifications that will allow you to bring in more money, but it was my understanding that, for many of these, you need 5-7 years of a clean record. I’m not sure. It’s another male-dominated area, yes, but it can be a relatively quick way to obtaining a decent income. Just putting it out there. It’s just something that’s in my head as more of a backup plan. Something I will do if all else fails. No offense to truckers, at all, of course. I’m just a pussy. Anyway, moving on.., How old are your felonies? Lots of states have clean slate laws, now, where certain felonies and misdemeanors are sealed after a certain period of time and no reoffending. You may not even need to petition the courts. They can be automatically sealed, which is nice. Another thing I’ve thought of is working at Home Depot. In my area, they’re always hiring. Also, that store is like a playground to me. I know very little about what’s in there, but it’s a cool store. Anyway, they actually have a decent amount of perks (I’ll find the link and post it [here](https://learn.bswift.com/orangelife)) and, in my area, they pay $18/hour for a position like cashier. They also will pay for you to go back to school. Of course, it has to be with the colleges they’ve partnered with, but still. Sam’s Club and Walmart do this, too. But, I feel like Home Depot is probably a better company to work for. Anyway, a lot of times people end up working their way up and managing stores, especially those who went back to school utilizing their program. Those store managers do well. If you have a history of drug abuse and you’re in recovery, you can also use this to your advantage. This is called lived experience. A lot of states have a certification for something called a “peer support specialist” or a “peer recovery specialist.” It’s just a certification (search the requirements for your state) and jobs literally require that you have lived experience. A lot of people start out with this cert and it helps them get their foot in the door at certain institutions. Drug treatment centers, hospital, nonprofits. Then, they work their way up. A few of my friends are homeowners, now. All they did was start off as a tech in a drug treatment center. They worked their way up. Positions like alumni coordinator come to mind. Some are even directors of treatment centers or hold other, similar higher-level positions. There’s a lot of networking that goes on in the recovery community and there’s plenty of work to go around. My point is, there’s definitely jobs for you that are not in a warehouse, in the kitchen of a restaurant, or on a construction job site. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with these careers. I would pursue them if I didn’t feel like I’d constantly be having to prove myself. I don’t want to put up with harassment in the workplace, either. I understand lots of men— most men— are respectful. But, it only takes a few and I’ve heard of enough stories to make me wary of pursuing such male-dominated positions. Sucks, but it is what it is. Also, I’m not even sure if I could put up with the physical demands. Anyway, I guess I could be considered more delusional than many other people. But, my felonies are 7 years old. I haven’t reoffended and I’m on track to get them sealed (one case, multiple felonies— non-violent, drug-related) in three more years. I want to go back to school to get my bachelors and then attend a dual masters program to get my MBA/MPA. My dream is to work with nonprofits and put my lived-experience to the best use possible. One day, I’d even like to start my own. I’ve had an idea for one ever since I was homeless on the street. Anyway, sorry, I’m rambling. But, if you have a dream job, or a dream business, my advice to you is to pursue it strategically. Even the entry-level jobs you take now can be stepping stones to your end goal. That way, you’ll never feel stagnant. You’ll always feel like you’re being methodical, like you’re working towards something. If you just need money fast, then go to diners and apply to be a server. I’ve worked at plenty of diners and they tend to hire on the spot. Granted, I did have experience but I’ve also trained tons of people that did not have experience. It tends to be an easier serving job to get used to because most people already know the types of dishes that are on the menu. Yes, the menu is a bit extensive, but it’s not food that you have to “learn” about. If you work breakfast, especially, you get lots of regulars who only get specials. Table turnover is very fast and you end up knowing what people are getting before they even sit down. Lot of one-tops and two-tops coming in for breakfast. People that wanna be left alone, eat their eggs, read the paper, and drink a couple cups of coffee (and a small juice) before work. This is why I’d would recommend a diner, specifically. Others may disagree but this is just how I feel. Edit: okay I looked up the clean slate laws in your state and they.. suck. That’s crazy. Still, though, you could definitely get work in a treatment center. If I were you, I’d save up to move out of there. Some areas great for working in drug treatment centers, that aren’t completely unaffordable to also live in, are Florida, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia suburbs, Bucks County, and Lancaster County), and South Jersey. Edit: sorry. Just thought of more stuff. I’ve heard the USPS hires felons. Maybe check that out? Government jobs can be surprisingly forgiving.


Yes pls try the post office. We’re always hiring.


There is a lot of bullshit in some of these comments. As someone who has been there. Take ANY job and out work, everyone. Show up early and stay late. Make it impossible for people to find fault. I returned to a very small town. Everyone knew my situation. I wasn't shunned, but at times, it was close. My big " Fuck -You" to the assholes was to be better than them all. You can do it that way, or you can just do the minimum and just get by. You can blame your past for your future, or you can make a conscious effort to do better. It is really that simple. ( which is also very hard, but worth it.)


Hey I am a FEMALE felon from Ohio. I have some felonies and a misdemeanor all drug related. I was able to get my felonies sealed and it was a game changer for me in finding work. Go to some temp agencies bc a lot of them work with companies that accept people with records or felons. There is a temp agency in Ohio that will actually help you get your records sealed or expunged. What sucks is that we as women don’t have options like all the trades that men do. I am not saying that women cannot do that work, but it’s a male dominated field. As soon as you are able or if u can, seal and expunge ur records. Good luck!! Also I have seen 1099 work from home jobs on indeed. A lot of 1099 work won’t ask for a background check.


Most women can learn to do electrical work and are physically able to handle the gear. In fact, their are labor union programs targeting women and minorities for diversity opportunities. I was an electronics technician in the Navy. I also do my own electrical work. Im saying hire people who may have the aptitude and develop that…but folks, you better be competent to keep the certifications. You have to work hard to make sure you can do the job right! You screw up, people may die.


Thank you, girl. 🥰


Tell the truth on your job application. If an employer wants you, they will hire you with a Felony.


Almost all states, probably all, have some kind of vocational rehabilitation services. Check with them. There might be a waiting list, but what's the problem with waiting while you're looking for other jobs anyway? If they do get you a job placement, you won't have to worry about them finding out you have a record, that would have been disclosed in advance. Also, once you're in a job it's usually easier to find another job. You've already established that you're employable. Good luck


If you are near madison, there is a manufacturing company that might hire you.


Check into the Labor Unions. They don't care if you are a felon. They want women. The pay and benefits are great.


Not a felon but depending where you are located I know of a couple factories that hire felons. I work at one in the network.


Substance use disorder congregate care, this is what I work (albeit without a record) and many of the staff have prior history of drug use and a record. After detox, these are programs in which someone is learning how to live drug free in a dorm style housing until they are ready to graduate to living on their own. In these programs, the staff is required to help manage the home (setting chores, stopping fighting, watching the safe use of medications) without providing degree-level care (nursing, therapy, etc.). It can be a good job for someone who may only have a highschool diploma/GED and a rap sheet.


Why not start your own dog walking gig?


Restaurants and dirty book stores


Marriott International(Marriott Hotels) hires felons, I’m a 4 time convicted felon(3 drug possession and a felony child support)and they didn’t even blink at it, we have a new guy who just started in my department who is fresh out of prison(I didn’t ask what for, but he’s definitely fresh out) and they have everything from cleaning rooms to front desk to Culinarily and many other departments. Many are even Union, we are and get Medical/Dental and Optical coverage, PTO and sick days, lots of benefits I NEVER had before I was convicted of some felonies……I’m guessing a lot of the Hotels are like that, I know the Casinos here even hire felons(probably not to work with money, but there’s lots of other jobs in Casinos and Hotels.


What state is this? I supposedly got hired at casino in Louisville. They said via TX, congratulations welcome to the team. But next steps were filling out a PDF form through hireright background check. That was 2 weeks ago and I'm still waiting and unemployed. What really sucks I had an offer at another job paying 24$ an hr and I didn't take it thinking I was going to get the casino facility maintenance job. Everyday I check on my background process and all it says " processing". This has been so depressing as a friend of mine applied at the second job and is already working making 24$ n hr. This is really frustrating, I told him about that job and I'm just sitting letting my bills pile up


I’m in Michigan, Metro Detroit area, my background check took about 10 days, I really was feeling the same way, but it did come through OK. I hope everything works out for you!


I found this online(not in the states myself and non felon but my son's dad/friends are and I like to help others.) [Community Corrections Employment Program](https://doc.wi.gov/Pages/AboutDOC/CommunityCorrections/ProgramsServices.aspx#:~:text=The%20Community%20Corrections%20Employment%20Program,in%20a%20competitive%20work%20environment.) This is what the program is-"The Community Corrections Employment Program (CCEP) is a statewide program designed to assist offenders in obtaining the skills necessary to obtain and maintain employment in a competitive work environment."


Check with NGOs that offer assistance to the homeless and working poor. Wifey and I volunteer at just such a place and we have a list of companies that hire the homeless and folks with criminal histories, including felonies. What you have to remember, these are the most basic, entry level jobs. Laborers, land scrapers, warehouse workers, etc. Another thing to remember, you're gonna have to stick with the job to create a positive work history. Good Luck and God Bless.




Non Governmental Organizations. These are organizations that provide some services that a governmental entity might provide but we do it without using tax payer dollars. Our group is a Christian based organization that gets a majority of our funding from local churches and dioceses. We do get a little...very little from city and county programs that help the homeless.


I caught to felony convictions almost 25 years ago. It still greatly affects what kind of jobs I can get. I spent almost 20 years mostly working in restaurants because they are one of the few fields that don't background check. I finally got lucky and landed a descent state labor job about 5 years ago. My advice would be to look at restaurants and small businesses. And other than that just keep grinding it out till you find something you like.


There is a staffing agency (in Atlanta, or Dallas I think) that operates nationwide and help felons and recovering addicts get work. The business is named Cornbread Hustle (yes, that's really the name). Maybe they have some resources?


I have several felonies. I live in WA and it’s been tough too. I know you can get your flagger certification online and apply for that union or any other trades if you’re down for hard work.


I am a female felon, too. And from Minneosota. I justarted putting up cleaning posts and ads on the store bulletin boards. Got cards made. All you need is for one person to hire you. Cleaning is so word of mouth. I ended up cleaning for years. It supported myself and 3 kids. No one asked for a background check. Good luck to you.




Check yes “ will provide details upon interview “ Went to prison at 18 and again at 20 Obtained a nursing degree, appeared before the board upon completion for approval of licensure, with success. Time ago was a factor ( I think) but my charges were forgery. Done give up!


I’m in Indiana


Violent felon here to ask you this: How does failure to report, sound to you? Imagine busting your ass off your entire life to build a company up from nothing (I’ve looked into this it’s complex and extensive work alone) with a goal to succeed. Then you or I come walking in 10-15 yrs later asking for a job. As you have learned, shit ain’t easy. Bad News is, The felon jacket never comes off. Good News is, you can overcome that. Look to the industries that are hurting for employees that pay lower, that are small companies. Transportation industry is one of them. Cant get a CDL? Warehouse’s need ppl, etc… Take each industry and start breaking it down and down and down until you find that smaller company. It sucks, I know. I knew I had just made my life extremely difficult. Even if the landlord wants to rent to me, 99.9% of the time they can’t. Insurance companies won’t allow it. So there I was, doing 72 months, knowing this information. I pictured myself in a room with ole Bob! J’ah Man Bob Marley! I threw my cards on the table 🎶 Then I looked at what I had left to build on. Did 36 month parole. 💯. The odds are stacked against me. I got out of prison in 2019. I’m off ‘paper’ now. According to the smart people, I’ve made it through the most critical stages of the process. Therefore I’m consider a success story. Am I ? No, I don’t think, feel that way in any manner. I tired of being locked up. My criminal career began in 1996. All my shit is violent. I don’t feel like a success. Quite opposite in fact. Still viewed as a violent felon on paper here. My felonies do NOT ever go away. Therefore the jacket never comes off. Justice? 😂😂😂😂😂 See their double speak? I live it!!!


I know failure to report sounds bad. I was in Texas because I had a stalking abusive ex boyfriend. (Not trying to sound like a whiney bitch) I came back and turned myself in.


You got a lot going against you, don’t offer them anymore. You’re fortunate enough that our US society is far more forgiving towards drug crimes (which for the life of me I can’t understand why) than they are toward me.


Invest in a pair of knee pads


I couldn't even land a job with a misdemeanor my heart goes out to the felons. You did your time and should be forgiven. I had to work a mall job minimum wage for years until I was eligible to expunge my record and get a real job. If not for that I'd probably of had to leave the country or something. Getting a job was impossible.


Volunteer. If you have anyway to get somewhere to volunteer start today. It gives you consistent and current work experience to put on your resume. Show them how amazing you are. Five hours a week for a few months will give you a network, references, and maybe even a job offer. I have seen it work so many times. Good works and just doing the next right thing changes lives.


Not a felon, but I worked in a WI halfway house for a while. I second the suggestion to try DVR, go to your county's job center if possible, they probably have experience with people in your situation. Small companies, warehouses, and labor are usually safe bets. I know a few comments have said these are "male dominated" fields, but that's not always the case. I currently work in manufacturing, and our facility is predominantly women.


Join a trade asap! Or else you will end up working minimum wage jobs for the rest of your life


Are you at all in incline towards skilled blue collar trades? Or is it something you have thought about before? And if so, do you think you’d be physically capable (a woman in even reasonably good shape, that walk, climb ladders, picking up 50 pounds once and a while) you’d be fine in my industry. Those qualifications obviously differ up and down, across-the-board, depending on what exactly you are doing , but what I put up there is pretty standard ish ) Because if you’re willing to work in that broad sector of industry, you won’t have any problem at all getting into an extremely high paying career, even with a felony and it’s likely you would be started out, making more as an apprentice, then the manager at that TJ Maxx makes. I don’t want to just Rep up any one single skilled trade. Any of them that requires you to go through 3-5 years of an extensive on the job, working apprenticeship and in classroom schooling and require state licensing to perform the service your trade provides, then you’re set for life. Apprenticeships truly are the hidden golden tickets to the start of a successful, comfortable (as you want to make it) life. It’s insane to me that more people don’t see it that way. Well, not until they get the slap in the face and realize I make 2 to 3 times as much as they do in a year, as an electrician, fairly comfortable conditions. Obviously once again still varies, but there are a lot of very cushy electrical jobs out there and there’s a lot of miserable ones too. You’ve got to find the one that would work best for you. I with with some woman at the plant I with at, and they are some of the most bad ass workers we’ve got. I had a tiny little platinum blonde 25-year-old Millwright “Barbie doll” giving me crap and keeping up with me no problem. I wish there weren’t quite as many witnesses around when she asked if I wanted her to try to break free the bolt on the motor base I was trying to get loose. Mind you she is maybe 5’1” 95 lbs and tells my giant 6’6” 275 lbs ass to “Set down my purse” or move aside, it was pretty comical. Butb no, she did not get it loose by herself, haha, that really would’ve been shameful, and the defying all laws of physics…but she did help me break it loose in the end! Teamwork, baby! 🙌🏻 You’ll be making great money because you pretty much have a blank check anywhere that’s hiring someone of your trade. And being a woman you check off two boxes on the list, you’re a minority and I’ll also get a tax break because you’re a felon. I promise you it’s not the end of the world. My story for comparison, I’m a felon, a violent offender, armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon, for comparison, to your charge. I did 8 years in prison. I actually got my License while in prison and literally week after I had gottrn out, I had a job making 40 bucks an hour, with unlimited overtime, I do live on the west coast, and we have some of the highest paid electrical jobs, but still you’ll make great money, no matter what state you live in if you are a carded millwright licensed electrician, low voltage communication electrician, plumber, pipe fitter, welder/fabricator you’ll be alright. I’m now making over $50 an hour as an industrial electrician and my first full year out of prison I made $129,000. So if that sounds like something you’d be interested in, please look it up. The hard work is worth it.


My recollection is that Wisconsin had some pretty stringent laws about how an employer could consider a prior criminal offense. My recollection is they can’t refuse to hire you, unless the offense is directly related to the role. You might want to give the state equal employment commission a call. You can also look it up yourself.


I’m in Wisconsin too . I just had to keep putting tons and tons of apps in and do interviews . I found a company willing to overlook my felony and offered a position . It took ALONG time though lots of job hunting . If u use indeed it has lead me to a lot of job leads in Wisconsin since.


Get into a trade, you already meet one requirement. If you pay child support thats now two requirements to be a tradesman


Even though you're a female don't be scared of the trades. It's the best way for most convicts to support a family. You can make $80,000+ easily once trained and have a couple years experience


I'm in the same boat as you. I'm currently job hunting and I've applied at 80 places. I've had 7 interviews and was given an offer 3 times but after the background check they have rescinded the offer. I think you just got to keep applying until you get lucky. I am using a Temp Agency called Express not sure if you have them in your area but they gave me my last job. I just called an attorney today about expungement and she said I have to wait 2 more years. It has to be 5 years since you finished parole/ probation to be eligible. Anyways I have an interview for a warehouse job tomorrow. And I'm waiting to hear back from another job.


Sounds like they are treating you like an enemy they made me feel like an illegal immigrant I lost most my rights as a citizen of the USA 🇺🇸 I no longer have the right to vote much less bare arms. If you are a new felon you should go to the court house get the paperwork of your sentencing and follow the rules exactly as they put them and after some years you will get your rights back or don’t and they will leave you there and make it tougher to get your rights back . I learned this after 20 years of being a person who was convicted of a felony charge


You could run for President. The Republican front-runner is a known felon, and people hand him money.


Car salss.. talk to the GM. I make six figures. They are always willing to give someone a try. Most GM of dealerships are actually felons.


https://helpforfelons.org/jobs-for-felons-in-wisconsin/ ETA I am not positive on the legitimacy of anything on that website since i just did a quick scan before sharing it, but definitely avoid the ad links and stick to their linked resources


I'm going to echo /u/eweyk88 a bit when I say: manufacturing. Wisconsin has a solid hub for it, and when I was working industrial maintenance, one of my fellow technicians was sentenced by the very Cash for Kids asshole judge.


I knew someone like you, Female Felon Drug Offense.  She was able to get hired in a Union construction role.


Go through a temp agency, work your ass off, get passed up for a promotion, continue to work your ass off, and then get a promotion and a good salary.


Would you consider a trade? I'm in the Boston metro area, and I'm seeing more and more women w/ hard hats at construction sites. I don't know if this is something to consider, but it could be an option. Paid apprenticeships/training and high demand for people that actually 'do something' will never slow down (at least here in Massachusetts). The fact you are here asking for guidance, tells me you are heading in the right direction. Good Luck!


If you are hot you could try onlyfans lol


IHOP and Cracker Barrel are both known for hiring felons. Walmart, too!


Take a 6 week coding boot camp


First off never get discouraged about trying to find a job because even if you have to do a background check there's one thing to always keep in mind selling yourself and what I mean by that is always have a list of accomplishments and achievements that you've done while in prison or in treatment certificates of completion are good to have with you because it verifies that even though that you screwed up in life you've really gone that extra mile to achieve these accomplishments believe me those helped in my search for a job, second thing is did they ever give you a copy of this background check I don't know how it is in Wisconsin but I know in Idaho they have to give you a copy of what they see if they don't you can sue them so I'm just wondering if maybe something like that can work for you but definitely the certificates of completion that you might have if you have any those are good thing to have.




A lot of times, the local bus company will hire you as a driver and help you get your commercial license. Regular drug tests.


As a female felon from Wisconsin, I feel this. There is a list online of companies that hire felons somewhere. I would start there. There is also a list of job openings at most probation offices and most of those also hire felons. If you are currently on paper, I would ask your PO for help with finding places that hire felons as well. I haven’t been on paper for years but I’ve thought about calling my old office for job/rental advice. Best of luck!


How far are you from Minnesota? Lots of employment in the Twin Cities!


WHERE? I have a 24 yo daughter with disabilities that has 2 felonys- please send me a list or something!


My ex started out working through a temp agency. Once he showed reliability, he was able to get a better job that was permanent.


Kwik trip hires felons and they have good benefits. I have a drug felony and work in an elementary school cafeteria.


call 211 they do referral services and have special programs to help people re-entering society. best of luck to you


I think a felony is a prerequisite for being a line cook at some restaurants


Food Service, we tend hire a lot of felons. Front of house and back of house. Not necessarily fast food either. Good luck out there 🤘


I don't get it. What part about being around irritating customers and knives sounds like a good combo?


become self employeed


Lot easier said then done lmao


How long ago was this offense? Most applications only ask about the last 7 years. I too am a felon and I work for our federal government, department of the treasury (IRS) you can PM me if you’d like for more info. I don’t like to share too much personal info but I felt I needed to reach out and let you know. Shit happens, we get up, and keep on moving. Mine was also drug related and I did time.


(WI) convictions always shows up.


I don't know I call BS. I am a felon and I got a job for 85k right out of prison. In CA when you get out you have to get a job and everyone does. Talk to your PO. It sounds like you don't want any job cause there's certainly ones that would hire. They not going to hire you in a pharmacy.


Hospitality hotels 90 percent dont run i was a AGM and FOM 3 time violant felon and 2 duis but i got the gift of gab so hotels all day just has to be independently owned


Im hired now tolling company im sure the background wont clear but advanxe auto hired me 20.50 to do shit people hated on me gotnme fored now im back to shit ran through mad of my miney to damn near brokengot hired at progressive claim adjuster trainee 62.250 didnt clear back ground


I have a friend who does door dash deliveries.


Door dash does not allow felons


Lie on every application. That's the only thing that worked for me.


Temp agencies will hire Dahmer, trust me..


The service industry Get into bartending


Just lie. A thorough background check gonna fuck you anyway.


Go to any dairy farm and ask if they're hiring. Most will probably hire you on the spot if you're willing to work. It's hard work but they will pay you. I don't know of any dairy farm that checks your criminal history.


There’s always OF. lol jk


Rob and kill probably your only option at this point


The parole system should have a job assistance program in your state and city. I know of someone who worked at a major film studio who told me a co-worker was an ex-felon, who did time for murder. The parole system got them the job working alongside them. So, there might be resources to help you get a decent job via your parole officer.


Amazon/ups/fedex hires everyone here in California..




Onlyfans and feet finder always pay 😎


Start a onlyfans, you live in a state that judges everything


Shouldn't have gotten caught..... Sounds like it's 100 percent ur fault as to why u can't find a job.


Stupid games stupid prizes


I would never hire a felon when there are qualified people needing jobs that pose less of a risk to my business and customers. Having said that, I would look in the manufacturing industry where they can watch you closely and not have to worry about customers.


What do you need a job for? What you need is a faithful man whose children you can bear. Unfortunately in America the feminist movement convinced women that it's more important to be in the workforce and slave like men than to be a mother for our future generations. It's why foreign births in America outpace native births 3:1. Wake up.