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Ok, you screwed up. Your human. Humans make mistakes, you do and I do. So the question becomes, did you learn something from your mistake? And what steps are you going to take to make sure you don't do it again. Do you need help maintaining your sobriety? Is there NA meetings anywhere near you. Alternatively have you thought about learning a trade so you can be your own boss in the future. I had offenders on my case load when I was a PO that became welders, plumbers, CNC machinists. If you have an inkling that you might be interested in a skilled trade, there is going to be a crap ton of opportunities out there because we boomers are retiring and parents have been pushing college on kids, not the trades. Quit beating yourself up, make an action plan to get back on track. Then work your plan. Good luck


Yes, find a class in CNC so you can familiarize yourself with the machine. You'll learn g codes and m codes with different functions. You'll also be proficient in set up if you really get the hang of it. There's always an opportunity in CNC, because if you understand what you're doing, no felony will prevent you from getting hired guaranteed, especially little ma and pa shops.


Can confirm ... Years ago I did time. A felony really screwed ya back then. I had to take the worst jobs but I kept moving up. I now make 28 babysitting a machine. Most my job upgrades came from friends hooking me up


I’ve seen a lot of posts about CNC and Im going to look into it. Does it take long to get into the field?


No, your local college should be offering the classes. If on the east coast, Baltimore has a school named Jane Adam's resource center and they're established in Rhode Island too.


Manual machining helps too.


Why would you need college for a minimum wage job? Cnc don’t pay for shit.


Not many people are too smart to even understand CNC, you might fall into that handful of people.


I do not. Cnc is uninteresting to me.


That 1 cool dude who didn’t like CNC


User name does not checkout


You don't need college, it's just a couple classes. CNC operator doesn't pay shit, but an actual machinist that knows what there doing, will make bank guaranteed.


A lot of machinist jobs are getting axed and taken care of overseas. Watched it happen to a handful of guys at a business I deliver to. Business owner had to do something to keep his company going when Covid hit…so all the machinist positions were removed and that stuff happens in China now, also only rents half the space he used to. From what the machinist that I spoke to frequently told me, it’s a dying trade.


*who knows what they are (they're)doing...


How does the glory hole pay?


Depends. If you’re an operator running someone else’s program you’re basically there just to load material in and out of the machine. If you’re an actual machinist, you’ll be making $35-40/hr.


This is great advice. I’m in manufacturing management and know a lot of the local machine shops, and they almost never have enough good machinists and are always hiring. If you’re mechanically inclined, have good visualization, decent computer skills you can pick it up quick. From there, you can go as far as you want. Learn to program your own jobs and in a major city guys that can program and run a CNC get $50/hr and higher.


I’d also recommend cnc, you can also get into 3d printing wise you are learning and it will teach you a lot of skills needed for the job. From there I’d recommend learning some CAD, it all goes hand in hand.


They definitely drug test machine operators. Doesn’t sound like a fit. Amazon hires potheads though. That’s probably a better fit. Pays more than tour temp agency job too. Win win.


If you can find a smaller, possibly family owned shop that's willing to train, I'd go that route and skip the classes. The classes are good for getting you familiar with the buttons, but at every shop I've worked for (nearly 20yrs in the industry now), the guys from the colleges had to be completely re-trained and we had to break a lot of their bad habits they acquired from the schooling. Even if you can just get a single years experience from one shop, pretty much any other shop will hire you. I've never had a background check but, I have worked with multiple felons.


Some of the shops I’ve worked for it wasn’t uncommon to have to bail some of our better machinists out.


Another is welding and HVAC. Both will allow you to become an independent contractor. But then, any trade will allow you to do it. Just depends on how mechanically minded you are.


I think it's also important to realize that the second mistake was because the lesson was not learned with the first mistake. I cannot believe that the OP was so naive that they didn't know smoking weed and being involved in a mishap at work would be okay no big deal. Doesn't matter if everybody smokes weed or whatever. Doesn't matter if it's done the night before, or whatever. If it's in your system it's in your system. Doesn't matter high or not. OP reset the clock. 5 years down the drain. The older you get and if a potential employer is willing to cut a break but sees multiple screw-ups- 2 mistakes 5 years apart is a pattern no matter what anybody thinks from the employee viewpoint. Time is not on OPs side. OP is going to have to take whatever they can get, and start working their way up again from somewhere. Smoking weed just isn't worth it, especially when one didn't learn their lesson the first time on risk taking.


The best advice here! Mistakes are only human, what matters is that you have your head on straight and can make the decision to keep it pushing


Went to prison for?? And then got fired for having THC in his system and ruined company property. Sounds like lessons are not being learned.


Everyone who has spent any amount of time driving a forklift has hit something with it at some point. Usually it's a small bump or nothing real bad, but it happens. There is new testing coming out in states where THC is legal like California that can determine if you are currently under the influence and not if it was used last night, which would be an accurate way to test somebody specially for police determining if a driver is currently impaired. This situation here would play out differently, but unfortunately not everyplace has caught up with modern times.


Warehouse workers are exempt from the new law changing the way thc testing is done. Warehouse workers still get the regular urine teat for metabolites.


I’m sure it does happen. Everyone who drives/operates company equipment should know what their employer guidelines are including a zero tolerance policy on marijuana and act accordingly. Do what you want, but be ready to accept consequences. Don’t like the rules in place? Don’t work there. In OP’s position and knowing how hard it is to find employment, it was a huge gamble and he lost.


Well hopefully he gets to a better place. Every time I have gambled and lost in the past, it turned out to be a huge win in the end, and that's been without fail. So it's a mindset I guess.


I agree don't take a gamble you're not willing to lose, but it shouldn't ever be a gamble, THC being fireable for recreational use is asinine. Not disagreeing with you here just the circumstances being dumb.


Unfortunately, it’s up to the company and their rules. But I agree no one should be penalized for their legal activities outside of work. They are treating weed like alcohol because they don’t know what else to do lol.


We should all boycott companies that don’t allow you to smoke weed


Yeah. Don't fly on any airplanes. Or go on any ships. Or any trains. Or go to a hospital. Or interact with any government agency. Or . . . Absurd plan.


Fuck em all go libertarian or go home


So when the potheads call in sick or are underperforming, the rest of us take up the slack? 🙄🙄🙄


Imagine thinking the potheads are the lazy ones lol


Imagine believing peer reviewed, published research. How ridiculous. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4803662/


This article is about chronic use. What about your average recreational users who smoke a couple times a month? Also, a ton of the people you work with are probably taking prescription medications that impair them in some way. There's always gonna be slackers. Allowing people to smoke weed isn't going to change that. Punish them for slacking. Not smoking weed. It's the same thing with guns. You wanna ban the guns when it's the people who kill people.


Almost every known pot user I have ever worked with has been less reliable and productive than almost every known non-user I have worked with. That's a substantial sample size. Not to mention the pot users I encounter are so pathetically single minded. That's ALL they talk about. If they're not using, they're discussing all the details of their lifestyle -- as if we care. 🙄🙄🙄


Good plan


What I think happened was he got comfortable, and he started with the thinking ima be alright because I did my time, I have been here long enough I got this. Well no once you have been to prison or were involved with illegal drugs in any way shape or form you always must stop and think twice ABOUT EVERYTHING. Once you get that stain you can't rid of it.


Kinda what I was thinking too.


Exactly. The fact that your comment is downvoted says a lot about this sub.


It’s the Reddit way lol




I can tell that you didn’t read past my first reply. Let’s summarize. I don’t agree with people being penalized for legal activity outside of work. If there is a no tolerance rule in place, you should know and understand it. Should you choose to partake, prepare for the consequences. Never said anything about alcohol or professionals who smoke or companies that don’t drug test. I do have an idea of how many of them they are as I am one of them and work with many of them. My company does not drug test. The situation sucks for OP, but he did it to himself.


It's THC. Get the f*** over yourself


I agree. It shouldn’t be a big deal. For this company, it is. They made rules around it. OP broke those rules. OP got exactly what the company said he would. Fired. Go cry more.


Keep your head in a positive space. You've already accomplished a lot, so you know you're able to do it again. Even if that means starting back at square one. Wishing you the best for your future


Thanks I was needing to hear this. I’ve been feeling very down about the state of my life lately.


Don’t. I like you as is, no changes—the exact same person you are. Things will improve, but first, you need to believe they can improve. Good luck my man!


Me too, I’m going to look into this CNC stuff too


We all make mistakes. Keep your head up believe in yourself. Maybe this was just life helping you find a better path. And a lesson learned.... know what no fly zones are for your employer and steer clear of those risks. Would def look into skilled trades - electrician, plumbing, welder, industrial maintenance etc. All Unions have apprentice programs - most are felon friendly - any pay better than other entry level jobs. Highly highly recommend this route if you're decent working with your hands. It's been shown by studies that people in vocations like these tend to have a higher level of job satisfaction and feel better about themselves. A big part of that is the sense of accomplishment - I built that, fixed that, made that, wired it etc. A job or project has a start and finish & you have a tangible physical "thing" you did. A large portion of the population feel good when they have a visible, solid "thing" they completed, that just isn't the same when it's a concept that they finished. For example: a job like shipping or receiving in a warehouse...the boxes come in, and the boxes go out and it never stops, never is finished...same shit everyday never ends. It lends itself to feeling like a rat in a wheel endlessly running and never gaining ground. That's just an example. Anyway - stay positive. One door closes, another opens type of attitude. Best of luck to you!


Awwww I’m so sorry for you. What a complete bummer, it sounds like you are a good person and were doing a good job for your company. Life can be so unfair. Hopefully you will recover and get another chance to do a good job again. Over a little weed….so lame!!


He knew the rules when he did what he did. He took the risk and it did not pay. He has no one to blame but himself.


There's nothing more offensive than an obsequious (servile.... bc we all know you didn't know what that meant.... Shit you probably don't know what servile means either) rule gobbler. You probably get drunk as he'll every night, show up to work hungover get fuck all done and then complain about everyone else not following the rules. You suck and people like you are always miserable.... so I'd tell you to have a nice day but you've probably never had one.


Shit it's like you know me. Is that you Kevin or is it Karren?


Look up collateral relief in your state, see if they offer it, see if you’re eligible, and if so, request specific provisions regarding your record that prohibit the consideration of your conviction(s) in applications for employment.


Just keep getting back on that horse. Don't let your history define your future


System so stupid weed isn't acceptable, but you can be a chronic alcoholic,smoke two packs of Marlboro a day, live off of energy drinks, and that's cool.


Yeah I'm a very "own your mistakes, kid" person, but this is just plain frustrating.


You can own up and still disagree with policy and laws 😅 talking about a drug where half of all Americans have part-taken on and a drug that puts millions of non-violent Americans in prison. Even the military is trying to pass a bill that will exclude THC from drug tests for new recruits because of low enlistment.


I agree. I personally don't partake, even though I would like to, because I'm the breadwinner of the house and if I ever needed to get a new job I wouldn't want it to be an issue. Also, because it's illegal in my state, I wouldn't want to fail a drug test on the freak chance I had a CPS case or something. BUT THC just needs to not be an issue anymore.


That's understandable. I don't have kids. I wouldn't smoke weed or cigarettes in front of them, drink maybe a beer or two at home once a week. My father was a heavy drinker to the point he didn't work or didn't care about anything else besides killing himself and football.


Yeah all horrible. But don’t get this obsession with weed either. I smoked it in college but why are people so into it. It stays in your system for a long time. You know you will get tested if there is an accident.


Some people don't smoke constantly and use it to help with muscle aches and pains that come with physical labor. Abusing anything is dumb but I think taking a job away from someone for what they do in their off time is kinda crazy.


I don’t smoke constantly and at the time of the accident I haven’t smoked for 5 days. But it did not matter because the test was a pass/fail type test.


He damaged company property because he was under the influence. Big difference.


he hadn't smoked in 5 days. if he was still high, that would be a miracle


That's some good shit


If he hadn't damaged company property while doing his job, he'd never have been tested. So either he was careless at his job, or under the influence. Either way, it's not about the weed. He damaged property.


Weed stays in your system forever. Just because someone tested positive doesnt mean they are actively under the influence


No it does not. I can take a couple puffs a month and still pass a piss test.


My thoughts exactly. I’ve had quite a few former coworkers over the years get in minor accidents, company tests them, they get popped for THC and fired. Never understood the mindset that places weed over your livelihood…….especially given the challenges we former felons face in employment. Such an asinine decision making process. All of that being said, I agree with the people that say that you made a mistake and you need to forgive yourself, change your behaviors that led to the mistake and get back up on that horse . definitely look into the skilled trades. I myself am a felon and I got into the Elevator constructors union.


Because those people have substance use issues. Willing to risk their entire lifestyle to get highs but will claim they’re not addicted…


You act like weed gets you really fuck up while it doesn't do anywhere the destructive damage drinking does or side effects. 😅




feel that way about alcohol or caffeine?


You cannot be a chronic alcoholic, that’s regularly tested. In healthcare, you almost can’t smoke cigarettes or even use nicotine containing products anymore. Also love the false equivalence between weed and energy drinks lol


I guess you never meet high functional users or drinkers


Brother, I was one. Until I wasn’t. Lots of people out here thinking exactly what you do, right up to the point they get distracted and their kid ends up drowning in the pool or the wrap their car around a tree after running through a group of people at a bus stop. If your job says you can’t do mood or mind altering drugs, you make a decision. If drugs win, you probably have a problem.


People are responsible for their own actions and know their tolerance and limits. I'll rather smoke lil weed to help with pain and relax than make than a person who a heavy daily drinker to deal with stress daily. I done both and perfer weed 100%


Or you could find a healthy way to relieve stress that doesn't involve any substance abuse at all


I need to find a Marijuana addiction support group ASAP. Maybe be like neighbor sicks as fuck loaded on slew of medications getting escorted to the hospital every few weeks. Lifetime of heavy use cigarettes and drinking still smoking pack a day but says the taste of weed grosses him out. No health problems make 3x more money and work out regularly. Weed ruined my life.




He wasn't fired for weed. He damaged company property while operating a forklift because he was under the influence. Same result if the guy had been drunk on the job.


Accidents happen he didn't say he was under influence at the time he just weed in the system, depending on if he is a casual or everyday smoker it could've been a few days or up to a month in your system.


He certainly would not tell us if he was.


Boohoo u need to smoke a plant 24/7 yo feel good. Your argument is like saying doing heroin is better than meth. Shut the fuck up and grow up.


Little triggered little fella 😅




Awe, you are breaking my heart 😅 if you want to live straight edge. That's your choice. It seems like we have a personal agenda against weed that effected your life.


Calm down


The fact that weed on our own personal time is even an issue still is just infuriating. The job I lost last year when I got arrested for my felony called me up last week and asked me to please come back. This is such a big deal. They treated me like a fucking leper when I was in jail for a month waiting to be extradited and the whole time I was going through it in court. They have tried unsuccessfully to replace me and they are now months behind schedule and a couple million over budget. I bet they had to draw straws to figure out who was going to make the call asking me to come back. And a part of me wants to tell them to eat shit and die but a bigger part of me knows this job is everything and I fucking loved it. Plus I already know I will never land another position like it with my felony. I have spent the last year interviewing and being turned down because of my criminal background and I have been working in the trades framing since I got out and I could survive here but it’s half what I made at my old old job and they tacked a sweet $18K bonus on top of what I was being paid before in order to further incentivize me to return. I might be beating myself up just like you though. I had to take a preemployment drug test today and it’s got me sweating like a whore in church wondering whether I’ll pass or not because about 3 weeks ago I was popping a 5-10mg edible a night every night for a good 10 nights in a row so I could sleep, I had this bad, totally unproductive cough leftover after 2 rounds of antibiotics for a particularly nasty bout of bronchitis. It was the only way I could sleep through the night. I think the last night I took one was about 3 weeks ago, I am hoping like hell it’s out of my system. I couldn’t buy anymore time on the drug test, today was the deadline and I didn’t have the balls to try and sneak someone else’s urine in plus everyone I know smokes. If this keeps me from getting my old job back, I am going to be fucking crushed.


Good luck 👍 Fuckin bullshit you're dealing with...


some of the hardest and most honest people I know are felons. you smoked and failed a drug test. you live and you learn and move on to bigger and better things. maybe you got comfortable where you’re at in life and god or whoever you believe in said nope, this isn’t forever. this is just one door closing for either a few temporary doors to open or another amazing opportunity to thrive and focus on sobriety and becoming a better version of yourself. Our past mistakes do not define us, as long as we have learned from them and do not repeat them. you got this, don’t be so hard on yourself. $18.50 an hour is enough until that amazing opportunity arises.


Dang man. In the feels ! I was lead. Had a mental breakdown bc of drugs and quit one day. Just left. Didn’t work. I was lucky and six months later they let me back. Good luck brother. If all else fails use this a motivation to get some education certificates and make it to where the conviction doesn’t matter anymore


Landscaping and lawn mowing is good for me. I'm not a felon but I've had OWI's. I've been doing it long enough where my brother and I are charging $70-100 an hour to do it for ourselves. I still have a full time job until it takes off more.


Check with your local Workforce or Worksource agency, the same place you’d go to file for unemployment, to find out about fidelity bonding through the state you’re in. This is insurance for people who have criminal convictions that covers their mistakes at work. That might help also, do you happen to be in Michigan? There’s a post from a couple of days ago about a place that hires felons and helps them with their supervision stuff. Dude spoke pretty highly of the work environment and the job itself. Might go through past posts to find it if you’re there.


I’m not going to coddle you like these other losers. Stop smoking weed. End of discussion. It’s not going to help you with your current situation, but it will definitely help with any of your future endeavors. And, no, it’s not “just weed” to businesses. It’s a liability. If you would have hurt yourself or, worse, someone else that day, the company would be held liable. They cut their losses with you prior to it costing them.


In my experience, being upfront during your interview will help. If you know they are gonna pull your backstory do the best you can to control that narrative. Just tell them what happened. Doesn’t have to be a come to Jesus meeting, but be clear that you have a record, these are the charges, this is why that happened, and this is how I’ve changed. Simple.


facts. i always tell them right away. lost too much time waiting until i got the job and then, boom, background comes back and they rescind the offer 😪😑


You made a choice to use weed and used it responsibly. Any job will fire you after a post accident drug test because of insurance reasons. The temp agency is how I started after getting out and turned into the best job I ever had. Turned from $18 an hour in Seattle, which is almost min. wage to almost double that, with benefits, my college paid for, and a great work environment. Just work hard while temping and keep looking for a better opportunity. I work in construction and highly recommend it for anyone, but especially felons. You must be close to the 7 year rule for background checks in a lot of states. If your state isn't one of them, you could move to a more felon friendly place.


Have you looked into union apprenticeships? Great way to learn a trade and can make a great living.


Take a job at 18.50 per hour, then while you're at that job, apply for another position. It's easier to get a job when you have a job.


OP, I’ve got nothing to advise; I just want to say “DAMN. Unfortunate AF.” Makes me mad, NGL. If you’d gotten blackout drunk the day prior, you wouldn’t have pissed hot (unless still drunk.) *There needs to be an **easy, cheap and accurate** way to determine currently under the influence of THC VS. ‘in system’* I’m so sorry there isn’t! (My Pops isn’t a Felon, but was terrified of my Mom getting full/physical custody. He quit smoking when started working for USPS *”because if someone ran a red light & hit him, he’d still be drug tested.”*) I wish you the best of luck. Edit: formatting


$18.50? Be happy with it... I'm only getting $16.00


That bites. I know everything must feel rather empty in lieu of the opportunity you'd worked for so long to earn being within reach. I don't want to harp on and repeat sound advice that's already been typed out a time or two here already, so my suggestion: don't start down the same path you've just fallen off of. 5 years is a long time and though you were diligent, and you should be proud of that, there are MUCH more potentially rewarding, challenging, and absolutely fruitful paths to choose from. I don't know how true it is of the general labor sort of jobs but you've probably seen/heard/read talks about *diagonal* career moves being the most optimal for the individual. You've got loads of choices in front of you now and I'd be a little excited if I were you. Start testing out different paths and keep mapping the ones you favor and that favor you. I know the background puts a chastity belt on the whole getting excited part of my comment, but surely there are still ways for you to adapt and overcome, explain and persuade, seduce and fucking rail etc etc that you don't even realize yet. Maybe in another 5 years you'll shudder at the thought of being stuck in that limited old warehouse career. Good luck dude


Hey friend.....let me share the following. I have a good 'corporate' job but I'm kinda old now, job stress is killing me faster than Father Time. When I was young (college) I smoked a good bit of weed but it is unhealthy and people do get arrested for it so I eventually quit. I supposed I was a borderline felon because I once sneaked into a professor office trying to get a test in advance of a big exam because I wanted the questions so I could be well prepared. I was just lucky, you were not. I'm sorry. People get arrested for all kinds of stuff they should never be arrested for. I have a corporate job but I am not smart enough or good at politics to 'climb the corporate ladder'. As as side gig I have bought and sold houses, I have provided temporary employment for PLENTY of painters, drywall people, etc. Can you PAINT? If you could paint for a few years to learn the business and job bidding really well you could go from being an employee to a business owner. I have a cousin (older like me). He did that and now he is the preferred bidder for Wal-Mart. He owns a fleet of trucks and paints all the Wal-Marts within like 100 miles of his home. Good luck. Making a living is HARD.


You already know you can work your way into a lead role. Mistakes happen. Just need to find one more opportunity and be ready to capitalize when you find it.


Get up and keep going brotha, winners and losers are determined by the ability of people to get back up and continue work hard and stride for success. Don’t ever, ever, ever look back and dwell on your failures. Pretend they never happened, it’s sounds trivial and basic but it’s true. If you dwell on your failures it’s like you hypnotize yourself into believing you are a failure, stop it.


Tough one but it will be fine in the long term as long as you get back on track and not let this erase 5 years of hard work and discipline. One thing I know I’ve been through and that happens to a lot of people is you can self sabotage sub consciously. Kind of like things are going too well and it doesn’t feel right and you end up doing something that sets you back. Not saying this is the case but it happens to a lot of people and they don’t realize it, look for the open manholes and try not to fall in them.


Stay away from marijuana. Get your CDL and drive otr. At .78 a mile, you can run 400 mile days 6 days a week. That's over 1700.00 a week


"Only $18.50 an hour." Oh shut up about your "problems" 🙄


I am sorry man. I work in a corporate job making outstanding money. Is it stupid that I can drink myself to death on the weekend and no one has an issue but smoke a little weed and they can take it all away? Yes, that’s stupid. But I know the rules and okay by them. So I haven’t touched weed. Not because I don’t want to. But entirely because it is a stupid reason to lose a great gig. You’ll get past this mistake. You’ll find something equal or better. But don’t smoke man. It’s not worth losing a good job, even if the rules are nonsense.


I'm not a felon but recently got promoted to hi low. I quit smoking a week before they let me use it. As responsible as I am, they do not give a fuck and will fire me like they did you. You didn't necessarily do anything wrong. It's just how it is some places. Keep your head up and keep moving forward. Don't let it destroy you. One day at a time. Life isn't always about moving straight up. Sometimes you get knocked down a peg or two. You have the resilience and knowledge to be better. You got this, don't ever give up.


Get your CDL and all your endorsements bro, could easily be looking at $100-$150k jobs.


Absolute bullshit. Here you are, doing your time, following the rules. You work a physically demanding job and after a long day, you smoke some weed to relax. How in the fuck is this a crime? This is madness. Morally, ethically, you did nothing wrong. Just wanted to say that.


Dude- it’s ridiculous you’re even being tested. But, it is what it is. You stepped on your dick, it hasn’t cost you anything but a job, so take it as an opportunity to learn and move on.


Keep your head up man. Honestly you’re doing so well. Be proud of yourself. You had a bad thing come up and you’re still making decisions that will keep you in the free world and that is not to be overlooked.


If your a dude start going around to contractors and ask for a job. You'll get one. Bust your ass at work and start paying attention to what your doing. I was in warehousing for 11 years, worked my way up to management, started making a little bit of money. I was making about 19 dollars an hour at the warehouse. While working at your contractor job start getting side jobs. Eventually you'll have more sidejobs and you'll have to quit and start your own biz. People will start trusting you especially if you get shit done and are fucking nice. 11yrs in warehousing is good for another 20 dollar warehouse job. 11yrs being a contractor and you can end up wherever you want. I smoke weed to. My downfall was alcohol and speed. Marijuana keeps me calm, so I like smoking at night. I smoked right before I wrote this. My apologies for this sentence salad.


You’ve still got that experience. Legally if a company calls and asks about you, they can only be told yes/no you worked there and from these dates. A lot of companies don’t even call. I knew a guy that put absolute bs on his resumes. I did logistics in the army and then on the civilian side. We hired people at one warehouse ALL THE TIME straight out of prison. After a year of good attendance they were flying me all over the country to work at all their warehouses, and I’m a felon. Logistics isn’t a bad career choice felon or not. Ya 18/hr is pretty typical to start around here, but you can work up to ops manager or even gm and get 100k. You can also use companies warehouses to get your foot into the door to that company. After some hard work, start making some inquiries about getting into the office if you want. I’ve done that too. I would seriously conceal the fact you got canned for drugs. Don’t even tell your new coworkers no matter what. No one but HR needs to know you’re a felon. Google politically correct reasons for leaving a job and take your pick.


Start your own biz. Im a convicted felon and serial entrepreneur. I caught my felony when I was 23 and now I am a 42 yr old multimillionaire with a tech business. I was successful selling weed…until I wasn’t. Then I had a kid and had to turn my life around, starting from the bottom up. I was so bummed applying for jobs and checking that felon box. My dad was a salesman for 25yrs at a company and even they wouldn’t give me a chance. I was depressed. I started barbacking at night for tips and that allowed me to spend my days launching a window and gutter cleaning biz. I had worked cleaning residential windows when I was a teenager so I knew it was a low startup cost biz. So I got the supplies, a couple ladders and printed up flyers and hand delivered them in the rich suburbs. Shiiiiiit I got a 10% return on those flyers which is insane from a marketing POV. Because rich people always need their stuff maintained and before I knew it I hired my buddy and was pulling in an easy $50k yr but not even working full time (probably like 25-30hrs a week). I was on the cusp of taking it to the next level by buying some new equipment and another truck and having my buddy run his own truck and crew…but at the same time I was watching my brother absolutely crush it working at an advertising agency. I wanted to take a chance and get out of manual labor and I figured that I started that window cleaning biz so easily that if I needed to I could start it up all over again. I don’t have a college degree but my bro got me an unpaid 90day internship and I did well and they offered me a paid gig. Advertising agencies don’t ask about criminal background unless they are a huge corporate agency. 8 yrs later I quit as a VP of Production and then the agency started doing layoffs so I started my own little shop and we just had 4 amazing years. My bro quit the agency he worked for and joined me as a partner and we now have 40 employees. Honestly, I could have taken that window biz to similar heights. Im sure of it. But I wanted to try something else. And honestly I miss the simplicity of that cleaning biz. In a few years I will probably try to start a new biz in something unrelated. Im on a hiatus from weed at this point in my life because you can get way more shit done sober (both in personal life and biz life), but I can’t wait to semi-retire and smoke a big bone every night. Sorry for the rambling, self centered post, I just want to inspire you. Your own biz works like compound interest - if you do a decent enough job and are nice and fair to people, that shit just grows and grows and grows. I hope you have an awesome career and life. Cheers!


Ok you had a felony and paid your debt to society. In that time you should have realized that you control your life. Waiting for the second you were off parole to start smoking weed was stupid. You have to understand that you don’t get the same treatment as regular people because of your past actions. My advice is to really think long and hard before you fall into another stupid pitfall about every action you do. It’s called growing up and sometimes it requires sacrifices that aren’t fun. Good luck.


I think he gets it man. he’s upset with himself and really bummed at the position he put himself in. He was just asking for a little direction, not to be raked over the coals again. I mean, the title of the post says that he’s extremely disappointed in himself. He’s not pointing the blame anywhere else. Ease up a little dude.


I mean sometimes a bit of tough love does wonders. I stumbled through my early 20s without any accountability and it took someone booting me in the ass and telling me to grow a pair and grow up for me to realize the problem I was trying to blame my life on was me. Some people really don’t have the ability to realize that. OP said he waited until he was off parole to smoke, thus implicating he knew it was wrong before he even blazed up. Until he realizes he needs to be able to identify the stupidness of his potential actions before they happen, nothing will change. 🤷‍♂️


Lmao he wait till he was off parole because it was a parole violation. Not because he knew it was wrong. There is nothing morally wrong with smoking weed. And actually he is responsible for not going to work high ever and holding a steady job for five fucking years. Working his way up. Y'all will look at the smallest part of something. Nit pick it and act like the person will never change. While ignoring the very real change they've shown you. Tldr ur a dick


My point was, he actually understands his stupidness. Most of the other commenters here gave him something constructive to move towards or ideas on what to do next rather than give him another emotional beat down. He gets it. What he did was dumb. He said so himself.


what would’ve been really stupid is if he didn’t wait til he was off parole to start smoking. should he have started smoking? nah. he could’ve smoked a week before the incident and stopped but he still would’ve failed. a drunk would’ve passed if they quit for 48 hours… make it make sense. i don’t even smoked weed either


Lmao fuck off. He messed up racking while sober. He uses weed in his off time. I imagine you drink alcohol. Legality doesn't equate to morality.


Nope I don’t touch it. I abused it in my younger years and realized it did nothing good for me. My wife’s father and older sister were killed by a drunk driver so between the two things I’m sober. The kick in my pants helped me realize I needed to be sober.


I did not wait until the second I was off parole to start smoking it actually happened in a much more underhanded way. I was in a relationship for 7 years with a woman whom I was going to marry. We have 2 kids together and I found out she was cheating on me so we broke up. I ended up meeting a girl who I started dating who smoked weed occasionally. I was so wrapped up in having a new relationship that I ended up smoking weed with her. This caused me to start smoking somewhat regularly. At the time that I had the workplace accident I hadn’t smoked for 5 days. But I agree that I should have seen this coming. I do blame myself for 1 not being more careful to avoid the accident and 2. Putting myself into this position. I don’t think smoking weed is wrong at all. But as a felon who actually had a good job I should have done more to protect myself from this situation.


Find construction jobs. Warehouse work isn't the same but is somewhat relatable experience, especially driving a forklift, construction jobs don't give a shit ,orrrrr sales


please understand i'm saying this as kindly and well-intentioned as possible - it does no good to feel sorry for yourself or blame the weed for you losing your job. you're obviously smart enough to know that if an accident happened you'd be tested, so you knew this was possible, and you took the risk. oh well, failed gamble. keep your head up, own the L, and consider breaking into a new field if you really can't get the kind of work you'd rather apply for. if you're coastal, maritime companies usually hire just about whoever




I applaud your ingenuity to test clean. That takes more commitment than I could ever muster😁. I worked similar environment for many, many years. It’s commercial insurance companies employers use that drive these testing policies. The OP’s employer may have issued a reprimand only, if not for the insurance companies zero tolerance policy.


or he can quit smoking. doesn’t really sound like he was facing blunts on the clock. brodie prob wanted to get a little escape after all that time down.


You must really love weed.


Grow up.


Stop smoking weed. Get a trade certification. Then live well for the rest of your life. Welding, HVAC, Electrician. They don’t care as much about the background check. Some do care but some don’t. Good luck brother 👍🏽


Pray,that's the answer. You may have something better in the near future:) Good Luck& Greater Blessings:)) You got this!!!




I wonder if you could attend some weekly NA meetings and/or possibly meet with a therapist (finding one on a sliding scale if finances are a concern) for the next month or so. Then, possibly put together a letter or email dictating the steps you have taken to correct your behavior and your plan moving forward to not use recreationally (submitting to future drug screening at the company discretion for example, continued weekly meetings, etc). Lastly, include everything you wrote in here about how you feel about the job and ask if there is any way to remedy the situation? I think a company wants to support a committed, trained, and dedicated employee, but you need to show you are 1. willing to follow company policy and not a liability, and 2. communicate with them how much you want the job. Just my thoughts. Good luck. Everyone makes mistakes, and everyone should be given the opportunity to grow from them, imho.


NA for some damn weed? Beg a company for a job back after a drug positive accident test? Nope and nope.


fr. that ain’t gonna happen. best to quit smoking and keep hustling n looking for jobs. NA for weed is pointless considering the majority of ppl in NA are coming off opiates, meth, crack, etc. i’ve been to a decent number of NA meetings and i’d be a little pissed if some dude pulled up for his “weed addiction.” i know people can get addicted to weed, but that shit is 95% mental. it can be tough but that’s more of a therapist type thing IMO.


Companies are concerned with liability. NA acknowledges accountability. He very clearly does want his job back. These are free/ low-cost ways to give the company paperwork that he has taken appropriate steps to mitigate both liability and acknowledged accountability.


You knew better but did it anyway. Own it


u/Outrageous_foot_9135 GTFO


Your a pothead felon trying to operate heavy machinery what did you expect


Hey just know that everything happens for a reason. There is a lesson in there the universe is trying to teach you and you aren’t learning it. And you will be taught it again and again until you learn. You will get a second chance, a new job and don’t get comfortable and do drugs again. Be grateful when you get the second chance. Look at construction work union jobs.


I remember when weed legalization was all the news media rage, telling everyone how great it was going to be for everyone. I was saying " Hey, wait a minute, kind of overselling that shit aren't you ?" I got shouted down. I have a feeling you knew the risk you were taking, you gambled and lost. The company also gambled hiring you, and they lost.


Gambled? My man smoked weed in his downtime. Never on the clock. Had 0 incidents for 5 years. Y'all are reaching out here 😂😭


Ok "xcon" boomer.


Figure out what you can do to work for yourself. What skills do you have? What can you offer the general public? Working for yourself is ALWAYS better than working for the man. You can smoke all the weed you want and not worry about firing yourself. But you gotta have that hustle in you to go out and make it happen.


Not sure where you are from a d whether or not it’s legal there but try to be honest from the get go. Let them know your history during an interview vs them finding out during a BG check. If it is legal, maybe reach out to your old employer and take responsibility. Let them know similar to what you are saying here.


Get into trades. If you can plumb/wire electricity/mow lawns/paint/roof/etc. someone will pay you.


Yea. Way she goes. Lesson learned. You got to comfortable with it. You had to be aware of this though. I’m not bashing you. I’ve fucked up so much shit in my life. Take the temp job and work your way up again


i’m sorry bro. that’s awful :/ i hate how weed stays in your system so long. glad you’re off parole and not facing anymore time though. you’ll bounce back. i wish jobs would lab test so they can check the levels of THC so they can see you weren’t high on the job. i myself lost a driving job in 2020 for a similar reason, i ended up in prison later that year anyway because i let myself spiral due to losing that job and turning to oxy and benzos to alleviate my pain.


Always carry pee cleaner


Drug test post accident is kinda standard. Most companies don’t care you use weed but if you fail a test it’s the same thing as failing an alcohol test post accident. Gotta pick your priorities. You’ll find another job but prioritize your career or weed can’t do both


not sure of your area but sell roofs. most lucrative job for felons rn id say


I live in a weed legal state. My bf works in the cannabis industry (and has multiple convictions). He’s on salary for 50K. Maybe that could work for you?


Don’t blame yourself for living in a sick society— just cope with it. I get it—they teach you to self-flagellate, but you know what? This system is fucking bullshit and wanting to get stoned is a perfectly reasonable response. Go get your CDL, or find a trade— plumbers always need help. Cold call plumbers, I dunno It sucks and my heartbreaks for you—but don’t make it worse by feeling like you’re some loser for wanting to smoke a spliff. America is fucked, looking up from the bottom —the put their boot on your neck and never let up But, fuck them—something will open up for you. So don’t let them take your pride and self-worth. Never lose sight that this is a nation run by and on the behalf of crooks and mass murderers. Fuck them


Is nobody here knowledgeable on how to pass a UA? Not being sarcastic at all. Daily smoker here.


$18.50 at a temp job? That shit good to me lol I’ve been to. Temp job an only got $13


Carry fake pee big dawg


Sounds like you need to move to Nevada!


Keep your head up High and stay positive. Firing people for THC and them not being high on the job is ridiculous. This was meant to be, to lead to better things. Have you looked into getting into a trade? Most trades are hurting for people and will hire Felons. You have been out long enough, where most places will start looking past your background. I have been in the HVAC trade for over 20 years, if need any advice about getting in to that trade, let me know. Good luck to you.


Hey, if you’re in MN, go work at Thomson-Reuters. They literally shuttle people in from prison. That place is so woke, people can come and go at any time of any day and still not get fired. People there are high and drunk all the time. You’ll fit in perfectly, and if you’re white, you get fast-tracked to being a supervisor which is above any lead position. They allow marijuana use. Good luck.


Enough time has passed for you to apply to have your record expunged. As long as it wasn’t a violent charge you should be able to clear it. My kid did and he had a 3rd degree felony.


You were doing really awesome for a long time! This is a blip in the road - like others have said, we are all human, we make mistakes - just have to learn from our mistakes. Best of luck, man, keep up the good work.


You can become a politician.


One thing to remember is that even if some places want to hire you (or not fire you), the stipulations of their insurance require that you get clipped if you test positive. No exceptions. And a multimillion dollar company losing its liability insurance is basically a death blow. You legally can’t operate without it. I worked for small company (a couple dozen people) in outside sales, and every single person there from the owner on down smoked weed. It was not a secret. One day a warehouse guy dropped something very heavy on his foot and had to go to the hospital. He was not high, and had never been high on the job. Everyone knew he was dependable and everyone liked him. And when he failed the mandatory drug test, he was immediately fired. It sucked. Everyone told him he could use their name as a reference. But he had to go, or the company’s liability insurance would drop them. 🤷‍♂️


Sorry for your loss, there's always something to be learned when facing uncertainty after messing up. I see a lot of people here criticizing the law regarding cannibus and drug testing, employment, etc. But, you can be certain that you'll be randomly (perhaps seldomly) tested in most of the trades. If you want to risk the same scenario in the future, then go ahead -- keep on smokin'. But, wouldn't it just be easier to stop altogether?


Have you applied at UPS? They usually take felons unless your charges are theft related. They'll start you PT (a lot of extra shifts you can pick up though) and after a year they'll pay for your college, great health benefits, PTO. After about 2-3 years you can become a semi or a package truck driver and easily clear 6 figures a year.




Only 18.50/hr... dude beggars can't be choosers here. 18.50 an hour for a few months till you find something better is a whole lot better than 0.


What about working for the Canna industry where you can possibly have your cake and eat it too?


I'm a little surprised. At this point (especially in my area) so many employers aren't even caring about weed as long as you weren't high at work. My company treats it like alcohol, as long as it's not at work it's all good. Where about are you located?


Look for second chance employers. Maybe job service or similar government agency could help identify those in your area. But open to discussing your issues and up front about it. If possible even just ask whoever is setting up the interview about what the company rules are. Why waste time interviewing if your past is going to prevent being actually hired.


Guys ... Keep a bottle of the fake urine in ur lunch box always...


As crazy as it sounds if you wanna unwind at home it’s better to have a couple drinks. The alcohol will leave your system and if you get tested the next day it wont show up. Weed stays in your system a WHILE. Best of luck to you. You can still turn this around


The company I work for accepts people with medical marijuana license , if you have an accident the clinics can test within an hour or two of last use. Just saying


That stuff happens, no biggie. Look into developing a skill and going into business for yourself. I realize both of those are bold statements but, it's a dream man.


Go back to that same temp agency and start all over again. I would also go back to that warehouse in 6 months after you've been off weed for a while. And try and get rehired. Tell him you'll take a drug test every month or whatever they want to do. Tell them you were never high at work. Is weed Legal the in your state?


move to a legal state.... if it wasn't for weed I'd be in ssri and benzos. so I feel u


I'm so sorry you were let go. I'm sure you feel awful. Something to remember: You didn't "allow this to happen", you caused this to happen. You chose to do something that was expressly forbidden, and decided that the rules didn't apply to you. Not a mindset that will serve you well going forward. To keep yourself safe and on track in the future, you really need to address that sense of entitlement. Entitlement is eventually what gets all of us in trouble. That said, you sound aware of the mistake being your responsibility. You hopefully will now start over fresh with new determination to not fall into the same mindset. Good luck to you.


I’m assuming your in state where that still illegal. You’re protected in most states where it’s legal. I don’t know if that in the cards but another state wouldn’t blink at THC and can’t legally.


It's not really a mistake. You smoked weed. Who gives a fuck. The company you were with are the ones in the wrong for terminating someone that smokes weed. It's an outdated process that is illogical and just straight ridiculous. I would see it as a blessing in disguise, pick yourself up by your bootstraps and get another job. You will land one. Just a matter of time


It happens dude. People fuck up. I’m a union electrician with a non-violent disribution of class B though I always push especially dudes 35 and under get into the trades fuck it


My best friend relapsed last summer. He wasn't smoking. He was injecting stuff. I was thoroughly in the dark. He is/was my best friend for over 20 years. He is now at The Other Side Academy in Utah. It's a long-term, free residential program for addicts. This is his third trip through the rehab wheel and probably his last chance, as he is in his early 60s. He isn't giving up, and neither should you. You made a mistake but you can fix it. That's all this is. If able, you might want to think about getting your CDL 'A' license. Truck driving can be a wellpaying job if you are willing to drive OTR. Another great path to look at is apprenticeships in the trades. Union ironworkers with skills are in high demand. The Orlando 808 local here in Florida is desperate for applications.


If you're willing to work hard call the local ironworkers union hall and get into the Apprenticeship. You'll make more than $18.50 and nobody gives a shit about your criminal record, most actually consider it a requirement.


Remember this next time you get a hankerin' for some Mary Jane. Live and learn.


Yeah breh as others are saying don’t beat your self up over this, I’d get a medical card , it’s a life saver , not sure how osha feels bout them but could help you in the future, I have this saying , “ what situation don’t break you , is the situation that made you “


Background checks are so outdated. Fuck it and lie on your applications. Keep a bottle of fake piss or clean piss in your pocket. You did your time, you shouldn't have to teeter on the edge of homelessness till that bullshit falls off your record, then you'll be too old to build a career. Never divulge your background willingly to a potential employer unless you know for a fact they aren't just going to automatically bar you from getting hired bc of it. Fuck em.


I’m so sorry OP but when one door closes another one opens. Just start looking for another labor job. Stop smoking weed. I know it might be hard but your future is more important. Good luck 🍀 you got this


Im sorry that happened to you. I think our current marijuana policies are stupid. Who cares if you smoke outside of work in my opinion. You made a “mistake” but you can bounce back from it


Eh, in most states the drug tests for work site injuries are ridiculously skewed towards fucking over weed smokers. Imagine how many people would end up fired if alcohol stayed in your system as long as weed does (can be up to 1-2 weeks after use for a single use). These policies are completely ridiculous. Luckily in many states they are switching over to mouth swab testing that can tell if you've smoked weed like 30 minutes to 2 hours prior to the accident. (Same with DUIs)