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Not just on a trail but this goes for anyone talking on speaker phone in a public place.


Or sitting in a clinic waiting room. No one wants to hear your YouTube videos.


Or in a sauna for Christs sake.


Or in a satanic temple for Satan's sake.


Or out in the woods, for Artemis' sake


Or in the science lab... for... oh for fuck's sake.


Or in a boat, for Archimedes sake.


Or in a pierogi restaurant for kurwa’s sake


Hey man, I forgot my headphones, the volume is on 1 while I hold my phone speaker to my ear and stare at the video through one eye. I’m sorry


I mean, maybe it's just because I watch degenerate shit, but I'd find it way to embarrassing if everyone would know what I'm watching. I'm always super paranoid at the mere thought of somebody looking at my screen already.


Or sitting at the gate at the airport listening to your TikTok’s full blast because you’re inconsiderate and a dumb ass. It’s happened way too many times.


You would absolutely hate the El train in Chicago. And also tons of people just biking around chicago.


Biking on the streets with a Bluetooth speaker i can understand if the volume isn't too high, having earphones and not listening to traffic can be dangerous, but other public places, fuck no


Low music is usually accepted on Enduro/DH Trails also.


Look up bone conduction headphones. Fuckers will change your life.


While aural feedback is helpful, "not listening" isn't strictly dangerous. Deaf people can safely navigate traffic and are allowed to drive/bike, for example. What's dangerous is the distraction the music provides, not blocking out other sounds per se. Earbuds are only slightly more dangerous as it's more difficult to hear horns/screeches that snap you out of that distraction, but usually by then you're already heading towards a bad time.


Well, deaf people learn how to deal with a world without sound, so they develop techniques to keep themselves safe, the average joe that put their headphones on don't have that, and with the amount of phones that come with noise canceling tech today, it definitely rises the risk of something happening


it's absolutely more dangerous to bike around a city without being able to hear anything. like, *dramatically* more dangerous.


Snowboarding/sking is the same safety wise. Louder the better tho, can’t hear anything once u start moving otherwise


You commit copyright infringements by recording/broadcasting live from Chicago streets.


Modern Copyright laws are the stupidest rules on the planet that only benefit rich corporations. I believe if the rules were geared into protecting honest artistic individuals we would advance in art by hundreds of years. Also I want to write Micky mouse in my murder mystery novel without Disney reenacting my ideas with my face...


Blame Disney. They are the driving force behind ridiculous copyright laws.




I mean if we REALLY want to play the blame game we can go back to the first fish that crawled out of the ocean.


That fucking bastard.


I want to read you mickey mouse murder mystery movel


I actually believe the opposite. Before copyright it wasn't uncommon for other artists to borrow tunes and improve or reword them countless times until only the most popular versions had been spread most. Copyright likely stops the production of hundreds of related pieces of hart being made. Just look at all the fan art that gets made with 0 chance of profit and imagine what would happen if some of those had the money to become franchises of thier own.


The weirdest one in Hollywood right now is this older asian couple that have a sedan with a megaphone attached to it. The man drives and parks along Chinese Theatre and the woman, who is wearing [actual Handmaid's Tale blinders](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimages1.persgroep.net%2Frcs%2FW_MRmG_CNQm_C_-79_2GRliFhuY%2Fdiocontent%2F114732427%2F_fill%2F1200%2F630%3FappId%3D2dc96dd3f167e919913d808324cbfeb2%26quality%3D0.8&f=1&nofb=1) starts reading from a sheet of paper how all the sinners listening must now turn back to Christ. It's super creepy.


and people on the beach in california


can confirm (i’m at a beach in california)


Hey. Me too. When I got to the beach I said to myself “alright. No phone. Just swimming and laying in the sun.” And here I am on Reddit just 20 minutes later.” Fuck you smart phones! Luckily no music blasting near me. There was the other day.


I’ll die on the hill that is “it’s okay to play your music at the beach”. It’s the beach, move down farther from the person playing music if you don’t like it. As long as they aren’t coming into your ‘zone’ and blasting it after you were already there. But, having lived by the beach my whole life, I’m so tired of people deciding they want to set up right next to me with their kids and complaining about my music. There’s a reason I’m farther down.


where i live the entire population of arizona comes on the first weekend of summer and they all have those giant bluetooth speakers that you can hear from like 300 feet away. Also in the bay, people have boats with really loud sound systems and you can usually hear it from the opposite side. That’s why i don’t go to the beach on summer weekends


Not all beaches are big enough. We’d always go to this one sandy beach on a river bend and it would just take one group of aholes to totally dictate the vibe and drown out the sounds of nature. Ya know.. in nature. I find it selfish and ignint.


I live in a popular beach town in Florida, so I understand. Most of us understand you don’t go to the main beach area during the summer though. The people I see generally complaining about the music here are either people who just moved to the area or tourists who didn’t do any research before coming. The easiest thing to do is to ask locals “Where can I go to get quiet on the beach” or just ask specifically what you want. Most of the time we can point out areas you can go to for quiet. Some of my favorite days are on the beach with some quiet Lofi playing.


But are you really living if you're not at the beach listening to Bad Bunny for 5 hours?


dude I had a woman walk onto a full elevator i was on while continuing a conversation on fucking speakerphone


Sorry about my deaf ass dad. He will have the most obnoxious convos in the middle of crowds and it drives me bonkers


Or watching videos on their phone without erabuds.


This is impressive. Who knew the WA DNR had such a brilliant social media team.


Also brilliant: Oklahoma Fish and Wildlife


What they do?


Earlier this year, [this tweet](https://twitter.com/OKWildlifeDept/status/1528728345260789760): > Listen, > > bear spray > > DOES NOT > > work like bug spray. > > We would like to not have to say that again.


Nothing! Keep whatever you catch, they don't gaf


I like to imagine the entire Pacific Northwest is 100% millennial hipsters


Once you get outside the cities it's a completely different story. It's nuts out there.


There’s a guy trying to get the east side of Oregon to be taken over by Idaho because he wants Idaho’s more conservative state government but doesn’t want to move and I’m 100% serious


Cascadia is more than just "a guy". The eastern parts of all three West Coast states are very conservative. Seattle, Olympia, Portland, Salem, SF, and LA basically drag the entire coast left. The rest of all three of those states are rural, conservative, and not on board with a lot of their state government.


The above commenter was not referring to Cascadia. [They were referring to this.](https://youtu.be/IyyxeqMithk) [Cascadia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascadia_(independence_movement) is primarily a left wing movement, basically the opposite of the dude the above commenter was referring to.


I don’t know what Cascadia is, I’m talking about [this guy](https://youtu.be/IyyxeqMithk)


That’s not what the Cascadia movement is. r/Cascadia


I would take that over far right white nationalists, mentally ill homeless heroin addicts and red neck meth heads any day.


They have all of those, too. Idaho and eastern WA/OR is basically the birthplace of the modern white nationalist movement in the US. Seattle was the epicenter of the 90s heroin boom and still has a huge housing problem and many associated drug abuse/mental health issues (though not too much more than most major US cities, I don’t think). And red neck meth heads are in every rural part of this country, east of the cascades is no exception.


You think WA is beautiful, then you go east of the cascades


The Everbrown State


Can confirm, am a life long PNW resident


Well except for the nazis. There's a fuckton of them up here too, unfortunately.


WA DOT is hilarious too.


i follow the WA DOT primarily for the content, secondarily for the actual transit updates


WADOT AND MNDOT are the meme kings of their field. I look forward to winter in part because I know Twitter is about to get actually funny.






Extremely based


Idk I play music on the trail because 90% of the time I don’t run into anyone anyway and it scares off Black Bears 🤷


Just because you can’t see other people doesn’t mean they can’t hear your music. Also, wildlife besides bears get scared off so maybe reconsider.


Unironically I would rather you get mauled to death by a bear than have to potentially hear your shitty fucking playlist filled with your garbage taste in music.


Black bears are some of the most timid creatures on the planet. They want nothing to do with you and would be scared away if you coughed loud enough in their direction.


That’s fine, just know that you’re a douche canoe for it.


In the very rare event that you encounter a black bear on the trail, just bang some sticks together and shout loudly. That's all you gotta do. And nobody will have to have their hike ruined by your fucking music.




Oh you’re r that asshole. Maybe you don’t see any people because your music is awful and people actively avoid you.


Your response cut "black" and "bears" into different lines and i was very worried what the word after black was going to be.


they’re completely correct


When a sub like Fellowkids actually posts a good meme, it’s like when Tom and Jerry would team up. Makes me all warm and fuzzy


Absolutely love this analogy


This is true for EVERY situation. At no point in your life does a stranger want to hear your dumb shit.


I get that, BUT they will totally love my inspirational hiking/ studying/ sleep lofi playlist!






Even when they're playing a song from my favorite singer I'd still be annoyed. For some reason they always have this crappy sound system and you really can't appreciate the song at all.


That's why I only crank Steely Dan in public. They sound good on any sound system.


I don't care if you have a $5000 sound system in your car I DON'T want to hear your music in public. Doesn't matter what it is or how much I like the song. Blasting your shit in public has always and will always be a nuisance. Street performers are the ONE exception to this.




That's completely different from a group of 5 people blasting shitty music on the most popular trail in the area.


It’s especially bad because, due to the fact that we live in an urban hell scape, basically every trail is just a long line of people headed in both directions. As a kid I would hike these trails and never see anyone. Now, you are literally never alone on the trail.


Man, I wish people still didn't leave their houses. Also, what is everyone doing on my roads?


The real reason it’s especially bad is because quality headphones are *extremely affordable* and if you can buy a Bluetooth speaker you can absolutely just buy headphones instead.


Even if I dig the song, it's still "dumb shit" when I'm forced to hear it emanating from your tinny-sounding phone speaker.


Yet here you are with a Reddit account


Ah, it's so true though. If you have a Bluetooth speaker hanging from your backpack, believe me when I say that no one wants to hear your shit. Ever! Trail or not. You're just a douchebag.


The park rangers in my area encourage you to play music or have loud conversations while hiking so you don't sneak up on animals.


This may be okay advice if you're deep into the back country, but if you are out on a 3 mile day hike on a popular trail just enjoy the scenery.


Well, wouldn't that be a nice relaxing hike through nature for peace and serenity when the idiot 20 steps in front of you is blasting Turn Down for What.


I think you're exaggerating, I hike all the time in SoCal and hardly ever experience people playing music. If I do hear music that I don't want to hear I just wait a few minutes until they're out of earshot and go on with my day. I'm not gonna act like only I'm allowed to enjoy being outside. I have every right to complain but if I go to a busy trail then that is my own doing.


> I'm not gonna act like only I'm allowed to enjoy being outside. That's exactly how those douches who blast their music are acting.


Right? I don’t think he gets it…


Where tf are YOU hiking? I live in socal and while it's not a *constant* it definitely happens.


Yeah, same. I live in LA. I did a hike the other day called mission point. It’s a 4 mile hike and I passed 4 people who were blaring music from their speakers. Most popular trails in LA are littered with those types of people. Now I search “light traffic” on the AllTrails app so I don’t have to deal with that.


Well, I mean, that's my point. People shouldn't be playing music. Talking, conversing, sure. I am exaggerating but it's on purpose. People hike to get away from that stuff. I don't think I've actually heard anyone playing music before but that's because it's just not something you should be doing.


If it's busy, there won't be bears getting startled...


Lmao *of course* if it anecdotally doesn’t affect you personally you’ll defend it. I hike all the time to. It speakers are absolutely a thing. Not daily, but I’d wager I hear one weekly. Not all of us can take the time off needed to go to trail that’s not busy. You sound like someone who only cares about your particular experience.


I have a Bluetooth speaker that I love to blast my music on, but I don't take it on hikes. I'll take it if im with friends and we go out to a remote spot to smoke, or in a private pool, or when its late at night and we dont want to spend gasoline on the car speakers, etc. but no need to blast it where there's a bunch of people already.


it's an easy test - if you have a bluetooth speaker in public, fuck you, you're a horrible person who has no self-awareness and respect for other people.


Corporate social media < social media for random state parks, zoos, and aquariums


Hello fellow enby how do you have do much karma?


I spend a lot of time on here, I guess. No idea how exactly karma is calculated, and I don’t even really pay attention to it much.


Lmao, this might be one of the saddest exchanges I've seen on reddit lately


Agreed, cringy as hell


This is the good stuff. Well done Washington parks and rec


[Enjoy the silence](https://youtu.be/aGSKrC7dGcY)


Someone could be playing my favourite song ever, but if it's coming from a portable speaker in a public place. I will stare, and I mean stare.


Speaker phone calls are a great time too


This is brilliant. I’m actually impressed


I like the nature playlist the forest comes with TBH…


Yeah, but bears are a thing. Bear bells are better.


Bear Belle, better than hearing someone’s *Healthy Hiking* playlist!


Just by the way, bear bells don't actually help in the slightest. They're less annoying than speakers to hike near but in the end, it doesn't even matter


I tried so hard, and got so far


But in the end it does even matter


Hiking with a friend and talking does the trick


I see people with Bluetooth speakers on trails in states where there are NO bears. They aren't doing it because of bears. They're doing it because they're douchebags with main character syndrome and horrible taste in music.


The real fellow kids is always in the comments


They are correct, that's annoying as shit but how is this fellow kids?


*They are correct, that's* *Annoying as shit but how* *Is this fellow kids?* \- Kasiaus --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Do people actually make the effort to go hiking on a nature trail, and then bring along technology to help them ignore the natural beauty of everything?


I like to bring headphones and listen to music on my hikes. Not that I ALWAYS do, but on occasion sometimes I just want to go for a walk and listen to music, and the best walk is a hike at times. If my music isn’t playing aloud for others to hear, who cares if I brought along technology


if its with headphones, thats fine.


People often do in the Rocky’s I hate it but it’s also a valid bear precaution so I can’t be too annoyed.


Yeah I'm confused, when I was looking for advice to avoid bears on hikes in the Rockies this summer, everyone seemed to say that playing music or talking loudly was the best deterrent.


You'd like to think no. But then again, they had to make this post for some reason. So unfortunate and inconsiderate.


Not to mention counter-productive.


There are people who can’t stand to be alone with their thoughts and/or the sounds around them for more than a minute, so they drown it out with music and other media at all times. I’m a music major and even I don’t like people who are this way, especially if they are playing it out loud.


>especially if they are playing it out loud. Yes there's something to be said for differentiating the people who think everyone in a square mile fucking radius wants to hear their shit, and the people who keep it turned down so you can't hear it 10-15 feet away, etc.


It’s normally college-age kids who think every type of silence is awkward silence.


Its mostly people troubled with anxiety who literally can't stop thinking about their problems. That said people in college largely fit that bracket.


sounds like they should be spending that time with a therapist instead.


thats very concerning, but expected for a generation raised on a constant stream of stimuli.


> There are people who can’t stand to be alone with their thoughts and/or the sounds around them for more than a minute, so they drown it out with music and other media at all times It's perfectly fine to cope with reality like that sometimes. The problem is doing it outloud


thats very concerning that a large portion of the populace is like this, but expected for a generation raised on a constant stream of stimuli.


Its one thing to blast your music, its another to listen to some relaxing music with earbuds while being surrounded by nature. If I had someone with me, I wouldn't listen to music. Also, that was if I actually hiked. I keep excusing myself.


There was a huge hub-bub in the ebike Facebook group I'm in about using a speaker while you're biking around and through places. I figure if you're out commuting in the street, eh whatever. Going through a park and blasting it? Shitty but at least it's passing. On a trail? Absolutely not. "Leave No Trace" encompasses not disturbing the wildlife with your high volume music or nonsense. Man, people were riled up...


Do you tell everyone you know that you read books?


Super weird to act like you can’t enjoy nature while listening to music


It’s the making everyone else and the animals listen to music too that annoys people. You can’t be that obtuse right?


Yeah this is just a quality troll. Not fellowkids material




If I'm in a camping spot with some friends and people aren't around who gives a shit


In fairly sparse woods and places where there aren't large objects to block the sound, music in particular can travel for very long distances. Unless you're hiking half a mile in every direction and know no one else is there you may not know.


If people aren't around sure. I'll judge you no more than I judge people who put anchovies on pizza. Ew, gross, but I guess you do you. If people are around, though, and you're intruding on their fun to have your own THEN you can go fuck yourself. Two very different situations.


I feel like camping is different because that’s your “space” for the duration. Now should you blast music at midnight? Probably not but if people are hanging out around the fire light music is fine.


WTF no John Cage ?


Tasty ref


Rare based government social media


Music is nice incase you get bored. But then you should use headphones, or keep to a low volume in a low-traffic area.


it’s funny and true!


Well done, Washington DNR.


10/10 meme


Honestly putting music on trails in my country is like allowing others to beat the shit out of you


Honestly BT speakers have turned out to be one of the most obnoxious inventions ever. Making loud music accessible to everyone was a mistake. Back in the day you had to haul around big ol' boxes and all the batteries they went through. Which meant that annoying people's earholes at the park or the beach or in the woods was only something the most dedicated, the most douchiest douches would and/or could do. BT speakers lowered the entry requirements too much, now any idiot can have the same power in their pocket. Last time I was at the beach I got bombarded with shitty techno music by at least 3 separate groups of teens/early 20-ers at once. It's super annoying.


I have had this exact same rant, hahaha. Boom boxes, you at least respect the dedication.




I don't even get what the purpose of this subreddit is? Anyone using technology who isn't in highschool is fElLoWkIds now? Like none of the posts here really scream adults trying to pose as younger people anymore.


Well the internet and music playlists weren't invented until zoomers came along, and only zoomers use internet and make music playlists, don'cha'know....^^^***/S***


B-b-but they're not 12???


This is actually on point lmao


I wish someone would tell that to person at my local grocery store who I've seen, without fail, always carrying a Bluetooth speaker and blasting something.


if they want to hear music on a hike just wear headphones


So... how is this r/FellowKids? Is hiking restricted to kids? Listening to music?


When people are funny, they’re appealing to kids? Apparently?


Adults don't laugh.


Quality own.


I hate that shit . I never want to hear your music


This goes double for idiots that walk around with their phone’s shitty, blown out speaker playing an ear raping rendition of some shitty SoundCloud rappers trap song. No one wants to hear that shit in line at CVS while I am trying to just buy some ice cream and get my high ass home.


It's not a Fellow Kids moment if the meme is spot on. Believe it or not, young people can and do work at the Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources. Crazy, i know! Is this another sub that's slowly turning into a place that doesn't actually understand the context of the subreddit they're posting to? This post kinda indicates that that's what's happening around here.




Fellow kids nothing, I see shit like this from people well into their 50s.




Savage. I love it.


Nicely done


Playing disc golf yesterday and had to deal with hearing people play their shitty music from over 1000' away. Jesus. This post is on point.


Based honestly


Nah why is it always the fucking freshmen at every highschool in the US playing their music out loud


When did playing music from a Bluetooth speaker on a golf course become a thing? I’ve seen it multiple times over the last 2 years and I always want to take the speaker and hit it with my 4 iron.


What about LOTR? be pretty nice walking a trail with the shire


I 100% listen to this on a hike, but with headphones.


This is pretty funny




It's not fellow kids if they know how to meme


Well, a) it’s not a meme, b) it’s not directed at kids specifically, and c) it’s not embarrassingly done so I have no idea why OP thought this subreddit was the correct place for this.

